- Egyptian Artist Uses Microscopic Pieces to Make Massive Art
Cairo's Opera House highlights work of Saad Romany Mikhaiel who creates intricately detailed mosaics カイロのオペラハウスは、サードローマニーMikhaielの複。詳細モザイクを作成する作業をハイライト
- Aquino pays tribute to his mother
Philippine President Benigno Aquino has unveiled a massive photo mosaic of his mother, the late president Corazon Aquino, on the first anniversary of her death. フィリピン大統領ベニグノアキノは彼女の死の最初の記念日に彼の母親、故大統領コラソンアキノ、大量の写真のモザイクを発表しました
- Giant mosaic unveiled for Jericho's 10,000th birthday
The small red, blue and ochre stones formed the floor of an Islamic palace destroyed by an earthquake in the eighth centuryVisitors to ancient Jericho got a rare glimpse yesterday of a 1,200-year-old carpet mosaic measuring nearly 900 square meters, one of the largest in the Middle East. The small red, blue and ochre stones laid out in geometric and floral patterns cover the floor of the main bath house of an Islamic palace destroyed by an earthquake in the eighth century.Excavated in the 1930s and 1940s, it stayed hidden to protect it against sun and rain. A section will be revealed for a week, as part of Jericho's 10,000th birthday celebrations. It will then be covered until money is found for a permanent shelter, Palestinian archaeologist Hamdan Taha said.Palestinian territoriesMiddle Eastguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds
- Twitter's Money-Making Move
After hours: Chevron begins share buyback; The Mosaic Company's shares fall. 時間後:シェブロンは自社株買いを開始します
- 2,200-year-old temple unearthed
Ptolemaic-era building may have been dedicated to deity Bastet in city founded by Alexander the Great, say archaeologistsA 2,200-year-old temple that may have been dedicated to the ancient Egyptian cat god Bastet has been unearthed in Alexandria, the Supreme Council of Antiquities said today.The ruins of the Ptolemaic-era building were discovered by Egyptian archaeologists in the port city founded by Alexander the Great around 331BC. Alexandria was the seat of the Greek-speaking Ptolemaic dynasty, which ruled Egypt for 300 years until the suicide of Queen Cleopatra.The council's statement said the temple was thought to belong to Queen Berenice II, wife of Ptolemy III who ruled between 246BC–222BC.Mohammed Abdel-Maqsood, the Egyptian archaeologist who led the excavation team, said the discovery may be the first trace of the long-sought location of Alexandria's royal quarter.The large number of statues depicting Bastet found in the ruins, he said, suggested that this may be the first Ptolemaic-era temple dedicated to the cat god to be discovered in Alexandria. This would indicate that the worship of the ancient Egyptian cat-god continued during the later, Greek-influenced, Ptolemaic periodStatues of other ancient Egyptian deities were also found in the ruins, he added.Zahi Hawass, Egypt's chief archaeologist, said the temple may have been used in later times as a quarry as evidenced by the large number of missing stone blocks.The temple was found in the Kom el-Dekka area near the modern city's main train station and home to a Roman-era amphitheatre and well-preserved mosaics.ArchaeologyEgyptReligionguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds
プトレマイオス朝時代の建物の神Bastet市内アレキサンダー大王によって設立さで、archaeologistsA 2200と言う年の古い寺院には、古代エジプトの猫に専用されている可能性がありますBastetされている神専用されている可能性がありますアレキサンドリアで発掘された、考古最高評議会プトレマイオスのtoday.The廃。時代の建物は、港湾都市アレクサンダー大王331BCの周りを設立、エジプトの考古学者によって発見されたと述べた