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    政治 国際 関連語 イスラム教徒 インドネシア Muslim
    • Iran Pardons 100 Prisoners
      Tehran sometimes releases prisoners on religious occasions, including the end of the holy month of Ramadan, which is in its final days テヘランでは、時々その最終日になっているラマダンの聖なる月の終わりを含む宗教的な場面で囚人を、解放

    • Palestinians continue anti-division rallies in Gaza
      by Emad Drimly, Saud Abu Ramadan The popular peaceful rallies lead by youth movement against the internal Palestinian division continued on Sunday in the Gaza Strip which is ruled by Islamic Hamas movement. Thousands of students at the Gaza-based al-Azhar University organized at noon time a sit-in on campus. They chanted slogans that called for ending the internal division and succeeding the efforts to achieve the reconciliation, and called for escalating the popular activities. The de ... して、Emad Drimly、サウドアブラマダンで人気の平和集会は、イスラムハマス運動によって支配されているガザ地区では、日曜日に続き、パレスチナ内部の分割に対して青年運動でつながる

    • Palestinians hail reopening of Rafah crossing despite Israel's reservation
      by Emad Drimly, Saud Abu Ramadan The Palestinians on Thursday welcomed an Egyptian decision to ease restrictions of passengers movements, which had been imposed on the Rafah crossing on its borders with the Gaza Strip four years ago after the Islamic Hamas movement seized control of the enclave in 2007. On Wednesday, the Hamas Ministry of Interior announced that Egypt had decided to permanently reopen the Rafah crossing point with the Gaza Strip and ease the restrictions imposed on the mov ... 木曜日にして、Emad Drimly、サウドアブラマダンザパレスチナでイスラムハマスの動きは飛び地を掌握後、4年前にガザ地区との国境の交差点ラファに課されていた乗客の移動の制限を緩和するためにエジプトの決定を歓迎2007インチ水曜日に、インテリアのハマス省は、エジプトが完全にガザ地区とラファ交差点を再開し、容易楽章に課せられた制限を決めていたことを発表しました...

    • Hamas slams Obama's speech, says not to recognize Israel
      by Saud Abu Ramadan, Fares Akram Islamic Hamas movement on Sunday slammed U.S. President Barack Obama's earlier speech, saying it will not recognize Israel and calling on the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) to reconsider the Middle East peace process. Sami Abu Zuhri, Hamas' spokesman in Gaza, said in a press statement sent to reporters that Obama's speech clearly revealed that the U.S. is not a friend to the people of the Middle East region any more. Although Obama clarified in hi ... サウドアブラマダンでは、日曜日の運賃Akramさんイスラムハマスの動きは、イスラエルを認識しないと言って、中東和平プロセスを再考するパレスチナ自治政府(PNA)を呼びかけて、バラクオバマ米大統領の以前の演説を批判した

    • Video: Israeli police scuffle with Palestinians in Jerusalem
      Water cannon used to disperse Palestinian youths trying to break through barrier to al-Aqsa mosque ahead of Ramadan prayers 先にラマダンの祈りのアルアクサモスクにバリアを突破しようとするパレスチナの若者を分散させるために使用される水の大砲

    • Rights Group Says Syrian Forces Kill 24
      Activists said some of the attacks Monday came as people protested following evening prayers on first day of holy month of Ramadan 活動家は、人々はラマダンの聖なる月の最初の日に、次の夕方の祈りの抗議として、攻撃のいくつかは、月曜日が来て言った

    • 7 killed in U.S. drone strike in NW Pakistan
      ISLAMABAD, Sept. 4 (Xinhua) -- At least seven suspected militants were killed in a U.S. drone strike late Sunday night in Pakistan's northwest tribal area of North Waziristan, reported local Urdu TV channel Ajj. No more details are immediately available. The strike, if confirmed true, came one day after the conclusion of a four-day Eid holiday, a festival celebrated by Muslims to mark the end of the fasting month of Ramadan, which ended on August 30. Sunday's drone strike, the 50th of i ... 【イスラマバード9月4日(新華社) - 少なくとも7の疑いのある過激派は、北ワジリスタンのパキスタンの北西部の部族地域での米国の無人機攻撃遅く、日曜日の夜に殺され、地元のウルドゥー語テレビチャンネルAjjが報じた

