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    ニュース 関連語 共産党 図書館戦争 共産主義
    • China begins to watch out
      An activist's Internet gallery of officials wearing luxury watches likely priced far beyond their pay grade has been censored, but not before it was warmly received by media and the public. Similar grassroots initiatives to root out graft have also been swiftly shut down, with Beijing feeling threatened by distractions from high-profile government crackdowns designed to mask the magnitude of the problem. - Clarissa Sebag-Montefiore (Sep 29, '11) 可能性がはるかに彼らの賃金等級を超えて価格の高級時計を身に着けている職員の活動家のインターネットギャラリーは検閲されていますが、それは暖かく、メディアや公共によって受信されたかの前に

    • Claim Fiji covered up Kiwi's death
      Fiji's military regime has been accused of censoring accounts of the deaths of two foreign men so as not to frighten Australian and New Zealand tourists.The Coup Four and a Half blog site cites media sources in Suva claiming they... フィジーの軍事政権はそのようにオーストラリアとニュージーランドtourists.Theのクーデター4年半のブログサイトは、スバは、彼らの主張にメディアソースを引用して怖がらせるれない2つの外国人男性の死亡の検閲のアカウントと非難されている...

    • Google plots new path into China
      Google is reloading its guns in China to focus on display advertisements and the booming export sector a year after a blowout with Beijing over censorship and hacking all but ensured its demise in the country. Googleは検閲で中国政府と吹出年後、ディスプレイ広告と好。輸出セクターに集中する中国での銃をリロードされ、ハッキング以外のすべての国で、その終焉を確保

    • China's Baidu invests $306 mln in travel website
      Chinese search engine Baidu has agreed to invest $306 million in domestic travel website Qunar as it seeks to cash in on the booming tourism market in China.Baidu, which dominates the Chinese search market after Google retreated following a spat with Beijing over censorship and cyberattacks last year, will take a majority stake in the travel search engine, Baidu said late Friday. Googleは、以下の退却後、中国の検索エンジンBaiduは中国の検索市場を支配China.Baidu、で急成長の観光市場を下取りしようとして、国内の旅行のウェブサイトのQunarで3.06億ドルを投資することで合意している検閲と最後のサイバー攻撃にわたって北京と口げんか年間、旅行検索エンジンの株式の過半数を取るだろう、Baiduは遅く明らかにした

    • Google alters China course before license expires
      Google said Tuesday it would stop automatically redirecting Chinese users to an uncensored site in Hong Kong, a day before its government license expires, following official complaints.In January, the US web giant effectively shut down its Chinese-language search engine over censorship and cyberattacks, and automatically re-routed users to the Hong Kong site. Googleは19日、自動的に香港、その政府のライセンスは有効期限が切れる前に1日で、無修正サイトへの中国のユーザーをリダイレクトする公式complaints.In 1月次の停止と述べた、米国のWeb巨人が効果的に検閲やサイバー上で、中国語の検索エンジンをシャットダウン、香港のサイトに自動的に再ルーティングユーザ

    • Chinese Censors Halt Production of Time Travel Dramas
      China's State Administration of Radio, Film, and Television is the chief government censor of media broadcasts, including, obviously, TV and movies.  In the recent past, they've banned such films as Avatar, Borat, and The Departed.  But in what's possibly one of its oddest and most sweeping acts of censorship, the censors have completely banned any new time travel shows from being shown on Chinese TV.  Why?  Because they show bad history. ラジオ、映画、中国の国家管理、およびテレビのチーフ政府はテレビや映画、明らかに、を含む、メディア放送の検閲です

    • Anger over The Chaser royal skit axe
      PRESS freedom advocates "deplore'' authorities for "censoring satirical coverage'' of the nuptials by the Australian comedians. 言論の自由の擁護者。。u0026quot;嘆く。。u0026#39;。。u0026#39;当局は、。。u0026quot;オーストラリアのコメディアンで結婚式。。u0026#39;。。u0026#39;の風刺的な報道を検閲

    • Censorship in Asia: following the great firewall of China
      Governments across south-east Asia are following China's lead on internet censorship to keep political dissent in check. Meet five key bloggers in the region who fear a further repressive crackdown on freedom of expressionBen DohertyPaddy Allen 南東アジアの各国政府は、チェックで政治的意見の相違を保つために、インターネットの検閲中国のリードを以下の通りです

    • THE ROVING EYE : Iran's post-Islamist generation
      Young protesters in Iran may yet get a chance to call the Iranian regime's bluff over how it can censor, beat and arrest the sons of the land while lauding the revolutionary youth of Egypt. Rejecting corrupted dictatorships and Islam as a political ideology for failing to end poverty and government lies, they are from a Generation Why?, and view the Islamic revolution as a spent force. - Pepe Escobar (Feb 16, '11) イランの若者のデモ隊はまだそれは検閲、勝つことができる方法と、エジプトの革命的な若者を賞賛しながら土地の人の息子が逮捕でイラン政権のはったりをかける機会を得ることができます

