- 明けましておめでとうございます
今年も宜しくお願いします Mr. and Kashiwabara Ryuuzi Toyo, did again this year! In Odawara seventh Tasuki in 4 minutes 26 seconds left after receiving more and more without the other schools, finally Fn 12.7 in
- 正月は箱根駅伝・・・往路優勝は東洋大!
そして 東洋大・柏原竜二君 は、今年もやりました! 小田原で7位、4分26秒でタスキを受けたあとはどんどん他校を抜き去り、ついに 12.7㌔で Mr. and Kashiwabara Ryuuzi Toyo, did again this year! In Odawara seventh Tasuki in 4 minutes 26 seconds left after receiving more and more without the other schools, finally Fn 12.7 in
- 箱根駅伝
東洋大の柏原竜二です Mr. and Kashiwabara Ryuuzi Toyo, did again this year! In Odawara seventh Tasuki in 4 minutes 26 seconds left after receiving more and more without the other schools, finally Fn 12.7 in