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    • Pakistan: a client of more than one state | Mustafa Qadri
      China has been Pakistan's firmest ally for 60 years – and it is to Beijing that Islamabad looks to counterbalance the influence of western largessePakistan's special relationship with the United States may have taken centre stage since the attacks of 11 September 2001, but in China it has another enduring great power ally. With Pakistan's President Zardari returning from a visit of several days to China last week, it is worth considering the country's other asymmetrical alliance.China has been Pakistan's most reliable ally for six decades. Pakistan was quick to recognise China's communist regime a mere two years after it first came to power in 1949. Ever since, it has looked to the east Asian power to counterbalance its historical reliance on western geopolitical largesse.After the 1962 war between China and India, the US supplied India for the first time with substantial arms, creating profound disenchantment among the Pakistani military leadership. That disenchantment led Pakistan to seek Chinese military aid.In the last two decades the economic component of the alliance has taken centre stage. Pakistan has the potential to give China a land link to Middle Eastern energy reserves. A central reason for US involvement in the region is to maintain its global influence at a time when rivals are steadily if slowly emerging. None is larger than China. For China, an added element is developing a regional coalition against an increasingly pro-US India.Today, the relationship is not so culturally infused. As with so many other countries, China has been happy to develop defence and economic ties with Pakistan while avoiding criticism of its political situation. Perhaps the biggest friction of recent times has been over alleged Pakistan-based Islamist infiltration into China's r 中国は60年のパキスタンの堅固な同盟国となっている - そしてそれは北京には、イスラマバードの米国と西側largessePakistanの特別な関係の影響を相殺するための攻撃以来、センターステージを撮影したことがありますよう、中国2001年9月11日が、それは別のある大国の同盟国に耐え

    • David Cameron's Turkophilia faces an uphill struggle | Denis MacShane
      Key partners in the European Union are out of step with Cameron's positive stance towards the accession of TurkeyDavid Cameron's adoption of Tony Blair's Turkophile diplomacy in Ankara today should be welcomed.In 2004, in his last great surge of geopolitical activity, Blair single-handedly moved the European council to agree a start date for EU accession negotiations for Turkey.I was there as he patrolled the night-time corridors in the sterile Brussels office block where EU councils are held. He knocked recalcitrant heads together, helped by an able Turkophone diplomatist, Peter Westmacott, until his fellow EU leaders finally said yes to entry talks.Then, Blair had powerful allies. Germany and Spain were under left leadership and backed Turkey's bid. France's Jacques Chirac, true to the pro-Turkey tradition of General de Gaulle, also backed Blair.Today Cameron faces a different EU political landscape. German and French government politicians are hostile to Turkey joining the EU. Cameron's decision to walk out of the main centre-right political group where Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy, plus most other ruling EU parties, confer means that Britain's voice is absent in the key EU political debate on Turkey. Cameron's main EU partner is the recently defeated Polish catholic nationalist, Jaroslaw Kaczynski. He fought to get the Lisbon treaty amended to include a reference to Europe's Christian origins. Such politics do not play well in Muslim Turkey.Moreover, Cameron has pledged a referendum on any major new EU treaty and a final decision to let Turkey in will require a significant new EU treaty. If that is submitted to a referendum, as Cameron and William Hague have pledged, the chances of it being passed are slim.The increasingly anti-Muslim Ukip is moving towards an 欧州連合の主要パートナーがアンカラのトニーブレア氏のTurkophile外交のTurkeyDavidキャメロンの養子縁組の加盟に向けてキャメロンの積極的な姿勢とステップの今日welcomed.In 2004する必要があります、ブレア首相は単独で移動地政学的活動、彼の最後の偉大なサージされている彼はEUの協議会が開催される滅菌ブリュッセルオフィスブロックで夜間の廊下をパトロールし、欧州評議会はTurkey.IのEU加盟交渉の開始日に同意するそこにいた

    • Mongolia miner caught in balancing act
      Mongolia sits upon billions of dollars of mineral wealth and its economy is poised to grow rapidly, but foreign investors are finding that geopolitics hangs heavy over business in a nation wedged between China and Russia. モンゴルは鉱物資源の数十億ドルに座り、その経済は急速に成長する構えだが、外国人投資家は、地政学は、ビジネス重い上国、中国とロシアに挟までハング見つけている

    • S. Korea's manufacturing sentiment dips for June
      South Korea's manufacturing sentiment for June declined to a three-month low, swayed by escalating geopolitical risks, the central bank said Friday. According to the Bank of Korea (BOK), the index of manufacturers' business expectations for June retreated to 104, down from 107 in May. The June figure saw a decline for the first time in six months, standing at the lowest level since the index hit 101 for March, the BOK added. The index, a gauge on manufacturers' outlooks on business cond ... の製造のセンチメントは6月、韓国韓国のリスクには、毎月辞退する3つの低地政学エスカレートし、左右、中央銀行が発表した

    • Soft power, hard battles
      You don't hear geo-political talk in Washington DC drawing rooms and salons these days without China and India being invoked - often in the same breath. The discerning maintain that the United States is still Numero Uno - setbacks and a perceptible decline aside - and will remain so for some time. あなたはお部屋とサロン、中国やインドせずにこれらの日を描く呼び出されているワシントンDCの地政学的話を聞いていない - しばしば同じ呼吸です

