- 検証プロファイリング 「人災」は忘れたころに明らかになる!?-3
human history, first melt through are taking place(人類史上、初めての「メルト・スルー」が起きているのでは)?
- やってみます。
human wisdom has not been able to do much to solve the problem, but we are
only trying to cool down the anger of radioactive materials in the reactors
by discharging water to them.
- 「直ちに影響ありません」
i'm concerned about the emergency at fukushima 1 nuclear power plant. cesium was detected, which means the meltdown (*might have) happened. fingers crossed.
march 12 at 1:49pm
- 英和対訳軍事用語ブログ312
hong kong's center for food safety香港の食品安全検査機関 hong kong's secretary for food and health香港食品衛生局