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    飲食 自然 関連語 ブルーベリー BlackBerry ラズベリー
    • RIM Still A Slave To Blackberry But Playbook Picks Up The Pace
      Research in Motion announced last week that cost cutting efforts will include layoffs following a sluggish start to the year and continued new product delays. Shares sold off sharply as investors bailed on lowered guidance and delayed new Blackberry launch. Research In Motionは、コスト削減努力は、年と継続的な新製品の遅延に低調なスタートを以下のレイオフを含むことを先週発表した

    • RIM to Scrap PlayBook 2, Focus On Super-Phones
      Research in Motion is halting development on its BlackBerry PlayBook 2, according to recent reports, choosing instead to focus on its "super-phones," as the struggling company tries to rebound against surging competition. 苦しんで会社が急。競争に対して反発しようとするとResearch In Motionは、。。u0026quot;スーパーフォン。。u0026quot;のに集中する代わりに選択する、最近の報告によると、そのブラックベリー脚本2で開発を停止しています

    • RIM Betting On Developers To Spark Resurrection Of Relevance
      Research in Motion, maker of the Blackberry and other mobile devices, has had a bad year. Its share price has swooned from $60 down to $23. It has lost market share to Apple and Google Android devices in the consumer market and is being questioned for its reliability in the government and corporate market. Research In Motionが、ブラックベリーなどのモバイル機器のメーカーは、悪い年があった

    • Rioters 'using phones to pick targets'
      The BlackBerry mobile phone maker was in talks with the police over whether its handsets are being used by gangs to organise the London riots.The company's encrypted message system is being used by rioters to decide on potential... ブラックベリーの携帯電話メーカーは、その携帯電話がロンドンriots.The、同社の暗号化メッセージシステムが潜在的に決定するために暴徒によって使用されている編成するためにギャングたちによって使用されているかどうか、警察に話を持ちかけていた...

    • Goodbye BlackBerry: A Reluctant Personal Requiem
      The best smartphone I've ever had, in the context of its era, was my mid 2000s BlackBerry. I'll tell you why in two words: It worked. It was what the old nomenclature promised it would be: my Personal Digital Assistant. And just like any good employee that you can rely upon, I grew very fond of it. 私が今まで出会った中で最高のスマートフォンには、その時代の文脈で、私の半ば2000年代ブラックベリーだった

    • Robert Fisk: Gaddafi may have been crazy but he spoke with a kind of sanity
      We loved him. We hated him. Then we loved him again. Blair slobbered over him. Then we hated him again. Then La Clinton slobbered over her BlackBerry and we really hated him even more again. Let us all pray that he wasn't murdered.... 我々は彼を愛し

    • RIM Risks Playbook Repeat With QNX But 'Colt' Could Take Stock To $43
      Research in Motion could launch the much awaited QNX based smartphones code named the ?BlackBerry Colt? by Q1 2012. This is an important step from RIM?s point of view as its fate is largely tied to the success of the QNX operating system. The company has struggled to provide any meaningful competition to Apple iOS and Google Android in the battle of smartphone operating systems. Research In Motionは待望のQNXベースのスマートフォンのコードは?ブラックベリーコルトという起動するでしょうか? Q1 2012年まで

    • RIM, iOS, Android: Which App Platform Should Enterprise Mobile Developers Choose?
      One thing that struck me while listening to an SAP webinar on our new mobile HR apps (registration required) was how many of the apps still ran on BlackBerries. 私たちの新しいモバイルHRアプリ(登録が必要)上でSAPのWebセミナーを聞きながら、私を襲ったことの一つは、まだブラックベリーで実行されていたかのアプリの多くのだった

    • The $26,000 Diamond Blackberry
      A Nigerian-born, UK-based high-end luxury jeweler and fashion designer --Alexander Amosu -- has unveiled a $26,000 black diamond Blackberry. ナイジェリア生まれ、英国ベースのハイエンドの高級宝石、ファッションデザイナー - アレクサンダーAmosu - 26000ドルブラックダイヤモンドブラックベリーを発表した

    • Pay-By-Cell To Upend Banking, Credit Cards
      Everybody seems to have at least one handheld device these days. So why do we need to carry around wallets? Wouldn't it be easier to ditch the paper and plastic and use your Apple (AAPL) iPhone or Research In Motion (RIMM) Blackberry to make payments? みんなは、少なくとも1つのハンドヘルドデバイスにこれらの日を持っていると思われる

    • Is Blackberry Just In A Jam Or Is It Toast?
      Friday, maker of Blackberry mobile devices – Research In Motion (RIMM) – disappointed analysts and investors with earnings and widening full-year guidance. The question is whether RIMM is just in a short-term jam or are they “toast”? 金曜日、ブラックベリーモバイルデバイスのメーカー - 失望アナリストや収益と投資家や拡大通年ガイダンス - 研究モーション(RIMMの)を入力します

