- 日本航空なんて潰しちゃえ
不足したから政府に頼むというのはふざけていると思う I seem to have been asked the government to inject public funds to leverage funds with Japan Airlines to pay pension plan, and then explore how to use the budget as much care for retirees, asking that the government was missing from the joke think that
- 日航の会社更生法適用が濃厚に
日本航空の再生計画には大きな肝となる、「企業年金」減額で、現役社員の9割・退職者2/3の同意が得られ、一歩前進となった Japan Airlines plans will play a large liver, u0026quot;corporate pensionu0026quot; in the reduction of active employees who retired nine percent 2 / 3 consent was obtained, was a step forward
- 日本航空の年金問題
日本航空の年金の平均が、583万円で、 大企業の年金の平均、300万円台より 大幅に上回っているそうです Average pension of Japan Airlines, 583 million yen, the average large company pension, it is much higher than 300 million units from
- その年金額は・・・ちょっと異常じゃ?
日本航空の経営危機を助けるため 公的資金 ( 我々国民の税金 )の導入を検討しているようですが、そのためには日本航空にも企業努力を持てめる形で「 年金支給額の減額(50%)」 を前原大臣は日本航空側に要求しましたね Management of public funds to help the crisis, Japan Airlines (we taxpayers), but seems to consider the introduction of Meru hold out for their efforts in the form to the Japan Airlines Company, u0026quot;a reduction of the pension ( 50%) u0026quot;I have requested the Minister to the Maehara Airlines
- 日本航空と全日空の比較
日本航空の方が数字が随分大きいのですが、その原因には退職金、年金の水準のみならず他の要素も入ってくるので、よく解りません Large numbers for quite some time is better for Japan Airlines, the cause is retirement money, because other factors also come in not only the level of pensions, often解Rimasen
- 日本航空への政府介入に反対する
日本航空の企業年金問題は当事者間で話し合って決めるべきものです Airlines corporate pension issue is between the parties should decide to talk