Death toll in Belarus subway blast reaches 12 Belarusian authorities said Tuesday they have suspects in a subway bombing as the death toll rose to 12, with more than 200 wounded. The opposition, meanwhile, voiced fears that the attack may lead to an increased crackdown on dissent.Belarus'... 死亡者数は負傷者200人以上、12に上昇したとしてベラルーシ当局は、地下鉄爆破事件の容疑者を持っていると発表した
Arrests made after Belarus subway bombing Belarus authorities have arrested several people in connection with the metro bombing in Minsk yesterday that killed 12 people and left more than 200 wounded.The opposition, meanwhile, voiced fears that authoritarian President... ベラルーシ当局は12人が死亡し、200以上のwounded.Theの反対を残しました昨日ミンスクでの地下鉄爆破事件に関連して何人かの人々を逮捕した一方、懸念を表明した独裁大統領が...
US Imposes New Sanctions on Belarus Sanctions are in response to continued incarceration of political prisoners in Belarus 制裁には、ベラルーシの政治犯の継続的な拘禁に対応しています
Belarus jails two more former presidential candidates A Belarusian court sentenced two more former presidential candidates to jail on Thursday. Nikolai Statkevich and Dmitry Uss were sentenced to six and five-and-a- half years in a high-security prison respectively for organizing mass protests during the December presidential elections.
Statkevich and Uss were among seven opposition candidates who were arrested along with about 700 protesters after police dispersed a demonstration that protested fraud in last December's election.
President A ... ベラルーシ裁判所は木曜日に、刑務所に2つの元大統領候補の刑を言い渡した
Freight rail across Eurasia cuts travel time for trading goods between China, Europe A new freight rail has started operating across Eurasia, linking the southwest Chinese economic hub of Chongqing with the Port of Antwerp in Belgium and cutting the travel time for goods traded between China and Europe in half, officials said Tuesday.
The 11,179 kilometers of rail, running through Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, Poland, and Germany, was first used on March 19. Transporting goods from Chongqing to Antwerp on this route takes about 16 days, or half the time required for the goods ... 新しい貨物鉄道は、ベルギーのアントワープ港と重慶、半分に中国とヨーロッパ間の貿易財の旅行時間を切るの南西部中国経済の中心を結ぶユーラシア大陸を越えて運用を開始したと、当局が明らかにした
Belarus to withdraw from oil deal with Iran MINSK, Aug. 17 (Xinhua) -- Belarusian national oil company Belarusneft is withdrawing from the development project involving Iran's Jofeir oilfield over differences with the state-owned National Iranian Oil Company.
The 500-million-U.S.-dollar oil deal has been terminated as Belarusneft was producing 2,800 barrels of oil a day at the field, lower than the promised 3,500 a day.
Belarusneft's Deputy General Director for foreign trade and production, Alexander Sharayev, told local media Wedne ... ミンスク、8月17日(新華社) - ベラルーシ国営石油会社のBelarusneftは、国営イラン国営石油会社との違いは、イランのJofeirの油田を含む開発プロジェクトから撤退される
Kim Jong-il: Tactical genius Moscow and Seoul have long waited for North Korean leader Kim Jong-il's approval of game-changing inter-Korean pipelines - real ones at that - but he waited until now to remind China, and the rest of the world, that the great survivor still has options, including chumming up to the ghastly Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko. - Aidan Foster-Carter (Aug 25, '11) その時に本当のもの - - モスクワとソウルには、長い間韓国のパイプラインのゲームを変えるの北朝鮮の金正日(キムジョンイル)総書記の承認を待っているが、中国を思い出させるために、今まで彼は待って、そして世界の他の偉大な生存者はまだ恐ろしいベラルーシルカシェンコ大統領にまでまき餌をすることを含む、オプションがあります
