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    政治 国際 関連語 エルサレム ヒトラー ホロコースト パレスチナ ユダヤ教 Israel Palestin Jewish
    • Dangerous history-rewriting in Latvia | Efraim Zuroff
      This week I took part in a protest against those who paint the Waffen-SS as heroes. Britain should take a similar standEver since the marches of Latvian SS veterans have been held on 16 March in Riga, I have been involved in the efforts to convince the local authorities to ban these ceremonies. There were a few years when we succeeded, but for the most part the marches have continued to the consternation of the Russian residents of Latvia and those who oppose the honouring of individuals who fought alongside the Nazis to achieve a victory of the Third Reich.This Tuesday, for the first time, I actually saw the march with my own eyes and had an opportunity to join a peaceful protest staged by local anti-fascist demonstrators. It was a shocking and utterly disheartening sight to see over 1,000 people gathered in subfreezing weather to honour Waffen-SS units, among whose soldiers were several of the biggest mass murderers of Jews during the Holocaust.As emotionally distressing as the ceremony was for me personally, however, its most problematic and disturbing aspect was the manner in which the symbols of renewed Latvian independence were exploited to honour the service of the members of the Latvian Legion – thereby reinforcing the myth that they were freedom fighters for their country's independence, as opposed to fighters in the service of Nazi Germany, a regime which bears direct responsibility for the mass murder of tens of millions of innocent civilians. Thus two rows of young Latvian nationalists waving the flags of democratic Latvia, a member in good standing of the European Union and Nato, stood as an honour guard at the Freedom Monument as the procession of veterans came to lay flowers and wreaths at its base.Staging the ceremony at the Freedom Monument, probably th 今週、私はそれらの人のヒーローとしての武装親衛隊ペイントの抗議に参加した

    • Israeli apology gets cool U.S. reception
      Israel's prime minister expressed regret Sunday for a crisis with the United States over plans to expand a Jewish neighborhood in east Jerusalem, even as American officials played down the apology and called for bold Israeli action to get peace efforts back on track. With tensions rising, Israel deployed hundreds of police around east Jerusalem's Old City and heavily restricted Palestinian access to the area — the scene of several recent clashes. Israel's already strained relationship wi ... イスラエルの首相は米国との危機の上での計画でも、と米国の当局者に謝罪と大胆なイスラエルの行動を再び軌道に平和への努力を取得するために呼び出さ一。東エルサレムにあるユダヤ人地区を拡大する日曜日遺憾の意を表明した

    • EU supports Lebanese gov't, urges a return of Palestinian-Israeli talks (3)
      Ashton started a tour of the Middle East on Monday, her first visit to the region since taking the role of the EU's top diplomat last December when the Lisbon Treaty entered into force. Ashton's Middle East trip came as Israel last week has greenlighted a project to build 1,600 new housing units at a Jewish neighbourhood in East Jerusalem, one day after U.S. special envoy George Mitchell officially announced that Israel and the Palestinians had agreed to begin indirect talks under U.S. mediat ... アシュトンは30日、ときに、リスボン条約

    • Israel undermining trust - Biden
      The Israeli Government managed to overshadow a high-profile visit by US Vice-President Joe Biden with an announcement of controversial and politically highly sensitive plans to build 1600 new homes for Jewish residents in Arab East... イスラエル政府は米副大統領のジョーバイデン物議を醸すの発表は、政治的に非常に敏感な計画東エルサレムのユダヤ人居住者のため1600年の新築住宅を構築するとして、ハイプロファイルを参照して影を薄くする管理...

    • Palestinians protest against Israel's building of settlements, separation wall
      Hundreds of Palestinians Friday demonstrated in the West Bank and the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip against the Israeli construction of separation wall and the expansion of Jewish settlements. Israeli soldiers and Palestinian demonstrators clashed during the protests against the separation wall that dominated several West Bank areas, said a source of anti-war group in Ramallah, adding that several demonstrators were hurt by Israeli soldiers' fire. The source and witnesses said the demonstrations ... パレスチナ人の金曜日に何百ものヨルダン川西岸地区とガザで示さ分離壁のイスラエル建設とユダヤ人入植地の拡大に対してガザ地区を下した

    • Israel OKs new settlement in West Bank: minister
      Israel has given the green light for the building of 112 new homes in a Jewish settlement in the occupied West Bank despite a partial moratorium on such construction, a minister said on Monday.The expansion was revealed hours before the arrival of US Vice President Joe Biden and one day after the Palestinians agreed to indirect talks with Israel while warning that further settlement growth threatened the peace process. イスラエルなどの建設を部分的に一時停止にもかかわらず、ヨルダン川西岸のユダヤ人入植地で112新築住宅の建設のための緑の光を与えており、首相Monday.The拡大を明らかにした米国のバイデン副大統領の到着時間前に明らかにされたと1日中には、さらに和解成長警告の後、パレスチナ、イスラエルとの間接的な協議に合意された和平プロセスと脅した

    • Foreign investigators to visit Israel over Dubai killing of Hamas commander
      Several Australian police officers are slated to visit Israel soon in an investigation related to the recent assassination of a senior Hamas commander in Dubai, reported local daily Ha'aretz on Monday. With consent from the Israeli side, two to three Australian investigators will arrive in the Jewish state in the coming days, where they are expected to question several dual nationals whose names have been connected to the January killing of Hamas commander Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in a hotel room i ... いくつかのオーストラリアの警察官がすぐに調査、ドバイでのシニアハマス司令官の最近の事件に関連してイスラエルを訪問し、月曜日に現地の日刊ハアレツ報告される予定です

