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    スポーツ 関連語 チェルシー アーセナル バレンシア オリンピアコス 佐伯美香ダイキ ゼニト アポエル ドルトムント
    • Inside Burma's illegal trade in tigers
      Burma border markets act as deadly trade gateway for tigers, shows a report published by Traffic and WWF, as an International Tiger Forum is held in St Petersburg in a bid to protect the big cats, which have declined a staggering 97% over a century ビルマ国境市場は虎の致命的な貿易のゲートウェイとして機能する、国際的なタイガーフォーラムは1世紀以上驚異的な97%を減少している大きな猫を保護するために、入札にサンクトペテルブルクで開催されるトラフィックとWWFの報告書を示しています

    • Bobby Farrell obituary
      Singer and dancer in the phenomenally successful Boney MAmong the perennial Christmas hits to be heard in supermarkets and elsewhere is the pop-disco version of the carol Mary's Boy Child by the 1970s vocal group Boney M. The phenomenally successful quartet was manufactured by the German record producer Frank Farian. Its male singer and dancer was Bobby Farrell, who has been found dead aged 61 in a hotel in St Petersburg the day after giving a performance of Boney M hits with his own group.Farrell was born in Aruba, in the Caribbean. As a teenager he became a sailor for two years before settling in northern Europe. After travelling in Norway and the Netherlands, he based himself in Germany, where he worked sporadically as a disc jockey and a dancer.In 1975, Farian concocted the song Baby Do You Wanna Bump? and decided to find a team of singers and dancers to perform it in clubs. Four young African-Caribbean performers resident in Germany – Farrell, Maizie Williams, Liz Mitchell and Marcia Barrett – became Boney M. The foursome had a constant stream of hits across Europe (including the Soviet bloc), Latin America and Asia between 1976 and 1982.Estimates of the group's record sales vary between 100m and 150m. In Britain alone, Boney M made the Top 10 singles chart 10 times, beginning in 1976 with Daddy Cool, followed by Sunny and Ma Baker (both 1977). The 1978 releases Rivers of Babylon/Brown Girl in the Ring and Mary's Boy Child/Oh My Lord each sold almost 2m copies. There were also three No 1 albums, Nightflight to Venus (1978), Oceans of Fantasy (1979) and a hits collection issued in 1980. Only the US remained impervious to the group's catchy sound, despite Boney M's evident affinity with the then-fashionable disco scene.The three women in the group wore exotic, glitte 歌手、驚異的な成功ボニーMAmongのダンサーやスーパーマーケットで聞こえるように他の驚異的な成功カルテットは、ドイツのレコードによって製造された1970年代のボーカルグループボニーM.のキャロルメリーズボーイチャイルドのポップディスコバージョンです多年生クリスマスヒット生産して、Frank Farian

    • Arrests in Russia after rallies banned
      Russian police have detained two opposition leaders and dozens of activists who tried to hold demonstrations in Moscow and St Petersburg. ロシア警察は2つの野党指導者とモスクワとサンクトペテルブルクでデモを行うことを試みたの活動家多数を拘束した

    • DiCaprio's efforts for tigers impress Putin
      ST PETERSBURG - Leonardo DiCaprio braved scary skies to get to a summit devoted to saving the worlds' tigers, donating US$1 million ($1.3 million) to the cause and earning high praise from Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.The... サンクトペテルブルク - レオナルドディカプリオが原因にUS $ 1百万円(130万人)の寄付と収益高い評価をロシア首相ウラジミールPutin.Theから、世界の。。u0026#39;トラを保存するに専念首脳会談を取得する怖い空に立ち向かい...