    • Muslims Around Globe Celebrate Eid al-Fitr
      Observers break their fast, ending the holy month of Ramadan オブザーバーは、ラマダンの聖なる月の終わり、その高速を破る

    • Feature: Eid al-Fitr sparks revival of hope for war-ravaged Iraq
      BAGHDAD, Aug. 30 (Xinhua) -- Eid al-Fitr came in war-battered Iraq on Tuesday, bringing revived hope for the people, who have been seeing violence almost on daily basis since 2003. The traditions of Ramadan are meant to unite families and neighborhoods in a spirit of charity, peace and hospitality. And Eid al-Fitr, which marks the ending of the holy month of fasting, was featured with feast and party in the capital city of Baghdad this year. After a whole month of daily fasting, families w ... _NULL_

    • Nato to bomb Libya during Ramadan - video
      Nato confirms it will keep bombing Libya during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan while Muammar Gaddafi's forces continue to threaten civilians NATOはMuammarカダフィ大佐の軍が民間人を脅かすために続けている間それがラマダンのイスラム教の聖なる月の間にリビアを爆撃し続ける予定を確認する

    • Israeli-Palestinian tension mounts following assault on Itamar settlement
      by Emad Drimly, Saud Abu Ramadan Tension between Israel and the Palestinians escalated on Sunday, one day after allegedly Palestinian militants killed five Israeli settlers of the same family in the settlement of Itamar near the northern West Bank city of Nablus early Saturday. The first Israeli government response to the attack was to give green light to building hundreds of housing units in the West Bank settlements, while violence flared in several West Bank areas between the Palestini ... イスラエルと日曜日にエスカレートパレスチナ人の間にして、Emad Drimly、サウドアブラマダンのテンションで、伝えられるところではパレスチナ過激派の後にある日、ナブルスの西岸北部の都市、早く土曜日に近いItamarの決済で同じ家族の5イスラエルの入植者を殺害した

    • Eid protests hit Indian Kashmir
      Prayers marking the end of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan erupted into anti-India demonstrations Saturday in Indian-ruled Kashmir as unrest continued in the troubled province. 祈りは、ラマダンのイスラム教徒の断食月の終わりにマーキング反インドデモに土曜日にインドはと不安問題の多い地域で続けてカシミールを支配して噴出した

    • The business challenges of Ramadan
      The holy month of Ramadan begins this week, which usually means a busy period for supermarkets and shops. ラマダンの聖なる月は今週、これは通常のスーパーマーケットやお店の繁忙期を意味するから始まります

    • Muslims celebrate Eid al-Fitr
      At the end of Ramadan, Muslims throughout the world observe a three-day celebration called Eid al-Fitr (the festival of fast-breaking) 世界中のラマダンの終わりに、イスラム教徒では)3日間の祭典をアル明け(高速最新のお祭りイードと呼ばれる観察

    • Muslims prepare for Eid al-Fitr
      Eid-al-Fitr marks the end of Ramadan, the holiest month in the Islamic calendar イード-アル明けマークラマダンの終わりを、イスラム暦で最も神聖な月

    • 7 Yemeni soldiers killed in al-Qaida attack in Abyan
      At least seven security soldiers were killed and several others were wounded on Saturday in an al- Qaida attack in Yemeni southern troubled province of Abyan, a provincial official told Xinhua. A number of al-Qaida militants raided a security checkpoint at the al-Maisery tribe in Modia district in Abyan and shot dead seven soldiers and wounded around five others while the soldiers were gathering for their evening meal to break their fast during the holy Muslim fasting month of Ramadan, said t ... 少なくとも7件のセキュリティの兵士が死亡し、他のいくつかは、公式の地方負傷していた問題を抱えた地域のAbyan南部アルカイダの攻撃でイエメンの土曜日にアル華を語った

    • Ramadan observed around the world
      Muslims are marking the third Friday in the holy month of Ramadan イスラム教徒はラマダンの聖なる月の第3金曜日をマーキングされます

