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    スポーツ 関連語 京セラ オリックス オーティズ ホークス ソフトバンク オーストラリア 角中 森福
    • Macquarie warns profit to fall 25pc
      Australia's top investment bank Macquarie Group warned investors it would miss profit forecasts after weak markets took a toll on its trading and advisory business, sending its shares to a 15-month low. オーストラリアのトップの投資銀行マッコーリーグループは、弱い市場後、取引およびアドバイザリー業務の通行料を取り、15カ月ぶりの安値に株式を送信利益予想を欠場する投資家に警告した

    • Sister killer found dead in cell
      A woman who was jailed for stabbing her sister to death in 2008 following a fight over internet access has been found dead in her prison cell. Kathleen Worrall, 22, was found dead in her cell on Sunday morning, Macquarie radio... 死、2008年にインターネットアクセスを戦い、次の妹を刺した罪で投獄された女性は刑務所の独房で死体で発見されている

    • Slump in investment deals hits bank results
      Japan's Nomura Holdings and Australia's Macquarie have painted a bleak picture of Asia's investment banking industry, citing a dearth of deals and frail markets. 日本の野村ホールディングスとオーストラリアのマッコーリーは、お得な情報や虚。市場の不足を理由に、アジアの投資銀行業界の暗い画像を描いてきた

    • Lib senator calls for burqa ban
      LIBERAL senator Cory Bernardi has called for Australia to follow the lead of France and ban the burqa, describing it as "the most public symbol of fundamentalist Islam". 自民党議員コーリーベルナルディは、オーストラリア、フランスのリードに従うと、ブルカを禁止するために、原理主義者のほとんどのパブリックシンボルイスラム。。u0026quot;。。u0026quot;として、それを記述するとしています

    • The only ones: Escaping near death | sole survivors
      What does it feel like to be the only person to survive a plane crash, a boat wreck or an ambush? Sole survivors tell their storiesIn February 2009, 24-year-old Nick Schuyler went fishing with three friends in the Gulf of Mexico. An attempt to salvage a stuck anchor capsized the boat, and the four men were forced to cling to the hull to survive. When rescuers found the upturned boat after 43 hours (see picture, above), he was the only one still alive.It was going to be our last fishing trip. I knew Marquis [Cooper] and Corey [Smith] from the gym – I was their personal trainer and we'd become good friends – but the following week Marquis was moving away. We'd been fishing once before and I didn't enjoy it that much – the anchor of Marquis's boat got stuck and we'd had to cut it free. But we decided to go out one last time. One of Marquis's friends couldn't make the trip, so at the last minute I invited my best friend, Will [Bleakley], from my college football team.On the morning of 28 February, we motored three hours out to sea. We knew there was a cold front coming in, and the sea was rough, but we weren't planning to stay out that long. I got sick on the way out though, and I was really cold, even in my winter ski jacket, so at about 4pm we decided to pull up anchor and head home early.The anchor was stuck again. 'We're not going to lose another anchor,' we said to ourselves. So we decided to floor the engine and see what happened – the line would either snap or become loose. In fact, the line got really tight, and then the back of the boat shot down and the boat flipped over. The four of us were thrown in.The water was so cold, we were in complete shock. Our first thought was to try to flip the boat back over. We were as strong as oxes, but in rough se それは何のような唯一の飛行機事故で生き残ることを感じるか、ボートの残骸や待ち伏せ?唯一の被爆者がstoriesIn 2月は2009年、24歳のニックシュイラーメキシコ湾での3人の友人と一緒に釣りに行った教えてください

    • Tiger selected for Ryder Cup
      World number one Tiger Woods was chosen by Corey Pavin as one of the four captain's picks for the US Ryder Cup team on Tuesday. 世界1位のタイガーウッズは、コーリーペイビンで1日、米国ライダーカップチームの4つの船長のピックとして選ばれました

    • Tech Weekly podcast: The Social Network - our verdict on the Facebook film
      Join Aleks Krotoski, Jemima Kiss, Gia Milinovich and Charles Arthur for the latest technology news. This week, they dissect The Social Network, often referred to as The Facebook Movie, because it documents the rise and rise and rise of the most popular social networking site in the world. 500 million users can't be wrong, right? Charles, Jemima and Gia report back from this week's special preview screening.Also this week, the virtual and the real worlds are under threat from hackers. An Iranian nuclear power plant has been infiltrated by a computer worm that attacks the integral systems of the plant's workings. Charles suggests it's a government job, and Gia gets excited about nuclear espionage.Alexander Hanff from Privacy International gives us the implications of the 750 MB file accidentally revealed on the ACS:Law website after it was taken down by members of the 4Chan social network - and what legal recourse the 10,000 email and ISP address owners have against the firm, who have the details as part of investigations into illegal peer-to-peer filesharing.Next week, as previously billed for this programme, the team are joined by Simon Carmichael from Torch Partners who will be answering your pressing start-up questions in the latest in our Start-Up Surgery series.Don't forget to ...• Comment below• Mail us at tech@guardian.co.uk• Get our Twitter feed for programme updates or follow our Twitter list• Join our Facebook group• See our pics on Flickr/Post your tech picsAleks KrotoskiCharles ArthurJemima KissScott Cawley 最新技術のニュースをして、Aleks Krotoski、ジェミマキスジアMilinovichとチャールズアーサーに参加します

    • Strictly no Tweeting at Ryder Cup
      Ryder Cup captains Colin Montgomerie and Corey Pavin have banned their players from using Twitter or Facebook as Europe and the United States prepare to battle it out. ライダーカップは、コリンモンゴメリーとコーリーパビンはそれを戦うために準備をヨーロッパと米国とTwitterやFacebookを使用してから選手たちを禁止している船長

    • Ryder Cup call-up for rejuvenated Tiger
      World No 1 Tiger Woods was chosen by Corey Pavin as one of the four captain's picks for the US Ryder Cup team. Woods was named as a wildcard pick ... 世界は1のタイガーウッズは、ピックアップワイルドカードされた分野チームコーリーカップキャプテンのピックの4つのパビンとして1つの米国ライダーとしての名前


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