- 【VOA】コメント一覧 10 11 10 17 1
in japan, those drugs written on this article are illegal even if you possess one, therefore using legal marijuana is hard to believe among japanese nationals. how much okay is legal marijuana for body health? i suppose that once they start chemicals, they would be so addicted that it's difficult to quit. also, even if they use those drugs as painkiller, doesn't’ it hurt or shrink their brain? i'm very concerned. in another topic, i'm curious about a ballot measure, proposition. does it decide an important issue by majority vote just one time? if so, voters tend to choose what they like by seeing just a surface without taking account of drawbacks. in addition, since you have picked up general matters in america such as lobbying and this social issue, it was very fascinating to me.(136 words)
- マイケルの慈善活動の歴史その③
in 1988, jackson’s signed fedora is given away on occasion of a music celebrity auction advantaging the t.j. martell foundation for leukemia, cancer and aids research, the hat being sold for over 4,000 dollars. 1988年にはジャクソンの署名の入ったフェドーラ(中折れ帽)は白血病やガンやエイズ研究所のtjマーテル基金の名目での音楽の著名人の競売に際して4000ドルで譲られました
- The moment total accomplishment has been shifted into contribution
it is needed to please ourselves through the maximum hourly in our own time.
under the segment of general member of society, routine work engages them.
so we might be pushed into forms of theory routine work must have been into tip-top shape about the side of contentment
this is not incorrect suggestion, instead perfect status within being able to imagine.