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    政治 国際 ビジネス 経済 関連語 ARIA イラク バグダッド iCal Election MAJOR Iraq democratic
    • Indian opposition parties join hands to raise inflation issue
      India's opposition MPs (members of parliament) are planning to raise a storm over petrol and diesel price hike when the Parliament reconvenes on Wednesday after a four-day break, said opposition parties on Tuesday. The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Communist Party are expected to convene separate meetings Wednesday morning to decide their strategy in the two houses of Parliament. Their leaders said they will give priority to the hikes in petrol and diesel prices after Finance Minister ... インドの野党議員議会の(メンバー)は、議会の水曜日に4日間の休暇を終え召集ガソリンや軽油価格の急騰に嵐を上げるため、と計画している日、野党のインド人民党(BJP)と共産党水曜日の午前議会の2つの家に彼らの戦略を決定する別の会議を招集することが期待されます

    • Hong Kong stocks down 0.5pc at break
      Hong Kong fell 0.53 percent by the break, off earlier lows due to caution ahead of a key parliamentary session in China. The benchmark Hang Seng ... 香港0.53%、ブレークによって、以前の安値を前に中国での重要な国会の注意のために落ちてしまった

    • Winston Churchill's grandson dies
      LONDON - Winston Churchill, a former member of Parliament and grandson of Britain's wartime leader of the same name, has died aged 69.Churchill had been suffering from cancer and died at his London home, said Cmdr. John Muxworthy,... ロンドン - ウィンストンチャーチル、国会議事堂と同じ名前の英国の戦時指導者の孫の元メンバーがあり、69.Churchillがんを患っていたと彼のロンドンの自宅で死去、中佐という歳で死去した

    • The Hazards Of A Hung Parliament
      Political deadlock in Britain this year could seriously drag on its recovery. 英国の政治的デッドロック今年の深刻な景気回復の足を引っ張ることができます

    • News Analysis: U.K. Teeters on the Brink of Its Own Greek Tragedy
      A growing worry that the coming elections here could result in a hung Parliament has sparked fears that Britain will experience its own sovereign-debt meltdown. 成長心配することは、今後の選挙はここをハング議会の懸念は、英国独自の主権国家負債メルトダウンを経験するを呼んでいる可能性があります

    • Extremist threat to elections in Iraq
      NASHVILLE - General David Petraeus, who oversees the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, said he expects there will be a threat from extremists to disrupt the parliamentary elections in Iraq, but security forces there are adequate.Petraeus,... ナッシュビル - 一般的なデビッドペトレイアス氏は、イラクやアフガニスタンでの戦争を監督し、彼は過激派のイラクでの国民議会選挙を妨害する脅威になりますが、治安部隊がadequate.Petraeus、アールの見通しを示した...

    • Elections Put Postwar Iraq at Pivotal Political Moment
      With withdrawal US combat troops from Iraq coming later this year, Sunday's parliamentary elections there take on added importance イラクからの撤退を米国の戦闘部隊を年内に来ると、日曜日の国民議会選挙が追加さ重要性を帯びる

    • Triple Suicide Bomb Attack Kills 29 in Iraq
      The strikes came days before national parliamentary elections ストライク日国民議会選挙の前に来た

    • Iraq voting shattered by deadly blasts
      BAGHDAD - A string of deadly blasts shattered an early round of voting in Iraq today, killing 17 people and highlighting the fragile nature of the country's security gains ahead of crucial parliamentary elections this Sunday.Iraq... バグダッド - 致命的な爆発の文字列を、今日、17人が死亡、イラクでの議決権の早期ラウンド粉砕と、今後の重要な議会選挙は、このSunday.Iraq国の安全保。利益の脆弱性を強調...

    • China enhances industrial restructuring for balanced growth: premier
      China intensified industrial restructuring in 2009 in an effort to optimize economic structure and lay a sound foundation for long-term development, Premier Wen Jiabao said at the parliament's annual session Friday. The government encouraged mergers and acquisitions in major sectors and announced stimulus plans for 10 key industries last year, Wen said while delivering the government work report at the Third Session of the 11th National People's Congress, the country's top legislature. The ... 中国の努力の経済構造を最適化し、長期的な開発のための健全な基盤を築くのは2009年に産業構造の強化、温家宝首相は議会の年次セッションの金曜日と述べた

    • Nigerian Parliament Debates New Oil Law for Africa's Top Producer
      Nigerian Acting President Goodluck Jonathan has made the petroleum bill one of his main legislative priorities ナイジェリアの大統領権限代行Goodluckジョナサン彼の主な立法の優先順位の石油法案をひとつになっている

