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    ビジネス 経済 関連語 太陽光発電 地熱発電 自然エネルギー 発電機
    • 7月7日(土)のつぶやき その1
      09:34 from twitter for iphone (re: @biruwa ) @biruwa おはようございます

    • New economic zone approved to further open China's western region (3)
      During the past few years, China's industries in the coastal areas have been shifting inland, driven by the rising labor cost on the coast and the country's strategy to open its interior. Yang Qingyu said that the construction of the new economic zone would benefit 83 important projects in Chongqing Municipality, including wind power, railway, Changan automobile, and Foxconn chip projects. A total of 160 Fortune 500 enterprises have set up branches in Sichuan Province. The Chengdu Hi-Tech ... 過去数年の間に、沿岸地域における中国の産業は海岸とその内部を開くために国の戦略の上にそびえる人件費に牽引され、内陸部にシフトされている

    • China's power giant to invest 20 bln yuan in energy projects
      China Guodian Corp. is planning to invest 20 billion yuan (3 billion U.S. dollars) in the development of energy programs in southwest China's Chongqing Municipality over the next five years, the company said in a statement Sunday. According to an agreement between China Guodian Corp. and the Chongqing municipal government, the company will fund a variety of energy projects, including thermal power stations, wind power stations, natural gas power stations and biomass power stations in Chongqin ... 中国の郭店社は、今後5年間で、中国南西部の重慶市のエネルギープログラムの開発に20億元(3億ドル)の投資を計画している会社は日曜日声明で述べている

    • China WindPower proposes issue of RMB bonds
      China WindPower Group Limited, an investment holding company mainly engaged in wind power business and industry, said on Tuesday that it has proposed to conduct an international offering of RMB-denominated guaranteed bonds, targeting certain qualified institutional investors in Asia and Europe. The net proceeds of the mulled bond issue should be used for general corporate purposes, funding its working capital and additional wind farm investment and development, said the company, with investme ... 中国風力グループリミテッドは、主に風力発電事業や産業に従事する投資持株会社は、アジアと欧州の特定の適格機関投資家を対象とした人民元建ての保証債の国際的な提供を行うことを提案していることを明らかにした

    • Financial Innovation is Blowin' in the Wind
      Owning a wind farm is about to become a lot less risky. 風力発電所を所有しているの多くは、よりリスクの少ないになることです

    • China to spend 5 trillion yuan on new energy in next decade
      An estimated 5 trillion yuan will flood into China's new energy industry, including the nuclear energy, in the next 10 years, according to a report by Economic Information, a newspaper under the national Xinhua news agency on Wednesday. A text of the roadmap for the new energy sector has been submitted to the State Council after being approved by the National Development and Reform Commission, according to the report. The strategy will be focused on seven areas, including wind power, sol ... 推定5000000000000元は、経済情報、水曜日に全国新華社通信の下に新聞報道によると、今後10年間で、原子力エネルギーを含む、中国の新エネルギー産業にあふれさせるでしょう

    • With policy support, China's wind industry growing exponentially
      China's wind power output rose more than 60 percent to 18.8 billion kilowatt-hours in the first quarter of 2011, growing 30 percent to 50 percent faster than the output of thermal power, hydropower and nuclear power in the same period, according to information from the National Energy Administration. Shi Lishan, director of the New and Renewable Energy Department of the National Energy Administration, said that the significant increase in the wind power output in the first quarter exemplifie ... 中国の風力発電の出力からの情報によると、50パーセントの火力発電、水力発電、同期間における原子力発電の出力よりも高速に30%成長し、2011年の第1四半期に18800000000キロワット時間する60以上%増国立エネルギー管理

    • Danish stock market jittery after Japan nuclear crisis
      Fears of nuclear catastrophe emerging from Japan's crippled Fukushima Daiichi reactor has negatively impacted shares on the NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen C20 index. The C20 was down 3.5 percent around 11 a.m. Tuesday, reports Danish financial daily Borsen.dk. In fact, shares of all companies listed on the Copenhagen C20 index had fallen by noon. C20-listed Vestas Wind Systems, a major Danish wind-energy company, had initially defied stock market trends by rising in the aftermath of the massive ... 日本の肢体不自由福島第一原子炉から出てきた核の大惨事への懸念は、負のナスダックOMXのコペンハーゲンC20のインデックス上の共有に影響を及ぼしている

