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    ドラマ 関連語 宍道湖 BEIJING 中井貴一
    • Beijing to put $14 billion into Argentina's railways
      BEIJING - Argentina and China signed a deal for Beijing to invest US$10 billion ($14 billion) in the South American nation's railways during a visit by the Argentine President but there was no sign of progress in a dispute over soy... 北京 - アルゼンチン、中国、アルゼンチン大統領が訪問中にも契約を北京はUS $ 10億円(140億ドル投資する)南アメリカの国の鉄道のための署名がある大豆をめぐる紛争の進展の気配はなかった...

    • Video: Indian train crash 'could have been sabotage'
      Railways minister raises possibility that West Bengal rail collision in which 56 died may have been result of deliberate action 鉄道相は、56が死亡したこと西ベンガル州のレールの衝突をする可能性を発生させる意図的なアクションの結果をされている可能性があります

    • Australian PM defends resources tax in Perth
      State Western Australia (WA) will get the lion's share of investment funds from the resources tax to build new roads, railways and ports and boost the state's economy, Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd said on Wednesday. Rudd has flown into Perth, the capital city of WA, to sell his government's controversial Resources Super Profits Tax (RSPT). Rudd told 6PR Radio the tax reforms would strengthen WA's economy by cutting company tax and making tax breaks available for tens of thousands o ... ステート西オーストラリア州は、(ワシントン州)のポートを、新しい道路、鉄道建。税には、獅子が取得リソースの共有を投資ファンドから景気浮揚の状態の、オーストラリアのケビンラッド首相は、パースによると水曜日に飛行していますラッドは、首都ラッドのワシントン)に販売するという政府の議論のリソーススーパー利益税(RSPT oの何千もの言わ6PRラジオを数。減税を利用できるように改革が税だろうと強化ワシントン会社切断して経済の税を...

    • Property model can save mainland railways
      Since late 2008, when the global financial crisis struck, Beijing has embarked on an ambitious stimulus programme of infrastructure construction to counter the downturn. The more than four trillion yuan (HK$4.58 trillion) in spending boosted the mainland's gross domestic product but at the cost of a mountain of debt that continues to pile up, especially over efforts to complete a nationwide high-speed railway network of 13,000 kilometres by 2012. 2008年後半、世界的な金融危機が襲ったので、北京はインフラ建設の野心的な刺激プログラムの低迷に対抗するために着手しています

    • China's railway passenger volume up 12.8% to 16 mln in July
      Chinese railways transported 160 million passengers in July, up 12.8 percent from one year earlier, sending the January-to-July passenger count to 976 million, the Ministry of Railway said Tuesday. Summer holidays and the Shanghai World Expo contributed to the increase of the passenger volume in July, when Kunming, Nanchang, and Urumqi saw an increase in rail passengers of more than 20 percent year on year, the ministry said in an online statement. China has the world's largest hi ... 中国鉄道は増加の160運ば万人の乗客を7月%で、12.8から上海世界と夏の休日エキスポが貢献して1年以前では、送信1月

    • Break up Indian Railways to boost safety | Nash Colundalur
      Widespread corruption and alleged Maoist sabotage are costing lives. It's time the Indian government took radical actionEarly morning last Monday, a train packed with people approached Santhia station in West Bengal, India rammed full speed into another train on the same tracks. 63 people have been reported dead so far with at least another 150 injured. While eyewitnesses have said it overshot a signal, the railway department has not ruled out sabotage. This is the second accident in two months in West Bengal state alone, where the earlier mishap claimed 148 lives, again thought to have happened because of overshooting a signal. The police investigation accused the Maoist rebels of sabotage, but they have denied the charge.Started by the British in 1853 and initially run by independent companies, the railway network was later taken over by the government and grew rapidly, connecting almost all parts of the country, covering 9,000km by 1880. Later the system bequeathed to a newly independent India was maintained as a state-run organisation. Today Indian Railways has grown to employ 1.54 million people and traverses 63,000km, one of the largest in the world. Even with increases in revenue from passenger travel and fright transport, development has been left lagging behind.There has been a decline in the number of accidents over the years. But 2008-09 still saw 177 incidents resulting in several fatalities. There are plans to use devices that would without human intervention stop trains that overshoot signals. Though some tests are being conducted and the railways assert that it has been introduced in some parts of the country, the system remains inadequate and urgently needs to be perfected and applied throughout the network as standard procedure.Given the magnitude of th 広範囲の破損は、疑惑の毛沢東破壊の命を原価計算されます

    • High speed railway on south China island province to link two major cities
      A high speed railway will begin running between the cities of Haikou and Sanya on southern China's island province of Hainan from November 2010. Built at a cost of 20.2 billion yuan (about 3 billion U.S. dollars), the railway skirts along the eastern coast of the island for a length of 308 kilometers. The railway's construction was funded by the Ministry of Railways and the Hainan Provincial Government. There are fifteen stations on the line and five more will be added in time. The ... 高速鉄道は2010年11月からの都市間が開始実行している島の三亜で、中国南部の海口海南省の)ドル億ドルの3内蔵のコストが20.2億人民元(約、鉄道の東海岸に沿ってスカートキロ308の長さの島です