Ex-Soviet finance ministers agree $3-bn loan for Belarus Ex-Soviet finance ministers on Saturday agreed on a $3 billion (two-billion euro) loan for crisis-hit Belarus, a spokesman for the Russian prime minister said.The loan comes after Belarus on Wednesday asked the International Monetary Fund for a second bailout in two years, seeking up to $8 billion to tame a crisis that has seen the currency sharply devalued and stores emptied by panicked buyers. 土曜日に旧ソ連の財務相は、危機に見舞われたベラルーシ$ 3億ドル(20億ユーロ)の融資に合意した、ロシアの首相said.Theローンのスポークスマンは、2番目の救済のための国際通貨基金を尋ねた日、ベラルーシの後に来る二年間に、通貨を見ている大幅切り下げによって空店舗バイヤーをパニックの危機を飼いならす8000000000ドルまで求める
Russia Shuts the Lights on Neighbor Belarus for Late Electricity Bill Usually if individuals don't pay their electric bills, their power company will cut the power to the home or office until they pay up. But when countries get behind, even debt burdened countries in need of an IMF bailout like the tiny Belarus, the Russian bear 'don't play'. Electric power monopoly Inter RAO (Micex: IRAO) cut power supply to Belarus on Tuesday and Wednesday. Russia's lights-out policy seems to have worked because Belarus said on Wednesday that it would pay the 600 million rouble debt ($21.16 million) immediately. With payment in hand, Inter resumed electric power distribution to Belarus on midnight Wednesday. 個人が自分の電気代を払っていない場合は、最大支払うまでは、通常、それらの電力会社は家庭やオフィスの電源をカットします
Russia's Putin Proposes New Eurasian Union Putin's proposed union would include former Soviet states, Belarus, Kazakhstan and he expects Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan to join プーチン大統領の提案した労働組合は、ベラルーシ、カザフスタンの旧ソ連諸国を含むであろうし、彼はキルギスタンとタジキスタンが参加する予定です
Li Na says tennis career shaped by father's death Chinese tennis star Li Na said the early passing of her father taught her a significant lesson about the value of hard work that has held her in good stead in her playing career.Writing in The Age newspaper, she also said some young professionals aren't reaching their potential because they are being spoilt by over-indulgent mentors.The world number 11 advanced to the quarter-finals of the Australian Open on Sunday, with a straight sets win over 21-year-old Belarusian Victoria Azarenka. 中国テニス界のスター李Naは彼女の父親の早期通過は時代の新聞に彼女の演奏のcareer.Writingの良い代わりに、彼女を開催してハードワークの値についての彼女の重要な教訓を言った、彼女はまた、いくつかの若い専門家ではないと述べた彼らはストレートセットで11日曜日に全豪オープンの準々決勝に進出した。寛大mentors.The世界の番号で甘やかさをされているため、その潜在的に到達する21歳のベラルーシビクトリアアザレンカに勝つ
Libyan embassy in Belarus raises rebel flag MINSK, Aug. 22 (Xinhua) -- The Libyan embassy in Belarus on Monday replaced the Libyan state flag with the flag used by the Libyan rebels.
The crescent and star emblazoned red-black-green flag that became a rallying symbol for the rebels in Libya was raised at the Libyan embassy in the Belarusian capital here.
Officials at the diplomatic mission declined to comment on the move.
The Libyan opposition said Monday that they were now in control of Libyan capital Tripoli, but fighting contin ... ミンスク、8月22日(新華社) - 月曜日にベラルーシのリビア大使館では、リビアの反政府勢力が使用するフラグを指定してリビアの状態フラグを置き換える
Belarus Potash Pits Chinese Against Uralkali China may thwart Russian efforts to control almost half the potash market as Belarussian President Alexander Lukashenko seeks to sell part of fertilizer producer Belaruskali to stave off a deepening economic crisis.
Belarus court jails 600 protesters A Belarus court Tuesday jailed some 600 people for up to 15 days for taking part in protests against the re-election of Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko, Interfax reported. ベラルーシの裁判所は、火曜日ベラルーシ大統領はルカシェンコの再選に対する抗議に参加して交流して15日に約600人を投獄、インタファクス通信は伝えた
Belarus, Russia to cooperate in building nuclear power plant Belarus and Russia have agreed to cooperate in the construction of a Belarusian nuclear power plant, the head of Russia's nuclear agency, Rosatom, said here Tuesday.