    • Will Japan Move Away from Nuclear, Toward Renewable Energy?
      Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan said today that plans to build new nuclear power plants should be scrapped and the nation should design a completely new energy future. Such a plan will likely include a new emphasis on renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, and a commitment to enhancing energy efficiency, he stated. 日本の総理大臣菅直人は、新たな原子力発電所は、廃止すべき国は完全に新しいエネルギーの未来を設計する必要があります構築する計画だと発表した

    • Japan's nuclear crisis lends weight to wind power
      The New Zealand wind power industry sees a spinoff from the disaster in Japan which has cast doubt about nuclear power and raised questions about all potentially harmful generation.Workers are still struggling to regain control... ニュージーランドの風力発電業界は、原子力発電について疑問を投げかけており、問題提起を、すべての潜在的に有害なgeneration.Workersについてもコントロールを取り戻すために苦労している日本の災害からのスピンオフを見て...

    • China aims for greener economy over next 5 yrs: former energy head (2)
      As China's economy has greatly expanded over the past three decades, so too has its consumption of energy which mainly comes from coal. Zhang said coal accounts for around 70 percent of China's energy mix, 30 percentage points higher than the world's average. To have a greener economy, China should trim its dependency on coal and promote greater use of cleaner fuels, he said, referring to nuclear power and wind, solar and biomass energy. By the end of 2010, China's installed wind power cap ... 中国の経済は大幅に過去30年間に拡大しているように、これも主に石炭から来るエネルギーの消費をしています

    • Wind farm of 49.5 MW connected to grid in north China's Tianjin
      The largest wind farm project in north China's Tianjin Municipality was connected to grid on Tuesday, supplying power enough for 247,500 households a year. The Shajingzi Wind Farm, with 49.5 megawatts of generating capacity in its first phase, could generate 10 million kilowatt-hours of electricity a year, equivalent to the use of 30,000 tonnes of coal, said Liu Mingzhi, head of the development and planning department of the Tianjin Power Co.. He said the entire project was scheduled to be ... 北中国の天津市で最大規模の風力発電プロジェクトは247500世帯年に十分な電力を供給する、火曜日のグリッドに接続されています

    • China Datang joins Australian wind farm development venture
      China Datang Corporation Renewable Power Co. Ltd. will join efforts to establish a joint venture for developing wind farms and other renewable energy resources in Australia, said Datang in a statement published on its website Wednesday. This joint venture -- AusChina Energy Group -- will be founded by Datang Renewable in cooperation with CBD Energy Limited, an Australian-based company, and Baoding Tianwei Baobian Electric Co., Ltd, a company based in north China's Hebei province, according to ... 中国大唐株式会社再生可能エネルギー有限公司は、オーストラリアの風力発電所やその他の再生可能エネルギー資源を開発するための合弁会社を設立するための努力に参加する、同社のウェブサイト水曜日に発表される声明で唐と述べた

    • Power of wind
      SPANISH wind turbine maker Gamesa yesterday said it will develop wind farm projects with a total capacity of 600 megawatts in China with local partners. Foreign wind equipment makers, who have lost contracts in China to local manufacturers rapidly in recent years, are forming partnerships with Chinese power firms in order to maintain market share. The wind farms will be built in Jilin Province and the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in partnership with Guangdong Nuclear Wind Power and Chi ... スペインの風力タービンメーカーGamesa社は昨日、現地パートナーとの中国の600メガワットの合計容量を持つ風力発電プロジェクトを開発すると発表した

    • China builds eight 10-million-kilowatt wind power bases
      China is accelerating wind power construction and is currently building eight 10-million-kilowatt wind power bases in seven provinces, said Shi Pengfei, vice president of the Chinese Wind Energy Association (CWEA). These eight bases are located in regions with rich wind energy resources, including Jiuquan in Gansu Province, Hami in Xinjiang, Hebei Province, Jilin Province, eastern Inner Mongolia, western Inner Mongolia as well as Jiangsu and Shandong provinces. Shi noted that the planning ... 中国は、風力発電の建設を加速している現在、七州の8の10万キロワットの風力発電基地を建設され、。。飛、中国風力エネルギー協会(CWEA)の副社長は語った

