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    インターネット 関連語 ガーディアン
    • 郷土の英雄に萌える婦人記者
      ■editor lands jagger interview after seven-year wait

    • UK Court Lifts Media Ban on Soccer Star's Life
      England soccer captain's private life hits front pages after UK court lifts media ban United States - Soccer - Sports - CONCACAF - Shopping サッカーのイングランド代表キャプテンのプライベートな生活、英国の裁判所の後、フロントページのヒットメディアアメリカ合衆国禁止-サッカー-スポーツ-中米-ショッピングリフト

    • Erdogan rides high in wake of flotilla
      Ever since Israeli commandos stormed a ship carrying aid to Gaza killing nine activists, the face of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan - the man who led denunciations of the raid - has been prominent on front pages and television... これまでイスラエルの部隊は、船をガザ地区への9つの活動を、トルコ首相エルドアンの顔 - 空襲の非難を主導した男 - 殺しの援助を運んで突入して以来、フロントページやテレビで著名されている...

    • Even the government accepts a minimum wage will cost jobs
      On Tuesday, our Business desk got an  e-mail from a long-time reader of the paper grumbling that Jake van der Kamp on the front page and Monitor on the back page too often focus on the same topic. Well, if our reader was vexed before, he must be doubly disgruntled now. On Wednesday, Monitor tackled Hong Kong's new minimum wage law, arguing that it is all too likely to backfire. Although the new law is intended to protect the poorest members of society, experience from other countries teaches that minimum wages tend to push prices up and employment down, harming the very people they were supposed to help. 火曜日に、私たちのビジネスデスクでは、紙がジェイクヴァンデルカンプは、フロントページとモニタに戻るページ上にあまりにも頻繁に同じトピックに焦点を不平不満の声長期読者から電子メールを得た

    • If tax fraud is the national sport Hong Kong is China's stadium
      Value-added tax fraud is booming in China. As Ren Wei explains on the front page of today's Business Post, a thriving industry has grown up around diddling the VAT man, with mainland businesses buying and selling illicit VAT invoices in order to minimise their tax payments and maximise their profits. 付加価値税の詐欺は、中国で活況を呈している

    • Margareta Pagano: It's time to bring in the quotas; 20 years on, it's still a man's world
      When Kathleen O'Donovan became the first female finance director of a FTSE 100 company nearly 20 years ago, her new job made the front pages. キャスリーンオドナバンは、ほぼ20年前のFTSE 100の会社の初の女性財務ディレクターになった時、彼女の新しい仕事はフロントページを作りました

    • The silver lining of a Senator Angle | Michael Tomasky
      I've been meaning to get to this matter for a little while, and a front-pager in today's Times finally nudges me. There's a reason why it's probably okay if Harry Reid loses, which is that the Democrats in the Senate will probably choose Chuck Schmer of New York to be their leader. From the Times:Mr. Schumer, one of the party's most prolific fund-raisers, has distributed $4 million from his own campaign coffers to the party and his colleagues this election cycle, including the $500,000 turned over to the Nevada Democratic Party to help Mr. Reid. Mr. Durbin has given nearly $500,000 to the campaign effort of Senate Democrats, and has appeared at fund-raisers and events and barnstormed with Mr. Reid.Neither Mr. Schumer nor Mr. Durbin appears to be openly courting support for the job. And in the treacherous world of Senate leadership elections, even a hint of acting before Mr. Reid's fate is known could be costly. My thinking on this is as follows. If somehow the Democrats lose their Senate majority, which I doubt but is possible, one would think Reid would step down as leader, even if he beats Angle. They may stick with Reid, I suppose, but one would think that losing the majority would seal his doom as leader.If the Democrats keep their majority and Reid wins, they stay with him, in all likelihood. But if they keep their majority and he loses, then it's between Schumer and Durbin, but I am told that the energy leans toward Schumer. As it should.I think Schumer has it in him to be a great majority leader. He's savvy. He's a wheeler-dealer. He knows how to talk to some Republicans and has a few cross-aisle friendships. He was born to legislate and make deals, which I mean in a positive way.He has some of the best political instincts I've ever seen. Taking out Al D'Amato as 私は、少しの間、この問題を取得する意味してきた今日のタイムズ紙のフロントページャは最終的に私をグリグリ