    • Iraq suicide blast toll rises to 59
      A suicide bomber blew himself up at a crowded army recruitment centre in Baghdad killing 59 people Tuesday, officials said, as violence coinciding with the Muslim holy month of Ramadan raged across Iraq. 暴力はラマダンのイスラム教徒の聖なる月、イラク全体猛。時期に合わせとして自爆テロバグダッドで混。軍募集センターで火曜日59人が死亡した自爆、関係者は、と述べた

    • Poll shows more Americans believe Obama a Muslim
      &$ &$U.S. President Barack Obama delivers remarks during the Iftar dinner in the State Dining Room of the White House in Washington August 13, 2010. The Iftar dinner celebrates the evening breaking of fast during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. (Xinhua/Reuters Photo) &$&$ More Americans, nearly one in five (18 percent), incorrectly see U.S. President Barack Obama as a Muslim, up from 11 percent last year, accord ... &$&$バラクオバマ米大統領はハウスホワイトルームのダイニング発言を中に断食明けのステートディナーを提供ワシントン2010年8月13日

    • Istanbul combines old customs with new festivities in Ramadan
      Istanbul marked the start of the Muslim holy fasting month of Ramadan by being woken up at 3.30 a.m. by drummers roaming the streets on Wednesday. The Ramadan drummer, representing a tradition dating back to the Ottoman time, is a male volunteer who takes it upon himself to wake the pious up for Sahur, a one last meal before the day's fasting begins. While not all Turks tend to fast during Ramadan, faster and non- faster alike are subject to the wake-up-call, while drummers have be ... イスタンブールは水曜日街を3.30午前のドラマー、ローミングで目が覚めるの開始をマークされてイスラム教徒のラマダン月の断食聖なる

    • Algeria not allowing entry of pro-Gaddafi officials or relatives
      ALGIERS, Sept. 6 (Xinhua) -- The Algerian authorities have ordered not to allow any official loyal to the toppled Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi or any of his relative to enter the country, local media reported Tuesday. The authorities have extradited pro-Gaddafi officials from Algeria after they managed to enter the country during Ramadan, local Echorouk newspaper quoted an official source as saying. The source specified that the Algerian border police have been ordered by the Directorate ... アルジェ、9月6日(新華社) - アルジェリア当局は入国を倒したリビアの最高指導者カダフィMuammarや親戚のいずれかにいずれかの関係者は、忠実な許可しないように注文した、地元メディアが報じた

    • Gaza's track star out on his own
      As the sun sinks slowly behind the stands of the Yarmouk Stadium, it feels a fraction cooler after a day of blistering August heat. Which is just as well, as it is Ramadan and Nader al-Masri, 31, has not eaten or drunk anything since... 太陽がYarmoukスタジアムのスタンドの背後にゆっくりと吸収源として、それは、8月の酷暑の日後の端数のクーラーを感じている

    • Eid al-Fitr celebrations begin – in pictures
      Muslims prepare for Eid al-Fitr, marking the end of the fasting month of Ramadan イスラム教徒は断食月のラマダンの終わりをマークする、ムスリム明けの準備を

    • Iraqis Hold Funerals for Suicide Bomb Victims
      Bomber disguised himself as a bandaged beggar, hid explosives in bandages and detonated them during special Ramadan prayer service 爆撃機は、包帯を乞食のように包帯で隠した爆発物を変装し、特殊なラマダンの祈りのサービスの間にそれらを爆発させた

    • Gazans forced to cancel habits of Muslim feast
      GAZA, Aug. 28 (Xinhua) -- Various types of Turkish delights and chocolates piled up on stalls in a popular market in Gaza City, but only few people seemed to be interested. This was two days ahead of a Muslim's feast that marks the end of the fasting month of Ramadan. Buying sweets to serve visiting relatives is a regular habit to mark this occasion. The scenes of frustration have been visible on the face of the 40-year-old Abu Rashid Abu Assi, as he kept promoting his sweets and almost be ... ガザ地区、8月28日(新華社) - トルコ料理やチョコレートの様々なタイプがガザ市で人気の高い市場で屋台に積み上げが、ほんの数人が興味を持ってように見えた

