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    学術 科学 関連語 エルサレム 福音書 パレスチナ イエス・キリスト Israel Palestin
    • Up to 1000 bodies found at 'Bedlam' burial site
      Archaeologists have discovered as many as 1000 bodies at the former burial site of Bethlehem Hospital in London, which opened in 1247 as the world's first institution dedicated to mental illness.The find was made near Liverpool... 考古学者は、リバプールの近く行われた検索精神illness.Theに特化した世界初の機関として1247年にオープンしたロンドンのベツレヘム病院の前の埋葬地、1000体として、多くの発見した...

    • Bethlehem shines as Europe freezes
      Pilgrims flock to sun-kissed Bethlehem to celebrate Christmas in birthplace of Jesus Christ as Europeans battle snowstorms to make it home to their families. 巡礼者は、太陽はヨーロッパの戦いの吹雪は家族に家にするために、イエスキリストの生誕地でクリスマスを祝うためにベツレヘムにキスをして集まっている

    • US robber clowns about
      BETHLEHEM: Police in northeastern Pennsylvania have arrested a woman they say robbed a bank in a clown costume. Bethlehem police said the woman was captured about five minutes after the bank robbery. Police said the suspect... ベツレヘム:警察の北東部ペンシルベニア州はピエロの衣装で銀行強盗を言う女性を逮捕した

    • Peace activists arrested by Israeli soldiers in Bethlehem (4)
      &$&$ Israeli soldiers arrest an international activist during a protest by Palestinians and international activists against the construction of Israel's separation barrier in the West Bank town of Beit Jala, near Bethlehem on May 23, 2010. Seven international peace activists were arrested by Israeli soldiers during a protest near Bethlehem on Sunday. (Xinhua/Mamoun Wazwaz)&$ &$ ... &$&$イスラエル軍は2010年5月23日ベイト町の銀行逮。欧米での分離イスラエル建設の活動によってパレスチナ人と国際的な抗議にバリア活動を国際的にジャラ、近くのベツレヘム

    • Property speculation in Israel is on rocky ground | Nicholas Blincoe
      The Israeli economy is highly dependent on the housing boom in settlement areas. If it falters, who loses?Ten years ago, I wrote a novel about real estate deals in Jerusalem, The Dope Priest, and the intervening years have done nothing to cool this shadowy and little-understood market.This week, Florida-based millionaire Irving Moskowitz started construction on what is intended to be a Jewish-only zone inside Palestinian East Jerusalem, on land dubiously designated as abandoned. Moskowitz's antics are driven by ideology, but he presumably hopes that the finished condos will attract tenants.He may be unlucky. The failure of another Jews-only development in the Sheik Jarrah neighbourhood has led the Palestinian businessman Bashar Masri to launch a takeover of Digal, the Israeli company behind the plan. Political opposition to the Masri buy-out means any sale is likely to be blocked, although Digal is a quoted company on the Israeli stock exchange. The Masri-Digal deal highlights the problems facing Israel's big property developers.There is currently a surplus of unpopular properties; that is, properties that lie outside Israel, in settlements within Palestine. This does not apply to all settlements. However, the projects cooked up between big developers and the Israeli government (rather than by the demands of the settler movement) are facing a crisis.Thirteen years ago, the first Netanyahu administration built the settlement of Har Homa on land inside the Palestinian city of Bethlehem. Har Homa has struggled to find residents and is still largely empty. The head of the residents committee recently claimed it had filled 4,000 properties, but a tour of the development tells another story, with building after building unglazed and cold.How can a market exist when there is n イスラエル経済は非常に居住地の住宅ブームに依存しています

