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    政治 国際 学術 科学 関連語 マルクス 金融危機 自由主義
    0 . 1 . 2 .
  • ○■ しかし、現代は米国、eu、日本が財政出動を大規模に続けてやっているのに、その効果が切れています

  • ○■ しかし、なんか贅沢な時間だったなぁ

  • ○■ これが通常の乗数理論です

  • ○■ from the sunday times january 25, 2009

  • ○■ but the other, more fundamental, objection, which we shall develop in the ensuing chapters, flows from our disputing the assumption that the general level of real wages is directly determined by the character(人物) of the wage bargain. in assuming that the wage bargain determines the real wage the classical school have slipt(<slip)in an illicit assumption. for there may be no method available to labour as a whole whereby it can bring the general level of money-wages into conformity with the marginal disutility of the current volume of employment. there may exist no expedient by which labour as a whole can reduce its real wage to a given figure by making revised money bargains with the entrepreneurs. this will be our contention. we shall endeavour to show that primarily it is certain other forces which determine the general level of real wages. the attempt to elucidate this problem will be one of our main themes. we shall argue that there has been a fundamental misunderstanding of how in this respect the economy in which we live actually works.

  • ○■ ケインズはこれを「流動性の罠」と呼んだ

  • ○■ ケインズ理論 が世に出る前に、 高橋是清 はその理論を実証していたことになる

  • ○■ to sum up: there are two objections to the second postulate of the classical theory. the first relates to the actual behaviour of labour. a fall in real wages due to a rise in prices, with money-wages unaltered, does not, as a rule, cause the supply of available labour on offer at the current wage to fall below the amount actually employed prior to the rise of prices. to suppose that it does is to suppose that all those who are now unemployed though willing to work at the current wage will withdraw the offer of their labour in the event of even a small rise in the cost of living. yet this strange supposition apparently underlies professor pigou's theory of unemployment,[7] and it is what all members of the orthodox school are tacitly assuming.

  • ○■ let us suppose that, in this event, he would have spent b' on its maintenance and improvement, and that, having had this spent on it, it would have been worth g' at the end of the period. that is to say, g' - b' is the maximum net value which might have been conserved from the previous period, if it had not been used to produce a. the excess of this potential value of the equipment over g - a1 is the measure of what has been sacrificed (one way or another) to produce a. let us call this quantity, namely

  • ○■ toeicテスト新公式問題集〈vol.4〉/educational testing service

  • ○■ When Milton Friedman passed away in 2006, Lawrence Summers, a Keynesian, noted in his obituary: Not so long ago, we were all Keynesians.  Equally, any honest Democrat will admit that we are now all Friedmanites. Something very similar can be said of the life and work of Steve Jobs. Not so long ago, we were all PCs. Equally, we are all Macs now. ミルトンフリードマンは2006年に亡くなった時、ローレンスサマーズ、ケインズは、彼の死亡記事に記載されている:少し前に、我々はすべてケインズ派だった

