- France Takes Part in Raid on Al-Qaida Group
Logistical, technical support provided to Mauritanian troops in raid targeting members of al-Qaida in Islamic Maghreb
- Al-Qaida Group Frees 2 Spanish Hostages
Release reportedly was linked to Mauritania extraditing an Islamist militant to Mali last week 発売は伝えモーリタニア先週イスラムをマリに好戦的な引き渡しリンクされて
- Spain yet to confirm release of al-Qaida hostages
The Spanish government has yet to confirm the news that two Spanish nationals kidnapped last year in Mauritania by al-Qaida's North African branch have been released.
Earlier reports said that Albert Vilaltra and Roque Pascual are being transferring to the border between Mali and Burkina Faso to prepare for an imminent release.
The Spanish government told Spanish state television RTVE that it will not confirm the freedom of the two hostages until they are under the company of Spanish diplo ... スペイン政府はリリースしてされているが、まだの確認ニュースを、その枝の2つのスペイン拉致国民がアルカイダ昨年モーリタニアらによって、北アフリカの
- Suicide bombing attempt foiled in Mauritania BARRACK--MEDIA
A terror suspect was killed while trying to blow up a Mauritanian army barrack with a truckload of explosives early Wednesday, officials said.
Soldiers shot dead the driver after he refused to stop the truck, local media quoted official sources as saying.
The truck exploded within short distance of the barrack, 1,500 km from the captial of Nouakchott, and caused damage to nearby buildings.
The attempted attack was still under investigation but al-Qaida of the Islamic Maghreb, or AQMI, w ... トラック1台分の爆発水曜日早期にバラックを軍モーリタニアに爆破しようとしたとき容疑者がテロを殺した、と発表した
- Mauritania bombing near miss
A suicide bomber tried to drive a truckload of explosives into an Army barracks in Mauritania but was shot and killed when he refused to stop. An officer said the truck exploded just outside the barracks, damaging several buildings... 自爆テロは、モーリタニアの軍の兵舎に爆発物トラック1台分を運転しようとしたが撃たれ、彼が停止することを拒否したが死亡した
- Two Spanish hostages freed by al-Qaida in North Africa
Two Spanish aid workers kidnapped last year were freed by an al-Qaida branch in North Africa, the al-Arabiya TV reported on Sunday.
Albert Vilalta and Roque Pascual were taken hostage in November along with their female counterpart Alicia Gamez by al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) when they were on an aid mission in Mauritania.
Gamez was released in March while Vilalta and Pascual were still held in the hands of AQIM somewhere in the northern Mali desert.
A Barcelona-based aid grou ... 2つのスペインの援助関係者が誘拐された最後のロケとアル北アフリカ、。年が解放されたが、アルカイダのVilaltaアラビーヤテレビ報告日曜アルバートアルカイダ順であったパスカルアルで撮影した人質を11月に沿ってアリシアの女性の対応ガメスイスラムマグレブ(AQIM)が、彼らは砂漠
- UN special envoy to help revive Mauritania's political dialogue
Said Jinnit, the UN secretary general's special envoy to West Africa, arrived in Nouakchott on Tuesday night to restart the inclusive and open dialogue between Mauritania's ruling party and the opposition, according to diplomatic sources.
The UN official will meet with all the major parties that were signatories to the Dakar political accord.
The Dakar accord, which was signed in June 2009 between Mauritania's major political parties under the supervision of an international contac ... サイードJinnitは、到着したのヌアクショット火曜日の夜アフリカ国連事務ウェストの一般的な特。源外交の反対によると、して開いている間の対話をモーリタニアの与党と包括的な再起動します
- Mauritania to resume dialogue with Islamists after previous success (2)
Mauritania has witnessed an increase of terrorism-related violence since 2005. Killings and abductions have been perpetrated by AQMI in the northwest African region, including Mauritania and Mali.
The abductions involved more than 20 victims. Five European nationals including three Spanish humanitarian workers and two Italian tourists were kidnapped in November and December 2009 in the region. A French hostage was recently killed by AQMI after a British captive was slain months ago.&$ ... モーリタニアは2005年以降テロ関連の暴力の増加を目撃しています
- Plane overshoots runway in Guinea's airport: reports
A Mauritanian airliner overshot the runway when it landed at the airport of Guinea's capital Conakry on Wednesday, injuring 10 people, reports quoted airport authorities as saying.
