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○■ e a letter to prime minister yoshihiko noda today.
○■ one method to keep the radioactivity diffusion of
○■ f its plan to bring the plant under the control
○■ n that the tokyo electric power is required about the c
○■ nt, sending three reactors into meltdown and setting
○■ somewhere.on the other hand,russia puts the chest a
○■ e point in the nuclear power plant site here.
the nuclear
○■ ear crisis: the melted fuel rods from the core of
○■ 禁止ゾーンを無視する the japanese government says there is no need t
○■ only with the government but also among themselves
○■ ke care of the fukushima first nuclear power plant
○■ orrow.then, the district of dead zone (shelter distri
○■ s to flour the body in that, to hold off the
○■ id wednesday that radiation levels exceeding 10 sievert
○■ to workers suggested that the reactor vessel of t
○■ are still struggling to get under control — beg
○■ ed emergency storage tanks to stop a fresh leak
○■ ) 01:18 rt from twitter for android (re: @madeleine_0909 )
○■ のか? 00:41 rt from ついっぷる/twipple (re: @kuntkine ) @kun
○■ 03:52 rt from web (re: @kuminchuu ) @kuminchuu @
○■ y when the result of the survey is applied to th
○■ night, the prime minister was woken to the distur
○■ e severity
on an international scale- the same level as t
○■ t 210 tons of water into the pool on monday, after
○■ sent parts of the reactor core high into the atmo
○■ over-flight of the crippled reactor on March 16th.
○■ about safety of nuclear power spike after Japan raised
○■ the storage of highly radioactive water.... 日本の東京電力は
○■ the story of fukushima. that night, the prime
○■ what is a nuclear reactor meltdown?
○■ the crippled nuclear power plant and could soon leak in
○■ ’s crippled nuclear plant piled up sandbags and r
○■ why we use nuclear energy ? it is incredibly eff
○■ prefecture, northern Japan April 2, 2011 in this handou
○■ , and some may have been read on the air. 九州電力
○■ dead bodies less than 10 kilometres away from the
○■ water has leaked from a reactor at Japan's crippl
○■ aid Saturday it has started dumping a mineral into
○■ imate Change is also considering a proposal that wou
○■ many people in fukushima are burying their heads
○■ ll host an international conference on nuclear secur
○■ /12 12:47 hirunern: 「rt:garekiaction94【会社帰りは「ひまわり
○■ nited states government is the only other logical
○■ /5 18:10
fukushima plant leaks radioactive water g
○■ ter at the
fukushima nuclear plant. at the very lea
○■ .. ○ the fukushima crisis 307 ; tokyo is in a
○■ 10:54 from web (re: @england_ )
○■ 16:07 rt from web [ 13 rt ] @maruco2271 力で
○■ 15:16 from tweet button 後で読む〜低線量被曝の影響ってど
○■ tuna fish from Fukushima not a threat, just a
plant and 原子力 Japan for powerplant that 福島 事故 発電所 tsunami 放射能 was crisis 福島第 放射線 地震 see 原子炉 said 福島第一 reactor this 政府 Tokyo 原子力発電所 accident 原発事故 more 東電 Japans water people but safety year 被災 燃料 one 福島県 March チェルノブイリ also time when all thenuclear their itis forthe 以上 ニュース 今日 damaged 日本 onthe levels 最新 country 調査 gtsssadsby return 地域 they thefirst says high 発生 can カテゴリ done energy andtsunami around self 一原発 company 今回 福島第一原発 福島第一原子力発電所 最新記事 atomic カテゴリの最新記事 委員会 第一原発 minister ブログ away 大震災 支援 メディア quake write visible where worst 人間 sgaddess text google nhk 関する location 重要 経済 length 記者 PowerCo stricken sreturngt 核燃料 ina twitter you 実際 住民 緊急 施設 inJapan ofJapan our varsvari area 号機 title typetext 最初 months 専門家 live 活動 現場 メルトダウン itwas 日本人 reported 今後 coast 最近 社会 industry 濃度 Sunday chernobyl report 生活 容器 parentself building 市民 hrefurl 学者 教授 利用 taken billion plants thecountry 気持 part 対策 found released sea cannot theplant explosion thing プロジェクト life back far 発表 議員 大きく cooling 研究 though 保安院 管理 日本政府 ツイート 決定 save insertprgt however 言って 格納容器 安全 開催 spent utility rtfrom bit unit 検出 以前 使用済 電気 我々 expected without 機能 second control operatorof 番組 建設 起こっ fromweb 月日 開始 起こし problem 当局 考えて 全員 日木 again 自身 risk able 本当 区域 come due 汚染され well ネット 簡単 disaster thecrisis told ago future whichis did person 日土 関して 不自由福島 danger leak operation percent 禁止 above 巨大 food low 日金 fact 通常 東京 genpatsu further weeks 資料 原爆 日日 午後 site 小出 generation health 日火 一緒 third canbe upto lastyear 撮影 Tuesday began continues highly occurred ofJapans 今年 大丈夫 出来 異常 started 情報 同時 ♪pfkasapnewsカテゴリの最新記事 私たち number etc 汚染水 東京電力 TEPCO 補償 日水 将来 分かっ 世界 according hour show
評価強度 | 可変性 | 記述詳細 | 感情強度 | 描写総量 | 装飾量 |
0.020 | 0.110 | 0.658 | 0.015 | 0.637 | 0.258 | | | | | | | total 674010.5999998018 | |