    • Indonesia to take legal action against offenders in Bank Century case: president
      Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said on Thursday that his government would follow up the result of investigation of parliamentary inquiry team, which indicated there were crimes and violation on Bank Centrury case, and to impose a punishment. The statement follows the recommendation of parliament on Wednesday that most of lawmakers agreed that there were violation on the bailout of 6.7 trillion rupiah (some 730 million U.S. dollars) against the small bank during the global reces ... インドネシアのスシロバンバンユドヨノ大統領は17日、彼の政府は、これが犯罪や違反の銀行Centrury事件のことが示された国政調査チームの調査の結果をフォローアップする罰を課すことにした

    • Geert Wilders's election success could be a mini-earthquake
      The Freedom party has seats in just two of the 393 Dutch local authorities, but June's general election may bring more winsOf the 393 local authorities in he Netherlands, the far-right Freedom party of Geert Wilders will be sitting in only two. Of the thousands of local councillors, a mere 17 followers of Wilders have just been elected.It seems slight. But Wednesday's ballot across Holland represents a mini-earthquake nonetheless. The tall, bleached-blond iconoclast with his noisy anti-immigrant tub-thumping has notched up another victory.Only a few years ago the anti-establishment maverick cut a lonely figure, sitting alone in the second chamber of the Dutch parliament. These days he and his lieutenants occupy nine of the 150 seats. Come the general election on 9 June, according to the pollsters, he could muster thee times that, making him either a potential prime minister or kingmaker in the Dutch coalition system.Last year his Freedom Party also came second in The Netherlands in the European elections, trouncing the social democrats of the Dutch Labour party. He did particularly well then in The Hague, the seat of government, and the central town of Almere, which explains why, with meagre resources and staff, he targeted the same two places on Wednesday.The strategy paid off. In Almere Wilders took nine seats to be the strongest single party, in The Hague he took eight, two seats behind Labour.The two big parties, the Christian Democrats and the Social Democrats (CDA and PvdA) in coalition government until their collapse 10 days ago, fared badly in the local elections, haemorrhaging support to liberals, the Greens, and Wilders.While Wilders lacks the personnel to run nationally for the local authorities, he insists he has enough candidates lined up to contend nationa 自由のパーティが、わずか2 393オランダ語、地方自治体の議席は6月の総選挙よりwinsOf彼はオランダでは、2つだけに座ってされるGeertワイルダーの一番右の自由の当事者は、393の自治体をもたらす可能性があります

    • China targets 3 pct consumer price increase for 2010
      China targets a rise of consumer price of around three percent this year, says a government work report to be delivered by Premier Wen Jiabao at the parliament's annual session Friday. &$&$Source: Xinhua&$&$ ... 中国、約3%、今年の消費者物価の上昇を目標政府活動報告の温家宝首相が国会の年次セッションの金曜日に配信されるようだ

    • China to continue proactive fiscal policy, moderately easy monetary policy in 2010
      China will continue to implement a proactive fiscal policy and a moderately easy monetary policy in 2010, says a government work report to be delivered by Premier Wen Jiabao at the parliament's annual session Friday. &$&$Source: Xinhua&$&$ ... 中国と緩やかに、2010年に金融緩和政策の積極的な財政政策を実施するには、引き続き政府活動報告の温家宝首相が国会の年次セッションの金曜日に配信されるようだ

    • China sets 8 pct target for 2010 economic growth
      China expects its economy to grow around eight percent in 2010 from a year earlier, says a report to be delivered by Premier Wen Jiabao at the parliament' annual session Friday. &$&$Source:Xinhua&$&$ ... 中国経済は2010年に8パーセントの周りに前年同月比で成長を予測し、レポートの温家宝首相が国会の年次セッションの金曜日に配信されるようだ

    • Iraqi women pursuing more political say
      Iraqi women will hopefully expand their political influence in the future as the next parliament is to include more female representatives, compared with the current term. The to-be-elected 325-seat Iraq's Council of Representatives, or the national legislature, will have one quarter of its members women, as does the current 275-seat one, according to its Constitution. Women should account for at least the same percentage of the total of candidates for each political bloc contesting the elec ... イラク人女性できれば、次の議会として、将来的には政治的影響力を拡大する今期と比較して、女性の代表を含めるようにします

    • Japan's ruling DPJ set to have record budget passed through parliament
      The Democratic Party of Japan's (DPJ) fiscal 2010 budget worth a record 92.30 trillion yen (1.03 trillion U.S. dollars) was passed by the House of Representatives' Budget Committee on Tuesday and is set to pass the lower house in a plenary session later today. If the budget for the new fiscal year, which begins on April 1, clears the lower house, its path through parliament by the end of the current fiscal year ending on March 31 is guaranteed constitutionally. Japan's constitution decrees ... 民主党は、日本の(民主党の)レコードの92.30兆円(1030000000000ドル相当の2010年度予算)の衆院予算委員会が発表したによって可決された会議の後の、今日の衆院通過に設定されています