    • Power blackout hits Niger 48 hours
      NIAMEY, Aug. 25 (Xinhua) -- The Nigerien capital Niamey and other towns in the land-locked West African country have experienced a power blackout that lasted for 48 hours since Monday. Local sources reported the worst period of Aug. 23-24, when Nigeriens witnessed a power outage across the entire national territory. For the first time, the 1.2 million residents of the capital spent the night in total darkness during the holy month of Ramadhan. However, since Wednesday afternoon, electri ... ニアメ、8月25日(新華社) - ニジェールの首都ニアメ及び内陸西部アフリカの国の他の町は、月曜から48時間続いた停電を経験している

    • Muslims in world's tallest tower face longer fast
      DUBAI - MUSLIMS living in the world's tallest tower will have to wait even longer to break their fast during the holy month of Ramadan. Mohammed al-Qubaisi, Dubai's top Muslim cleric, said on Sunday that Burj Khalifa residents living above the 80th floor should wait two additional minutes to break their dawn-to-dusk fast while those above the 150th floor must wait three extra minutes because they will be able to see the sun longer than those on the ground. ドバイは - 世界で最も高い塔に住むイスラム教徒は、ラマダンの聖なる月の間に彼らの高速を破るためにさらに長く待たなければならない

    • Libyan rebels fly $12.2 million to embattled west
      BENGHAZI - LIBYA'S rebel government said on Saturday it has delivered nearly US$10 million (S$12.2 million) in cash to the Nafusa Mountains in the west of the country, where militia fighters are trying to edge closer to Tripoli. The money was 'to be distributed directly to families throughout the Nafusa Mountains during the holy month of Ramadan,' the National Transitional Council said in a statement. ベンガジは - リビアの反政府政府は、民兵の戦闘機がトリポリに近いエッジにしようとしているところ、土曜日には、国の西部にNafusa山脈に現金で約1,000万ドルを(S1220万ドル)納入したと発表した

    • Rival Demonstrations Unfold in Yemen
      Pro, anti-Saleh protests mark first Friday of Ramadan across country プロ、抗サレハ抗議全国ラマダンのマークは最初の金曜日

    • Iranian Envoy Says US Hikers May Be Freed Soon
      Hassan Dannaie Fir says Ramadan could factor into freedom of Shane Bauer, Josh Fattal ハッサンDannaieファーは、ラマダンがシェーンバウアー、ジョシュFattalの自由に分解することができたと言います

    • Obama Sends Greetings to Muslims for Ramadan
      US president says Ramadan is time for deep reflection, sacrifice, and that it also draws families, communities together for prayers 米国大統領は、ラマダンが深い反射、犠牲のための時間であり、そしてそれはまた、祈りのために一緒に家族、地域社会を描くという

    • First day of Ramadan – pictures
      Muslims around the world usher in Ramadan ラマダン中の世界の到来を告げるのイスラム教徒

    • Ramadan begins: Muslims mark start of holy month - video
      Millions of Muslims around the world are marking the start of the holy month of Ramadan, when Muslims fast from dusk to dawn 世界中のイスラム教徒数百万人は、ラマダンの聖なる月の始まりを告げる際に夕暮れから夜明けまでの高速のイスラム教徒

    • Istanbul Cracks Down on Outdoor Eating, Drinking
      Officials cite logistics concerns, though some suspect wave of conservatism in city as Muslim world prepares for Ramadan イスラム世界のような都市における保守主義のいくつか疑わしい波がラマダンに向けて準備も当局は、物流の問題を引き合いに出す

    • Tunisian interim president extends state of emergency
      Tunisia's interim president, Fouad Mebazaa indefinitely extended the state of emergency which has been in force since former president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali fled the country on January 14, the country's official gazette reported on Wednesday. The measure was taken as the country is struggling to contain sporadic acts of violence and to impose security in inner regions. It also comes days before the advent of Ramadan, the Muslim month of fasting. On October 23, Tunisians will vote ... チュニジアの暫定大統領、フォーアードMebazaaが無限に元大統領ジンエルアビディンベンアリが1月14日に国を逃れて以来施行されている緊急の状態を拡張し、国の官報には水曜日に報告した

    • Egypt Prepares for First Post-Mubarak Ramadan
      Several people take time to talk about significance of celebrating Ramadan now that Mubarak is no longer president 何人かの人は、ムバラクはもはや大統領でないことを、今祝うラマダンの意義について話をする時間がかかる


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