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    ニュース 関連語 アプリコット
    • Looking into China's local government debts
      &$&$Li Hong&$&$ China's market, among the worst performers in the world this year, is waiting for another shoe to drop before a substantive rally is possible. As investors have sold off shares of real estate and banks amid Beijing's bids to decelerate frenzied property chase and home profiteering, a new woe is propping up on the horizon -- revelation of cascading debts incurred by local governments. China's law does not enact the provincial-, city- and county-level governments sell ... &$&$李洪コーチは&$&$中国市場は、世界のパフォーマーで最悪の間では今年、ラリー実質的です待っている前にドロップ別の靴に可能です

    • 後継APはAtermだ
      // <![cdata[ wni_blog('blog/forecast:centeredon=54',150,54,false);// ]]></script></div></li>

    • The other Detroit considers scrapping name
      Oregon tourist town to vote on calling itself Detroit Lake to end association with troubled Motor CityDetroit, a tourist town in Marion county, Oregon, believes it is developing a bad image for being associated with its namesake in Michigan.The 300-resident town, in the Cascades foothills, is to vote next week on whether to dump the moniker it shares with the city that is home to the car industry of the US.The ballot proposes altering the name of the town to Detroit Lake. Doug DeGeorge, a builder, told the Detroit News that the town name carried an unsavory image. He expected the measure would pass, but said the residents meant no offence to the Michigan city often associated with crime, corruption, failing schools and a shaky auto industry.Detroit City councilman Gary Brown said Oregon residents were making a big mistake because the Motor City would one day return to its previous glory.United Statesguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds オレゴン州の観光地は、デトロイト湖は、問題を抱えたモーターCityDetroit、マリオン郡、オレゴン州の観光地との関連付けを終了するために自分自身を呼び出すの投票には、Michigan.The 300常。町でその名に関連付けられての悪いイメージを開発していると考えているカスケードの麓、モニカそれデトロイト湖に町の名前を変更することを提案US.The投票の自動車産業の本拠地されている都市と共有ダンプするかどうか、来週投票することです

    • BP to pay $50m fine for safety violations after Texas City explosion
      Watchdog imposes its largest-ever penalty on oil giant for failing to protect workers following refinery disaster in 2005Beleaguered oil giant BP has agreed to pay a record $50.6m (£32.5m) fine for failing to fix hazards at its Texas City oil refinery in the wake of a disastrous explosion that killed 15 people five years ago.The fine imposed by the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is the largest penalty ever issued by the watchdog, although it is dwarfed by the billions that BP is set to pay out for the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.The Texas City disaster was the worst industrial accident in the US for a generation. It happened in March 2005 when workers overfilled a container with volatile chemicals, sparking an explosion that sent a geyser of burning liquid cascading over nearby accommodation trailers. In addition to claiming 15 lives, the resulting chaos at the refinery, about 40 miles southeast of Houston, Texas, left more than 170 people injured.An official investigation into the causes of the Texas City explosion concluded in 2007 that senior BP executives, under the company's former chief executive, Lord Browne, had failed to act on red flags over safety at Texas City. Fatigue was a factor as one of the employees involved had worked 12-hour shifts for 33 consecutive days, and living quarters were positioned too close to safety-critical machinery.After the disaster, BP paid a $21.3m (£13.7m) fine to OSHA – until now the largest payout the agency had imposed. The oil company also undertook a long list of improvements under the supervision of an independent safety auditor. But OSHA said BP had failed to make the improvements quickly enough and had committed hundreds of new violations at the plant since the blast occurred.Last Octobe ウォッチドッグは、石油大手の2005Beleaguered石油大手BPの製油所災害、次の職保。失敗のレコードドルを50.6メートル(£ 32.5メートル)で、そのテキサスシティーの石油精製所で危険をfixに失敗のfine支払うことに合意したと過去最大規模のペナルティを課すそれはBPはお支払いに設定され億で負けているが、15人にago.The罰金米国労働安全衛生局(OSHA)は課せられた5年間を殺した悲惨な爆発を受け、最大のペナルティまでウォッチドッグによって発行されたが、アウト湾岸Mexico.Theテキサスシティーの災害の大規模な油流出の生成のための米国の最悪の産業事故があった


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