- 第十一章 赤ちゃんが生み出す人間関係の広がり
ここで大事なのは、2度目の拍手が終わった後に、両手を両膝に置き、腰が直角になるまで頭を下げて、礼をすることだ The important thing here is, after the applause of the first two times, put his hands on knees, head down until it is perpendicular to the waist, but thanks to
- 今年のお正月の過ごし方
ここで、私まで前の車に Now, to my car in front
- 港七福神めぐり
さっさと買って本館一階に戻ると混雑していて、みんな両手に福袋をたくさん提げている Long lines in front of the store then ... just for the shop in front of the store along Deta hunter If you think (laughs) and have to rush back to the main floor to buy one quickly, all bearing a lot of bags in his hands that