  • ○■ e a state of expectation to continue for a suffi

  • ○■ of partly finished goods, this conclusion may be

  • ○■ in long-term expectations is for the better, empl

  • ○■ what all members of the orthodox school are tacit

  • ○■ because it is difficult to distinguish it from anoth

  • ○■ employment in so far as they cause a modification

  • ○■ marginal disutility of labour. this means that not all

  • ○■ to the aggregate net increment of the wealth of

  • ○■ thrift, the traditional attitude towards the rate

  • ○■ measures the marginal disutility of labour? not necessarily. for,

  • ○■ t, i.e. the level at which there is no inducement

  • ○■ dified in the light of results than in anticipatio

  • ○■ the real wage is equal to the marginal disutility o

  • ○■ determine the general level of real wages. the attempt to elucid

  • ○■ onding to the existing state of expectation, nevertheless every stat

  • ○■ ient (in the estimation of the employed persons them

  • ○■ ceipts of the entrepreneurs will be less than is

  • ○■ effect on the entrepreneur, when he is considering

  • ○■ it from the entrepreneur's standpoint, to call the

  • ○■ led above the effective demand.この雇用理論は以下の法

  • ○■ the aggregate demand function, will lead to an inc

  • ○■ value of the capital equipment at the end of the peri

  • ○■ nvestment. the amount of current investment will de

  • ○■ y between the aggregate supply price of output as a

  • ○■ undoubting expectation of what the sale-proceeds of

  • ○■ which reduces the real wage to equality with the mar

  • ○■ the new items of equipment produced during the perio

  • ○■ of current employment which they decide to give. t

  • ○■ will be greater than the old. now, as a rule,

  • ○■ pment inherited from the previous period. the problem of defini

  • ○■ and the inducement to invest will be found to depend

  • ○■ opensity to consume and the rate of new investment,

  • ○■ n, with which we shall dispense later, is introd

  • ○■ of the excess of this quantity over his out-goi

  • ○■ point is that the aggregate proceeds and aggregate su

  • ○■ ious past states of expectation.このように、新たな長期

  • ○■ ypothetical quantities of employment to the proceeds which t

  • ○■ tives for quantitative easing. From one side, infla

  • ○■ ion to capital equipment; for we have to find s

  • 経済学 雇用 金融 場合 政治 結果 危機 for 社会 this 重要 恐慌 not マルクス 失業 全体 国債 一般 産業 成長 価値 賃金 output with tothe 価格 but 供給 生活 長期 米国 from 増加 改革 官僚 会社 以上 最後 研究 崩壊 将来 labour 反対 限界 正しい 仕事 金利 機関 大学 equipment システム 過去 itis 以下 デフレ 古典派 利子 when 予想 自民党 紹介 支配 思います 指摘 当時 なければならない there 非常 can 利益 実際 demand money supply would 経営者 福祉 低下 thus wage 政治家 may 言える 効率 政府 考えて 一定 普通 目的 同様 発表 先進国 哲学 小泉 我々 手段 消費 兆円 革命 税金 ビジネス 世界 課題 意見 新自由 地方 問題 公共投資 自分 傾向 商品 between tobe 関して 以来 アメリカ 収益 マクロ経済 第二 可能性 economy 読んで テレビ price 最初 ドイツ 背景 共通 起こっ 支援 機会 各国 代表 言われ 結論 流動 economic marginal period though 比較 time 出動 世界的 思われる 国民 自体 無駄 先生 合理 直接 その結果 報道 必要 計算 社会的 世界経済 oflabour 出来 増やし 見解 具体的 消費税 景気 海外 不可能 only 中央 thesame 観点 注目 変わら 私たち 目標 ギリシャ 初めて 表現 toa 路線 マスコミ 希望 メディア 移行 産出物 歴史的 使って 性向 income proceeds therefore 負担 収入 ofoutput 欧州 over 思って 貨幣 実質賃金 サービス 大戦 200 経済活動 経済成長 since 市場 thereis コスト 取引 導入 今後 主張する 名目賃金 間違 全国 年金 巨額 時代 日本経済 深刻 住宅 効用 行われ 著書 企業 大臣 段階 負債 community quantity wages 大量 調整 単なる 現象 these 子供 大きい 派経済 権力 主要 震災 分かる 実行 人気 long 影響 運営 資本 交代 興味深 説得 case しなければならない 見える 小沢 財源 大統領 相手 格差 要求 強制 後半 政策 創出 分から 解釈 現行 彼らは バブル崩壊 above depend 予定 個人的 変わっ 景気回復 without 世論 工業 考える 起きた 合理的 運動 思っている 思える 株価 政権交代 理論 always 考慮 医療 存在する 特別 要するに 一人 言っている 場合には 直面 amazon 証明 内部
    評価強度 可変性 記述詳細 感情強度 描写総量 装飾量
    0.029 0.145 0.564 0.018 0.532 0.177
    total 381903.00000049


    楽譜 共有     研究開発