    • Nokia Strikes Back With New Phones For New Bosses
      LONDON (Reuters) - Cellphone maker Nokia unveiled the smartphones its new management team will be fighting with on Tuesday, as it tries to win back market share from Apple and Blackberry. ロンドンは、(ロイター) - 携帯電話メーカーNokiaはAppleとブラックベリーから市場シェアを奪回しようとすると、新しい経営陣は、火曜日にして戦うことができるスマートフォンを発表した

    • Microsoft unveils new cell phone OS
      Microsoft unveiled a new mobile phone operating system in a bid to claw back lost market share from the iPhone, Blackberry and devices powered by Google's Android software. マイクロソフトでは、iPhone、ブラックベリー、デバイスGoogleのAndroidソフトウェアによって電源から帰って失った市場シェアを爪に入札に新しい携帯電話のオペレーティングシステムを発表した

    • RIM shareholder calls for separate CEO, chairman
      NEW YORK - BLACKBERRY maker Research in Motion Ltd is already struggling to keep up with rivals such as Apple Inc. Now it faces another challenge: dissident shareholders who are calling for changes in how the company is run. A Canadian investment firm is calling for RIM to separate the roles of CEO and chairman, saying that's vital for the board to be able to do its job. ニューヨークは - ブラックベリーメーカー研究モーション株式会社ではすでにアップル社などのライバルに追いつくために苦労している今では別の課題に直面しています:会社が実行される方法に変更を求めている反体制派の株主

    • Obama Adds iPad to Blackberry, Time to Short RIMM?
      When Barack Obama took office in January 2009, much ado was made about his efforts to keep his Research in Motion (RIMM) Blackberry. Two years later, Obama sports an iPad under his arm. Does this mean it's time to short RIMM? バラクオバマ氏は2009年1月に就任した時。。u200b。。u200b、騒ぎは、モーション(RIMMの)ブラックベリーの彼の研究を維持する彼の努力について行われた

    • RIM unveils iPad rival
      Blackberry maker Research In Motion (RIM) announced Tuesday that its iPad rival, the PlayBook, would go on sale next month at a price identical to that of the hot-selling Apple tablet computer. In Motionはブラックベリーのメーカー研究は、(RIM)は、その計算されたライバルが、脚本、価格ホット販売Appleのタブレットコンピュータのと同じで、来月発売されることを発表した

    • WP 7 unveiled
      Microsoft unveiled a new mobile phone operating system Monday as it seeks to regain ground lost to the iPhone, Blackberry and devices powered by Google's Android. Microsoft chief executive Steve Ballmer took the wraps off nine mobile phones powered by Windows Phone 7 at an event in New York. Ballmer said more than 60 mobile operators around the world will offer the devices in more than 30 countries. &$&$Source: Global Times &$&$ ... マイクロソフトでは、新しい携帯電話7のイベントで、Windowsが発表した電源携帯電話、モバイル九オフにラップする新しい携帯電話のオペレーティングシステムを取った幹部Steve Ballmer氏は、チーフ月曜日、それがシークするために、Microsoft取り戻す

    • Free iPads for JP Morgan staff imperils Blackberry
      JP Morgan Chase will give its investment bankers iPads to provide an additional mobile tool as Apple expands its domain to Wall Street, threatening Blackberry maker Research in Motion (RIM) in a market it traditionally dominated. Appleは伝統的に支配する市場でのIn Motion(RIM)のブラックベリーのメーカー研究を脅かして、ウォール街にそのドメインを展開するようにJPモルガンチェースは、追加のモバイルツールを提供するために、投資銀行のiPadsをを与える

    • UAE to Suspend Blackberry Service
      Research In Motion was hit with its first major ban on Sunday after the United Arab Emirates, citing security risks, said Blackberry services would be barred in October. Research In Motionはアラブ首長国連邦の後日曜日に、その最初の主要な禁止と、セキュリティ上のリスクを理由にヒットした、ブラックベリーのサービスが10月に禁止されると述べた

    • 6月のごはんの時間。
      beline( il vino dei poeti prosecco brut/ bottega alexander+白桃) 「詩人のワイン=il vino dei poeti」という名前が付いているボッテガのプロセッコ

    • Govt to BlackBerry: Give real-time intercepts and not deferred
      The smart phone maker offered information on a deferred basis after it faced the threat of a shutdown if security agencies could not get access to encyrpted email sent on a Blackberry handset. それはシャットダウンの脅威、セキュリティ機関がencyrptedメールブラックベリーの携帯電話に送信さへのアクセスを得ることができなかった場合に直面したスマートフォンメーカーは、遅延に基づいて情報を提供


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