    • Russian talent turning to cybercrime
      ST PETERSBURG - The US Department of Justice said it might have been the most sophisticated computer fraud. For Viktor Pleshchuk, it was the chance to buy a brand new BMW and an apartment in his hometown of St Petersburg.The... サンクトペテルブルクは、 - 米司法省は、最も洗練されたコンピュータ詐欺をされているかもしれないと言いました

    • Scores detained by police at anti-Kremlin protests
      Protests against alleged erosion of Article 31 of Russia's constitution, which guarantees the right to free assembly, take place on the 31st of each monthPolice detained more than 130 people, including prominent opponents of prime minister Vladimir Putin, at anti-Kremlin protests, after Putin said demonstrators without permits could expect harsh treatment. In Moscow police held opposition politician Boris Nemtsov and dozens of others who gathered in Triumph Square, declared off-limits last week. About 70 people were detained in Moscow and a similar number in St Petersburg. Activists have been converging on Triumph Square on the 31st of each month, a date symbolising the right to free assembly guaranteed in the constitution.Russiaguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 第31条無料アセンブリへの権利を保証するロシアの憲法の疑。侵食に対する抗議は、各monthPolice 31日に開催を執ることが反クレムリンの抗議で、後に首相プーチンの著名な反対派を含む130以上の人が、拘束プーチン無許可でデモ隊は過酷な治療が期待できると述べた

    • Five arrested at Saint Petersburg gay protest: AFP
      Five gay rights activists were arrested on Saturday at an unsanctioned gay pride protest in Russia's second city of Saint Petersburg, an AFP correspondent reported.Using similar tactics to a gay rights protest in Moscow last month, the protestors tried to outwit the security forces by only revealing the location of the demonstration at the last moment.Around 30 activists staged the protest in the inner courtyard of the world famous Hermitage Museum -- the area where visitors queue for tickets -- brandishing slogans in favour of gay rights. 5同性愛者の権利活動家は、土曜日にサンクトペテルブルク、AFPの特派員、モスクワで同性愛者の権利の抗議は先月同様の戦術をreported.Usingロシアの第2の都市で不許可のゲイプライドの抗議で逮捕された、デモ隊はだけで治安部隊の裏をかくことを試みた最後のmoment.Around 30活動は、世界の中庭に有名なエルミタージュ美術館 - 訪問者はチケットのキューエリア - 同性愛者の権利を支持してスローガンを振りかざしでデモをデモの場所を明らかに

    • Five arrested at Saint Petersburg gay protest
      Five gay rights activists were arrested on Saturday at an unsanctioned gay pride protest in Russia's second city of Saint Petersburg, an AFP correspondent reported. 5同性愛者の権利活動家は、土曜日にサンクトペテルブルク、AFPの特派員、ロシアの第2の都市で不許可のゲイプライドの抗議で逮捕されたと報じた

    • Russian bank robbers with Kalashnikovs hidden in pram kill three
      Two guards and a man walking his dog shot dead in St Petersburg raidBank robbers who hid Kalashnikov assault rifles in a pram shot dead three people in St Petersburg today, Russian investigators said.The two men waited outside a bank with the pram, then opened fire on two guards as they got out of an armoured truck carrying bags of cash, killing both instantly.One of the robbers then shot dead a man walking his dog, apparently fearing he might help police to identify them.The men got away with more than 25 million roubles (£535,000) in cash, Andrei Lavrenko, head of the local branch of Russia's investigative committee, told NTV television.Russiaguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 2つのガードと彼の犬の散歩男が乳母車にカラシニコフ突撃銃を隠したサンクトペテルブルクraidBank強盗今日のサンクトペテルブルクで死んでいる三人を撃ったで射殺、said.The二人の男が、乳母車、銀行外で待っていたロシアの捜査官は、火災を開く2つのガードで、彼らは、どうやら彼は家人の男性が以上に逃げた識別するために警察を助けてくれるかもしれない恐れて、彼の犬の散歩人を射殺強盗の両方instantly.Oneを殺害、現金の入った袋を運んで装甲車の外に出たとして現金には2500万ルーブルは、(£ 535000)、アンドレイLavrenkoは、ロシアの調査委員会の支部長は、日本テレビtelevision.Russiaguardian.co.uk ©ガーディアンのニュース&メディア限定2010語った|このコンテンツの使用は私達の利用規約が適用されます使用条件|ほかのフィード

