やってみます。 now is the time to understand the true meaning. let us all join the prayer
ceremony as fellow citizens of the planet earth. i would like to ask all
people, not just in japan, but all around the world to please help us to
find a way out the crisis of this planet!!
the prayer procedure is as follows.
日本は、立ち入り禁止にせよという国連の勧告を無視する most foreign governments have told their citizens to go no closer than 80km, and japanese opposition parties have attacked prime minister naoto kan for failing to widen the exclusion area. ほとんどの外国政府は自国民に80km以内に近付かないように言い、さらに日本の野党諸政党は、立ち入り禁止地域を拡張し損なった管直人首相を攻撃している now both the un nuclear watchdog and japan's own nuclear safety agency say radiation 40km from the plant exceeds levels set for evacuation. 今や国連の核監視機構も日本自身の原子力保安院も、発電所から 40km の核汚染が避難のために設定されたレベルを超えていると言っている
東仙坊、人様のpcをお借りしての耳元への「囁き」!?-8 there must be a reason in its own way why unit no. the first fukushima nuclear power generation 3 caused such an accident properly(福島第一原発3号機がこんな事故を起こしたのには、それなりの理由がきちんとある)!
東仙坊、人様のpcをお借りしての耳元への「囁き」!?-6 we have to choose the one method to keep the radioactivity diffusion of the fukushima nuclear power generation as soon as we can(福島原発の放射能拡散を止める方法は一つ)!
東仙坊、人様のpcをお借りしての耳元への「囁き」!?-7 we cannot but make up fukushima nuclear power generation in a sarcophagus right now to protect the nation from this weird radioactive contamination(この不気味な放射能汚染から国民を守るには、いますぐ石棺で福島原発を埋めるしかない)!