- 地震対策まとめコピペ
【it is to do with the human life!】
please avoid using the phone if possible. it seems that those who are around the seismic center doesn't know about the tsunami warning.
please let people know that there is the tsunami warning around the pacific coast in iwate, miyagi, fukushima, chiba prefectures.
please tell them they should flee to a higher place than the sea level, not a place far from the sea.
please spread this as many people as you can!!
- 何度も読んで!
- 拡散してください
【twittersosタグ】 gps機能もつけてつぶやくこと
- 地震対策まとめ 【拡散記事】
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- ※拡散希望 予震・二次災害に備えて 地震対策まとめ
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- ※拡散希望 予震・二次災害に備えて 地震対策まとめ
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- 地震発生緊急マニュアル
- 転載:緊急マニュアルと被災地のペット預かり情報
- 地震対策情報
- 地震
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