    • Video: Mikhail Khodorkovsky verdict delayed
      A St Petersburg court is to delay until 27 December its verdict on Mikhail Khordorkovsky, formerly Russia's richest man and an opponent of prime minister Vladimir Putin, who is accused of money laundering and tax evasion. His supporters expressed their dismay at the decision サンクトペテルブルクの裁判所は12月27日以前のミハイルKhordorkovsky上の評決は、ロシアの富豪とマネーロンダリングと脱税の告発され、首相のプーチンの相手まで遅らせるために使用されます

    • Russia's Putin sings Armstrong for Hollywood stars
      Russia's Vladimir Putin, showing his passion for music extends from favourites of spies and cosmonauts to Armstrong, played the grand piano for a roomfull of filmstars in a concert lasting into the early hours.Guests to the late Thursday charity concert in Saint Petersburg included Sharon Stone, Monica Bellucci, Mickey Rourke and other stars, the government said on its website, where the Russian prime minister was pictured sitting at a table with Italian actress Ornella Muti and several other people. ロシアのプーチン大統領は、音楽への情熱を示し、スパイやアームストロング宇宙飛行士のお気に入りから延びサンクトペテルブルクでの後半木曜日のチャリティーコンサートへの早期hours.Guestsに続くコンサートでfilmstarsのroomfullのグランドピアノを弾いシャロンストーンが含まれて、モニカベルッチ、ミッキーロークや他の星は、政府は、ロシアの首相はイタリアの女優Ornellaムーティ、いくつか他の人々とテーブルに座って描かれ、そのウェブサイトは、明らかにした

    • Teenage girl killed in skinhead rampage at Russian festival
      Over 100 men attack at Tornado festival in Miass, injuring up to 100 people in latest ultra-nationalist attack to hit countryA 14-year-old girl was killed and dozens of revellers injured yesterday when more than 100 bare-chested skinheads rampaged through a rock concert in central Russia attacking people with iron clubs.The teenager was among a crowd of around 3,000 people at the Tornado festival in Miass, 900 miles east of Moscow, when the attack happened.Many visitors were left bloodied and dazed after being hit with iron clubs and sticks, television and news agencies reported. One report, quoting a police source, suggested the teenage girl had suffered multiple stab wounds.State-owned Rossiya-24 TV saidup to 100 people were injured and 14 ambulances were called to the scene.Images on the local news website Chelnovosti.ru showed battered revellers and scores of skinheads congregating at the event, which featured Russia's top rock acts.The motive for the assault was not known, and the ITAR-Tass news agency said local police had refused to comment.Witnesses told Russian journalists that the skinheads burst through security cordons, pushing police aside and in some cases grabbing their truncheons to attack visitors.The Ekho Moskvy radio station reported that around 15 attackers were detained, but the majority fled.Russia has an ingrained neo-Nazi skinhead movement and attacks on foreigners in Moscow and St Petersburg have been relatively common in recent years. The January 2009 murder of lawyer Stanislav Markelov and journalist Anastasiya Baburova prompted a Kremlin crackdown on ultra-nationalists, who were blamed for the killings.In April, a Moscow court banned the far-right Slavic Union, whose Russian acronym SS intentionally mimicked that used by the Nazis' infamous p ミアスの竜巻祭で100人の攻撃は、最新の超国家主義的な攻撃で100人にcountryA 14歳の少女を襲った最大負傷以上殺害されたと飲み騒ぐ人、数。負傷昨日、100人以上の裸の胸のスキンヘッドを介してロックを暴れ中央ロシアでのコンサートは、鉄clubs.The 10代の人々を攻撃する約3,000人の群衆の間ミアス、900マイルモスクワの東に竜巻祭時の攻撃happened.Many訪問者は血まみれに、鉄でヒットされた後、ボーッと左にいたクラブ、棒、テレビ、報道機関が報じた


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