    • China WindPower secures ADB funding
      China WindPower Group, a Hong Kong-listed wind farms developer on the mainland, has been granted US$120 million in credit facilities from the Asian Development Bank. 中国風力グループは、中国本土、香港上場の風力発電の開発、アジア開発銀行からドル120000000信用供与に付与されている

    • Welsh wind farm planned for famous battle site
      Activists have condemned plans for a wind farm on the site of a famous battle.The Cambrian Mountains Society said the site of Owain Glyndwr's first victory against the English should be a national monument, Walesonline reported.Plans... 活動家は、有名なbattle.Theカンブリア山地協会のサイトで風力発電所の計画を非難していると、英語に対するOwainグリンデュア初勝利のサイトは国の記念碑、Walesonline reported.Plansとすべきだと述べた...

    • GE Guts Offshore Wind-Power Plans
      General Electric, the U.S.-based industrial giant and leading manufacturer of wind-power turbines, is scaling back efforts to expand its presence in the offshore wind power market. ゼネラルエレクトリック、米国に本拠を置く産業の巨大なと風力発電タービンの主要メーカーは、オフショア風力発電市場でのプレゼンスを拡大する努力を縮小しています

    • Japan Jumps into Offshore Wind Power
      The Japanese trading house, Marubeni Corp., is buying a 49.9% interest in the offshore U.K. wind-power project Gunfleet Sands. 日本の商社、丸紅株式会社は、オフショア英国風力発電プロジェクトGunfleetサンズの49.9%の持分を購入している

    • New breakthrough made in energy storage battery research
      According to the Dalian Physics and Chemical Research Institution of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, its self-developed energy storage battery has been in failure-free operation for 1,400 days and successfully completed a 10,000 charge-discharge circulation in the test evaluation period. Currently the evaluation system is still in operation. Experts say that the successful development of the energy storage battery will play a crucial role in popularizing wind energy and solar power and achi ... 中国科学院の大連物理化学研究機関によると、自社開発のエネルギー貯蔵バッテリーは、1400日間の故障のない操作されているが正常にテスト評価期間中10000充放。循環を完了した

    • China's first 6-megawatt wind turbine made public
      China's first six-megawatt wind turbine unit made its commercial debut in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province. Sinovel Wind Group Co., Ltd., maker of the turbine, said the unit was indigenously developed and has the largest single-machine capacity in China at the current time. Public files provided by an independent authority show this is the first 6-megawatt wind turbine in the world that has been put into commercial use. Sinovel's new wind turbine unit has wide applications in generating power on th ... 中国の最初の6メガワットの風力発電ユニットは城、江蘇省の商業デビューを果たした

    • Google Invests $55 Million In California Wind Farm
      Google on Tuesday said it’s putting another $55 million into wind energy, this time as an investment in a gargantuan wind farm under construction in Southern California. 火曜日にGoogleは、別の5,500万ドル、風力エネルギー、南カリフォルニアに建設中の巨大な風力発電への投資として、この時間に入れていると述べた

    • China fine-tunes wind turbine industry with new guidelines
      China's wind turbine manufacturing industry will undergo significant changes in the wake of new industrial restructuring guidelines which will come into effect on June 1. China's wind power industry, which has developed by leaps and bounds over the past five years, will have to follow a new series of guidelines and restrictions, according to the 2011 edition of the Guideline Catalogue for Industrial Restructuring, a set of policy guidelines recently released by the National Development and Re ... 中国の風力タービン製造業は6月1日に施行される新たな産業構造改革の指針をきっかけに大幅な変更を受けることになる

    • Transmission Bottlenecks Bad News for Renewable Energy
      In 2007, nearly one-third of all the wind turbines in China were deliberately idled because a saturated power grid lacked spare capacity to carry any electricity the remote wind farms would have produced to consumer markets. While China has largely resolved this issue by expanding the transmission system's capacity, it is not yet out of the woods entirely and still imposes rolling wind outages to avoid overwhelming the grid. 飽和電力グリッドは、リモート風力発電は、コンシューマ市場に生産であろうすべての電気を運ぶために余力がなかったため2007年には、ほぼ一つの中国内のすべての風力タービンの3分の1は意図的にアイドル状態にした

