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    政治 国際 関連語 ライ麦畑でつかまえて 大統領選挙 サリンジャー アイオワ州 マサチューセッツ サウスカロライナ マサチューセッツ州
    • Literary juggernaut first among equals
      J D Salinger was one of the great enigmas of literary history.Salinger, 91, who died yesterday at his New Hampshire home, was as fierce in the defence of his literary legacy as he was about protecting his privacy.For the past... JDサリンジャーの一人昨日、彼のニューハンプシャー自宅で死去した文学history.Salinger、91、の大きな謎は、彼の文学的遺産の守備陣の熾烈だった彼は彼privacy.Forは、過去の保護だった...

    • Standoff in US after bus bomb threat
      PORTSMOUTH, New Hampshire - Authorities remain in a standoff with a man on a Maine-to-New York Greyhound bus, hours after a passenger called police to report an explosive device on board.The other 16 passengers and the driver... ニューハンプシャー州ポーツマス - 当局はメインからニューヨークグレイハウンドバスの男性とのにらみ合いのまま、時間乗客が警察6種類、他の16人の乗客とドライバの爆発的なデバイスを報告するために呼び出さ後...

    • 2012 US election calendar begins to take shape | Richard Adams
      Republicans choose the city of Tampa in Florida as the site of the party's 2012 presidential nominating conventionJust to show that it's never too soon to be thinking about the 2012 presidential elections, the Republican party today named Tampa as the site of its 2012 convention – meaning that the GOP convention will be hot stuff in all senses.The Republican convention will take place in the St Pete Times Forum on the week beginning 27 August. Florida in August? Tampa has an average daytime temperature of a toasty 90 degrees in August, with high humidity. It's also reputed to be the lap-dancing capital of America.Another major contender was Phoenix, Arizona, and the heat there in August is furnace-like, so between that and the immigration law controversy the RNC made a smart call.Conventional wisdom has it that the site of its convention gives that party a boost in that state during the following election, although the evidence is mixed. But Florida remains hugely important in US politics and is a genuine swing state, so it's worth a shot.The Democratic party convention – a far less exciting prospect with a sitting president – is the following week, from 3 September, but the DNC hasn't decided on a venue yet. The contenders are said to be St Louis, Cleveland, Houston and Charlotte, according to various reports. Houston in August would make Tampa seem bracing. Being in Ohio, Cleveland would match Florida in the crucial swing-state stakes.The Republican primary calendar is the one to watch, and the party's sexily-named temporary delegate selection committee is said to be recommending that no contests be held prior to 1 February, and that only Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina be allowed to hold their primaries and caucuses before the start of March. That shou 共和党、フロリダ州の党2012大統領候補指名conventionJustのサイトとして、それは早すぎることはない見るには2012の大統領選挙を考えるするタンパの街を選択すると、共和党は、本日、タンパの2012大会のサイトとして名前 - 意味が共和党大会は、すべてのsenses.The共和党大会で熱いものセントピートタイムズフォーラムの週8月27日からで開催されますされます

    • Oldest US citizen dies
      A woman certified as the oldest person living in the United States has died.Mary Josephine Ray, who was born in Canada, died Sunday at a nursing home in Westmoreland, New Hampshire, at age 114 years and 294 days old.The Gerontology... 女性の最高齢者はアメリカ合衆国にしてdied.Maryジョセフィンレイ氏は、カナダで生まれた人として、認定日曜日歳の時にウェストモーランド、ニューハンプシャー州で、特別養護老人ホームで114歳と294日old.The老人が死亡..