Contractors will begin excavation work for the foundation of the nuclear power plant in September 2011 and construction of the first unit will be completed in 2017, Rosatom General Director Sergei Kiriyenko said during a meeting with Belarusian First Vice Premier Vladimir Semashko.
Kiriyenko said the project would cost 6 to 7 ... ベラルーシとロシアはベラルーシの原子力発電所の建設に協力することで合意した、ロシアの原子力庁、ロスアトムの頭は火曜日によると、ここ
Belarus police raid opposition homes, offices: NGO Belarussian police launched sweeping raids on opposition homes and offices as part of its crackdown on protests following Alexander Lukashenko's reelection, rights groups said.Police raided the offices of a number of opposition leaders and seized computer equipment, rights group Vesna 96 said.Belarussian authorities detained more than 600 protestors for 15 days following the unrest on December 19, and 20 people including five opposition leaders face up to 15 years in prison. ベラルーシ警察はルカシェンコ大統領の再選を、次の抗議行動上の取り締まりの一環として、野党家庭やオフィスの抜本的な侵略を開始し、人権団体、野党指導者の数のオフィスや押収されたコンピュータ機器を家宅捜索said.Police、人権団体ヴェスナ96 said.Belarussian当局が拘束。野党指導者を含む12月19日に暴動次の15日間600人以上のデモ隊は、20人は懲役15年までに直面している
Belarus prepares for controversial election Belarus is due to vote in presidential elections, with the incumbent Alexander Lukashenko is widely expected to win. 現職のルカシェンコが広く勝つために期待されているとベラルーシは、大統領選挙で投票する予定です
Backgrounder: Presidential election in Belarus Ten candidates, including incumbent Belorussian President Alexander Lukashenko, will run in Sundaty's fourth presidential election since the country gained independence.
Some 7.09 million voters have been registered for the polls, which will be watched by 930 international observers.
Belarus, with an area of 207,600 square km, has a population of 9.67 million. It borders Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine.
In July 1994, Belorussians had their first ever president, Lukashenko, ... 国は独立以来現職のベラルーシ大統領はルカシェンコを含む10候補者は、Sundatyの第四の大統領選挙で実行されます
Azarenka breaks Bartoli's tennis winning streak Belarusian Victoria Azarenka has broken Marion Bartoli's eight match winning streak at the WTA Bank of the West Classic with a 3-6, 6-3, 6-3 quarter-final victory. ベラルーシビクトリアアザレンカはマリオンバルトリの8試合をWTAの銀行ウェストクラシックで3-6、6-3、6-3準々決勝の勝利で連勝を壊れている
Belarus in gas-crisis Moscow trip Belarus says it plans to send a delegation to Moscow for emergency talks with Russian gas giant Gazprom after the two failed to resolve a price dispute that has raised the spectre for European gas cuts. ベラルーシは、ロシアの大手ガス会社、ガスプロムとの緊急協議のためモスクワに代表団を送信する2つの後、欧州のガス削減のための幽霊を調達している価。紛争を解決するために失敗した計画だという
Hauswald wins as Neuner closes on biathlon title Germany's Simone Hauswald followed up her sprint victory earlier in the week by winning the pursuit event in the women's biathlon World Cup here on Saturday.Hauswald, who will retire at the end of the month, secured her sixth season victory in the 10km race with a time of 32min 5.5sec and three shooting penalties.The 30-year-old finished 5.4sec ahead of Belarus's Darya Domracheva, with Swede Anna Carin Olofsson-Zidek third, 39.8sec back. ドイツのシモーネHauswald彼女のスプリント勝利は先週初めに、女性のバイアスロンのワールドカップはここをSaturday.Hauswald上では、今月末で退職さを追求するイベントには、10キロのレースでの彼女のシーズン6勝目を獲得しフォロー32分5.5secの時間と3つの撮影penalties.The 30歳5.4sec先のベラルーシのダリヤDomrachevaは、スウェーデン人アンナカリンOlofssonを終えたジーデク、39.8secに戻る3
Merkel 'pours cold water' on Putin's vision of free trade zone German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Thursday talked down the chances of a Russia-EU free trade zone, citing Russian tariffs and Moscow's trade relations with Kazakhstan and Belarus. 木曜日にドイツのアンゲラメルケル首相は、ロシアの関税、カザフスタン、ベラルーシとロシアの貿易関係を理由に、ロシアとEUの自由貿易圏の可能性をダウン話した
Russia sets up amount of goods allowed in tax-exempt Quantity of hard liquor allowed to be brought into Russia in a personal luggage will be limited to five liters effective July 1, the RIA Novosti news agency reported on Thursday.