    • Wind Power's Worst Enemy: Noise
      In 2007, the roughly 1,000 year-round residents of Vinalhaven, a long and narrow island located about 15 miles off the coast of central Maine in the Penobscot Bay, decided that building a wind farm on the island was the only way they would survive endlessly elevated electricity prices. 2007年には、バイナルヘイブン、ペノブスコット湾の中央メインの海岸から15マイルほどにある細長い島の約1000年中の住民は、島の建物の風力発電所は、延々と存続する唯一の方法であると判断上。電気料金。。u200b。。u200b

    • Goldwind integrates China's first high-altitude wind turbine into power grid
      Xinjiang Goldwind Science and Technology Company, China's leading wind turbine manufacturer, has integrated the country's first 1.5-megawatt direct-drive permanent magnetic wind turbine for high-altitude areas into the country's power grid, the company said Thursday in Beijing. This wind turbine has been installed on a pilot wind farm for high-altitude facilities on Xitie Mountain, located in northwest China's Qinghai Province. The pilot wind farm was constructed by the China Three Gorges ... 新疆Goldwind科学技術会社は、中国有数の風力タービンメーカー、同国の電力グリッドに高高度地域のための国の最初の1.5メガワットの直接駆動永久磁石の風力タービンを統合して、同社は北京での木曜日に言った

    • Grid Operators Drop Plan for Rolling Wind-Farm Outages
      Escalating tensions over a proposal to impose rolling outages on wind-power farms in Oregon and Washington State to prevent the electric grid from overheating has convinced the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), which is responsible for operating the power grid in the Pacific Northwest, to pull the plug on the plan. 提案以上のエスカレーションの緊張は、太平洋岸北西部の電力グリッドを動作させるための責任があるボンネビル電力局(BPA)は、確信している過熱から送電網を防ぐために、オレゴン州とワシントン州の風力発電ファーム上を転動停止を課す計画にプラグを抜きます

    • Google Continues Clean Energy Spending Spree
      Right on the heels of announcing a $168 million investment in the Ivanpah solar tower facility, Google announced today that it is investing $100 million more in Shepherds Flat Wind Farm, a wind farm located outside of Arlington, Oregon. The wind farm, which is scheduled for completion in 2012, is expected to be the largest in the world. 右イヴァンパー太陽の。施設の168000000ドルの投資を発表したのに続き、Googleはシェファーズフラットウィンドファーム、アーリントン、オレゴン州の外にある風力発電所で1億ドル以上投資していることを本日発表しました

    • China grids to connect 90 mln kilowatts of wind power by 2015
      China's electrical grids will connect 90 million kilowatts of wind power capacity by 2015, said China's largest power grid company on Friday. The figure will rise to 150 million kilowatts by 2020, said the State Grid Corporation of China (SGCC) in a white paper on wind power development. This is the first white paper issued by a company on wind power development in China. The market for wind power consumption is found primarily in northern China, eastern China and central China, while w ... 中国の電気グリッドは、2015年までに風力発電容量の90万kW接続し、金曜日に、中国最大の電力グリッド同社は述べている

    • Duke Energy Bets Big on Better Batteries
      Duke Energy, an electric utility based in Charlotte, North Carolina, has invested $22 million to install an enormous energy-storage system at a 153 megawatt wind farm in west Texas. The 36-MW storage system, which has also received more than $20 million in federal stimulus funds, will be one of the largest energy storage systems in the world when it goes online next year.  But size is not what distinguishes this potentially game-changing project from the rest of the pack. デュークエナジー社は、ノースカロライナ州シャーロットに基づいて電気事業者、西テキサス州の153メガワットの風力発電では膨大なエネルギーストレージシステムをインストールするには2200万ドル投資している

    • Grid Problems Force Rolling Wind-Farm Outages in Pacific Northwest
      The seemingly endless expansion of wind power production in the United States has pushed large parts of the nation's electric grid to the limits of its abilities. Now, in the Pacific Northwest, the power grid is pushing back as grid limitations could force Pacific Northwest wind power producers to [...] 米国では風力発電の生産果てしなく拡大は、その能力の限界に国の送電網の大部分をプッシュしています

    • China's largest wind farm developer places order with Vestas for purchasing new turbines
      The world's largest wind turbine maker, Vestas, said it had signed its first order in 2011 with Longyuan, China's largest wind farm developer, for selling the latter 24 new turbines, with a combined installed capacity of 48 megawatts (MW). The 24 units, all of which are of the V80-2.0MW wind turbine type, will be installed in Zhongmen, Putian City of east China's Fujian Province, said the Danish wind turbine maker in a press release reaching Xinhua at the weekend. The price tag of the cont ... 世界最大の風力タービンメーカーは、ヴェスタスは、48メガワット(MW)の総容量と、後者は、新たに24個のタービンを販売するためのLongyuan、中国最大の風力発電所の開発者と2011年に最初の順序を結んでいたと述べた

