- foxnews punchline
by the way, nhk says radioactive water level is very high.
nhk is japanese televesion the times.
as it says like this, real world is much more severe.it may means the end.
- 遺体捜索に自衛隊の大部隊
but mr. kan brushed off criticism of his handling of
the natural and nuclear crises triggered by the 11 march
quake, saying his determination to tackle them remained
- 「危邦入、乱邦居」のヒラリー訪日
april 13, 2011
- 福島第一原発のGE構造設計者は欠陥構造を指摘、35年前に造反退社。米空軍所有冷却液搬送中止の謎
by matthew mosk
march 15, 2011