    • Thai Hollywood hopes fade
      Thailand has hosted numerous foreign film productions such as The Beach and the fourth in Sylvester Stallone's Rambo series. Those heady days may be over as the government stalls on an incentive package, censors play walk-on roles, and Singapore moves on to the Asian movie set. - Michael Mackey タイはビーチやシルベスタースタローンのランボーシリーズの第4のような多くの外国の映画制作を主催している

    • Google goes on hiring spree as competitors gain ground
      Google is hiring dozens of marketing and technical employees on the mainland to defend a shrinking market share against local rivals after it closed its Chinese search engine six months ago in a censorship dispute. それは半年前に検閲の紛争での中国の検索エンジンを終了した後、Googleが中国本土のローカルライバルに対する縮小市場シェアを守るために従業員をマーケティングと技術の数十人を採用

    • Google defies challenges to grow search ad income
      Despite losing ground on the mainland after a dispute over censorship and cyber attacks, Google expanded its lead in the global online search advertising market with estimated revenue of US$25.4 billion last year. 検閲やサイバー攻撃をめぐる論争の後に中国本土で地上を失うことにもかかわらず、Googleは、米国の推定売上高25400000000ドル昨年世界的なオンライン検索広告市場でのリードを広げています

    • Turkey protests internet censorship
      Over 2,000 protesters marched in Turkey's largest city Istanbul against strict internet censorship in the country. 2,000抗議以上の国では厳格なインターネット検閲に反対するトルコ最大の都市イスタンブールで行進した

    • SUN WUKONG : China revelations no threat to Beijing
      Although Chinese authorities were quick to block access to the WikiLeaks website on the mainland, such censorship was hardly necessary. What the most recent leaks reveal about China is remarkably mundane, and will do little to damage Beijing or its foreign relations. - Wu Zhong (Dec 7, '10) 中国当局は中国本土、このような検閲のWikileaksはWebサイトへのアクセスをブロックするように速かったが、ほとんど必要があった

    • Fiji democracy group planning pirate radio
      In a move inspired by pirate radio stations of the 1960s, political activists in the South Pacific are planning to position a Dutch-registered merchant vessel in international waters off the coast of Fiji to defy censors in the military... move南太平洋1960 of海賊radio局、政治的活動によって触発さIn toフィジーの海岸off国際海域でオランダ-登録商船の船をposition兵士の検閲を無視planning are ...

    • Video: Thai protesters storm television station
      Anti-government protesters stormed a television station demanding officials lift censorship of their TV channel 反政府デモ隊が彼らのテレビチャンネルの検閲を解除するテレビ局は、職員を求めて突入

    • Letter from Africa: Police shut gallery for exhibiting Zimbabwe political violence
      How Zimbabwe censors information while maintaining illusion of democracyDavid Smith どのようにジンバブエ検閲の情報democracyDavidスミスのような錯覚を維持しながら、

    • Google: $1.4M on 1Q lobby on China, other issues
      Internet search giant Google spent $1.4 million in the first quarter to lobby the U.S. federal government on everything from its decision to stop censoring search results in China to the tussle over open Internet rules before the Federal Communications Commission, The Associated Press reported Tuesday. The spending was up 57 percent from $880,000 in the same quarter a year ago. At that pace, Google's lobbying tab would be on track to climb even more in 2010 than it did last year, when spendin ... インターネット検索大手のGoogleは火曜日AP通信が報じた億6700万ドルを1.4、連邦通信委員会の第1四半期に中国での検索結果を検閲を停止する決定から政府にすべての連邦にロビー活動を米国闘争でオープンなインターネットの前にルール支出最大57%880000ドルから同四半期の1年前でした

    • China’s Censorship Machine Takes On the Internet
      The Communist Party’s censorship machine is highly sophisticated in some ways, remarkably crude in others. 共産党の検閲マシンは非常にいくつかの方法で洗練された、非常に他の粗されます

    • Burma Censorship Chief Calls for Press Freedom
      Tint Swe tells Radio Free Asia that censorship should be abolished as part of reforms by new army-dominated civilian government 色合いのSWEは検閲が新しい軍優位の文民政府が改革の一環として廃止すべきだと自由アジア放送に伝えます

    • Persian classic too sexy for censors
      Iran's censors are in a league of their own when it comes to tampering with Persian culture for religious reasons. A classic of Iranian literature now deemed too racy must be rewritten, 831 years after its was penned. Zealous insistence on changing references to wine into coffee in the home of the shiraz grape variety is vintage stuff too. - Charles Recknagel (Aug 18, '11) それは宗教的な理由のためにペルシャ文化との改ざんとなるとイランの検閲官は、独自のリーグになります

