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    自動車 関連語 GT-R ISSA
    • Nissan recalls 250,000 cars globally
      TOKYO (AFP) - Nissan said on Thursday it will recall almost 250,000 vehicles worldwide over a loose sensor that could cause fuel leaks in the worst cases. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Add Nissan To The List Of Foreign Companies Adding American Jobs
      The list of foreign companies adding jobs at their American car plants grew again on Monday, when Nissan announced plans to hire 1,000 more workers in Smyrna, Tenn. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • An IPhone Case That Heals Itself
      Car company Nissan developed an iPhone case that automatically repairs itself, giving owners an innovative way to protect their smartphones. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Case puts honour killings in spotlight
      On a summer morning in 2009, in canal locks east of Toronto, police made a grisly discovery: A submerged Nissan car with the bodies of three teenage sisters and a 52-year-old woman.A joyride gone tragically wrong, claimed the father,... null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Nissan UK car plant hits 'record' output in 2011
      Japanese auto giant Nissan on Wednesday said that its factory in Sunderland, northeast England, produced more than 480,000 cars last year, a record high for a British plant.Output at the Sunderland plant surged to 480,485 vehicles last year, Nissan said in a statement, as the group was boosted by strong demand for its Qashqai, Juke and Note car models, many of which are sold outside of Britain.That beat the company's previous record of 423,262 set in 2010 when the Sunderland facility became the first-ever British car factory to exceed the 400,000-mark. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Nissan plans cheap car for India
      The vehicles, priced around 500,000 yen ($6,200), will initially be built and sold in India, Indonesia and Russia, the Nikkei said. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Renault-Nissan to double Brazil market share
      French-Japanese alliance Renault-Nissan plans to double its share of the Brazilian auto market by 2016, group president Carlos Ghosn said Saturday.In order to meet his goals, Ghosn will announce two major investments Wednesday and Thursday for the two brands in Brazil, but he declined to provide those figures in advance. フランスと日本の同盟ルノー - 日産は2016年までにブラジルの自動車市場のシェアを倍増させる計画、グループ社長カルロスゴーンは、Saturday.In順序が彼の目標を達成するために、ゴーンは、ブラジルの2つのブランドのために水曜日と木曜日二つの主要な投資を発表すると述べたしかし彼は、事前にそれらの数字を明らかにしなかった

    • Nissan LEAF to Power Homes
      Nissan revealed a plan to power homes with electricity stored by the lithium-ion batteries in Nissan LEAF vehicles. コロンビア0から2 perucarlos lofftónとフアンバルガスはペルービートコロンビアを2-0で想像したことのない支援と最高のサードとしてのグループから資格19ff.peru以来初めて、のためのコパアメリカの準決勝に達するために余分な時間で得点チームに置かれた、現在アルゼンチン、ウルグアイとの間の準々決勝の勝者に直面するだろう、とtコロンビアの試合の多くを支配し、さらに66分にPKを逃した、radamelファルカンが広い焼成別の衝撃をオフに引っ張っての期待となるdayro moreno.colombia上アルベルトロドリゲスのファウルは、双方の明るいと作成されたいくつかのチャンスを起動した後にファルカンもちょうど半。。u200b。。u200b時間マークTラウルフェルナンデス後にバーの上にシュートを打たれる前に左のポストは、tアベルAguilar氏は、早い段階でワイドショット徐々にの開始時に、試合に戻ってきた、と34分後に彼の最初のセーブは、tしかし20ヤードからバルガスの努力を脇に転倒コロンビアのゴールキーパーにルイスマルティネスを強制的に危険なstriker.peruを拒否するファルカンの足元に勇敢に飛び込む必要があった後半、コロンビアには、少なくとも、リードを取るために、いくつかのチャンスがないていたファルカンが彼の罰を逃したときにTモレノはbar.colombiaを打つために彼の強烈なシュートはしかし、それをすべて独自の方法を持っていなかっただけのために、さらに近い行き、必要なフレディguarín二つペルーの守備を破って良いsave.havingにフェルナンデスを強制するとマルティネス25ヤードからアダンbalfínの浸漬シュートを介してプッシュすることはそうであってもtを、彼らはまだ余分な時間を避けることができた恐怖、ペルーは、余分な時間でtをフルに活用したことが生き残ったマルティネスはバルガスがFKを収集するために来たときに102分後、彼らは唯一のarea.ten分後の端からネットの屋根にボールをブラストlofftónの足、でそれをこぼさないように、オープナーを贈呈された、コロンビアpで