    • Nigeria Senate Sets Time Limit for President's Absence
      89 senators vote to set 14-day limit for president to inform parliament of his inability to perform duties before legislature acts 14大統領の日の制限を設定する89の上院議員選。彼ができない立法行為をする前に義務を実行するための議会に通知する

    • Ghana’s President Atta-Mills to Deliver State of the Nation Address Thursday
      A cabinet minister says President Atta-Mills will keep his promise of a “better Ghana” in his state of the nation address to parliament 閣僚の彼の約束を守る新大統領がアッタミルズさんは、。。u0026quot;ガーナ。。u0026quot;を議会に演説の彼の状態の良い

    • Petition against Anti-Gay Bill Delivered to Ugandan Parliament
      Critics say bill's passage could set precedent for other African countries, which have criminalized homosexuality, homosexual behavior 批。法案の可決は同性愛、同性愛の行為を犯罪としている他のアフリカ諸国の先例になるかもと言う

    • Swiss to Submit Revised UBS Tax Deal to Parliament
      The Swiss government also said it was billing the bank $925,000 to cover some of its costs in negotiating the deal with the U.S. authorities. スイス政府はまた、いくつかの米軍当局との契約交渉で、そのコストをカバーするためには、銀行925000ドル請求されたと述べた

    • Controversy Surrounds Planned Ukrainian Presidential Inauguration
      Deputy head of Mr. Yanukovych's Regions Party says motion will be filed in parliament next week to dismiss Tymoshenko government 氏は決選投票の地域党の副頭の動き議会は来週、ティモシェンコ政府の解任を提起することとしている

    • Chalerm told to lead censure debate
      Puea Thai has authorised the chairman of the party's MPs, Chalerm Yubamrung, to lead the opposition team to grill the government during the coming no-confidence debate in parliament, opposition chief whip Witthaya Buranasiri said. Pueaタイに議会では、今後の不信任の討論会では、政府のグリル、野党チームをリードし、党の国会議員、Chalerm Yubamrung、会長の承認は、野党の責任むちラオハクルBuranasiriと述べた

    • Tajiks start voting in parliamentary elections
      Tajik voters went to the polls Saturday morning to choose 63 new members of the lower house of parliament. Polling stations opened at 6:00 a.m. local time (midnight GMT) and will close 12 hours later, with election results starting to come out three hours after that. There are 217 candidates standing in the race for the 63 seats of the lower house. However, the election is expected to further cement President Emomali Rakhmon's power, whose ruling Democratic People's Party holds 57 seats of ... タジク人の有権者が投票に土曜日の午前、国会の衆院の63の新しいメンバーを選択しに行きました

    • Commitment we should encourage | Richard Harries
      It is promiscuity that is undermining marriage in modern society; civil partnerships do exactly the oppositeThe majority of those who enter into a civil partnership do so with the same sense of commitment as those who get married, sometimes, as events prove, with a rather greater commitment in reality. As with a wedding, they usually wish to surround the ceremony with celebration. Those with a religious faith see it as one of the most solemn and sacred moments in the living out of their faith, and not surprisingly, wish to set it in a religious context with a religious blessing.At the moment those who wish such a blessing must arrange it after the legal ceremony, which cannot take place on religious premises, and if the legalities and the blessing are on the same secular premises, the registrar must have left before the religious service can begin. But three faith communities, the Quakers, Liberal Jews and Unitarians, want the freedom to set the legal ceremony itself in a religious context. They wish to hold it in a meeting house, synagogue or church and surround it with appropriate prayers. For them, as for the couples concerned, the bringing about of such a partnership is not a mere legality, it is a solemn and serious commitment undertaken in faith before God, which they wish to perform in a place of worship. That is why Lord Alli has been so passionate about his amendment to the equalities bill now going through parliament, which would allow this.Some Church of England bishops, who were hardly enthusiastic about civil partnerships in the first place, fear that if this is allowed it would blur the distinction them and marriage. But this is a fundamental issue of religious freedom. On what grounds can any body claim religious freedom for itself but deny it to others? これは、現代社会の結。低下させて乱交です