    • Cameroonian Filmmaker Unpeels Banana Inequalities
      Plight of Cameroonian banana farmers' exploitation by large multinational corporations exposed, as censorship attempts take place 検閲の試みが行われるように、公開された大規模な多国籍企業によるカメルーンバナナ農民の搾取の窮状

    • Guinea online press boss defies coverage ban on presidential residence raid
      The Guinean online press boss on Wednesday said they would defy the newly imposed ban by the government on the coverage of last week's attack on the private residence of President Alpha Conde. The head of the Guinean online press, Mohamud Kamara, denounced the ban as a mere censorship of the press, saying they will never abide by the decision. On Tuesday, the Guinean press regulatory body, the National Council of Communication, issued a statement banning temporarily all coverages i ... 水曜日にギニアオンラインプレスボスは、彼らが大統領のアルファコンデの私邸で、先週の攻撃の報道で政府による新たに課せられた禁止を無視すると述べた

    • Did Reddit Discover Silent Censorship On Google Plus?
      Is Google censoring the use of dirty words in its new Facebook competitor, Google+? That's what many of the commenters on the tech-savvy internet community Reddit think, and some testing by people in my own Google+ circles tends to bear that conjecture out. Googleの検閲は、新しいFacebookのライバル、Googleとの汚い言葉の使用ですか

    • Tunisian court orders pornographic website ban
      A Tunisian court has ordered the Tunisian Internet Agency (ATI) to block all pornographic websites, which became accessible after the lifting of censorship in January, the media said on Friday.The court ordered the censorship of X-rated sites following a suit filed last week by three lawyers, who argued that such sites were a danger to young people and were contrary to Muslim values. チュニジア裁判所は、チュニジアインターネット庁は(ATI)を月に検閲の解除後にはアクセスになったすべてのポルノサイトをブロックするように命じたときは、メディアがFriday.Theの裁判所は、訴訟を次の同人サイトの検閲は、最後の提出命令を明らかにしたこのようなサイトは、若い人たちに危険であることとイスラム教徒の値に反していたと主張した弁護士3人で一週間

    • China Rejects Internet Censorship Lawsuit Filed in US
      Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu rejected accusations that the Chinese government is involved in illegally censoring the Internet 外務省報道官姜瑜は、中国政府は、不法に、インターネットを検閲に関与しているという批判を拒否

    • Critic faces jail after calling rock guitarist a 'poodle'
      In his career as Russia's foremost rock music critic, Artemy Troitsky has got used to a turbulent relationship with those in power - grappling with Soviet-era censorship and yet raising funds for Chernobyl victims.But it is unlikely... ロシアを代表するロック音楽評論家としての彼のキャリアの中で、Artemy Troitskyは、電源のものと乱流の関係を使用して、持っている - チェルノブイリのための資金集めはまだソ連時代の検閲に取り組んで、それはそうですvictims.But ...

    • Pearl Harbour visitors to hear from both sides
      Political assassinations in Tokyo. Censorship and the stifling of dissent. A nation hungry for oil and other natural resources. Kimono-clad women in department stores and boarding street cars. A smiling Babe Ruth posing for photos... 東京での政治的暗殺

    • HR body decries abuse of lese majeste
      A London-based group which campaigns worldwide against censorship, ARTICLE 19, has expressed concern over Thailand’s continued use of the lese majeste law under the Cyber Crimes Act (CCA), following the jailing of a website operator for 13 years this week. キャンペーンは、検閲、第19条に対する世界的な13歳今週のWebサイトの演算子の投獄、次のサイバー犯罪法(CCA)の下でlese不。法タイの継続的な使用に懸念を表明しているロンドンベースのグループ

    • Media reporting 'remains restricted'
      A group that measures media freedom has concluded that freedom of expression in Thailand remained restricted under tevere laws in 2010 and plagued by the widespread self-censorship amid a climate of fear in society. 報道の自由を測定するグループは、2010年にはテヴェレ法律の下で制限されて残って、広範な自己検閲に悩まされて社会に恐怖の気候の中でタイでの表現の自由を締結している

    • US Internet censorship fight falling short: report
      State Department efforts to combat Internet censorship in China and other countries have fallen short and funding for the drive should be shifted to another US agency, a Senate committee report says.The Senate Foreign Relations Committee report sharply criticizes the State Department for being slow in spending money allocated by Congress for Internet Censorship Circumvention Technology (ICCT). 中国およびその他の国におけるインターネット検閲に対抗する国務省の努力は短いが、資金調達ドライブの別の米国政府機関にシフトする必要があります落ちて、上院の委員会レポートsays.The上院外交委員会の報告書が大幅に費やす遅いの国務省を批判インターネット検閲回避のテクノロジー(ICCT)、議会によって割り当てられたお金

