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    政治 国際 関連語 共産党 日露戦争 中国軍 満洲 大東亜戦争 満州事変 中華民国 中国漁船
    • Warlord's widow faces fraud trial
      Svetlana Raznatovic, one of Serbia's most popular folk singers and widow of the Serbian warlord Arkan, is to face trial for allegedly stealing millions of euros from transfers of football players during her time as the head of the... スベトラーナRaznatovicは、セルビアで最も人気のフォーク歌手、セルビア軍閥Arkanの未亡人の一人容疑者の頭としての彼女の時にサッカー選手の転送から数百万ユーロを盗んで審判に直面しています...

    • US security firms funnel cash to Taliban: report
      US funds for private security contractors in Afghanistan have flowed to warlords and Taliban insurgents, undermining the war effort and fueling corruption, according to a Senate report.The investigation by the Senate Armed Services Committee found that the government had failed to vet or manage those hired to provide security under contracts worth billions of dollars, with disastrous results. アフガニスタンの民間警備業者のための米国の資金が交わす機会は、戦争の努力と腐敗を給油を損なう、軍閥やタリバン武装勢力に流れた上院軍事委員会が上院report.Theの調査によると、政府は獣医に失敗したこと、または雇用者の管理が見つかりました契約の下で悲惨な結果とドルの価値は十億ドルを、セキュリティを提供しています

    • Taliban: The True Story of the World's Most Feared Fighting Force by James Fergusson | Books review
      This portrait of the Taliban is convincing – but rather dullOne of the few subjects which unite left and right in the west is dislike of the Taliban. The former abhors their abuse of women and contempt for human rights; the latter their hatred for America and Israel. So the notion that the governments now waging war against them should instead negotiate with them has, at least until recently, met with little favour in any western political quarter. James Fergusson, a British journalist who has been covering Afghanistan for 14 years, believes that dealing with the Taliban is in the interests of both foreigners and Afghans. His argument, woven through a book which describes the rise, fall and rise of a bunch of Pashtun guerrillas who have pinned down the armed forces of the world's great powers in an unwinnable war, comes in two parts: that the Taliban are not as bad as westerners think, and that they are too important to be ignored.On the first part, he points out that at first the Taliban improved life for Afghans. They (the word is a plural, denoting seekers after knowledge) emerged from the chaos that followed the Soviet withdrawal, when competing groups of mujahideen blew Kabul to pieces, warlords sliced the countryside up into fiefdoms and bandits set up roadblocks to extort money from travellers. With their swift enforcement of tribal law and their brutal sharia punishments, the Taliban were, initially, welcomed by their fellow Pashtuns.But the chaos of civil war was swiftly replaced by a horrible new order. The Taliban stopped girls from going to school and women from leaving their houses without their husbands, executed criminals in front of crowds, sawed off the hands of thieves, forbade people from using computers, listening to music or watching TV, and destroy ではなく、左と団結権西のタリバンの嫌いですいくつかの科目のdullOne - タリバンのこの肖像画は説得力があります


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