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    ニュース 関連語 放射線 チェルノブイリ ヨウ素 福島原発 シーベルト 半減期 放射能物質 ベクレル
    • 25 years on, Chernobyl fallout still an eco-hazard
      Fallout from Chernobyl remains a poorly-investigated hazard for the environment a quarter of a century after the disaster, say experts.According to anecdotal evidence, animals such as beavers, deer, wild horses, hawks and eagles have returned in abundance to Chernobyl's 30-kilometre (18-mile) exclusion zone since humans fled and hunting was outlawed.But this picture is misleading, said University of South Carolina biology professor Tim Mousseau, one of the few scientists to have probed biodiversity around Chernobyl in depth. チェルノブイリからの放射性降下物は、逸話的な証拠にexperts.According言う、環境災害後、1世紀の4分の1が不十分な検討ハザードのまま、ビーバー、鹿、野生の馬、タカ、ワシなどの動物は、チェルノブイリの30に豊富で戻ってきて - 人間は逃げて以来、狩猟がこの写真をoutlawed.Butされた(18マイル)キロ除外ゾーンには、誤解を招く、サウスカロライナ州生物学教授ティムMousseau、いくつかの科学者のいずれかの大学は、深さのチェルノブイリ周辺の生物多様性のプローブがあると述べた

    • US, Pakistan Question Aid
      Officials in Pakistan, US reassess their partnership in fallout from covert US raid into Pakistan that killed Osama bin Laden パキスタンの当局者は、米国がオサマビンラディン氏を殺害、パキスタンにひそか米国の襲撃から放射性降下物での提携を見直す

    • Bosses in Singapore remain confident despite concerns
      BOSSES are staying optimistic as they head into the second quarter, despite the concerns and uncertainties arising from unrest in the Arab world and the continuing fallout from the nuclear crisis in Japan.Most even expect better sales, profit and employment activity, according a survey out on Tuesday from credit rating firm D&B Singapore. 彼らは、第2四半期に向かうように上司が懸念やアラブ世界の不安から生じる不確実性も期待Japan.Mostの核危機から継続して放射性降下物にもかかわらず、楽観的な滞在している調査から応じてより売上、利益、雇用活動、火曜日信用格付け会社のD&Bは、シンガポールからの

    • Key Indian states stage electoral drama
      The merry-go-round of movieland-dominated Tamil Nadu politics looks set for high drama that could see voters throw Muthuvel Karunanidhi out of the chief minister's office due to fallout from the phone license scandal. The contest in West Bengal, where the world's oldest democratically elected communist government currently rules, looks no less feisty. - Raja Murthy (Apr 20, '11) 映画の都-支配タミルナードゥ州政治のメリーゴーランドは、有権者は携帯電話ライセンスのスキャンダルから放射性降下物のために主な大臣のオフィスのMuthuvel Karunanidhiを捨てて見ることができたの高いドラマの設定を探します

    • Merrill Lynch Economist On China's Brisk Inflation: Get Over It
      China's economic start this year has many investors spooked: its consumer price index rose by 5.4% in March from a year earlier, the fastest rise in nearly three years.  To curb inflation, the government has raised interest rates and shrunk the pool of money that the country's banks can lend out. Chinese stocks of late have been falling in part because of worries about the fallout on corporate profits and economic growth. その消費者物価指数は、前。。u200b。。u200b年同期から3月は5.4%でほぼ3年で最速の上昇をバラ:中国経済の開始は、今年多くの投資家を怖がらせている

    • Natural Gas Stocks For A Changing Energy Landscape
      While numerous questions remain about the fallout--both literal and figurative--of the nuclear reactor leaks in Japan, one thing seems certain: The tragic events are increasing anti-nuclear-power sentiment across the globe. 両方のリテラルと比喩 - - 多くの質問には約放射性降下物を残っていますが、日本で原子炉の漏洩、一つだけは確かなようです:悲劇的な出来事は、世界中の反核電力感情を増加している

    • Fukushima marks a 'nuclear ice age'
      While workers are still battling the crisis at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, it may be too late to save global confidence in nuclear power, with safety reviews, suspensions and closures underway around the world. The only positive is that the Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant was spared - if ruptured it is huge enough to spread deadly fallout around the world. - Kosuke Takahashi (Apr 4, '11) 労働者はまだ日本の福島第一原子力発電所の危機と戦っているが、それはあまりにも世界の安全審査、懸濁液およびクロージャ進行中の原子力発電の世界的な自信を持って、保存するために遅れることがあります

    • China under pressure over Saudi rise
      As the Arab revolts stagger toward denouement, China is doing its utmost to avoid the contagion. It cannot however sidestep the fallout from rising tensions between its biggest energy suppliers, Iran and Saudi Arabia. Since China gets twice as much crude oil from Saudi Arabia than Iran, Beijing may have no other option but to comply should Riyadh demand that it take part in the isolation of Tehran. - Peter Lee (Apr 8, '11) 結末をずらすに向かってアラブ反乱として、中国は、その感染を避けるために最大限のやっている

    • Fifa selection process flawed, says Aussie chief
      Australian football chief Frank Lowy said picking hosts for two World Cups at the same time was a flawed process as fallout continued over corruption... オーストラリアのフットボール長フランクローウィーは、同時に2つのワールドカップのホストを選んで放射性降下物の破損以上続いたように欠陥のあるプロセスであると言いました...


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