    • Nigel Farage's rampage of rudeness | Martin Kettle
      The Ukip MEP is desperately trying to get noticed, and some have risen to his baitNigel Farage is a character in search of an audience. Desperately, even manically so. There's almost nothing the ex-Ukip leader (and still the party's most prominent figurehead) wouldn't do at the moment to get himself noticed and talked about. This week alone he made a well (and in my opinion, rather softly) reported attack on the European council president Herman Van Rompuy, then managed to create so much of a stir on the BBC's Question Time by being extremely rude about Belgium that he managed to unite everyone else on the panel (and quite a lot of the audience) against him.Why is he doing this? Partly because he can. Partly because being rude about foreigners is what comes naturally. Mainly, however, it's because Farage is running for parliament. Farage's decision to take on the Commons Speaker, John Bercow, in Buckingham in the general election may at first sight have seemed rather a smart move – the main parties give the Speaker a free run so the field was wide open. Latterly, however, it must have seemed to Farage that he was on a hiding to nothing, especially since the entry into the Buckingham field of the ex-Tory MEP John Stephens, who is as pro-Europe as Farage is anti.So Farage is engaged in a campaign to get noticed. Perhaps he hopes to emulate the anti-European Tory MEP Daniel Hannan whose denunciation of Gordon Brown in the European parliament became a wonder of the web for a while. But what he really wants is to get on the telly as much as possible. Nothing would please him more than to be suspended from the European parliament by its president Jerzy Buzek, who has summoned Farage for a stern talk about his behaviour.There's a dilemma here. To write about Nigel Farage is to Ukip MEPは必死に気づいた取得しようとしており、いくつかの彼baitNigel Farageに上昇している観客の検索の文字です

    • Letters: Homeopaths are outside our remit
      Ben Goldacre (Bad science, 27 February) conflates the practice of homeopathy and the regulation of homeopathic products. Since the latter are included in the EU directive on pharmaceuticals, their regulation is not a whim of the MHRA, but a treaty obligation of the UK.Our approach is driven solely by consideration of risk-benefit and the protection of public health. Survey evidence shows that nearly one in 10 of the population have used homeopathy in the preceding year. The health risks of doing so are rather small, provided use is restricted to minor, self-limiting conditions and the products are manufactured to satisfactory quality standards. Registration of the product for marketing is therefore conditional on quality criteria, evidence that the product is indeed a homeopathic product as recognised by homeopaths, and that the labelling does not include any other indication than a minor self-limiting condition.The greatest threat posed by homeopathy is that it may be advocated for the treatment or prevention of serious conditions. In recent years we have removed from the market homeopathic products being promoted for the prevention of malaria and the treatment of cancer. If we did not regulate homeopathic products, we would not have the enforcement powers to intervene in such situations. The MHRA operates within the powers given to it by parliament. These allow us to regulate the marketing of products, not the activities of practitioners or the choices of patients.Professor Kent WoodsChief executive, Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory AgencyHomeopathyEuropean Unionguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds ベンGoldacre(悪い科学、2月27日)とホメオパシーの製品の規制ホメオパシーの実践conflates

    • Ukrainians Want President to Reform Corrupt Institutions
      Analysts say Ukraine's parliament, court system are in need of reform to stem corruption アナリストらは、ウクライナの国会、裁判所の制度改革を必要とする腐敗を食い止めるためにしていると言う

    • EU Parliament Rejects Bank Data Deal with US
      Lawmakers block agreement that would have given US access to European banking data by 378 to 196 votes は、378から196票差で欧州の銀行のデータへの米国のアクセスを与えていると国会議員のブロック契約

    • The Business podcast: Banking executives refuse their bonuses; and from bad to worse for Toyota
      Aditya Chakrabortty is back with The Business. We look at why bank bosses are handing back their bonuses. The prospect of a hung parliament is looking more and more likely following the Guardian's latest ICM poll. We discuss what that could mean for the economy. Plus, as Toyota could be prosecuted in the US, our Japan correspondent Justin McCurry says there are growing accusations of 'Japan-bashing'. Business editor Deborah Hargreaves and Larry Elliott, our economics editor join the podcast. Have a listen to the podcast, and post your comments on the blog below.Aditya ChakraborttyLarry ElliottDeborah HargreavesAndy DuckworthJustin McCurry アーディティヤChakraborttyバックビジネスです

    • US$24m in Chinese funds 'lost' in Congo
      Almost half of a US$50 million signing bonus paid by three Chinese companies to a state-owned miner in the Democratic Republic of Congo is missing. A Congolese parliamentary commission said the US$23.7 million was part of a US$350 million signing bonus due for a US$6 billion infrastructure and mining deal between the government and the companies. 米国のほぼ半分の5000万ドルの契約金の3つの中国企業の状態に支払われたコンゴ民主共和国の鉱山中古不足しています

    • Chalerm threatens censure boycott
      Chalerm Yubamrung, chairman of Puea Thai Party MPs, made it clear on Wednesday that he would not take part in the parliamentary debate on the opposition's motion of no-confidence in the government if the party nominates an outsider as the alternative prime minister. Chalerm Yubamrung、Pueaタイ党議員会長の場合は、当事者は、別の首相として部外者を指名は28日、彼はないの反対の動きに議会での議論に参加しないということは、政府の信頼を明確にした

    • Five maternity deaths a day in Pacific - report
      Five women a day die in the Pacific region due to pregnancy or childbirth related causes and New Zealand should do more to help, a new report says.National MP Jackie Blue is chairwoman of the New Zealand Parliamentarians' group... 5人の女性は一日に太平洋地域で妊娠中または出産関連の原因とニュージーランドのために、新しいレポートをsays.National mpはジャッキーブルーを支援するよりすれば死ぬ、ニュージーランドの国会議員グループの会長となって...