    • Shanghai Electric wins 125 units of 2MW wind turbine deal from India
      Shanghai Electric had signed an agreement with KSK Energy of India to export 125 units of 2MW wind turbines to India, an executive of the Shanghai-based company, who declined to be named, said Sunday. This indicates that Shanghai Electric is marching into the world wind power market on a large scale, the executive said. So far, Shanghai Electric, one of China's largest equipment manufacturers, had exported five MW-level wind turbines, with three to Britain and two to Thailand. Shanghai ... 上海電気は、名前を付けることを拒否したインド、上海ベースの会社の幹部に2MWの風力タービンの125台を輸出するインドのKSKエネルギーと契約を結んでいた日曜日に言いました

    • U.S. Puts Weight Behind Favored Wind Power Projects
      The wind-power projects planned to be sited on federal lands that were deemed worthy of extra support from the U.S. government this year are located in California and Oregon.  The five wind-power projects—three in California and two in Oregon—total about 1,024 MW of potential output. 計画風力発電プロジェクトは、米国政府は、今年は、カリフォルニア州とオレゴン州に位置していますから余分な支援に値すると判断された連邦政府の土地上に配置する

    • Inner Mongolia's installed wind power ranks first in China
      The installed capacity of the grid-connected wind power in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region reached 10.9 million kilowatts by February 2011, making it China's first region to possess 10 million kilowatts of grid-connected installed wind power. Inner Mongolia is also far ahead of other regions, provinces and cities in indicators such as the dissolved and absorbed proportion of the power grid. Zhang Fusheng, general manager of the Inner Mongolia Electric Power (Group) Company, said that by t ... 内蒙古自治区のグリッドに接続された風力発電の設備容量は、グリッド接続インストールされている風力発電の10000000キロワットを保有する中国の最初の領域おり、2011年2月に10900000キロワットに達している

    • Wind power hits a northern snag for Datang
      China Datang Corporation Renewable Power is one of the largest wind-power producers in Inner Mongolia, but it has hit a snag: there isn't enough infrastructure in the grid to transport all its power to market. Now the firm is coping by redirecting its investments to other parts of the mainland and selling as much heat and power locally as possible. 中国大唐株式会社再生可能エネルギーは、内蒙古自治区で最大の風力発電のプロデューサーの一人ですが、暗礁に乗り上げるている:十分なインフラストラクチャは、市場にすべての電力を輸送するためにグリッドにはありません

    • Green Column: A Solar and Wind Revolution From a Land of Oil
      Political instability looms as a major concern in ambitious plans to supply the European Union with electricity generated by solar and wind power from North Africa and the Middle East. 政治的な不安定性は、北アフリカや中東からの太陽光発電や風力発電によって生成された電気で、欧州連合を供給する野心的な計画の主要な関心事として高まっている

    • China world's No.1 in installed wind power capacity
      China overtook the US to win the title of largest installed wind turbine capacity in 2010 globally, though failed to meet the set quota of renewable energy in its energy portfolio. Last year, the nation increased its total wind power capacity to 41.8 gigawatts, up 16 gigawatts or 62 percent from the previous year, according to the data released Wednesday by the Chinese Renewable Energy Industries Association. Favorable policies from the government have almost doubled the country's ... 中国はかかわらず、そのエネルギーのポートフォリオにおける再生可能エネルギーのセットクォータを満たすために失敗し、世界的に2010年には最大のインストール風力発電容量のタイトルを獲得するために米国を追い抜いた

    • Sinovel slumps 10pc on overpricing concerns
      Sinovel, China's largest wind power turbine maker, saw its share price slump nearly 10 per cent on its first day of trading in Shanghai on concern it is too expensive. Sinovelは、中国最大の風力発電タービンメーカー、懸念に上海での取引の最初の日は高すぎるのパーセント約10当たりの株価の低迷を見た