    • World's longest, fastest railway goes online in China
      The Shanghai-Nanjing high-speed railway, the longest and fastest inter-city high-speed railway with the highest standards in the world, started operation at 8 a.m. today. China currently has nearly 7,000 kilometers of high-speed railways. Its high-speed railway has the longest operational mileage, the highest speed and largest scale in the world. The Shanghai-Nanjing high-speed railway covers a distance of 301 kilometers with 21 stations and a top speed of 350 kilometers per hour. It lin ... 上海は中国午前今日

    • Extra 800 billion yuan needed to meet 2012 high-speed rail goals
      An additional investment of over 800 billion yuan is needed to achieve the target of 13,000 kilometers of high-speed railways by 2012, Ministry of Railways Chief Economist Yu Bangli said on July 28. The total operational length of China's high-speed railways is expected to exceed 16,000 kilometers by 2020, he said. In the first half of this year, the investment in railway projects reached 271.4 billion yuan, 33 percent of the entire year's planned investments. To reach the target of 823.5 ... 鉄道2012年速度の追加投資は高キロ13,000目標を達成する必要が億元、800以上の部はバンリの鉄道Chiefエコノミストユ7月28日とします

    • New railways and airports drain coffers
      Beijing has publicly acknowledged the massive debt incurred by huge infrastructure spending, including the rollout of the country's high-speed railway network. 北京は公の国の高速鉄道ネットワークの展開を含む巨額の債務が莫大なインフラ投資によって発生、認めている

    • In Brief
      Bombardier of Canada said yesterday that its Chinese joint venture had won a contract for 40 high-speed train sets from China's Ministry of Railways, worth about US$761 million. Bombardier's share of the contract, which was awarded to Bombardier Sifang (Qingdao) Transportation (BST), is valued at around US$373 million. ボンバルディアは、カナダのように述べ昨日、その中国の合弁会社は中国の鉄道省は、米国の価値761000000ドルから40高速鉄道のセットの契約を獲得した

    • Blast derails cargo train in Russia's Dagestan, no casualties
      A blast in Russia's restive North Caucasian republic of Dagestan on early Sunday derailed 16 cars of a cargo train, with no casualties reported so far. According to the regional law enforcement authorities, the explosion hit the railways beneath the locomotive at around 04:15 a.m. Moscow time (0015 GMT), overturning the Derbent-bound train loaded with grain. An investigation was currently underway. North Caucasus Railways said suburban train traffic was suspended due to the blast, but p ... 日曜日の早朝反抗的な北コーカサスのダゲスタン共和国のロシアでの爆発はこれまで報告さそう死傷者とは脱線の16台を列車貨物

    • Bank report: Ministry of Railways may focus on financing reform
      In 2009, China's railway sector paid credit interest of over 40 billion yuan (around 6 billion U.S. dollars). The figure may exceed 100 billion yuan in the future, according to a report released by China Minsheng Bank. The Ministry of Railways' high asset-liability ratio has made the reform of its financing mechanism the focus of the whole transportation industry's financing reform, said Han Feng, an executive from the bank who contributed to the report. According to the report, debt fina ... 2009年、中国の鉄道部門は)40億元(以上60億周りドルの信用の関心を払った

    • Train policy goes off the rails | Christian Wolmar
      Some cutbacks in this economic climate are understandable. But the coalition's pursuit of a high-speed line is more bafflingThe kernel of a Con-Dem policy on railways is beginning to emerge with various announcements by the transport secretary Philip Hammond, who shows every sign of being a roads man, and it's not looking good for rail passengers. In headline terms, it's higher fares, more overcrowding, fewer new coaches, cutbacks to projected schemes but let's press on with the new high-speed line.This does not add up. The National Audit Office report on rolling stock focused on the fact that Labour's promises to introduce new trains in order to reduce peak time overcrowding have not been fulfilled. While in the short term this may make sense, as the recession has reduced demand, the Tories will now use this as an excuse to rein back the programme for new trains dramatically, and passengers will be strap-hanging again on the peak services as soon as the economy starts to grow. This is especially true of some lines in London where the population is expected to increase by up to one million by 2026.There is little doubt that fares are going to go up in an effort to reduce the huge £5bn subsidy to the rail industry and this may relieve part of the overcrowding at peak times as some people opt for driving or taking the bus instead of the train. Currently, regulated fares – which cover season tickets and off peak services – are only allowed to go up by 1% above inflation, but the new government could change this and grab some of the extra revenue themselves. However, the Lib Dems had promised the opposite, saying in their manifesto that regulated fares would be reduced in real terms by 1% each year, so any change is likely to lead to a row within the coalition.There is, too このような経済環境のいくつかの削減は理解できる


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