    • Bishops act the bully in parliament | Diarmaid MacCulloch
      In denying the right of smaller groups to decide whom they marry, some C of E bishops look rather like hypocritesIt is more than 170 years since the Church of England was last able to dictate as to who presided at weddings in this country. In 1836, to much Tory and Anglican grumbling, Protestant Nonconformists were given the chance to celebrate the happiest day of their lives in their own chapels, rather than be forced to resort to an Anglican service in an Anglican church, and civil marriage was recognised in English law.At the present day, certain of the bishops of the C of E don't seem to have noticed that it is not 1835. On 25 January 2010, a group of bishops in the House of Lords led by the bishops of Winchester and Chichester scuppered an amendment to the equality bill which would have allowed three specific faith communities, Liberal Judaism, Quakers and Unitarians, to register civil partnerships on their own premises. These three religious groups, after much discussion (and of course, prayer), had each independently decided that they wanted to take this step, as part of their commitment to their religious life and as an expression of their communal belief – but my Lords the bishops took it upon themselves to decide for Jews, Quakers and Unitarians what they should believe and practise. Never mind what these non-Anglicans think, they proclaimed, the amendment was the thin end of the wedge, and soon Anglicans would be forced to do the same sort of thing willy-nilly.Quite apart from the fact that this group of bishops did not actually represent anyone in the Church of England other than themselves, their action was bizarrely inconsistent with what the same bishops had just secured for their own church. They had led the defeat of a government proposal to limit the s 小さいグループの右側には、誰と結婚する決定を否定では、いくつかのCメールの司教というようなhypocritesIt見て、170以上の年ですので、イングランドの教会には、この国では、結婚式での司会などを決定することが更新されました

    • Sri Lanka set for snap election
      SRI Lankan President Mahinda Rajapakse has dismissed parliament to pave the way for a snap election in April. スリランカの大統領ラジャパクサ4月に解散総選挙のための道を開くため議会を解散しています

    • Rann wins retraction from network over sex claims
      SYDNEY - Network Seven has retracted its claim that a former parliamentary waitress had a sexual relationship with South Australia Premier Mike Rann.Channel Seven has acknowledged Rann's denial of Michelle Chantelois' claim made... その主張は、元国会ウエートレス南オーストラリアプレミアマイクRann.Channelセブンとの性的関係にあった撤回シドニー-ネットワークセブンているミシェルChantelois。。u0026#39;請求のカッチの否認を認めて作ら...

    • Nan Shan talks set for parliament
      Taiwan's foreign investment regulator wants to discuss in parliament the stalled US$2.2 billion sale of AIG's Nan Shan insurance unit as it has doubts about the suitability of one of the buyers, Hong Kong-listed China Strategic, an official said. 台湾の外国人投資レギュレータとしてのいずれかのバイヤー、香港の中国戦略、公式の記載の適合性について疑問が議会でのAIGのナンシャン保険部門の米国の停滞2200000000ドルの販売を議論すると述べた

    • Thai police to guard five politically sensitive places in Bangkok
      Thai Police will be deployed to guard five important places in the capital of Bangkok until Feb. 26, Metropolitan Police Commander Lt-General Santhan Chayanon disclosed Tuesday. Speaking during his inspection at the Supreme Court of Thailand Tuesday, Police Lieutenant General Santhan disclosed that from Tuesday night a force consisting of 15 policemen will be deployed to ensure security at the politically sensitive places, including the Supreme Court, Government House, Parliament, Foreign Min ... タイ警察は2月26日までのバンコクの資本金の5つの重要な場所を守るために配備され、警視。司令LTは、一般的なSanthan Chayanon火曜日明らかにした

    • Thailand's coalition whips indefinitely delay debate on proposed charter amendment
      Thailand's coalition whips Thursday agreed to indefinitely delay a debate on a proposed charter amendment, chief coalition whip Witthaya Kaewparadai disclosed. The decision is to prevent deepening further the country's political conflict, the National News Bureau of Thailand (NNT) under the state-owned Public Relations Department quoted Witthaya as saying. Also, there are other issues, which are more urgent for parliament to discuss, resulting in the postponement of the charter debate, sa ... 国家情報局、タイ(NNTは)状態の下で公開中古タイの連立の木曜日は無制限に提案する定款変更、チーフ連立むちラオハクルKaewparadai上で議論を延期することで合意した。明らかにした

