- ドイツ詩韻律学習01:序説
below the thunders of the upper deep;
far, far beneath in the abysmal sea,
his ancient, dreamless, uninvaded sleep
the kraken sleepeth: faintest sunlights flee
- ヴォルフ/心変わりした娘(Die Bekehrte)
bei dem glanz der abendröte ging ich still den wald entlang, damon saß und blies die flöte, daß es von den felsen klang, so la la! ... 夕焼けの輝く中、 私はそっと森に沿って歩いて行たの
- 7月23日(月)のつぶやき
by kaya_099 on twitter
- ドイツ詩韻律学習03.02:韻律論上の図式(Das Versmaß)
but were i loved, as i desire to be
what is there in the great sphere of the earth
and range of evil between death and birth ,
that i should fear, --if i were loved by thee?
all the inner, all the outer world of pain
clear love would pierce and cleave, if thou wert mine,
as i have heard that, somewhere in the main,
fresh-water springs come up through bitter brine.
'twere joy, not fear, clasped hand-in-hand with thee,
to wait for death--mute--careless of all ills,
apart upon a mountain, tho' the surge
of some new deluge from a thousand hills
flung leagues of roaring foam into the gorge
below us, as far on as eye could see.