    • US must 'ramp up' fight on Internet censorship
      Faced with aggressive public outreach by China, the United States must ramp up its own efforts and do a better job fighting Internet censorship, a Senate committee report says.The Senate Foreign Relations Committee report, which is to be released on Tuesday, said the United States was languishing behind as China increasingly molds public opinion through its cultural institutes and state-run media. 中国の積極的な広報戦略に直面し、米国が独自の取り組みを強化する必要がありますインターネット検閲と戦って良い仕事を行うには、火曜日にリリースされる上院の委員会レポートsays.The上院外交委員会の報告書は、国連によると米国は、文化機関や国営メディアを通じて、中国、ますます金として世論を後ろに感傷的だった

    • Compromise keeps Google relevant on the mainland
      Almost a year since battling Beijing on internet censorship issues, which contributed to lost market share, Google remains upbeat about its prospects on the mainland. 失われた市場シェアに貢献してインターネットの検閲問題について、北京と戦って以来、約1年、Googleは本土の見通しについて楽観的のままです

    • Tokyo restricts 'extreme' manga
      Japan's capital city on Wednesday restricted the sale of manga comics and anime films with extreme depictions of rape, incest and other sex crimes, despite industry charges of censorship. 水曜日に日本の首都は検。業界の料金にもかかわらず、マンガ、レイプ、近親相姦やその他の性犯罪の極端な描写とアニメ映画の販売を制限されています

    • TV, media websites blocked in China over Nobel
      Chinese government censors have apparently begun blocking reports on foreign television networks about Chinese Nobel peace laureate Liu Xiaobo in the run-up to Friday's award ceremony in Oslo. 中国政府の検閲官は明らかに中国のノーベル平和賞受賞者劉暁波について外国のテレビネットワークのブロッキングのレポートを始めている実行ポップアップオスロの金曜日の授賞式に

    • Google steps up hiring, worries over censors
      Google is adding employees and redoubling efforts to win new advertisers in China, even as a clash over censorship casts doubt on its ability to do business in the country, said chief legal officer David Drummond. Googleは従業員を追加され、検閲で衝突が国でビジネスを行う能力に疑問を投げかけるとしても、中国では新規の広告主を獲得するための努力を重ね、最高法務責任者David Drummondが言った

    • Banned books week 2010: the top 10 most challenged titles
      This annual celebration of the freedom to read draws attention to the dangers of censorship by highlighting actual or attempted book bans across the US. Take a look at the latest list of the top 10 books most frequently 'challenged' 読む自由のこの毎年恒例の祭典は、全米の実際の、または未。書籍禁止を強調することによって検閲の危険性に注意を喚起する

    • South African media face censorship
      The South African Government has been accused of resorting to censorship policies reminiscent of the apartheid era in a bid to silence its critics in the media.The ruling African National Congress is pushing a series of measures... 南アフリカ政府は検閲政策アパルトヘイト時代を連想させるに入札の沈黙にmedia.The与党アフリカ民族会議の批判を頼るの一連の措置を推進していると非難されている...

    • Baidu expects stronger earnings after Google's row with Beijing
      Baidu is forecast to report stronger than expected second-quarter earnings tomorrow, benefiting from online search rival Google's much-publicised row with mainland authorities over internet censorship. Baiduのは、より強い第2四半期の利益は明日予想報告する、インターネットの検閲のライバル、Googleの鳴り物入りで宣伝さ行オンライン検索本土当局との以上の恩恵を受けて予想される

    • Myanmar stresses development of film, video industry
      Myanmar Minister of Information U Kyaw Hsan has stressed the need for film and video producers to closely cooperate with the government's censor board to work for the development of the film and video industry, the official daily New Light of Myanmar reported Sunday. Kyaw Hsan made the remarks at a ceremony in Yangon on Saturday marking the 40th anniversary of the Myanmar Motion Picture Enterprise under the ministry. He appraised the brilliant performances made by the two parties in improv ... ミャンマー大臣は、Hさんの情報のUチョウ産業ビデオ映画や開発のために働くが、ボードを強調する必要を検閲するために政府が協力と密接に映画やビデオの生産を、関係者は毎日のニューライトミャンマーの報告日曜日

    • Indian films jump the great divide
      When the censors took their cutting shears to Dibakar Banerjee's latest film, the Indian director was not particularly surprised when they decided to blur and trim a controversial sex scene. But when they chose to exclude an episode... 時検閲官はDibakarバナルジー監督の最新作、インド監督への切断鋏を取った場合に特に彼らはあいまいにし、物議をセックスシーンをトリミング決定驚きませんでした

    • Wary Detente Between Google, China
      Search firm says China renews internet content provider license after brouhaha over censorship. 検索会社は、中国が検閲で大騒ぎした後、インターネットコンテンツプロバイダライセンスを更新すると言います


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