    • Nissan Adds Features, Jacks Up Price of Leaf
      The Leaf electric car is a hit, Nissan says. リーフ電気自動車がヒットである、日産は述べています

    • X JAPAN「JADE」視聴スペシャル企画第2弾&TAIJI追悼緊急企画
      yoshiki on taiji sawada’s death: “i don’t know how to cope with the loss yet” as we mentioned three days ago when the news broke, former x japan bassist taiji sawada died on monday x japan frontman yoshiki has since issued the following statement about his former band mate’s death: “receiving the news of taiji‘s death has left me speechless. i don’t know how to cope with the loss yet. playing at the nissan stadium together last year brings memories as it was yesterday. to imagine what the fans are feeling right now breaks my heart. but that is the reason why we have to stay strong. x japan will have to carry on with not only [late x japan guitarist] hide, but taiji as well in our hearts. may the amazing bassist taiji rest in peace.” sawada passed away on sunday, after being taken off of life support. 詳しくは↓ kawaiikakkoiisugoi

    • Nissan-Dongfeng to invest 50b yuan
      Nissan Motor Co's joint venture with Dongfeng Motor (Group) Co, the largest Sino-foreign auto partnership, on Monday announced in Beijing that it plans to invest billions of US dollars and double its annual sales over the next five years. The 50-50 joint venture, Dongfeng Motor Co Ltd, said it will invest 50 billion yuan ($7.76 billion) from 2011 to 2015. It expects to increase sales to 2.3 million vehicles by 2015 from 1.28 million last year. The company plans to launch about 30 n ... _NULL_

    • Nissan Leaf electric wins Japan car of the year
      TOKYO (AFP) - Japanese motor giant Nissan won Car of the Year Japan at the Tokyo Motor Show on Saturday for its Leaf electric model, its makers said, the first time an electric vehicle has picked up the award. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Supercars' outing ends in $4m smash
      It is possibly the most expensive crash in the world, involving no fewer than nine Italian thoroughbreds belonging to members of a supercars club.Fourteen machines, including eight Ferraris, one Lamborghini and a Nissan GT-R were... null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • L.A. Auto Show Sneak Preview
      When I think of Los Angeles, I can’t help but think of food trucks. Nissan has embraced the local food truck craze with the display of the Nissan NV food Truck at the LA Auto Show. This is just one of the clever ways auto companies will address the intersections null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Dude, don't steal that car - it's a manual
      Two carjackers in Florida gave up trying to steal a 2007 Nissan when they discovered that the car was a manual, not an automatic.The St. Petersburg Times reports that a man and his girlfriend were leaving his workplace early Friday... null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Dongfeng to boost car investment to 30b yuan
      Dongfeng Motor plans to invest more than 30 billion yuan (HK$36.7 billion) to triple annual sales of its own brand by 2016 and reduce reliance on profits from making cars for Nissan Motor and Peugeot Citroen. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Nissan to invest $2b into its 1st Brazil factory
      RIO DE JANEIRO (AFP) - Nissan will invest US$1.5 billion (S$2 billion) in a new factory in Brazil, where it hopes to produce more than 200,000 units per year, the Japanese automaker said on Thursday. リオデジャネイロ(AFP) - 日産が年間20万人。。u200b。。u200b以上のユニットを生成するために期待しているブラジル、新工場に15億米ドルを(S $ 2億ドル)投資する、日本の自動車メーカーが明らかにした

    • Nissan to cut loss-making exports, boost Japan sales
      YOKOHAMA - NISSAN Motor Co said on Sunday it aimed to boost its sales in Japan in a move that would also help reduce exports by as much as a third and reduce the impact of the yen's crippling strength. The US dollar's plunge below 80 yen (S$1.23) to near record lows has hit profits at Japanese automakers such as Nissan, which exported 610,000, or 57 per cent, of its domestically produced vehicles last year. 横浜 - 日産自動車は、日曜日にそれはまた、サードと同じくらいで、輸出を削減し、円の壊滅的な強さの影響を減少させる動きに日本での売上拡大を目指すと述べた


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