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○■ wildflower
○■ ピーチズがlaに行く!ピーチズの夏服好き
○■ 10位『i remember』
○■ Looking for a land of sunshine, good living and job opportunities? Then Western Australia could be the answer to your dreams, says a new marketing campaignIt's big (10 times the size of Britain), empty (barely 1/30th of the UK's population), and it wants you. Western Australia, home (it says here) to the world's largest collection of wildflowers and birthplace (really) of Rolf Harris, has launched a major marketing campaign across the UK and Ireland in a bid to attract the 150,000 extra workers it estimates it will need over the next five years to meet the demands of its booming economy. Interested in abandoning the economic and meteorological gloom of these isles for the warmth, sunshine and job opportunities of Down Under? Here's a brief guide.Location West Australia, basically. It occupies a third of the continent, and is apparently the second largest subnational entity in the world.History Indigenous Australians arrived there between 40,000 and 60,000 years ago. The first European to pitch up was a Dutchman, Dirk Hartog, in the 17th century. Nobody else much followed until gold was discovered in the 1890s, and it wasn't until the 20th century that significant European immigration – led by the Brits – got under way.Economy Minerals, minerals, minerals: iron-ore, alumina, nickel, bauxite (it's demand from China and India for these exports that has fuelled the state's economic boom). Gold, still. And crude oil and liquefied natural gas. Services are becoming more important.Climate Depends where you are. The south-west coastal area, where almost everyone lives, is lovely: positively Mediterranean. Most of the rest is desert, or at best semi-arid. In 1998, the temperature in Pilbara in the north reached 50.5C, so watch that.Where does everyone live? Perth, the capital, i _NULL_
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○■ 1.rollin’days※cx系ドラマ『boss』主題歌 2.beep!!※映画『漫才ギャング』主題歌 3.fly to the moon 4.タマシイレボリューション※2010nhkサッカーテーマソング 5.eyes on me※psp(r)専用ソフト『the 3rd birthday『テーマソング 6.deep-sea fish orchestra 7.secret garden 8.sunshine sunshine※「meet the music 2011」キャンペーンソング 9.morris 10.wildflower※cx系ドラマ『gold』主題歌 11.free planet※sony ericsson cmタイアップ曲 12.悪夢とロックンロール 13.only you 14.ah
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coversongs best track rollin 自分 eyeson ロック mind beep alright besttrack アンコール music orchestra 最近 アーティスト 新曲 愛をこめて花束 気持 live tothe planet meet ドラマ deep 無料 secret クリック セット 昨日 発売 盛り上がり box days 全開 mindtravel リリース 今日 onlyyou 楽天 amazon デビュー 思います 表現 国際 flytothe 明らか 勝手 感動 彼女 送料無料 メンバー 悪夢 楽しかっ 様子 大きく 嬉しい 歌唱 最高 画像 久しぶり アルバム 思って 今まで 思いまし 今回 思ってい だと思って ているのですが
評価強度 | 可変性 | 記述詳細 | 感情強度 | 描写総量 | 装飾量 |
0.039 | 0.134 | 0.519 | 0.049 | 0.478 | 0.286 | やや弱い | やや強い | やや強い | やや弱い | やや強い | 極めて弱い | total 21915.600000001465 | |