- 腸チフスの臨床症状
- Video: Haiti hit by suspected cholera outbreak
Doctors are testing for cholera, typhoid and other illnesses in central Haiti. It's the Caribbean nation's deadliest outbreak of diarrhoea since the January earthquake
- Eric Strach obituary
My father, Eric Strach, who has died aged 96, was a consultant orthopaedic surgeon at St Helens and Whiston hospitals, Merseyside. He specialised in the treatment of children with spina bifida, and designed appliances which improved their quality of life, including the Strach-Edney calliper and a shunt to drain fluid from the head, for those affected by hydrocephalus.Eric was a keen amateur astronomer and built a solar observatory in his garden. His observations and drawings of solar flares and prominences were meticulously executed and published in the journal of the British Astronomical Association.Eric was born into a close-knit Jewish family in Brno, Czechoslovakia, where his father owned an umbrella shop. After graduating in medicine from Prague University in 1938, Eric went on holiday to France. As the situation in Europe deteriorated, his parents dissuaded him from returning. Eric tried desperately to arrange a visa for his older sister, Ilse, and her children. He always thought he could have done more to save them.He arrived in the UK in 1940 with the Czech army and resumed his medical career, becoming the senior house surgeon at Wigan Infirmary. He married Margaret Forshaw in 1945. After the war, he returned to Czechoslovakia to help with the typhus epidemic in the Terezin concentration camp. He and Margaret intended to live in Czechoslovakia but, when Eric discovered that his family had perished in concentration camps, decided to settle in the UK.Until the fall of the iron curtain, Eric did not return. After the establishment of the Czech Republic in 1990, Eric set about having a memorial stone erected in the Jewish cemetery in Slavkov, near Brno, where his grandparents had lived, and renovating the synagogue there. An inaugural ceremony was held on 24 Ma 96歳で死去した父は、エリックStrach、セントヘレンズとウィストン病院、マージーサイドコンサルタント整形外科医だった
- Jordan's associations launch campaign to help flood-hit Pakistan
Jordan's professional associations on Saturday launched a campaign to collect donations to help the flood-hit Pakistan.
In a statement issued on Saturday, Jordan's 14 professional associations urged Jordanians to donate to help the victims and the displaced who were affected by the floods that affected Pakistan lately.
In mid-August, Jordan has dispatched a military plane laden with 25 medical staff, 21,000 vaccines against typhoid and cholera and tons of medical supplies and food assistan ... 専門職協会は、土曜日のヨルダン、パキスタンを開始したヒット洪水に役立つキャンペーンを収集寄付を土曜日に発行ステートメント、ヨルダンの14人のプロ団体がパキスタンに影響を与えた洪水が影響を受ける求めたヨルダンを誰に避難し、被害者に寄付するために最近8月に半ばに、ジョーダンはassistan食品の医薬品とトンが派遣軍コレラおよび平面を積んだ25腸チフスに対する医療スタッフ、21,000ワクチン...
- C'wealth Games medical chief falls sick
The chief medical officer for the beleaguered Delhi Commonwealth Games has fallen sick with suspected typhoid just days before the event kicks off, an official said Friday.In the run-up to the troubled showpiece, which begins Sunday, health fears have mostly centred on a serious outbreak in the capital of dengue fever, a potentially fatal mosquito-borne disease.Typhoid, a food and water-borne illness, is also an ever-present danger in India and athletes have been warned to be very careful about their food and water intake. 悩めるデリーコモンウェルスゲームのためのチーフメディカルオフィサーは、イベントがキックオフほんの数日前に腸チフス疑いにかかってしまって、関係者はFriday.Inアップは日曜日に始まる困った手本に、健康への懸念は、ほとんどを中心とした実行言ったデング熱、潜在的に致命的な蚊が媒介するdisease.Typhoid、食料や水を媒介と病気の首都で深刻な発生は非常に自分の食料や水には注意が必要と警告されているにもインドや選手の常に存在する危険があります摂取量
- Healing work for the scars inside Sudan
MALARIA, malnutrition, AIDS and typhoid are among the many challenges faced by the international humanitarian aid organisation Medecins Sans Frontieres in the jungle of southern Sudan. マラリア、栄養失調、エイズ、腸チフスは、スーダン南部のジャングルの中で国際的な人道援助団体国境なき医師団が直面している多くの課題の一つです