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    • Revolving door at top hurts Japan
      A showdown between Prime Minister Naoto Kan and the contender for his job threatens to erode confidence in Japan's ability to address a faltering economy and the world's largest debt, analysts say. 内閣総理大臣菅直人、彼の仕事の候補の対決は、日本の能力と世界最大の債務悪化する経済に対処するための信頼を失墜させると脅すと、アナリストは言う

    • Concerns mount over currency's strength
      Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan decried sudden yen gains as "rough", and the nation's currency tsar discussed financial markets with a central bank official as worries mounted over the yen's jump to a 15-year high against the US dollar. 日本の総理大臣菅直人は、突然の円の利益を非難。。u0026quot;ラフ。。u0026quot;、国家の通貨ツァーリは、中央銀行の関係者と同様の懸念が円のジャンプで15年対米ドルでの高さにマウントされて金融市場を議論した

    • Japan's leadership duel nears vote
      TOKYO - Japan braced for yet another new leader before today's ruling party vote that pits the Prime Minister against a veteran politician known as a backroom powerbroker.Prime Minister Naoto Kan appeared to have a slight edge... 東京 - 日本のベテラン政治家密室powerbroker.Prime大臣菅直人として知られて反対首相ピット、今日の与党に投票する前に、まだ別の新しいリーダーにブレースわずか端を持って現れた...

    • In Brief
      The leadership challenge to Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan risks postponing efforts to reduce the world's largest public debt, Fitch Ratings head of Asia-Pacific sovereign debt Andrew Colquhoun said yesterday. 日本の首相菅直人にリーダーシップの挑戦によると努力をアジア太平洋地域の、フィッチレーティングスの頭をソブリン債務アンドリューコルクハウン世界最大の公的債務を減らすために延期リスク昨日

    • Scant offerings open to yen-rich investors
      You can feel the sense of panic rising in perfect synch with the yen. Will the Bank of Japan intervene to weaken it? Is Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan plotting action with lawmakers? What will happen to the economy as that mean, old US dollar weakens and wreaks havoc on the nation? あなたは円と完全に同期して上昇パニック感を感じることができる

    • Japan PM, BOJ chief to meet on yen's climb
      Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan and Bank of Japan governor Masaaki Shirakawa may meet as early as next week to discuss the yen's strength and possible responses, although likely options are seen as limited. 可能性が高いオプションは限られたと見られているが、日本の総理大臣は菅直人と日本銀行は、知事正明白川来週には円の強さと可能性の応答を議論するため、会うことがあります

    • Japan Gears Up to Push Down the Yen
      Prime Minister Naoto Kan said Japanese officials were in talks with their counterparts overseas to lay the groundwork for a possible intervention on currency markets. 内閣総理大臣菅直人氏が日本の当局者たちの対応、海外との会談で、為替市場での介入のための基礎を築くために、と述べた

    • Japan's PM to closely watch yen
      Japan Prime Minister Naoto Kan said on Saturday he would monitor closely the strength of the yen and hinted at holding talks with the central bank chief amid the recent rise of the unit, Jiji Press reported. 日本内閣総理大臣菅直人は、土曜日に彼が密接円の強さを監視し、ユニットの最近の上昇の中で中央銀行総裁との会談を保持することを示唆したと、時事通信が報じた

    • Old and new face off in Japan
      A ruling party vote on Tuesday could see Japan's sixth prime minister in four years, with the incumbent Naoto Kan symbolizing pragmatic reform and his challenger, Ichiro Ozawa, favoring old style politics. While it is an internal party vote, it's the unforgiving opinion of a Japanese public strained by economic challenges that will decide if the winner's tenure is as brief as that of his predecessor. - Purnendra Jain (Sep 13, '10) 火曜日に与党の票が現職の菅直人は、実用的な改革と古いスタイルの政治支持する彼の挑戦は、小沢一郎を象徴し、4年間で日本の6番目の首相を見ることができました

    • Japan PM leadership rival on the offensive
      Ruling party kingpin Ichiro Ozawa, vying for Japan's political leadership with Prime Minister Naoto Kan, criticised him Saturday for ceding control of decision-making to bureaucrats. 与党大物小沢一郎は、内閣総理大臣菅直人、日本の政治的リーダーシップを争う、土曜日の決定は、官僚になっの制御を譲るために彼を批判した

    • Kan wants BOJ support but rules out rigid inflation target
      Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan has called on the Bank of Japan to work together in supporting the economy but ruled out imposing a rigid inflation target on the central bank to beat deflation. 日本の総理大臣菅直人は、日本銀行の一緒に経済を支える動作するように求めているが、中央銀行のデフレを破って硬直したインフレ目標を課すことを否定した

    • Japan PM aims to balance budget by 2020
      Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan says his government will vow to bring the country's primary budget balance into the black within a decade when it unveils fiscal reform plans this month to rein in the huge public debt. 日本の総理大臣菅直人は、彼の政府が黒字に10年は、今月の巨大な公的債務を抑制する計画財政改革を発表以内に国の主な予算のバランスを持って誓うと言う

    • Japan govt loses upper house majority
      The centre-left government of Japan's new Prime Minister Naoto Kan lost its majority in parliament's upper house in elections Sunday, media exit polls showed, spelling the threat of legislative paralysis. 日本の新首相菅直人の中道左派政府は、メディアの出口調査では、立法麻痺の脅威をスペルを示した選挙で国会の参院日曜日で過半数を失った

    • PM eyes raising sales tax to 10pc to curb Japanese debt
      Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan said yesterday that doubling the 5 per cent sales tax was an option to curb the country's massive debt, as his Democratic Party shifted its platform gears before an election on July 11. 日本の総理大臣菅直人によると昨日、2倍パーセントの消費税5 1オプション彼の民主党は選挙前に7月11日、そのプラットフォームのギアをシフトとして、国の膨大な借金を抑制するためだった

    • Japan PM in last-ditch vote bid ahead of election
      Japan's new Prime Minister Naoto Kan made a final plea for votes Saturday during the last day of campaigning for upper house elections seen as a referendum on his party's 10 months in office.The Sunday vote will be the first national test at the ballot box for Kan since he took office last month, and for his centre-left Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) after it swept to power last August under a different leader. 日本の新首相菅直人は土曜日の参院選挙office.The日曜日の投票で党の10か月の国民投票と見られて選挙運動の最終日に菅の投票箱の最初の国家試験される投票の最終弁論を行った彼は先月、就任以来、彼の中道左派民主党(民主党)のための電源を昨年8月、別のリーダーの下に流された後

    • Japan PM: 'risk of collapse' from debt mountain
      Japan's new Prime Minister Naoto Kan on Friday pledged a fiscal policy overhaul to reduce the country's massive public debt mountain, warning of a Greece-style meltdown. 日本の新首相菅直人氏が14日、ギリシャスタイルのメルトダウンの警。財政政策の見直しを国の大規模な公的債務の山を減らすことを誓った


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