Currently the volume of alcohol allowed per person is 10 liters.
New restrictions will be introduced with the Customs Union between Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan on July 1.
Russian Federal Customs Service official Valery Reshetnikov meanwhile said one person will be able to import tax-exempt three liters of al ... _NULL_
Chinese, Belarusian entrepreneurs discuss economic cooperation Representatives from over 20 Chinese enterprises held discussions with their Belarusian counterparts here Tuesday on further advancing bilateral economic and trade cooperation.
Located in the central European continent, Belarus has a stable political and social environment and comparatively low labor cost, said Vitaly Romanov, chairman of Belarusian Chamber of Industry and Commerce.
Belarus has provided a series of preferential policies for foreign investors, as well as relevant laws and r ... 20以上の中国企業からの代表、さらに二国間経済貿易協力は、中央ヨーロッパ大陸に位置し、ベラルーシの安定した政治的社会的環境と比較的安価な労働コストが進める上で、ベラルーシの対応はここを火曜日と会談ヴィタリーロマノフ、会長とベラルーシの商工会議所のベラルーシ外国人投資家への優遇政策のシリーズだけでなく、関連する法令、rは提供しています...
$1b loan to Belarus China will loan Belarus favorable credits of $1 billion, which will be used for projects the nations have agreed upon, Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping said Wednesday during his visit to this country.
&$&$Source: Global Times &$&$ ... 10億ドル、これは国の合意しているプロジェクトのために使用される、中国が融資ベラルーシ有利なクレジット、中国語副社長習近平。水曜日、この国を訪問した
Gazprom does not pay for gas transit, says Belarus Belarusian state gas company Beltransgaz said its Russian counterpart Gazprom has not paid for gas transit to Europe via Belarus as of 11 a.m. Moscow time (0700 GMT) Thursday, Russian news agencies reported.
However, according to Gazprom spokesman Sergei Kupriyanov, Russian energy giant has paid 1.45 U.S. dollars per 1,000 cubic meters of gas transported for 100 km, or in total 228 million dollars.
Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller earlier told President Dmitry Medvedev that Belarus has fully clea ... ベラルーシ状態ガス会社Beltransgazが報告として午前11時のニュース、ロシアは、GMT(0700時間をモスクワ2009)ベラルーシ経由で欧州へとそのロシアのガスプロムはいるが支払わガス輸送機関があり、エネルギー準拠する必要ガスプロム広報セルゲイKupriyanov、ロシアの巨大なミラーガスプロムのCEOアレクセイ
Kyrgyz interim gov't mulls request for Bakiyev's extradition Kyrgyzstan's interim government said on Monday it was considering making a request for the extradition of ousted President Kurmanbek Bakiyev from Belarus to face trial back home.
Bakiyev fled Kyrgyzstan following the bloody unrest on April 7, first to Kazakhstan and then to Belarus. Interim government officials said a request for his extradition was possible if it was found that he should be held accountable for crimes such as sanctioning the use of gunfire on protesters and economic crimes.
... キルギスの暫定政府は家庭によると月曜日に戻る裁判を受けるベラルーシからクルマンベクバキエフ大統領身柄引き渡しの失脚のための要求を行って検討し、それがあった
Bakiyev charged with organizing mass killing, says interim gov't official Kyrgyzstan ousted president Kurmanbek Bakiyev has been charged with organizing mass killing, said a leader of the interim government.
Meanwhile, the interim government said on Monday it was considering making a request for the extradition of Bakiyev from Belarus to face trial back home.
