- 放射能漏れは「炉心」から (NewYork Times の記事から)
core of stricken reactor probably leaked, u.s. says おそらく損傷した原子炉の炉心が流れ出ている、と合衆国は言っている washington — the united states nuclear regulatory commission said wednesday that some of the core of a stricken japanese reactor had probably leaked from its steel pressure vessel into the bottom of the containment structure, implying that the damage was even worse than previously thought. ワシントン――合衆国原子力規制委員会は水曜日、損傷した日本の原子炉の炉心のいくらかの部分がおそらく鉄製の圧力容器をから格。構造物の底に流れ出たであろうと述べ、損傷は以前に考えられていたよりも更に悪いということを示唆した
- メモ英会話(23)
decontamination resumed after suspension
the decontamination system at the fukushima daiichi nuclear plant was stopped for about 12 hours on sunday due to a leak of contaminated water. the system is essential for the completion of a plan to bring the reactors under control. shortly before 5 am on sunday, 50 liters of contaminated water leaked from a french-made device, and the system had to be stopped. a crack was found in a vinyl chloride part that connects the pipe with the hose inside the device. tokyo electric power company, which operates the plant, replaced the part with a metallic one, and resumed the decontamination work around 5:40 pm. the decontamination system, which is key to recycling waste water and cooling the reactors without increasing the amount of contaminated water, has had a series of failures since it was first used on june 27th. the stable operation of the system is essential for completing step one of the plan, but it has yet to be achieved just one week ahead of the target date of july 17th .
- The End of the receipt of the Western Europe culture by the east Asian nations and the border issues of Japan
danger toward to the third world war caused by the capitalistic development of china and india which demand new subdivision of the global market has been pointed out already widely.
- 東仙坊、人様のpcをお借りしての耳元への「囁き」!?-10
don't you think that the earth must be angry more and more if we do(こんなことをしたら、地球がますます怒ると思わないか)?
- 福島原発事故の収束を願う(改訂版)
cesium と iodine のほかに uranium は出ていないのであろうか