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    料理 関連語 インドネシア クリスマスケーキ カンボジア Christmas
    • Kasit leaving for NY Monday
      Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya will fly to New York on Monday, Feb 14, for a meeting with Cambodian foreign minister Hor Namhong and Marty Natalegawa, the Indonesean foreign minister and chairman of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean), the minister's secretary said on Wednesday. 外務大臣カシットPiromya、カンボジア外相ホルNamhongとマーティNatalegawa、Indonesean外相は、東南アジア諸国連合(ASEAN)の議長との会談のため2月14日(月曜日)、にニューヨークに飛んで、首相の秘書が明らかにした水曜日

    • Burma urged to live up to promises
      Military-ruled Burma should live up to its commitments that elections planned for later this year would be free and democratic, Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa said Wednesday. 軍は、ビルマが、その約束には、選挙が今年後半には、自由で民主的になる予定生きなければならない判決、インドネシア外相マーティNatalegawa明らかにした

    • Hor Namhong claims Thais fired first
      The Cambodian foreign minister has told the Asean chairman, Indonesian foreign minister Marty Natalegawa, that the Thai military began firing first in the four clashes on the border over the last few days. カンボジア外相、タイ軍は最後の数日間の発砲を境界上の4つの衝突で最初に始めたことがアセアン議長、インドネシア外相マーティNatalegawa、言っている

    • Asean chairman backs bilateral solution
      The Thai-Cambodian border dispute must be resolved bilaterally, Indonesian Foreign Minister and current Asean chairman Marty Natalegawa said after meeting Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya on Tuesday. タイカンボジア国境紛争は、二国間で解決しなければならない、インドネシア外務大臣、現在のアセアン議長マーティNatalegawaは、火曜日の会。外務大臣カシットPiromya後に語った

    • Condition conducive needed in Thailand-Cambodia clash reconciliation: Indonesian minister
      A condition conducive is needed before deployment of observer team from Indonesia to the border of Thailand and Cambodia, as a part of the efforts to solve the strife between both countries, an Indonesian minister said on Friday. Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa told reporters that he has met Foreign Minister and Vice Prime Minister of Cambodia Hor Namhong and Foreign Minister of Thailand Kasit Piromya to find solutions of the conflict. Natalegawa said that Thailand and Cambodia ... 条件を助長する両国間の争いを解決するための取り組みの一環として、タイ、カンボジアの国境にインドネシアからのオブザーバーチームの展開する前に必要なのは、インドネシアの大臣が明らかにした

    • Udinese end Inter's perfect record under Leonardo
      Udinese ended Leonardo's perfect record since taking over as Inter Milan coach from Rafael Benitez with a 3-1 win over the Italian champions in a lively lunchtime match in Serie A on Sunday.Inter, aiming for a sixth straight win since the Brazilian's arrival in the San Siro dugout, took the lead after quarter of an hour through Dejan Stankovic.Udinese then stunned Inter with goals from Cristian Zapata and Antonio Di Natale to go into the break 2-1 up, with Maurizio Domizzi adding a third midway through the second half. ウディネーゼが目指して、Sunday.InterのセリエAで活発なランチタイムの試合でイタリアチャンピオンを3-1で勝利し、ラファエルベニテスからインテルミラノの監督として引き継いで以来、レオナルドダヴィンチの完璧な記録を終了したストレートでブラジルの到着以来、勝利第六サンシーロのダッグアウトには、2番目の半分を介して、Maurizio Domizziは、サード途中で追加すると、最大ブレーク2月1日に入ってて、Cristian Zapataさんとアントニオディナターレのゴールでインテルを圧倒して、Dejan Stankovic.Udineseを介して十五分後にリードを奪った

    • Dutchman confesses to killing woman in Peru hotel room
      Joran Van der Sloot, the prime suspect in the 2005 disappearance of a US teenager, admits killing Stephany Flores in Lima, police sayThe prime suspect in the disappearance of the US teenager Natalee Holloway on the Caribbean resort island of Aruba in 2005 has confessed to killing a woman in his Peru hotel room last week, a police spokesman said today.Police colonel Abel Gamarra, the head of the Information Directorate of Police, told the Associated Press Joran Van der Sloot had admitted under questioning that he killed 21-year-old Stephany Flores in Lima.Gamarra said the case would now be turned over to prosecutors, who will present formal charges against 22-year-old Van der Sloot.The National Prison Institute will decide which jail he will be held in while awaiting trial.Police planned to take him to the hotel today to participate in a reconstruction of the events that led to the death of Flores, Gamarra said.The Peruvian Channel 4 television station said it had obtained details of Van der Sloot's confession.The Dutchman reportedly told police he killed Flores because he became angry when he found she had looked up information about his past on his laptop.Flores, a university student studying business administration, was found beaten to death in the hotel room where the Dutchman had stayed while participating in a poker tournament. Flores is thought to have met him at the casino.She was last seen alive on a hotel video when she entered his room on the night of 30 May.Footage showed Van der Sloot leaving the room with his baggage several hours later before walking out of the hotel.Police said he took a bus to Chile, where he was captured several days later and returned to Peru.Van der Sloot has long been considered the main suspect in the disappearance of Holloway, from ヨランバンデアSlootは、米国の10代の2005年の消失の主要容疑者、リマでは、警察がアルバのカリブ海リゾートの島米10代のナタリーホロウェイの消失2005年に首相容疑者をsayThe殺害を自供したステファニーレスを殺害認める彼のペルーのホテルの部屋の女性が先週、警察のスポークスマンはtoday.Police大佐アベルガマラ、情報総局警察の長は、彼が21歳を殺した質問で認めたAP通信ヨランバンデアSlootを伝えたというステファニーFloresにLima.Gamarraの場合は、現在検察に、誰がどの刑務所彼はtrial.Policeを待っている間で開催される決定する22歳のファンデルSloot.The国立刑務所研究所に対する正式な起訴を発表する予定引き渡されると述べたホテルに今日レス、ガマラの複式ペルーチャンネル4のテレビ局の死に至った経緯の再建では、ヴァンデルSlootのconfession.Theダッチマンの詳細を入手していたと伝えられると警察に話しに参加する彼を取る予定だポーカートーナメントに参加して殺されるフローレスは、彼が怒っているとき、彼は彼女は彼のlaptop.Flores、大学の学生経営の勉強に自分の過去についての情報を見上げていたがなったため、死にオランダ人が滞在していたホテルの部屋で殴ら発見された

    • Questions remain for van der Sloot
      Prosecutors in Aruba said today they want to take Joran van der Sloot up on his offer to discuss the unsolved disappearance of American teenager Natalee Holloway.Judicial authorities in Peru are willing to arrange a conversation... アルバ検察は今日は彼の申し出ペルーアメリカの10代のナタリーHolloway.Judicial当局の未解決の消失を議論するためにヨランファンデルSlootを取るしたい会話を手配して喜んでいるという...


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