- Two Articles about Japan earthquake and tsunami
*西暦869年貞観地震) it was advice the dozen or so households of aneyoshi heeded, and their homes emerged unscathed from a disaster that flattened low-lying communities elsewhere and killed thousands along japan's northeastern shore. hundreds of such markers dot the coastline, some more than 600 years old. collectively they form a crude warning system for japan, whose long coasts along major fault lines have made it a repeated target of earthquakes and tsunamis over the centuries. the markers don't all indicate where it's safe to build. some simply stand -- or stood, until they were washed away by the tsunami -- as daily reminders of the risk. if an earthquake comes, beware of tsunamis, reads one. in the bustle of modern life, many forgot. more than 12,000 people have been confirmed dead and officials fear the number killed could rise to 25,000 from the march 11 disaster. more than 100,000 are still sheltering in schools and other buildings, almost a month later. a few lucky individuals may move into the first completed units of temporary housing this weekend. in this march 30, 2011 photo, wooden debris is trapped on a sea wall badly damaged by the march 11 tsunami in rikuzentakata, iwate prefecture, northeastern japan.(ap photo/vincent yu)workers at the tsunami-damaged fukushima dai-ichi nuclear power complex finally halted a leak of radioactive water into the pacific on wednesday, but it may take months to bring the overheating reactors under control. a natural disaster as large as last month's 9.0 earthquake and tsunami happens perhaps once in a person's lifetime, at most. tokyo electric power co., the nuclear plant operator, clearly wasn't prepared. many communities built right to the water's edge, some taking comfort, perhaps, in sea walls built after a deadly but smaller tsunami in 1960. many did escape, fleeing immediately after the quake. in some places, it was a matter of minutes. others who tarried, perished. people had this crucial knowledge, but they were busy with their lives and jobs, and many forgot, said yotaru hatamura, a scholar who has studied the tablets. one stone marker warned of the danger in the coastal city of kesennuma: always be prepared for unexpected tsunamis. choose life over your possessions and valuables. (“人々はこのきわめて重要な知識を持っていた、しかし生活と仕事に忙しかったので、多くの人々は忘れていた”
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how to reshape post-crisis japan
- 福島原発事故の収束を願う(改訂版)
2)炉心についての対応については、米国 nuclear regulatory commission が定めている以下のような nuclear safety systems が福島原発にも施されている筈である