    • Shipbuilder to deal with Rilin Group
      Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering, the world's second largest shipbuilder, said Sunday that it signed a cooperation agreement with China's Rilin Group on the vessel repair and wind power sector. Daewoo said in a statement that it agreed to tie up with the Chinese ports developer, based in the northeast Chinese border city Dandong, to diversify its China business. &$&$Source: Global Times &$&$ ... 大宇造船海洋は、世界で二番目に大きい造船は、船の修理や風力発電セクターに中国のRilinグループとの協力協定を結んだことを固めた

    • China’s Push Into Wind Worries U.S. Industry
      Proponents say China should be welcomed to the American wind industry, but others see a threat. 支持者は、中国がアメリカの風力発電産業に歓迎すべきことだが、他の脅威を参照してください

    • US too reliant on China's rare earths
      The United States is too reliant on China for minerals crucial to clean energy technologies, making the American economy vulnerable to shortages of materials needed for a range of green products - from compact fluorescent light bulbs to electric cars to giant wind turbines. コンパクト蛍光灯からの巨大な風力発電、電気自動車へ - 米国は、アメリカ経済はグリーン製品の範囲に必要な材料の不足に弱いことも、中国の鉱物エネルギー技術をきれいにすることが重要に依存しています

    • China hydropower goal
      Asia's largest wind power generator China Longyuan Power Group will beat its earlier forecast of 1.77 billion yuan ($271 million) in net profit for the year, an executive said Friday. Longyuan, which is a unit of China Guodian, aims to achieve 11 gigawatts of installed wind power capacity by 2012, its general manager Xie Changjun said at a conference in Beijing. &$&$Source: Global Times &$&$ ... アジア最大規模の風力発電機、中国Longyuanパワーグループは、当期純利益は1770000000元(271000000ドル)のそれ以前の予測を負かす事になります、幹部は金曜日に言いました

    • Chinese wind power ready for international market
      The China National Energy Administration, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and U.S. Department of Commerce jointly held the U.S.-China Renewable Energy Forum on Dec. 6 in Beijing, with the theme of investment in wind power. In recent years, renewable energy development has been booming in the world, and wind power development is especially rapid. Wind power has gained an important role in the construction of energy infrastructure. Wind power has been one of the key areas in the Sino-U. ... 国家エネルギー管理は、米国エネルギー省(DOEの学科)と米国農務商工中国の共同パワーテーマの投資の風で、北京12月6日にフォーラムを再生可能エネルギー中国と米国と開催しました

    • China Datang unit rejects profit fears
      China Datang Corp Renewable Power, a unit of the nation's second-largest power producer China Datang Group, has rejected concerns that some of its offshore wind power projects will not turn a profit because they were priced too aggressively. 中国大唐。再生可能エネルギーは、国家の第二位の電力生産、中国大唐グループの単位で、彼らはあまりにも積極的に値を付けられたため、その洋上風力発電プロジェクトの一部が利益をオンにしないとの懸念を拒否している

    • Top wind power firms compete for IPO funds
      China's largest wind power firm, Huaneng Renewables Corp, is to tap the Hong Kong stock market through a US$1.45 billion listing in a deal that will cross swords with its arch-rival. 中国最大の風力発電会社は、華能再生可能エネルギー研究所は、そのアーチライバルと剣を交差させる契約で米国からドル1450000000リスト香港株式市場をタップすることです

    • Suzlon to boost China wind turbine output
      Indian wind turbine company Suzlon Energy plans to expand production capacity at its plant in Tianjin by two-thirds and is mulling adding production sites in northern China to be closer to customers' wind farms, according to its new China chief. インドの風力タービン会社Suzlonエネルギーは3分の2天津工場の生産能力拡大を計画している、新しい中国長によると、近い顧客の風力発電所とする中国北部の生産拠点を追加して検討している

    • First stage completed of China's largest wind power project in NW China
      China has completed building the first-stage of Jiuquan wind power base, the country's largest wind power project, in northwest China, local officials said at the ceremony to mark the completion Wednesday. More than 3,500 turbines have been erected with an installed capacity of 5.16 GW, and at present the turbines are generating 1.15 GW of power, said Wang Jianxin, director of Jiuquan Development and Reform Commission. Jiuquan wind power base is located in the desert area near Jiuquan City ... 中国は北西部の風力発電プロジェクト、最大の第一段階の酒泉の風力発電基地、国の構築が完了すると、地元当局は水曜日完了したことを記念式典で述べた


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