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    政治 国際 関連語 イスラム教徒 インドネシア Muslim
    • The business challenges of Ramadan
      The holy month of Ramadan begins this week, which usually means a busy period for supermarkets and shops. ラマダンの聖なる月は今週、これは通常のスーパーマーケットやお店の繁忙期を意味するから始まります

    • Muslims celebrate Eid al-Fitr
      At the end of Ramadan, Muslims throughout the world observe a three-day celebration called Eid al-Fitr (the festival of fast-breaking) 世界中のラマダンの終わりに、イスラム教徒では)3日間の祭典をアル明け(高速最新のお祭りイードと呼ばれる観察

    • Muslims prepare for Eid al-Fitr
      Eid-al-Fitr marks the end of Ramadan, the holiest month in the Islamic calendar イード-アル明けマークラマダンの終わりを、イスラム暦で最も神聖な月

    • 7 Yemeni soldiers killed in al-Qaida attack in Abyan
      At least seven security soldiers were killed and several others were wounded on Saturday in an al- Qaida attack in Yemeni southern troubled province of Abyan, a provincial official told Xinhua. A number of al-Qaida militants raided a security checkpoint at the al-Maisery tribe in Modia district in Abyan and shot dead seven soldiers and wounded around five others while the soldiers were gathering for their evening meal to break their fast during the holy Muslim fasting month of Ramadan, said t ... 少なくとも7件のセキュリティの兵士が死亡し、他のいくつかは、公式の地方負傷していた問題を抱えた地域のAbyan南部アルカイダの攻撃でイエメンの土曜日にアル華を語った

    • Ramadan is not an excuse for gluttony | Shaista Aziz
      Ramadan should remind us of those less fortunate, but in some parts of the Muslim world it means gorging yourself after sunsetAn estimated 1.6 billion Muslims around the world are marking the start of one of the most important months in the religious calendar, Ramadan. We believe that it was during Ramadan that the Qur'an was revealed to the prophet Muhammad. So, for the next 30 days Muslims will abstain from water and food from sunrise to sunset. The sound of rumbling tummies will echo from Milton Keynes to Mecca.Fasting is a humbling but rewarding experience. It's also exhausting and testing, a necessary reminder of the struggle that the majority of the world's population face every day to find food and water to nourish themselves and their families.As I write this it's nearly 4am. I've prayed and finished eating suhoor, which is the Arabic word for the meal that Muslims eat early in the morning before beginning their day of fasting. This morning my husband and I munched on hummus with warm pitta bread, yoghurt and a handful of blueberries, and drank tea and water. Our cats seem to have got into the spirit of Ramadan. One of them tapped me on the leg as I made my blurry-eyed way to the kitchen to tell me she wanted an early breakfast too.As we sat down to suhoor we were reminded that in much of the Muslim world people would be starting the fast with much less than us, including the almost 14 million people whose lives have been devastated by the floods in Pakistan. It's a sobering thought.In stark contrast, there are some parts of the Muslim world where Ramadan has become an excuse to gorge on lavish, artery-choking foods and party like its 1431 (which it is, according to the Islamic lunar calendar).Around the Arabian Gulf, hotels are decked out to look like halal hip ラマダンはこれらの恵まれないの、私たちを思い出させる必要がありますが、それは自分自身をむさぼり意味イスラム世界の一部でsunsetAnは、世界中の1つの宗教的なカレンダー、ラマダン中で最も重要なか月の始まりを告げる1600000000イスラム教徒を推定した

    • Ramadan observed around the world
      Muslims are marking the third Friday in the holy month of Ramadan イスラム教徒はラマダンの聖なる月の第3金曜日をマーキングされます

    • Iraq suicide blast toll rises to 59
      A suicide bomber blew himself up at a crowded army recruitment centre in Baghdad killing 59 people Tuesday, officials said, as violence coinciding with the Muslim holy month of Ramadan raged across Iraq. 暴力はラマダンのイスラム教徒の聖なる月、イラク全体猛。時期に合わせとして自爆テロバグダッドで混。軍募集センターで火曜日59人が死亡した自爆、関係者は、と述べた

    • Poll shows more Americans believe Obama a Muslim
      &$ &$U.S. President Barack Obama delivers remarks during the Iftar dinner in the State Dining Room of the White House in Washington August 13, 2010. The Iftar dinner celebrates the evening breaking of fast during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. (Xinhua/Reuters Photo) &$&$ More Americans, nearly one in five (18 percent), incorrectly see U.S. President Barack Obama as a Muslim, up from 11 percent last year, accord ... &$&$バラクオバマ米大統領はハウスホワイトルームのダイニング発言を中に断食明けのステートディナーを提供ワシントン2010年8月13日

    • Istanbul combines old customs with new festivities in Ramadan
      Istanbul marked the start of the Muslim holy fasting month of Ramadan by being woken up at 3.30 a.m. by drummers roaming the streets on Wednesday. The Ramadan drummer, representing a tradition dating back to the Ottoman time, is a male volunteer who takes it upon himself to wake the pious up for Sahur, a one last meal before the day's fasting begins. While not all Turks tend to fast during Ramadan, faster and non- faster alike are subject to the wake-up-call, while drummers have be ... イスタンブールは水曜日街を3.30午前のドラマー、ローミングで目が覚めるの開始をマークされてイスラム教徒のラマダン月の断食聖なる


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