    • Palestine papers: a glossary
      Explanation of abbreviations and terms used in the leaked Palestinian records of Middle East peace negotiations1967: Shorthand for the borders until the Middle East war of June that yearAbu Ala: Ahmed Qureia's familiar Arabic nameAG: Amos Gilad, senior Israeli defence ministry officialAM: Abu Mazen, familiar Arabic name for the Palestinian president, Mahmoud AbbasAnnapolis: A peace conference held in November 2007 in Annapolis, Maryland, which relaunched the Israeli-Palestinian talks with the goal of reaching agreement within a year. Hence many of the talks take place over the succeeding yearAPI: Arab Peace Initiative. Plan adopted by Arab League (2000, 2007) offering recognition of Israel in exchange for a return to the 1967 borders and just solution of the Palestinian issue, including refugeesBibi: Nickname for Binyamin Netanyahu, Israeli prime minister since March 2009Clinton parameters: Outlines of agreement reached under US president Bill Clinton in summer 2000, but never implementedCR: Condoleezza Rice, US secretary of state, 2005-09Goldstone: A report by the South African judge Richard Goldstone on the Gaza war of December 2008 - January 2009, which found evidence that Israel and Hamas had committed war crimesGM: George Mitchell, US special envoy for the Middle EastHar Homa (Jebel Abu Ghneim in Arabic): An Israeli settlement between Jerusalem and Bethlehem in occupied territoryHC: Hilary Clinton, US secretary of state since January 2009Molcho: Yitzhak Molcho, Israeli lawyer and negotiatorNML: No man's landPS: Permanent status; definitive issues to be settled in the negotiationsQuartet: Grouping of the UN, US, EU and Russia involved in mediating the peace processGilad Shalit: Israeli soldier captured and held by Hamas since a cross-border raid in June 2006ToR: Te 略語と中東和平negotiations1967の流出パレスチナレコードで使用される用語の説明:6月の中東戦争までの罫線の速記yearAbuアラこと:AhmedさんQureia馴染みのアラビア語nameAG:アモスして、Gilad、シニアイスラエルの防衛省officialAM:アブマゼン、年以内に合意に達することを目的とイスラエルパレスチナ交渉を再開アナポリス、メリーランド州、2007年11月に開催された平和会議:パレスチナ大統領、マフムードAbbasAnnapolisに精通し、アラビア語の名前を指定します

    • Jewish settlers vandalize West Bank mosque
      Jewish settlers in the West Bank set on fire a section of a Muslim mosque near the Palestinian city of Bethlehem, Palestinians said on Monday. Witnesses said Israeli settlers stormed Al-Anbiaa Mosque in Beit Fujjar area and burnt its rug ground and some books of Muslim 's holy Quran. They also wrote slogans against Palestinians and Islam. Palestinian firefighters have succeeded in stopping the fire from eating up the whole mosque, added the witnesses. On Thursday, settlers launched a ca ... 西岸のユダヤ人入植者は、ベツレヘムに設定された都市のパレスチナ人のモスクの近くにイスラム教徒のセクションを火災、パレスチナ人がイスラム教徒によると月曜日の目撃者によると書籍- AnbiaaモスクのAlイスラエル入植者が襲撃ベイトFujjarエリアや焼け、そのいくつかの接地ラグ。。u0026#39;は、神聖なコーランだ

    • Israeli army arrests 11 Palestinians in West Bank
      The Israeli army detained 11 Palestinians in over night raids across the West Bank, Palestinian security sources said Monday. The sources said that Israeli army forces raided Hebron, Bethlehem, Qalqilya and Nablus, conducting house to house search and arresting 11 who were activists wanted by Israel's security services according to Israeli media. The Palestinian National Authority (PNA) complains that the raids, which take place almost on daily basis, undermine its efforts to enforce law. ... イスラエル軍は、銀行ウェスト全体の襲撃で夜に留置11人のパレスチナ人を、パレスチナ治安筋が明らかにした

    • Israeli army injures two Palestinians in W. Bank rally
      Two Palestinians were injured Thursday when Israeli forces repressed a peaceful rally against the building of the West Bank barrier near Bethlehem city, witnesses said. The witnesses said that the Israeli army also arrested an international peace activist and beat the demonstrators who gathered in Beit Jala community near the holy city. The injured were taken to hospital after they were beaten and inhaled tear gas, the witnesses added. There is no official comment from the Israeli milit ... 2人のパレスチナ人は、市ベツレヘムされた建物の西岸壁近くの集会に対する平和的なイスラエル軍は抑圧が負傷2009年目撃者が語った

    • Peace activists arrested by Israeli soldiers in Bethlehem (2)
      &$&$ An Israeli soldier throws a stun grenade during protest by Palestinians and international activists against the construction of Israel's separation barrier in the West Bank town of Beit Jala, near Bethlehem on May 23, 2010. Seven international peace activists were arrested by Israeli soldiers during a protest near Bethlehem on Sunday. (Xinhua/Mamoun Wazwaz) &$<img src ... &$&$イスラエル兵は、2010年5月23日ベイトの町がスローされます西。分離壁の建設のイスラエルに対するパレスチナ人と国際的な活動家に抗議して手榴弾をスタンガンでジャラ、近くのベツレヘム