    • Bosses back 44-hour week? Sorry, I just don't believe it
      If an opinion poll on the front page of Monday's South China Morning Post is to be believed, 70 per cent of Hong Kong's bosses want a new law to dictate standard working hours. Apparently, most of them think we should all work no more than 44 hours a week. 月曜日のサウスチャイナモーニングポスト紙のフロントページに世論調査は、香港のボスのパーセント、70を信じされる場合は、標準労働時間を決定する新しい法律が欲しい

    • Broad economic benefits to HK in running trolley buses
      Spare a thought for Hong Kong's bus operators. According to a front page article in yesterday's South China Morning Post, the poor dears are facing hard times. The times are so tough, they claim, that they cannot afford to replace the antiquated diesel buses which belch out 40 per cent of the toxic fumes that make our streets such an unpleasant - and unhealthy - place to be. スペア香港のバス事業者向け思考

    • Three French newspapers find young readers among the young
      In an age when so many children are addicted to computers, iPods and iPads — and when printed newspapers are going out of fashion — three French newspapers for youngsters appear to be defying the trend.Mon Quotidien (My Daily) has caught the imagination of its target audience - children aged from 10 to 14 - by selling 60,000 copies every day.Its sister publications - Petit Quotidien (for 7 to 10-year-olds) and L'Actu (for 14 to 17-year-olds) - sell 75,000 and 30,000 respectively. The young readers also help to edit the papers, which are sold by subscription. They were founded by François Dufour, beginning with Mon Quotidien in 1995. They are lively and colourful mixes of news, pictures, cartoons and quizzes, and this recent issue of Mon Quotidien featured a front-page photo of Paul the Octopus, the successful World Cup tipster.But note the diminishing sales as the each successive age range. In spite of the enthusiasm at a young age, there is no sign of the newspaper habit breed long-term print buyers. Source: New York TimesNewspapersFranceiPadDigital mediaRoy Greensladeguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 年齢のコンピュータにはまって、多くの子供がいるほどで、iPodやiPads - 時は、印刷の新聞が流行 - 若者のための3つのフランスの新聞trend.Monシャランジュを(私の毎日)挑むことへの想像力をキャッチしたように見える予定です、そのターゲット - 子供10歳から14歳 - 60,000コピーごとにday.Its姉妹出版 - プティシャランジュ(10歳のため売却)やL。。u0026#39; Actu(14は17歳に) - 75,000を販売すると30,000であった

    • Hope beyond Hope | Open thread
      The iconic Barack Obama Hope poster has been much morphed for other purposes – now by the Sun. Who would you feature?The Sun has put David Cameron on its front page in imitation of Shepard Fairey's famous and much-reproduced Barack Obama Hope poster. Since its debut, the poster's quasi-religious iconography and stylised colouring has evolved into a culture meme, being parodied by many – including Obama's rivals, opponents of the BNP, the makers of In the Loop and fans of The Wire.What is so striking and iconic about the poster? And is there anyone left you'd like to see get the Fairey poster treatment? Or has its use now passed beyond cliche and into the realm of self-parody?General election 2010Barack ObamaDavid Cameronguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 象徴的なバラクオバマホープポスターは多くの他の目的のために変身されている - 今日で