    • 南部ちゃんの人生指南『江角マキコ』編
      var so = new swfobject( rcflash09, 365, 200, 8, #ffffff); so.addparam(allowscriptaccess,always); so.addparam(wmode,opaque); so.write(rcflash09);

    • Washington legalises same-sex unions
      WASHINGTON, DC - Same-sex marriage became legal in the nation's capital today.The District of Columbia became the sixth place in the country permitting same-sex unions. Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vermont... ワシントンDC - 同性結婚は、国家の首都today.Theコロンビア特別区の国では、6位の同性婚を許可した法律となった

    • Has Nick Clegg experienced his 'Iowa moment'?
      Liberal Democrat breakthrough raises prospect that Clegg will win over sympathetic supporters who had feared wasting their vote on an irrelevant partyA handful of Liberal Democrats, who have voiced the hope that Nick Clegg may be Britain's answer to Barack Obama, are clearly getting a little carried away.But here is an interesting thought. Has Clegg experienced an Iowa moment? This idea has been voiced by Tim Shipman, the deputy political editor of the Daily Mail, who covered the 2008 US presidential election for the Sunday Telegraph.Shipman says that Obama achieved a decisive breakthrough when he won the Iowa caucuses in January 2008. This wasn't just because Iowa was the first vote in 2008.The key point for Obama was that he managed to win in a state whose population is almost wholly white. This meant that African-Americans, who had feared that a vote for Obama would be a waste, felt confident about voting for him.Hillary Clinton won the next vote five days later on 8 January - the New Hampshire primary. But Obama scored a decisive victory in the next significant vote on 26 January - in South Carolina - with 55% of the vote, comparedx with 27% for Clinton. And the significance of that? African-Americans comprise a significant proportion of the state's population.Roll forward a few years, cross the Atlantic and here we are in the British general election of 2010. Liberal Democrats have long complained that they are popular but say that natural supporters fear wasting their vote on them.Clegg outlined what could happen if people really believed their vote would count. Speaking at the Lib Dem spring conference last month, long before the recent poll boost, he said:Almost 1 in 4 voters chose the Liberal Democrats at the last election. If that increased to 1 in 3, we could 自由民主党のブレークスルーは、明らかになっているの見通しをクレッグは自民、期待してニッククレッグは、バラクオバマ氏に英国の答えがあります表明しているのは無関係partyA一握りの彼らの投票を無駄に恐れていた思いやりのある支持者に勝つれます発生少し離れて行った

    • Nancy Sweezy obituary
      My mother, Nancy Sweezy, who has died aged 88, was a leading US folk- lorist, an advocate for human rights and a believer in the magic of music, dance and handmade objects to preserve the soul of a culture and its community.She was born in Flushing, New York. At the outbreak of the second world war she took a job in the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the predecessor to the CIA, assisting in the analysis of Germany's ability to fight the war. In November 1944, Nancy moved with her section from Washington to London, zigzagging across the Atlantic on a convoy of blacked-out troop ships. In London she joined the US ambassador Gil Winant and his staff on the streets to help victims of the V2 rocket attacks.As the allied armies prevailed, she moved to Europe and was in Paris on VE Day, walking around the city all through its wild night of celebration. After Paris, Nancy was sent to Wiesbaden, Vienna and Berlin. In Germany she met her future husband, the American Marxist economist Paul Sweezy. After the war, they settled in New Hampshire. There, in 1951, Paul was called before the New Hampshire Un-American Activities Committee. His refusal to take refuge in the fifth amendment or to answer questions about others resulted in the 1957 US supreme court case Sweezy vs New Hampshire, which contributed to the end of the McCarthy era.Nancy and Paul were divorced in 1960, and Nancy became known to a generation of musicians as president of the board of directors of Club 47, a key venue in the folk music revival of the 1960s and early 70s in Cambridge, Massachusetts. She also played a leading role in reviving North Carolina's historic Jugtown Pottery.Nancy is survived by two daughters, Lybess and myself; a son, Samuel; five grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren.United StatesH 人88歳で死去した母、ナンシースウィージー、米国の大手民俗lorist、文化とそのcommunity.Sheの魂を維持するため、人権や音楽、ダンス、手作りのオブジェクトの魔法の信者のため提唱したフラッシング、ニューヨークで生まれた


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