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    政治 国際 関連語 共産党 民主党 政権交代 ヒトラー 社民党 ファシズム 民主党政権 みんなの党
    • Poll | Is Jon Gaunt right that calling someone a 'Nazi' is acceptable slang?
      In his legal battle with Ofcom, former TalkSport presenter Jon Gaunt is arguing that calling someone a 'Nazi' is merely slang for people who impose their views and does not mean they are Hitlerite genocidal fascists. Do you agree? Ofcomの元TalkSport発表ジョンゴーントと彼の法廷闘争では、呼び出し元の誰かは。。u0026#39;ナチスだけで、自分の意見を課す彼らはヒトラーの虐殺ファシストているわけではない人々のため俗語です主張している

    • Discover hidden Catalan cinema at Istanbul Modern
      The Istanbul Modern's program of Spanish cinema introduces viewers to a generation of independent filmmakers unwilling to conform to a fascist regime. スペイン映画のイスタンブールモダンのプログラムは、独立した映画の世代のファシスト政権に適合するように反抗的な視聴者を紹介します

    • Bottles thrown in UK anti-Islamist rally
      Thirteen men have been arrested in the British city of Bradford as a far-right, anti-Islamist group clashed with anti-fascist demonstrators. 13人がブラッドフォードイギリスの都市の極右、反イスラムグループ反ファシストデモ隊との衝突として逮捕されている

    • Silvio Berlusconi survives crucial vote of confidence after defection of ally
      Silvio Berlusconi survived a crucial test of his government's strength in parliament tonight following the defection of more than 30 MPs led by his erstwhile ally, Gianfranco Fini.After an emotional and at times heated session, the lower house voted by 299 to 229 in support of the government. But 75 deputies, including 25 loyal to Fini, abstained – enough to have defeated the government if they voted against it.The outcome sent a clear warning to Berlusconi that he is now a hostage of his former ally and Fini's new partners in the centre of the political spectrum. His group had agreed its policy of abstention with a Christian Democrat party and two smaller groups.The house rejected an opposition motion calling for a junior justice minister who is a suspect in a criminal inquiry to be sacked. Berlusconi had hinted his government would fall if it lost the vote.But the ballot nevertheless marked a watershed for Berlusconi's two-year-old conservative administration. The rebels' abstentions gave visible shape to a split that began last week when the rebels announced they were forming a separate group in parliament to press for reform in the governing party. A former neo-fascist, Fini has gradually altered his views and, since the return of the right to power in 2008, become a standard-bearer of a more progressive conservatism.His group's causes include more liberal policies and a tougher approach to corruption in high places. But even though Fini had earlier said members of the government should step down if formally under investigation, his followers held back from endorsing the opposition's motion.Its target was Giacomo Caliendo, who is accused of forming part of a secret society that allegedly conspired to fix judicial and political appointments, discredit Berlusconi's po ベルルスコーニは、今夜、30以上の議員彼のかつての同盟国、ジャンFini.After感情や、時には加熱セッション主導の離党、次の国会で政権の強さの重要なテストを乗り越えた、衆院は299で229への支援の投票政府

    • Dangerous history-rewriting in Latvia | Efraim Zuroff
      This week I took part in a protest against those who paint the Waffen-SS as heroes. Britain should take a similar standEver since the marches of Latvian SS veterans have been held on 16 March in Riga, I have been involved in the efforts to convince the local authorities to ban these ceremonies. There were a few years when we succeeded, but for the most part the marches have continued to the consternation of the Russian residents of Latvia and those who oppose the honouring of individuals who fought alongside the Nazis to achieve a victory of the Third Reich.This Tuesday, for the first time, I actually saw the march with my own eyes and had an opportunity to join a peaceful protest staged by local anti-fascist demonstrators. It was a shocking and utterly disheartening sight to see over 1,000 people gathered in subfreezing weather to honour Waffen-SS units, among whose soldiers were several of the biggest mass murderers of Jews during the Holocaust.As emotionally distressing as the ceremony was for me personally, however, its most problematic and disturbing aspect was the manner in which the symbols of renewed Latvian independence were exploited to honour the service of the members of the Latvian Legion – thereby reinforcing the myth that they were freedom fighters for their country's independence, as opposed to fighters in the service of Nazi Germany, a regime which bears direct responsibility for the mass murder of tens of millions of innocent civilians. Thus two rows of young Latvian nationalists waving the flags of democratic Latvia, a member in good standing of the European Union and Nato, stood as an honour guard at the Freedom Monument as the procession of veterans came to lay flowers and wreaths at its base.Staging the ceremony at the Freedom Monument, probably th 今週、私はそれらの人のヒーローとしての武装親衛隊ペイントの抗議に参加した


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