    • ROK shares up on relived geopolitical risks
      South Korean shares on Thursday were back on the rise on relieved geopolitical risks, local analysts said. The benchmark Korea Composite Stock Price Index (KOSPI) gained 25.38 points, or 1.6 percent, to 1,607.5, according to the bourse operator Korea Exchange (KRX). The strong index came as risks on inter-Korean tension were relieved, mainly due to analyst expectation that impact from the DPRK risk will be limited. While foreigners stayed as net sellers for the ninth straight session, i ... 株式市場は、木曜日に韓国のリスクが地政学的にホッとした上。戻すには、地元のアナリストは言う

    • Canada – a linguistic battleground between the US and Britain | Mind your language
      As a Canadian living in London, I am caught between ancient British roots and the new American order laid down by Webster in his dictionary. Where should my loyalties lie?A few years ago I moved to the United Kingdom from the Canadian prairies. This was a luxury I was afforded via two grandparents who were born in Britain, ensuring my access to the elusive ancestry visa.Many Canadians still feel a greater allegiance to our colonial British roots than to our neighbours to the south; the monarchy is still represented on our money and most Canadians are well versed in singing God Save the Queen. We even toast Her Majesty at most fancy public events.Despite these and other symbols of allegiance, however, Canadians continue to hold on to some ambivalence over our British roots through our generally inconsistent use of language. While gazing at our commemorative Princess Diana spoons and watching the Queen's Christmas Message every December, we are still uncommitted when it comes to our geopolitical allegiance to language. Just as we often straddle international conflicts by playing the peacekeeper, most Canadians sit on the fence, moving interchangeably between American and British spellings. If there's anything notable about our use of language, it's that we are pretty lackadaisical about it.Before the American Revolution, everyone in North America was formally governed by the United Kingdom, except for a region in eastern Canada that was held by France. Following America's independence, there was a movement towards differentiating its unique culture from that of Britain. This was a major inspiration for Noah Webster, the man behind the dictionary that decisively set out a new order in American spelling and style. Some of the most noticeable differences Webster introduced t ロンドンのカナダ人として、私は古代のイギリスのルーツと新しいアメリカのためにウェブスターが彼の辞書に起工の間で板挟みです

    • Why Belgium is a microcosm of the European Union | Ilana Bet-El
      Belgians are just like the EU with its eurozone crisis: neighbours united by history and politics – and mutual resentmentFor a long time, it seemed as if Belgium was the cuckoo in the nest of the European Union: the state that could muster neither a hard core of cohesive national pride like most of its neighbours, nor the will to split apart, as the Czechs and the Slovaks did. But as the financial crisis has devolved into the euro crisis, it is becoming clear Belgium is actually emblematic of the EU, as a polity of diverse groups of people bound together by history, law, politics, common sense and mutual need – who fundamentally do not like each other.The euro crisis can be seen either as an economic problem with geopolitical implications, or else as a geopolitical problem with economic consequences. On the whole, politicians and commentators have stuck firmly with the former interpretation – which is hardly surprising since they have largely been quoting economists. It is also easier to believe the problem is just a matter of austerity measures, shock-and-awe bailout packages, and market turbulence. However, such a view is narrow, and possibly irrelevant in the face of the opposite reality: even if you balance the euro books by some miracle, or else create a mechanism for throwing out Greece and other offenders on fiscal probity, the geopolitical fundamentals will not disappear.As I pointed out some weeks ago, Greece was taken into the then European Community before it was ready for membership for purely political reasons, which all remain relevant: it still has an unstable relationship with Turkey, verging on dismal; both states still have stakes in opposing sides in Cyprus, and show little inclination to change their attitude too much – though Turkey has made some in ベルギーは、欧州連合の巣の中のカッコウ:どちらもハードコアを出すことが国家であったかのようにベルギーは、ユーロ圏の危機とEUのようだ:隣人の歴史と政治が団結 - とresentmentFor長い時間相互、それが見えた近隣の一番好きな凝集国の誇り、またなるのは別に、チェコとして分割するスロバキアはなかった

    • Economist Conferences to hold Indonesia Summit
      The Hong Kong based-Economist Conferences will hold the Indonesia Summit here on March 25, which will gather over 100 senior business leaders and government officials to discuss interactively and openly, according to a statement on Wednesday. In the event, Ross O'Brien, director of Economist Corporate Network will elaborate his view on the world's market and geopolitical climate in the main emerging markets. The event will present prominent speakers like Indonesian Vice President Boediono, ... 香港ベースのエコノミスト会議3月25日には、対話的に公然と議論する100人のビジネスリーダーや政府関係者が集まるが、水曜日に発表した声明によると、インドネシア首脳会議を開催します

    • BRIC needs to be strenthened: experts
      Participants at the World Social Forum said on Friday it was necessary to strengthen the BRIC group -- formed by Brazil, Russia, India and China -- in the post-financial crisis era so as to help create a new context in the global geopolitical structure. The 5-day-long forum, held in Porto Alegre, Brazil on Monday, has drawn over 15,000 delegates from across the globe in discussions of major and common social problems faced by the world. Carlos Lopes, assistant secretary-general of the Unit ... 世界社会フォーラムの参加者は10日骨董グループを強化する必要があったと発表した-ブラジル、ロシア、インド、中国によって形成される-ポスト金融危機の時代のようグローバルな地政学的な構造で、新しいコンテキストの作成を支援する


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