- Low turnout makes Slovakia's referendum invalid
A referendum initiated by a Slovakian center-right party to reform the country's parliament failed on Saturday as the turnout was lower than required.
The Freedom and Solidarity, a liberal party established in 2009, initiated a referendum before the parliament election in June. They proposed to downsize the country's parliament from 150 to 100 delegates, reduce politician's privileges and abolish radio and television license fees.
However, figures from the Statistics Agency of the Slovak R ... 右された投票率はパーティーに改革の国のように議会に失。土曜必要以上に低重心国民は、スロヴァキアの開始での自由と連帯、自由党、2009年に設立され、6月の選挙で議会の投票をする前に開始した
- Video: Silvio Berlusconi cracks Hitler joke
Italian prime minister also shares his advice to pretty girls with youth wing of his People of Freedom party
- Two independent MPs holding balance of power in Australia announce they support
Tony Windsor says he supports Labor's Julia Gillard, while Bob Katter comes out for Tony Abbott, who hopes to lead a conservative coalitionOne independent Australian MP came out for Labor today, and one for the Liberals, leaving a third independent to decide the make-up of the next Canberra government.Tony Windsor said he supported Labor's Julia Gillard, while Bob Katter came out for Tony Abbott, who hopes to lead a conservative coalition. Each now can count on the support of 75 MPs. Fellow independent Rob Oakeshott is due to announce who will form the next government soon.The 21 August federal elections failed to give any party a majority for the first time since 1940.More details soon ...AustraliaPaul Owenguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds
- US embassy cables: Pirate party rides an electoral wave in Sweden
Wednesday, 10 June 2009, 13:42UNCLAS SECTION 01 OF 02 STOCKHOLM 000355 SIPDIS DEPT PLEASE PASS TO USTR FOR DAVID WEINER EO 12958 N/A TAGS PGOV, PINR, PREL, ECON, KIPR, SW SUBJECT: AARGH! SWEDISH PIRATES SET SAIL FOR BRUSSELS 1. Summary and Comment: Sweden's two largest political parties, the ruling Moderates and opposition Social Democrats, saw little change over their 2004 levels of support in the June 7 European Parliament (EP) election here. Instead, the Greens and the pro-EU Liberal Party were the big winners -- along with the new Pirate Party, which found support from young voters unhappy with the government's decision to shut down The Pirate Bay, a file-sharing bit torrent site that had become a target of the Motion Picture Association of America (and USTR). The anti-EU Left Party, on the other hand, suffered catastrophic losses. Overall, voter turnout was up in the month before Sweden takes over the rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union, but at 43.8% still far below the regular 80% turnout for national elections. Comment: The EP election outcome has little predictive power for next year's parliamentary elections, given the self-selecting nature of those willing to go out and vote for Members of the European Parliament (MEPs). Perhaps the main lesson for the larger parties relates to the need to court the youth vote in more effective ways. End Summary and Comment.The Results-----------2. Sweden's EP election was a bit disappointing for the two largest parties, the Moderates (18.8% of the vote and 4 MEP seats) and the Social Democrats (24.6% and five seats). Although both parties matched the figures received in 2004, they did not manage any gains despite active campaigning. Rather, the Greens (10.9% and two seats) and the Liberal Party (13.6% an 2009年6月10日(水曜日)、000355 SIPDISがDEPT /タグPGOV、PINR、プレル、イーコン、KIPRは、SW件名デビッドウィンナーのEO用12958 Nを米国通商代表部にお渡しください02ストックホルム01の13時42 UNCLASセクション:アーッ!スウェーデンの海賊はブリュッセル1に向けて出航
- Lesley Fowler obituary
Both a matriarch and a feminist, my wife, Lesley Fowler, who has died of cancer aged 64, felt that she led a dual life. She was the traditional mother and centre of the family, and a modern working woman who taught about the role of women in contemporary society.Born Lesley Welfare in Kent, she was the eldest of four children who lived in a house without electricity until she was 13. Surviving on benefits, the family earned extra cash by picking fruit and hops during the summer.Lesley's working-class single mother believed that the way out of poverty was through education. Despite passing the exams for the local grammar school, Lesley was turned down after her interview. She felt that this was because of her background, and it shaped her lifelong commitment to encouraging and inspiring other women to take up educational opportunities.She attended Olborough Manor school in Maidstone and trained as a secretary at Maidstone technical college. After her mother died in 1969, Lesley was the backbone of the family. She became the full-time national secretary of the Youth Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament in the mid‑60s.Lesley and I met when she was organising the distribution of CND leaflets at the 1967 Liberal party conference in Blackpool. We married the next year and then moved to Manchester, where Lesley enrolled at the polytechnic (now Manchester Metropolitan University) to study history and politics.We then had two sons, Tom and Sam, by which time Lesley was teaching secretarial studies at Bradford College. The difference between Kent and Yorkshire pronunciations provided much entertainment in her shorthand classes. She moved on to teaching the new women's studies undergraduate course, one of the first in the country, and inspired and su 両方の女家長、フェミニストは、64歳のがんで死亡した妻が、レスリーファウラー、彼女は二重生活を送っていたことを感じた