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    政治 国際 関連語 民主党 カンボジア 海上保安庁 尖閣諸島 DEMOCRACY 民主党政権 中国漁船 bangkok
    • Rebels Control Central African Republic Town
      Military and rebel leaders say fighters from rebel Convention of Patriots for Justice and Peace attacked town of Birao Wednesday 軍と反政府勢力の指導者は、正義と平和のための愛国者の反。条約からの戦闘機はビラオ水曜日の町を攻撃したと言う

    • Rand Paul, maverick in the making | Michael Tracey
      The left should put aside its disdain: the Kentucky senator is no Tea Party puppet, and could prove an unexpected allyThe American left has often been quick to dismiss the incoming class of conservative legislators as half-baked lunatics. But lost in that unbridled contempt is any acknowledgment of the potential of a certain Republican senator-elect from Kentucky to act as a sorely-needed boon to progressive causes. You'd hardly know it from all the handwringing, but Rand Paul – much maligned as the Tea Party's crazed kingpin – has actually opposed both the Iraq war and the Patriot Act with admirable consistency, denounced corporate welfare, questioned the premise of federal drug policy, called for meaningful cuts to defense spending, chastised his own party for supporting torture, and generally advocated a platform that is structured to impede the unwarranted exertion of government power. Once upon a time, that was the kind of thing progressives stood for. Those on the left who reflexively conflate the Paul brand of libertarianism – embodied most robustly by his father Ron – with the aims of cynical theocrats like Sarah Palin or Jim DeMint not only abdicate any pretence of intellectual responsibility; they deprive themselves of a powerful ally. There's a reason why Mitch McConnell and the rest of the Republican establishment were spooked by the idea of Rand Paul in a GOP senate primary. He'll be a thorn in their sides for years to come and, along the way, likely foster a few schisms within an otherwise absurdly uniform caucus. This must be a positive development.An anti-war Republican holding his party accountable and shaking things up in an institution mostly known for its insufferable stagnation? I fail to see the problem, especially when the alternative was the loat 左は、その軽蔑を脇に置く必要があります:ケンタッキー州の上院議員は、コーヒー党の操り人形であり、予期しないallyTheアメリカの左は、多くの場合中途半端な狂人として保守的な議員の着信クラスを閉じるには、簡単にされている証明することができた

    • Will Bill Cash, the historian, change his mind and agree to support Ireland?
      Veteran Eurosceptic says no to supporting Ireland as Downing Street confirms Britain is prepared to help fund a bailoutWhen you are blinded by hatred it is sometimes difficult to see the wider picture.Bill Cash, the grand daddy of Tory Eurosceptics, gave a masterclass of this today when Downing Street confirmed that Britain may have to contribute to a possible bailout of the Irish Republic.On cue, this is what Cash, chairman of the Commons European scrutiny committee, told the London Evening Standard:Not a penny of British taxpayers' money should go to bail out Ireland.Cash does not want to help the Irish Republic because it is a member of the eurozone. Ireland has only itself to blame, goes the Eurosceptic thinking, and should turn instead to the likes of France and Germany which enticed Dublin to join the single currency spurned by Britain.If Cash is struggling to summon up any generosity towards Ireland, perhaps a potted history of his career might help him to think again:• As a lawyer, Cash will be familiar with the concept of international borders. As a patriot he probably knows the borders of the United Kingdom by heart. Yes, we do have a land border. It runs from Carlingford Lough in the east to Lough Foyle in the north west and is with the Irish Republic.• As a Unionist, Cash will want Her Majesty's subjects in all parts of the United Kingdom to have a stable future. If the Irish Republic's economy tanks that will be a severe blow for Northern Ireland, particularly the two border towns of Derry / Londonderry and Newry which rely on shoppers from the south.• As an Oxford history graduate, Cash will no doubt be aware that there are strong links between the United Kingdom and the 26 counties of the Irish Republic which were once UK soil. The Irish Republic joined t ベテラン欧州統合懐疑派は、首相官邸は、英国は、それが時には広いpicture.Billキャッシュを参照してくださいすることは困難であるあなたは憎しみに目がくらんでいるbailoutWhen、ファンドを助けるために用意され確認、アイルランドをサポートするという、保守党Euroscepticsの壮大なお父さんが、今日このマスタークラスを与えた首相官邸は、英国は、このキャッシュは、コモンズ、欧州監視委員会の委員長、ロンドンイブニングスタンダードを言ったが、アイルランドRepublic.Onキューの可能な救済に貢献する可能性があることを確認する:しないイギリスの納税者のお金のペニーを必要それはユーロ圏のメンバであるため、アイルランド共和国を支援したいと思っていないIreland.Cashを救済してください