    • Philippines murder suspect caught on camera
      Reynaldo Dagsa was taking a picture of his family when he was fatally shot, but the camera caught a man pointing a gun at himPolice in the Philippines investigating the New Year's Eve fatal shooting of a local official did not have to look further than the last photograph the victim took. That photo led to the arrest of two suspects.The picture, taken outside the man's house in metropolitan Manila, clearly shows a man aiming his gun from behind the victim's smiling three-member family, seconds before he was shot.The relatives – Reynaldo Dagsa's wife, daughter and mother-in-law – are seen standing beside the family's car, which has lights on, and the gunman, wearing a baseball cap, is bracing himself against the vehicle and pointing his gun at Dagsa. His face is slightly obscured by the gun.The car was parked along an alley outside the Dagsas' house. Also in the right corner of the photograph is a man police identified as the assassin's lookout.Police said today that Dagsa was shot seconds later and died of wounds by the time he reached a hospital. His family gave police the photo, which ran on the Philippine Daily Inquirer's front page today.Caloocan city police chief Jude Santos said a man identified as the gunman in the picture was arrested yesterday. His accomplice also was arrested in a separate raid in Manila the same day, Santos said.He said the main suspect was a car thief who was out on bail and likely sought revenge against Dagsa for ordering his arrest last year.Dagsa's wife and daughter, speaking to reporters at their home yesterday, said the victim had asked them to wake him up before the stroke of midnight so he could join in the usually noisy New Year's street revelry that comes with lots of firecrackers.The family members said they did not hear a gunshot heは、致命的な撃たれたときレイナルドDagsaは、彼の家族の写真を撮っていたカメラは最後の写真よりもさらに見て持っていなかった地方公務員の新大晦日致命的な撮影を調査し、フィリピンでhimPoliceに銃を指して男をキャッチ被害者がいた

    • Pakistan, US tensions spike after border closure
      ISLAMABAD - Hundreds of US and NATO trucks carrying fuel and other supplies for troops in Afghanistan lie idle. Dramatic images of Taleban attacks on these convoys are splashed across front pages in this anti-American country with... イスラマバード - アフガニスタンでの軍隊のための燃料やその他の物資を運んで米国とNATOトラック数百人がアイドル状態にある

    • User-generated horror in Moscow | Megan French
      Anyone with a mobile phone can now report on horrific events as they unfold, but respect for the victims can often be lackingGraphic pictures of the Russian metro bombings are widely available on the internet, clearly showing the dead, the injured and the horrific aftermath of a terrorist attack.This marks another stage in the advent of user-generated content. Never before has the world been so full of aspiring journalists, nearly all of us have the capability of capturing videos, taking photographs and uploading content to websites – all via a mobile phone. This offers more coverage than a news organisation could ever dream to possess, but poses a serious ethical dilemma.While the mainstream media around the world have, for the most part, chosen not to show the pictures of corpses and body parts and instead have opted to only show the injured and the survivors, other outlets have not. Since the early 20th century there has been a widespread media convention not to show graphic pictures of dead people. The press tested this boundary with the photograph of Ruth Snyder in the electric chair. On 12 January 1928, a photographer for the New York Daily News captured the murderess's death with a camera strapped to his leg. The picture was splashed across the newspaper's front page and caused widespread revulsion across America, and teaching the media the limits of acceptable coverage.Was this limit taken too far in the coverage of the London bombings of July 2007? Despite photos being taken from inside the tunnels, and even of the forensics team scouring the destroyed tube carriage, the images show no blood to signal the injuries that were sustained. Macabre though that may sound, the clean-cut images distort the effects of what happened, and shield us from seeing the harm don 携帯電話今恐ろしい出来事に、彼らが展開報告することができますお持ちの方が、尊。犠牲者の多くのロシア地下鉄爆破事件のlackingGraphic写真かもすることができます広くインターネット上で利用できる、明確に死を見せていると、恐ろしい後遺症の負傷ユーザー生成コンテンツの出現でテロattack.Thisマーク別のステージを

    • Daily Star publishes another fake story
      My eyes often pop when I read the Daily Star. And they certainly did this morning when I saw this front page. Could it be true? The Chilean mine to be a theme park? I noted the claim that it was an initiative by the Chilean Tourist Board and moved on, surprised that the story had not emerged during my extensive watching of the BBC, Sky News and CNN.But the website Tabloid Watch, ever vigilant, did not move on. It traced the source of the Star's exclusive to a site called... wait for it... The Spoof. The Star splash is simply a lift from an item on The Spoof, headlined Chile miner site to be turned into a theme park.But the Star (prop: Richard Desmond) missed a real scoop from that spoof piece. It claimed a Chilean miner diet book was being prepared so that obese people could lose enough weight to take trips down the mine shaft via the Pegasus 2 capsule (that should be Phoenix 2, or even Fenix 2, but it is a spoof after all).Daily StarRichard DesmondExpress NewspapersNational newspapersNewspapersChileRoy Greensladeguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 私の目は、しばしば私はデイリースターを読むときに開く