The Mauritanian Airways Boeing 737-700 plane was carrying 97 people and flying from Nouakchott, Mauritania's capital, to Conakry via Senegal's capital Dakar.
Reports said passengers aboard were evacuated by emergency services.&$
&$Source: Xinhua&$&$
... モーリタニア旅客機オーバーラン、滑走路は、水曜日の資本ギニアの上陸で空港にコナクリ、人が負傷、10、と言って、空港当局の言葉を引用について報告する
- UN General Assembly elects members to human rights body (2)
Angola, Libya, Mauritania, and Uganda took the four open seats representing the African regional group. Libya received the least support of all the countries running in the election with 155 votes.
Ecuador and Guatemala are the only states that ran for the two Latin American seats this year. In the Western European and Other group, only Spain and Switzerland submitted their candidacy. And, in the Eastern European group, only Moldova and Poland ran for the two available seats, Croatia having w ... アンゴラ、リビア、モーリタニア、ウガンダの4つ開いている席をアフリカ地域グループを表すしました
- How water raises the political temperature between countries
Water wars haven't started yet, but shortages certainly cause tensions between states to riseFifteen years ago Ismail Serageldin, an Egyptian who was vice-president of the World Bank, shook politicians by predicting that the wars of the 21st century would be fought not over oil or land, but water.So far he has been proved wrong, but escalating demand for water to grow food and provide drinking water for burgeoning urban populations has raised political tensions between many countries.In Asia, there are disagreements over the right to dam shared rivers. India and Pakistan are in semi-permanent dispute over hydro-power on the river Indus. China, Nepal, India and Bangladesh all spar over the rivers rising in the Himalayas and which flow through neighbouring countries, providing water for nearly 500 million people on the way.Tensions run high between Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan over the Amu Daria and Syr Daria rivers, as well as the severely depleted Aral Sea. Argentina and Uruguay have taken their dispute over the river Plate to the International Court of Justice in The Hague, while Mexico and the US argue over rights on the Rio Grande and Colorado.Last month, Baghdad demanded that Syria cease pumping water from the Iraqi portion of the Tigris. Elsewhere in the Middle East, Palestine and Israel, and Iraq and Iran, row over water supplies from the Shatt al-Arab waterway and Turkey's dams.In Africa, the Chobe, a tributary of the Zambezi, has caused tension between Botswana, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe, while there have been incidents between Mauritania and Senegal over control of the Senegal. Shares of the Niger, Volta and Zambezi are all disputed.According to the UN, there are more than 250 internationally shared rivers covering nearly half the tot 水戦争はまだ開始されているが、不足は確かにマイルイスメル、誰世界銀行の副社長であり、エジプト年前riseFifteenに、21世紀の戦争はしないで争われるだろうと予測して政治家を横に振った状態間の緊張を引き起こす石油や土地、しかしwater.Soはるかに彼は間違って、しかし、証明されている水のエスカレートの需要は、食品を成長し、都市人口の急成長のための飲料水を提供する多くcountries.In Asia間の政治的緊張が高まっている、そこにダムを右をめぐっては共有河川
- Mauritania Affirms Break with Israel
Mauritania was once one of three Arab states that had diplomatic relations with Israel モーリタニアはかつては、イスラエルとの外交関係にあった3つのアラブ諸国だった
- Japan's first ambassador to Mauritania presents letter of credence
The first Japanese ambassador to Mauritania, Hiroshi Azuma, presented his letter of credence to President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz on Sunday.
On the occasion, the Japanese diplomat told reporters that Japan hopes to develop and strengthen the friendly relations with Mauritania.
Japan opened its embassy in Nouakchott on Dec. 1, 2009.
The two countries have agreements on fishing and other economic cooperations. Japan is among the biggest importers of Mauritanian iron ore.
&$&$Source: ... モーリタニア、。東への最初の駐韓日本大使日曜日にモハメドウルドアブドルアジズに信憑性を彼の手紙を発表した