- Costs hurt Yum Brands
Higher labor and commodity costs will weigh on margins in Yum Brands Inc's key China market in the fourth quarter, the operator of KFC and Pizza Hut restaurants said Wednesday. China contributes almost one-third of Yum's profit and the company expects $15 million in labor inflation in the current fourth quarter.
&$&$Source: Global Times &$&$ ... 高い労働力と、商品価格が第4四半期にはヤムブランド社の主要な中国市場でのマージンを圧迫する、ケンタッキーフライドチキンとピザハットのレストランの演算子は、水曜日に言いました
- China helps Yum serve up better earnings
Yum Brands, parent of the KFC, Taco Bell and Pizza Hut chains, says a return to growth in China helped it serve up better-than-expected quarterly earnings.
- Colonel reaches out to help kids
Yum!Brands Inc, together with the China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation, has completed this year's donation collections for children in poverty-stricken areas of China.
Together some 3,600 KFCs, Pizza Huts, Pizza Hut Delivery, and East Dawning restaurants under the group asked customers to donate one yuan for poverty-stricken children at the time of purchase, between Aug 21 and Sept 5 this year. The company held two similar programs in 2008 and 2009, and in total has raised more than 10 m ... ヤムは!ブランド株式会社、一緒に緩和し、中国貧。財団、中国の貧困地域の子供のためのコレクションを、今年の寄付が完了しています