Bakiyev fled Kyrgyzstan following the bloody unrest on April 7, first to Kazakhstan and then to Belarus. Interim government officials said a request for his extradition was possible if it was found that he ... キルギスは、失脚した大統領クルマンベク質量組織で起訴されバキエフがいるの殺害をした暫定政府指導者の一方、暫定政府は逃げによると月曜日バキエフ
Bakiyev denies involvement in unrest in S Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan's former president Kurmanbek Bakiyev denied on Sunday his alleged involvement in the unrest in southern Kyrgyzstan, the Interfax news agency reported.
The ousted leader, who is now in Belarussian capital of Minsk, said the bloodshed must be stopped.
&$&$Source: Xinhua&$&$ ... キルギスの元大統領クルマンベクバキエフが報告さで拒否されたインタファクス通信報道機関キルギス南部疑惑関与を不安の日曜日
Russia, Belarus end oil dispute Russia and Belarus on Wednesday signed a new deal on Russian oil deliveries to Belarus, Deputy Prime Minister Igor Sechin said, ending a month-long dispute between the two countries. ロシアとベラルーシの水曜日に、ロシアの石油出荷、ベラルーシへの新たな契約に署名、副首相イーゴリセーチン、1ヶ月終わると語るのは、両国間の長い紛争
Serena moves on but gutsy Li sends Venus crashing Defending champion Serena Williams advanced to the Australian Open semi-finals by coming from a set down to beat Belarussian seventh seed Victoria A... セリーナウィリアムズ守ることは、全豪オープン準決勝にセットダウンからベラルーシの第7シードのビクトリア1つの
Oil Feud Reflects Growing Rift Between Russia and Belarus, Once Close Allies The quarrel, over an oil subsidy that has helped prop up Belarus’s leader, appears to be an attempt by Russia’s prime minister, Vladimir V. Putin, to settle a political score. は、ベラルーシの指導者を支える助けている原油価格補助金で、ロシアの首相は、プーチンによってしようとすると政治的なスコアを解決することが表示されますけんか
Oil prices kick off 2010 with a bang Oil began 2010 with a bang on Monday, jumping above 81 dollars on expectations of higher energy demand in the northern hemisphere winter and after Russia cut supplies to Belarus, traders said. オイル月曜日にバタンと、81ドル以上は、北半球の冬より高いエネルギー需要への期待496497、2010年開始後、ロシアベラルーシへの供給を削減、トレーダーらによる
Forever Changed, A Belarus Shtetl 70 Years After the Nazis Nazi forces rampaged through northern Belarus in 1941, rounding up entire villages and marching Jewish residents to their deaths 1941年に北部のベラルーシ経由rampagedナチスの軍隊が、彼らの死に全体の村と行進してユダヤ人の住民まで丸め
Belarus Asks IMF for Rescue Loan of Up to $8 Billion Belarus last received IMF loan of $3.5 billion for 2009 and 2010; country's economic situation has worsened since then ベラルーシは、最後の2009年と2010年の35億ドルのIMFの融資を受け、国の経済状況はそれ以来、悪化している
Belarus opposition leader's wife gets suspended jail term A court in Belarus yesterday handed down a two-year suspended jail sentence to Irina Khalip, a journalist and the wife of opposition presidential candidate Andrei Sannikov, who was jailed for five years a day earlier.Both court... ベラルーシでの裁判所は、昨日はIrina Khalip、ジャーナリスト、五年日earlier.Both裁判所に投獄された野党の大統領候補はAndrei Sannikovの妻に猶予2年の実刑判決を言い渡した...