    • UDD warning on charter change delay
      The red-shirt United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) says it will organise a mass anti-government rally if the constitution amendment motion is not tabled for the parliament's consideration. 赤シャツの統一戦線民主主義独裁(UDD)では反対の場合は、憲法改正の動き、議会の検討のため提出されていないが、大量の反政府集会を開催するという

    • Key Iraqi Sunni Political Bloc Pulls Out of March 7 Parliamentary Election
      Decision poses severe blow to electoral process, and gives ammunition to adversaries of any compromise 決定選挙プロセスには、深刻な打撃をポーズとのいかなる妥協もの敵に武器を与える

    • Yemeni Villagers Protest Dictator Sheik
      People protest rule of Sheik Mohammad Ahmed Mansour, president's poet laureate, father of a member of parliament シェイクモハマドアハメドマンスール、大統領の詩人賞受賞者、国会議員の父親の人々の抗議のルール

    • S Korean FM says six-party nuclear talks might resume soon: media
      South Korea's top diplomat said that the multilateral nuclear talks over denuclearization of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) might reopen soon, a slight departure from his previously more cautious stance, local media reported Thursday. Seoul's foreign minister Yu Myung-hwan told the parliament's Unification, Foreign Affairs and Trade Committee a day ago that the talks, which involve China, South Korea, DPRK, the United States, Japan and Russia, would resume soon, Seoul's Yonh ... 韓国のトップ外交官は、民主主義人民共和国(韓国北朝鮮)の非核化を介して、多国間の核交渉をすぐに、彼は、以前はもっと慎重な立場から若干の出発を再開かもしれないと、地元メディアの木曜日、ソウルの外交通商部長官、柳明報。桓は語った国会の統一外交通商委員会は、一日前には、中国、韓国、北朝鮮、米国、日本、ロシアを含む協議、まもなく再開すると、ソウルのYonh ...

    • Romania's main opposition party has new, younger leader
      Romania's main opposition Social Democratic Party on Saturday elected a new leader to replace Mircea Geoana. Victor-Viorel Ponta, 37, collected 856 votes against 781 for Geoana. Ponta has been a member of the lower house of the Romanian parliament since 2004 while Geoana is currently the speaker of the upper house and has headed the Social Democratic Party since 2005. Geoana's foot-hold within the party was shaken after he had lost the 2009 presidential election of the country and afte ... ルーマニアの主。野党の社会民主党土曜日には、ルーマニア語、国会の衆院の委員されているミルチアGeoanaに代わる新たなリーダーです

    • Karzai has taken personal control of the electoral process | Gerard Russell
      The Afghan president has subverted the intended legacy of the 2001 invasion by seizing control of the electoral watchdogHamid Karzai's decision to take control of Afghanistan's electoral watchdog by presidential decree is a terrible blow to the intended legacy of the 2001 invasion – fair elections, democratic institutions and a constitutional government.By neutering the electoral watchdog, which included foreign experts, the president has taken personal control of the electoral process. He already determines the makeup of the Independent Elections Commission, and now he will be in charge of appointing the Electoral Complaints Commission. The ECC is something like a court of appeal against the IEC's decisions, which last year blatantly favoured Karzai at the expense of others. Having both institutions on his side, the president can be sure that the parliament elected this September will be dominated by his allies.The parliament is not only important as a block on the executive – capable, as we have seen these past few months, of taking independent decisions and frustrating Karzai's cabinet nominations – it also comprises a major part of the Loya Jirga assembly, which can change the constitution. Combined with provincial council results which bear every hallmark of having been manipulated, September's election may ensure the president a majority in the Loya Jirga.That will be useful, if he ultimately wants to overturn the constitutional requirement that he should serve only two elected terms in office. He can then stand for election again in 2014, with the whole electoral machinery having been installed by him personally.Karzai is the elected ruler of Afghanistan, and has the right to demand that many things should be done as he chooses: military strategy and government a アフガニスタンの大統領選挙watchdogHamidカルザイ大統領の決定は、大統領令で、アフガニスタンの選挙監視を制御するためのコントロールを押収し、2001年の侵攻の意図された従来の堕落して、2001年の侵攻の意図をlegacyにひどい打撃 - 公正な選挙、民主的な機関であり、憲法government.Byは、外国人専門家は含まれている選挙監視、避妊去勢手術は、大統領選挙の過程の個人的なコントロールを取得しています