    • Protest against TPN in Sa Kaeo
      About 300 people from four border districts of Sa Kaeo province gathered in front of the office of the Municipality of Aranyaprathet on Thursday in opposition to the Thai Patriots Network's (TPN) threat to move to Aranyaprathet and force the closure of the border checkpoint, police said. 土Kaeoの州の4つの国境地区から約300人が、アランヤプラテートとの国境チェックポイントの閉鎖を強制的に移動するタイ愛国者ネットワークの(TPN)と脅威に反対して木曜日にアランヤプラテートの市町村の事務所の前に集まり、警察が言いました

    • Yellow shirts appeal to UN
      Thailand Patriot Network representatives on Saturday submitted a letter to United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, asking for justice, humanity and to respect the civil rights of seven Thais currently detained in Cambodia. 土曜日にタイ愛国者ネットワーク代表者は、正義、人類を求めて、国連事務総長潘基文への手紙を提出し、現在、カンボジアで拘。七タイ人の人権を尊重する

    • Protesters rally against Cambodia
      Members of the Thailand Patriot Network on Friday rallied in front of the Cambodian embassy in Bangkok, calling on the Phnom Penh government to immediately release the seven detained Thais, reports said. 金曜日にタイ愛国者ネットワークのメンバーは、すぐに。拘留タイを解放するためにプノンペン政府に呼びかけて、バンコクのカンボジア大使館の前でデモ、レポートは言った

    • Royal petition against govt is 'inappropriate'
      Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban has criticised the Thai Patriots Network’s move to petition His Majesty the King, accusing the government of mismanaging the border demarcation issue with Cambodia, saying it was inappropriate. 副首相はステープThaugsubanは不適切だったと言って、カンボジアとの国境画定問題経営を失敗し、政府を非難し、国王陛下に陳情タイ愛国者ネットワークの動きを批判している

    • Yellows not allowed to close checkpoint
      The government will not allow supporters of the Thai Patriots Network to close the main border checkpoint in Sa Kaeo, as they threaten to do, Deputy Prime Minister for security affairs Suthep Thaugsuban said on Thursday. governmentはステープThaugsubanによると安全保障、タイ語の愛国者ネットワークの支持者は彼らはどうする脅かすとして、土Kaeoのでmain borderチェックポイントを閉じるために、副首相を許可しません

    • 'Patriots' allowed to inspect border
      Seven representatives of the Thai Patriots Network have been allowed to visit a disputed border area wnear here seven Thais, including Democrat MP Panich Vikitsreth, were arrested by Cambodian troops, despite opposition from local residents of Sa Kaeo's Khok Sung district. タイ愛国者ネットワークのセブン代表は、SA KaeoののKhok宋地区の住民の反対にもかかわらず、カンボジア軍に逮捕された、ここで民主党のMPのPanich Vikitsrethを含む7つのタイを、係争の国境地帯のwnearを訪問する許可されている

    • Yellow rally banned from border area
      The yellow-shirt supporters of the Thailand Patriot Network will not be allowed to rally against Cambodia near the border, Maj Gen Walit Rojanapakdee, commander of the Burapa Force, said on Monday. タイ愛国者ネットワークの黄色のシャツのサポーターは、国境に近いカンボジア反対集会を許可されず、少将Walit Rojanapakdeeは、Burapa空軍の司令官を明らかにした

    • TPN protest at Govt House tomorrow
      The Thai Patriots Network (TPN) will hold a mass rally in front of Government House this Thursday, demanding that the government to comply with its demand for resignations, the network said in a statement read by its core member Chaiwat Sinsuwong on Wednesday. タイ愛国者ネットワークは、(TPN)と政府が辞任のための需要に適合することを要求し、政府の家の前に今週の木曜日の質量集会を開催する、ネットワークは水曜日に、そのコアメンバーChaiwat Sinsuwongによって読み取ら声明で述べている

    • Gen Prawit blamed for 7 Thais' arrest
      Chaiwat Sinsuwong, a core leader of Thailand Patriot Network, claimed on Monday that he had received information that Defence Minister Prawit Wongsuwon was behind the arrest of the seven Thais by Cambodian troops on Dec 29. Chaiwat Sinsuwong、彼は国防相Prawit Wongsuwonは12月29日にカンボジア軍が七タイ人の逮捕の背後にあるという情報を受けていたこと月曜日に主張タイ愛国者のネットワークの中核リーダー

    • Yellows to rally against Cambodia in Sa Kaew
      Members of the yellow-shirt people group and the Thailand Patriot Network will hold a protest in the eastern province of Sa Kaew on Tuesday, Jan 4, to call for a the release of detained seven Thais, core leader of the network Chaiwat Sinsuwong said in a press conference on Sunday. 黄色のシャツの人々のグループが、タイ愛国者ネットワークのメンバーは、リリースするために呼び出す火曜日のSAプラケオ、1月4日、東部の州で抗議を保持するChaiwat Sinsuwongで言いました七タイ、ネットワークのコアリーダー拘束日曜日の記者会見


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