Belarus Goes Bankrupt Without Any Savior in Sight Belarus and Greece are both broke, but while everyone wants to help Greece, no one wants to help Belarus ベラルーシ、ギリシャは、両方が壊れたものなので、みんなは、ギリシャを助けるために望んでいるが、誰もベラルーシを支援したい
Belarus jails opposition leader for 5 years Belarus jailed opposition leader Andrei Sannikov for five years on charges of organising protests after the disputed re-election of authoritarian President Alexander Lukashenko. ベラルーシは独裁的な大統領ルカシェンコの紛争の再選後、抗議行動を組織の罪で五年間の野党指導者はAnd。。u200b。。u200brei Sannikovを投獄
McDonald's linked to crackdown in Belarus McDonald's has been accused of turning a blind eye to gross human rights violations in Belarus after evidence from the global fast-food chain was used by prosecutors in the trials of pro-democracy activists.Scores of anti-government... マクドナルドは、グローバルファストフードチェーンが反政府の民主化activists.Scoresの試験では検察で使用されていたからの証拠後、ベラルーシでの重大な人権侵害に目をつぶって非難されている...
Regime begins show trial for leader's rival The trial of one of Belarus's leading opposition politicians began yesterday in Minsk.Andrei Sannikov, who stood against the authoritarian President Alexander Lukashenko in elections in December, is accused of organising riots... ベラルーシの野党政治家のいずれかの試験では暴動を組織の被告人は12月の選挙で独裁的な大統領ルカシェンコに立ち向かったMinsk.Andrei Sannikov、で昨日始まった...
Bomb blast in Belarus kills 11 A blast tore through a packed metro station in Belarus this morning, killing 11 commuters and wounding over 150 in a suspected act of terror.The explosion left clouds of suffocating smoke inside Minsk's busiest metro station,... 爆発は11通勤が死亡、150人以上の負傷terror.The爆発の疑いのある行為で、ミンスクの忙しい地下鉄駅内。。u200b。。u200bに煙を窒息の雲を去り、今朝はベラルーシに詰めの地下鉄駅引き裂いた...
Iran, Belarus to promote economic ties The head of the Iran Trade Development Organization said Sunday Iran and Belarus will set up joint chamber of commerce to promote their economic ties, the official IRNA news agency reported.
In a meeting with the Belarusian Ambassador in Tehran Victor Ribak, Hamid Safdel said the establishment of the Iran-Belarus joint chamber of commerce will promote economic cooperation between the two countries, according to the report.
The commercial ties between the two nations is promising, Safdel wa ... イラン貿易開発機構の長は、日曜日、イラン、ベラルーシは、経済関係を促進するための商取引の共同室を設置するという、公式の国営通信の新華社が報じた
Belarus: Europe's last dictator mocks group's bid to prosecute him Alexander Lukashenko, the President of Belarus, has hit out at plans by a group of British lawyers to sue him over his regime's ongoing crackdown on pro-democracy campaigners.The 56-year-old leader, described as Europe's last... ルカシェンコは、ベラルーシの大統領は、ヨーロッパの最後として記。民主campaigners.The 56歳の指導者を政権の継続的な弾圧の上、彼を訴えると、英国の弁護士のグループによって計画で行わヒットしている...
Belarus to expand privatization in 2011 Belarusian Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Rumas said Wednesday that the government will greatly speed up privatization in 2011.
Government officials do not know how to efficiently manage state-owned enterprises and heavy government intervention is a major deterrent in attracting foreign investments, Rumas told parliament.
Attracting more foreign direct investment remain the most difficult task for 2011, he said.
Rumas said the government is going to pool public-owned capital, noting that ... ベラルーシ副首相セルゲイRumasは、政府が大きく、2011年に民営化をスピードアップすることを発表した
Belarus set to give maverick president fourth term Belarus votes in presidential polls expected to hand a fourth term to its unpredictable strongman Alexander Lukashenko but already derided by the opposition as a mockery of democracy.The mercurial Lukashenko, who has ruled the ex-Soviet state of 10 million since 1994, was for years an unwavering ally of Moscow but in recent months has infuriated Russia by seeking to align Belarus closer to the EU. しかし、その予測の有力ルカシェンコ4番目の項を手に、すでに1994年から1000万元ソ連国家を支配しているdemocracy.The水銀ルカシェンコの嘲笑として野党と揶。予想大統領の世論調査でベラルーシの投票数は、年間だったモスクワのが、ここ数カ月の間に揺るぎない同盟国に近いEUとベラルーシを配置しようとして、ロシアを激怒させている