    • France shows it can deal with death | Andrew Brown
      Britain would do well to follow the French example and pay people who take time off to look after a dying relative or partnerThe French state is not famous for sensitivity and tact, but this morning the parliament voted unanimously for a remarkably imaginative measure to make dying easier there. People who take time off to look after a relative or partner close to death will be entitled to an payment of €50 (£44) a day for 21 days. At a time when English politicians argue about a death tax, the French have got on and established a subsidy for the dying.It's not a huge sum of money. I don't think that's the point. There are incidental expenses and inconveniences when someone is dying but they are seldom immense. They matter far less than the grief and exhaustion which attend almost every deathbed. What the payment does is to register the state's belief that to tend a dying friend or relative is a worthwhile activity, which should be honoured and not needlessly impeded.This is a much more practical approach, and more compassionate, too, than grandstanding about principles and rights as we have been doing in this country for the last few weeks. Discussions about euthanasia in Britain are mostly conducted on the basis of individual hard cases, but the French law takes account of the fact that even a death that ends well can be hard and terrible for the people around. It is also work. To that extent a subsidy for the work done at the end of life is something the state – society – should pay just as it pays us around the time our children are born.Like funerals, the French arrangement recognises that death affects the living all around the dead person, and they require help and acknowledgement to carry on. That may sound cynical, but I think it is purely realistic. We no long 英国やフランスの例に倣う者とオフに死んで相対パスまたはpartnerTheフランス語状態の世話に時間がかかる人が支払うの感度とタクトは有名ではないが、かと今朝は、議会、全会一致で非常に想像力の測定を容易に死ぬことに賛成したそこに

    • Ukraine's New President to Take Oath Next Week
      Parliament set February 25 for swearing in of President-elect Viktor Yanukovych 議会2月25日宣誓のための大統領のセットヤヌコビッチ当選

    • Nigerian Lawmakers Denied Access to Yar'Adua
      Five members of parliament reportedly traveled to Saudi Arabia, met with the president's wife but never saw or talked to Mr. Yar'Adua 議会の5つのメンバーによるサウジアラビアには、大統領の妻とは会ったことはなかった氏やヤラドゥアに話を聞いた旅

    • Netherlands to hold elections on June 9
      Dutch parliamentary elections are to be held on June 9 after the weekend collapse of Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende's government over Afghanistan, officials said. オランダ議会の選挙が6月9日、アフガニスタンに内閣総理大臣バルケネンデ政府は、週末に崩壊した後に開催される、と発表した

    • Rift Within Government Won’t Impede Legislative Work, Says Kenyan Lawmaker
      A Kenyan lawmaker says parliament wont allow the rift between President Kibaki and Prime Minister Odinga to undermine legislative work ケニアの国会議員選挙文句を言わないの立法作業を損なうことが大統領のキバキ大統領と首相オディンガとの間の亀裂ができるように言う

    • Trairong: Dust-free roads project safe
      Deputy Prime Minister Trairong Suwannakhiri said on Wednesday he has no intention to cut funding for the dust-free road project, but believed the money should come from regular budget allocations and not from the long-term loans being sought under a bill still being deliberated in parliament. 副首相Trairong Suwannakhiri水曜日、彼はほこりのための資金のない道路プロジェクトを削減する意思がないことで、と述べたが、お金を定期的に予算配分から来る必要はないから法案は、長期的な融資を求められているの下でまだ審議されて考えられて議会

    • Panel wants details on capital inflow
      The parliamentary finance, fiscal and banking committee has invited relevant people to provide information on the report that overseas money were transferred to Thailand to support anti-government activities of the red-shirts, the panel’s chairman Surapong Towichakchaikul said on Saturday. 銀行委員会の会計報告書は、海外にお金をタイに対策をサポートするための赤いTシャツの政府活動を移管された上での情報提供に関連する人を招待して国会の財政は、パネルの会長Surapong Towichakchaikul土曜日明らかにした

    • Demand for Panithan’s resignation
      Acting government spokesman Panithan Wattanayakorn should resign his post for wrongly claiming there were unusual capital inflows to support the anti-government activities of the red-shirts, the chairman of the parliamentary monetary, fiscal and financial institutions committee Surapong Towichakchaikul said. 臨時政府のスポークスマンPanithan Wattanayakorn間違っても、反赤シャツの政府活動を支援する異例の資本流入と主張し彼の辞任すべきは、議会、財政金融政策と金融機関の委員会Surapong Towichakchaikulの会長と述べた