    • 9 Palestinian protestors injured in clash with Israelis in West Bank
      Nine Palestinians were injured Saturday in clashes with Israeli troops who tried to disperse protestors in two separate areas in the West Bank. According to Ghassan Daghlas, an anti-settlement activist, five Palestinians were wounded in confrontations that erupted when Jewish settlers stormed a Palestinian village near Nablus city in the north of the West Bank. The villagers, in return, threw stones at the settlers and the latter called Israeli forces to disperse the Palestinians. A local ... ナインパレスチナ土曜日の衝突ではヨルダン川西岸地区で2つの個別の分野で、デモ隊を解散させるとしたイスラエル軍が負傷した

    • Why equality matters to us | Aaron Goldstein
      Liberal Judaism looks forward to celebrating civil partnerships under its roofs. We hope that other religions follow suitIn 2005, the rabbinic conference of Liberal Judaism published Covenant of Love, a service of commitment for same-sex couples, and in doing so became the first religious movement in the country to produce official liturgy for this purpose. The same-sex commitment ceremony affirms the importance and holiness of marriage and Jewish family life. We remain steadfastly committed to the justice of civil partnerships and we see this as an extension of our belief that all are equal and created b'tselem Elohim – in the image of God. Our rabbis have long acknowledged that modern ethical, psychological and scientific insight demands a change in traditional attitudes to same-sex relationships, and have welcomed lesbians and gay men as members of its congregations, as teachers and as rabbis. We truly celebrate this inclusion and with it the enrichment that it brings to our community.Liberal Judaism's engagement in such ceremonies is not forced on our rabbis or congregations. Our rabbis have simply created the possibility for an affirmation of the sanctity of a loving and committed same-sex relationship within the bounds of Judaism. Neither do we seek to enforce our beliefs and practices on any other religious denomination, Jewish or otherwise. However, we have seen that our courage in making such blessings possible has emboldened other religious movements and individuals to follow suit, albeit timidly at times.Likewise, the amendment to the equality bill, proposed by Lord Alli, does not seek to force any organisation or individual to do anything in respect of civil partnerships. It merely allows those who wish to do so to open the doors – literally – to their house リベラルなユダヤ進む市民のパートナーシップを祝うため、その屋根の下に見えます

    • Israeli settlers celebrate amid Hebron tensions
      The settlers sang, danced and drank themselves into a stupor, ignoring the growing outrage of the Palestinians who make up the vast majority of this West Bank town.As they do every year on the Jewish holiday of Purim, the settlers donned costumes -- one was a clown, another a Palestinian -- and drank and danced to celebrate a biblical miracle that saved the Jews from the ancient Persians. 入植者、踊り歌い、昏迷状態に身を飲んで、パレスチナ人はヨルダン川西岸地区の広大な大部分を占めるの成長の怒りを無視してプリム祭のユダヤ教の祝日でもない、毎年town.As、入植者の衣装を着用 - 1別のパレスチナ自治政府 - と飲んで、踊りには、古代ペルシアからのユダヤ人が保存され聖書の奇跡を祝うためには、ピエロだった

    • Commitment we should encourage | Richard Harries
      It is promiscuity that is undermining marriage in modern society; civil partnerships do exactly the oppositeThe majority of those who enter into a civil partnership do so with the same sense of commitment as those who get married, sometimes, as events prove, with a rather greater commitment in reality. As with a wedding, they usually wish to surround the ceremony with celebration. Those with a religious faith see it as one of the most solemn and sacred moments in the living out of their faith, and not surprisingly, wish to set it in a religious context with a religious blessing.At the moment those who wish such a blessing must arrange it after the legal ceremony, which cannot take place on religious premises, and if the legalities and the blessing are on the same secular premises, the registrar must have left before the religious service can begin. But three faith communities, the Quakers, Liberal Jews and Unitarians, want the freedom to set the legal ceremony itself in a religious context. They wish to hold it in a meeting house, synagogue or church and surround it with appropriate prayers. For them, as for the couples concerned, the bringing about of such a partnership is not a mere legality, it is a solemn and serious commitment undertaken in faith before God, which they wish to perform in a place of worship. That is why Lord Alli has been so passionate about his amendment to the equalities bill now going through parliament, which would allow this.Some Church of England bishops, who were hardly enthusiastic about civil partnerships in the first place, fear that if this is allowed it would blur the distinction them and marriage. But this is a fundamental issue of religious freedom. On what grounds can any body claim religious freedom for itself but deny it to others? これは、現代社会の結。低下させて乱交です

    • Israel PM aims to restore Jewish holy sites in W.Bank
      Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday he hopes to include two hotly contested West Bank Jewish holy places in a plan to restore national heritage sites.Rachel's Tomb in Bethlehem and the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron, two holy sites inside Palestinian towns in the occupied West Bank, were not originally included in the 100 million dollar (73 million euro) plan. イスラエルのネタニヤフ首相は日曜日彼は熱心に計画。。u0026#39;国家遺産sites.Rachelを復元するには、ヨルダン川西岸地区のユダヤ人の聖地争いの2つを含むように考えを明らかにした墓ベツレヘムで、墓の総主教のヘブロンでは、掲載のパレスチナ人の町の中に2つの聖地占領ヨルダン川西岸地区、当初(73万ユーロ)は、100万ドルの計画が含まれていない


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