    • North Korea releases photo of Kim Jong-un
      Newspaper publishes picture of leader's son in latest sign he is being groomed for successionNorth Korea has released the first official photograph of Kim Jong-un, the heir apparent to the country's leader, after years of secrecy.Although two other pictures are said to show him, it has never been possible to verify that they are really of Kim Jong-il's youngest son. Even if they are, the images date from his childhood and early adolescence.Today's move is the latest stage in the grooming process for Kim Jong-un, who had never been mentioned by state media until it announced his appointment as a four-star general on Monday.Yesterday his appointment to other senior posts in the ruling Workers' party was announced at the first party assembly for three decades. Analysts say the moves clearly signal that his father wants him to take over after his death.The country's Rodong Sinmun newspaper today published a photograph of a group of top party officials – including Kim Jong-un, according to the caption – on its front page.It shows the younger Kim sitting one seat away from his father, with a military officer - identified as Vide Marshall Ri Yong Ho - between them.His hair is combed into a style much like Kim Jong-il's and he appears to be wearing a similar suit, although in black rather than his father's trademark khaki.Some detected a resemblance to his Kim Il-sung, his grandfather and the country's father, who is still revered in the North.Lee Jong-joo, a spokeswoman at South Korea's unification ministry, which handles relations with North Korea, told Associated Press a photo of Kim Jong-un had never been published before.Amid the eager appetite for information on the young man, one Japanese television station last year broadcast what was purportedly the first image of Kim 同紙は、最新の兆しの中、リーダーの息子の写真を彼はsuccessionNorth韓国は金正日ウンの最初の公式写真を発表したために手入れされている発行して、secrecy.Although数年後に相続人は、国の指導者に明らかに、他の2つの写真は彼を示すと言われている、それは本当に金正日の息子であることを確認できるようになっていない

    • Sri Lanka, no Indian Ocean paradise | Robert Mahoney
      The country is trying to lure back tourists after the defeat of the Tamil Tigers, but its poor human rights record hasn't improvedBritons are again flocking to Sri Lanka. Tourist arrivals surged 47% last month from a year earlier and sun-seekers from the UK form the largest single group. That's an astounding turnaround for a country that for more than a quarter of a century had been a case study in ethnic warfare, terrorism and brutal repression.This week the government of President Mahinda Rajapaksa, buoyed by recent wins in presidential and parliamentary elections, marks the first anniversary of its military victory over the separatist Tamil Tigers.In the past few months Sri Lanka has been trying to burnish its image as an Indian Ocean paradise. And with some success. In January, the influential travel section of The New York Times slapped a picture of Colombo's colonial-era Galle Face hotel on its front page and put Sri Lanka at the top of its 31 Places To Go in 2010 list.And a western tourist sipping palm wine on a white sand beach or Ceylon tea in a plantation hill station might agree. The weather's balmy, the people smile, and the price is oh-so right.What visitors might not notice is that broad swaths of the mainly Tamil north and east of the country are still effectively closed military zones, and tens of thousands of Tamil civilians displaced by last year's army onslaught are still held in camps. Visitors would have a hard time finding independent reporting on these stories in the Sri Lankan media. But not to worry. So would Sri Lankans.Peace may be bringing a dividend for tourism and other business, but not for free speech. The Tamil press has long been intimidated and is extremely wary of being the first to break news critical of the government or the militar 国はタミールタイガースの敗北後、観光客を呼び戻す誘導するが、としているの劣悪な人権記録は再びスリランカに群がっているimprovedBritonsを持っていません


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