    • Israeli troops, Palestinians clash in the West Bank
      Israeli soldiers and Palestinian protestors backed by International Solidarity Movements (ISM) clashed on Friday in several West Bank villages during anti- settlement and wall protests. The demonstrations erupted in the villages of Ne'lein, west of Ramallah and al-Ma'sara near Bethlehem. Israeli soldiers dispersed the demonstrators by force, said the witnesses. Witnesses said Israeli soldiers fired rubber-coated metal bullets and tear gas canisters at dozens of Palestinian and foreign demo ... イスラエル軍とパレスチナデモ隊は)ISMのバックアップによる国際連帯運動(デモで衝。銀行2009のいくつかのウェスト壁村中に反決済と

    • Israeli troops arrest 4 Palestinians in West Bank
      Israeli army arrested four Palestinians in the West Bank and sent troops to the south of the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip on Thursday. Unnamed Palestinian security sources in the West Bank said the Israeli forces raided Bethlehem City, launching door-to-door search operations and arresting four Palestinians. An Israeli army spokesperson earlier told the Israel Radio that the four Palestinians were wanted by the Israeli security and are now being interrogated. The Israeli army troo ... イスラエル軍は銀行ウェストで逮捕された4つのパレスチナ人と銀行西源のセキュリティパレスチナ軍を派遣を無名木曜日

    • René Redzepi: 'If you work in my kitchen, you start the day foraging in the forest'
      René Redzepi, acclaimed head chef at Noma in Copenhagen, tells Jay Rayner why he likes his staff to get down and dirtyI have been told that this winter in Denmark was one of the coldest since the second world war. The waters of the rivers and canals outside my restaurant in Copenhagen froze and despite living here all my life that is something I have never seen before. For us at Noma it was a particular problem. The food we cook and serve is Nordic, and a significant number of our ingredients cannot be bought from the store or ordered in. They have to be foraged from the parks, woods and shorelines around the city. But when the snow is deep and the temperatures so low it's not exactly that easy.Nevertheless we have to keep true to what we are and what we do. It makes sense here in Scandinavia, where picking your own mushrooms is almost a ritual. One season there were so many ceps in the forests around us that you would walk in for an hour and come out with black bin bags full of the things.So when we came to open Noma, with our commitment to a new style of cooking that turned away from the otherwise terrific classical French repertoire – no olives or its oil, no tomatoes unless briefly in season, no bulb garlic – to something distinctive and regional, it made sense that a lot of our ingredients should be those we could find, not least because they are so available. That's the beauty of Copenhagen. You can just go into its parks and find the likes of wild garlic and yellow star of Bethlehem and march violets, all of which we use in our dishes.Other things came from further away. I studied recipe books and nature books, learned about wood sorrel and ground elder and particular kinds of seaweed to be plucked from the shore. We also developed a network of professional fora 彼はダウンしてdirtyIは、デンマークでこの冬は第二次世界大戦以来、最も寒いのだと言われている得るために彼のスタッフが好きな理由はルネRedzepiは、コペンハーゲンの野間で絶賛されたヘッドシェフ、ジェイレイナーに指示します

    • Five wounded in Israeli-Palestinian clashes in West Bank
      Five Palestinians injured on Saturday evening in clashes with Israeli soldiers near the West Bank city of Bethlehem, medical sources and witnesses said. The sources said that an Israeli army force opened fire at a Palestinian car, with five people including two women, adding that the car drove near the town of Husan west of Bethlehem. The sources added that the five riders were from the same family, adding that they were all transferred to the governmental hospital of Beit Jala. Medics sai ... 5つのパレスチナ人の衝突で土曜日の夜にベツレヘム、医療、ソースや目撃者のヨルダン川西岸地区の都市付近のイスラエル軍兵士を負傷した

    • Israel PM aims to restore Jewish holy sites in W.Bank
      Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday he hopes to include two hotly contested West Bank Jewish holy places in a plan to restore national heritage sites.Rachel's Tomb in Bethlehem and the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron, two holy sites inside Palestinian towns in the occupied West Bank, were not originally included in the 100 million dollar (73 million euro) plan. イスラエルのネタニヤフ首相は日曜日彼は熱心に計画。。u0026#39;国家遺産sites.Rachelを復元するには、ヨルダン川西岸地区のユダヤ人の聖地争いの2つを含むように考えを明らかにした墓ベツレヘムで、墓の総主教のヘブロンでは、掲載のパレスチナ人の町の中に2つの聖地占領ヨルダン川西岸地区、当初(73万ユーロ)は、100万ドルの計画が含まれていない

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