- ○ The Fukushima Crisis 69;Air-filter Inspection2福島危機69.放射能の吸引。
air filter inspection 2
- 天皇陛下が寄付金を募れば一兆円くらいすぐに集まると思う
and, a worldwide accident of radiation outflow of the tokyo electric power company fukushima nuclear power plant.
- I feel so much sadness.
alabama governor robert bentley has deployed 2,000 national guard troops to assist in search-and-rescue efforts.
- ●放射能測定について
alvarez got an idea: enlist an army of citizen scientists to buy geiger counters ? they're advertised online for several hundred dollars ? and send radiation measurements to a website for posting and continual updating.
- 福島原子力発電所事故(N-Power Station at Fukushima)
amount of dosage in our daily life is, e.g.,
200 micro-sivert for a return trip between tokyo and ny,
600 micro-sievert for roentgen inspection of our stomach.
natural dosage in our daily life is 2400 micro-sievert a year.
tv reported 11,930 micro-sievert/hr at the main gate
of the first nuclear plant on 15 march. this is really high.