    • The people's brakes on war | Caryl Churchill and Amir Amirani
      Historic protests couldn't stop the invasion of Iraq, but the legacy will be felt if conflict grows with IranSeven years ago today, it was hard to believe how many people were on the streets trying to prevent the Iraq war. There was anger and foreboding, but also a feeling of exhilaration. Surely a march this big would have some effect. As we know, it didn't.Yet the numbers on that 15 February 2003 march, the biggest demonstration ever held in Britain (joined by more than 10 million people in over 60 countries in what became the largest worldwide demonstration in history), do matter. Because what they pointed to was something unique. For every regular protester, there were a vast number of people who'd never marched before.So was the protest a failure? Given that we know now that Tony Blair had decided for war, any number of millions might not have deterred him. But the protesters have succeeded in making opposition to war a part of mainstream political debate. Not just in parliament, where the vote for war was won by only 12 MPs, but in the traditionally conse。­vative press. The Daily Mail pointed to the anti-war demonstrators gathered for Blair's appearance before the Chilcot inquiry, and a poll showing that 80% of people polled thought Blair was lying, to state the country now shared the ­sentiments of the protesters.The protest also shattered the myth of political apathy. While whole series of demonstrations have been largely ignored by the media, in a bedrock of growing public disillusionment, even the most unsympathetic could hardly fail to take note of the size of that turnout.No movements succeed overnight. The civil rights movement in the United States eventually led to the end of segregation, and the Suffragettes in Britain got the vote. In the case of Iraq, 歴史的な抗議行動が、イラクの侵攻を止めることができなかった場合、競合とのIranSeven年前の今日は、どのように多くの人が通り、イラク戦争を阻止しようとするのが信じられなかったの成長は、従来の感じられるだろう

    • In praise of … a nuclear-free Europe | Editorial
      It is always best to start a long journey with small stepsFive Nato states are to call for the removal of all remaining US nuclear weapons on European soil, a move that could spur global disarmament. One might have thought it would have been welcomed by a man who was not only a former secretary general of Nato, but is also a leading member of a parliamentary group for multilateral disarmament and non-­proliferation. Alas no. George Robertson took the opposite view. Co-authoring a paper for the Centre for European Reform, he accused one of the states, Germany, of wishing to remain under the nuclear umbrella, while exporting to others the obligation of maintaining it; he warned of the consequences for decoupling the security of Europe from that of the US; and he said that Turkey could feel compelled to develop its own weapons. This is being unduly hawkish in a year in which the world could make serious steps towards disarmament. It is always best to start a long journey with small steps, and getting rid of between 150 and 240 useless weapons must rank as one of these. These weapons come in the shape of gravity bombs which take hours, if not days, to be loaded on to planes. They have been rendered all but obsolete by missiles which take minutes. Germany is seeking the withdrawal of US tactical nuclear weapons not just from its soil but from Europe as a whole. Making any cuts conditional on parity with Russia is a recipe for stalemate, as the ­superiority of conventional forces is now with Nato. The boot is on the other foot.Nuclear weaponsNatoguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds それは、常に最高の小さなstepsFive北大西洋条約機構の状態でいる欧州の土の上のすべての残りの米国の核兵器の撤去は、世界的な軍縮促進する可能性がある移動のための呼び出しには長い旅を開始することです

    • Kenyan president and PM meet for first time since corruption dispute
      Mwai Kibaki and Raila Odinga clashed over the suspension of scandal-hit ministersKenya's president and prime minister have met face to face for the first time since they clashed over the suspension of scandal-hit ministers.A government spokesman said President Mwai Kibaki and the prime minister, Raila Odinga, met briefly today at the opening of parliament. He gave no details.The split threatened to bring down Kenya's coalition and return it to the bloodshed that followed the disputed 2007 election.Odinga suspended the ministers of education and agriculture about 10 days ago over the misappropriation of millions of dollars. Kibaki overruled the decision, saying he was not consulted.Kenyaguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds キバキ大統領とライラオディンガスキャンダルの懸濁液をめぐる対立- ministersKenya大統領と首相のヒット商品は、最初の時の顔を満たしているのでスキャンダルの懸濁液をめぐる対立- ministers.A政府のスポークスマンヒットムワイキバキ大統領と首相は、 、ライラオディンガ、簡潔に今日の国会の開会式で会った

    • Ireland's defence minister resigns over false brothel comments
      Combative politician Willie O'Dea steps down after audio recording is airedIreland's defence minister resigned from his post yesterday after falsely accusing a political rival, Sinn Féin's Maurice Quinlivan of running a brothel and then denying in court that he made the slanderous comment. Willie O'Dea insisted his sworn statement did not amount to perjury. He retracted it after a journalist produced an audio recording of his brothel claims. O'Dea, long renowned as one of the country's most verbally combative politicians, survived a parliamentary vote of no confidence on Wednesday on strictly partisan lines. But within hours the Greens changed their mind and said O'Dea must go.IrelandSinn Féinguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 後にオーディオ録音airedIrelandの防衛大臣は彼のポストから昨日辞任した後に虚偽や政治的なライバル、シンフェイン党のモーリスQuinlivan売春宿を実行していると非難して否定し、法廷では彼が中傷的なコメント行われる格闘技の政治家ウィリーオーディアダウン手順を実行します


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