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    ソフトウェア テクノロジー 関連語 国交省 ルネッサンス ITTEN
    • After Scare, Southwest Grounds Planes
      After a piece of fuselage ripped open in flight, the airline was looking for “aircraft skin fatigue” in other planes. 胴体の一部が飛行中に開いてリッピングした後、航空会社は、他の面で。。u0026quot;航空機の肌疲労。。u0026quot;を探していた

    • Americans' pets come first
      Americans may be clipping money-saving coupons and delaying buying a new home, but when it comes to their pets they're spending more than ever, according to a survey. The poll by the non-profit American Pet Products Association... アメリカ人はお金を節約クーポンをクリッピングすることができ、新しい家を購入する遅延が、それが自分のペットになるとき、彼らはこれまで以上に費やしている、調査で明らかになった

    • Fungus gold rush on Tibetan plateau
      Amid the wreckage of the devastating earthquake that ripped through this corner the Qinghai province, local people are rebuilding their livelihoods with one of the world's most ghoulish parasites – the caterpillar fungus このコーナー青海省でリッピング壊滅的な地震の残骸の中で、地元の人々は、世界で最も残忍な寄生虫の - 冬虫夏草との生活を再構築する

    • One Iraqi killed, 10 injured in Baghdad bombings
      An Iraqi civilian was killed and another 10 people injured in two bomb attacks in Baghdad on Thursday, an interior ministry source said. A roadside bomb went off in Baghdad's western neighborhood of al-Yarmouk, drawing to the scene the Iraqi security forces and civilians, after which, the second one exploded, ripping through the crowd and killing a civilian and wounding seven, among whom there were three Iraqi army soldiers, the source told Xinhua on condition of anonymity. In a separated ... イラクの民間人が死亡していた別の10人は、ソース部の、インテリア日バグダッド負傷で2つの爆弾テロで述べている

    • Eleven Dead, Scores Injured in Belarus Subway Blast
      At least 100 wounded in explosion that ripped through a crowded subway station in Minsk 爆発で負傷少なくとも100がミンスクでの混雑の地下鉄の駅からリッピング

    • Australia to help NZ to rescue trapped miners: FM
      Australian Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd said on Monday that the government is doing all it can to help New Zealand authorities rescue trapped miners, including two Australians. A gas explosion on Friday ripped through one of the New Zealand 's largest coal mine, Pike River while 15 mine employees and 12 contractors were underground. Josh Ufer, 27, and father-of-two Willy Joynson, 49, from Queensland of Australia, are among 29 miners trapped 120 meters beneath the surface. The youngest miner ... オーストラリアの外務大臣はケビンラッドは、オーストラリアの2名を含む、前記の鉱山労働者を救出月曜日当局はニュージーランドの新政府が助けることができますしてすべてであること

    • Skydiver saved in daring midair rescue
      A German skydiver who became injured and could not pull her own rip cord is lucky to have suffered only moderate injuries after a dramatic midair rescue 14,000 feet above ground, the Telegraph reported today.Katharina Wagner,... 怪我をし、彼女自身のリッピングを抜くことができなくなったドイツスカイダイバーは幸運地上14000フィート以上の劇的な空中救助後に中程度の傷害を受けているには、電信はワグナー、today.Katharinaを報告...

    • Car bomb kills 18
      A car bomb ripped through a police compound in the northwestern Pakistani city of Kohat, killing 18 people, including 14 women and children and four officers, the latest in a string of attacks proving that Islamist militants remain... 自動車爆弾がコハットの北西、パキスタンの都市の警察の化合物で、14の女性と子どもと4つの役員、攻撃の文字列でイスラム過激派が残っている証明の最新情報を含む18人を殺害リッピング...

    • Budget airlines open up Asia's skies to the masses
      A decade ago, even some of Asia's wealthier people could face a long bumpy ride on a bus to visit family or take a break on the beach -- flying was simply too expensive.Not any more. The proliferation of low cost airlines across the region, particularly in Southeast Asia, has opened up air travel to the masses.Malaysia-based AirAsia, which launched in 2001, was one of the first airlines to rip open Asia's skies to the general public. も、いくつかのアジアの裕福な人々の家族を訪問したり、ビーチで休憩を取ってバスに長い乱高下に直面する可能性も十年前に - された航空会社だけでも、これ以上expensive.Not

    • Credit card surcharge a rip-off
      BUSINESSES are ripping tens of millions of dollars from consumers through unfair credit card surcharges.  企業が不当なクレジットカード課徴金を介して消費者から数千万ドルをリッピングされます

    • Chile, Divided by Quake, Unites Around Miners
      Chile, a society ripped apart by February's massive earthquake, unites around trapped miners Chile - Earthquake - South America - History - Science and Environment チリは、社会が、リッピング大規模な離れて2月の地。環境は、一体の周りに閉じ込め鉱山チリ-地震-南アメリカ-歴史-科学

    • Facebook, Twitter oust Myspace for music fans: experts
      Facebook and Twitter have ousted Myspace as the hot new spaces for fans to connect with their favourite artists and acts, industry insiders say.They are also providing a major new way to publicize concerts and persuade increasingly youthful fans to buy their music.While 16-24 year-olds prefer to rip and burn CDs without paying for them, twelve-to-fifteen year-olds are the digital natives of today and tomorrow, influential market survey group Forrester's vice president of research Mark Mulligan told the music industry's annual MIDEM get-together in Cannes. FacebookやTwitterは自分の好きなアーティストや行為を登録してファンのためのホットな新スペースとしてMyspaceの追放が、say.Theyもコンサートを公表し、そのmusic.While 16を購入して、ますます若々しい人を説得するの主要な新しい方法を提供している業界インサイダー - 24歳をリッピングすることを好む、それらの支払いなしでCDを書き込むには、12対15歳児は今日と明日、研究して、Mark Mulliganさんの有力な市場調査グループフォレスターの副社長のデジタルネイティブは、取得する音楽業界の年間MIDEMを語った-カンヌ一緒インチ

    • 5 killed, 19 injured in Baghdad bombings
      Five people were killed and 19 wounded in two bomb attacks in Baghdad overnight and Thursday morning, an Interior Ministry source said. Five people were killed and 11 wounded when a parked car bomb ripped though the Shiite bastion of Sadr City neighborhood in eastern Baghdad before midnight on Wednesday, the source told Xinhua on condition of anonymity. Sadr City is a heavily populated Shiite neighborhood and is the main stronghold for Mahdi Army militia loyal to radical cleric Moqtada al- ... 5人が死亡し、19日、バグダッドの2つの爆弾テロで負傷、夜間と木曜日の午前内務省筋によると5つの人がもリッピングされたが死亡爆弾が11負傷時に車の駐車バグダッド前日の夜12東市付近でサドル要塞のシーア派水曜日には、ソースに忠実な条件に華を語ったマフディ軍の民兵である匿名

    • Crist goes it alone
      Former Republican darling Governor Charlie Crist defected from the Republican Party yesterday to run as an independent for US Senate after months of being ripped by conservatives as too supportive of President Barack Obama. Crist... 元共和党ダーリン知事チャーリークリストは、共和党から昨日、米上院の独立実行するように数ヶ月後に保守としてもバラクオバマ大統領の支持でリッピングされて亡命

    • Hurricane threatens US coastline
      Having battered the northeastern Caribbean, Hurricane Earl now has the US coast in its sights.Tiny Caribbean islands endured heavy rain and roof-ripping winds as the hurricane rapidly intensified into a major Category 4 storm... 北東カリブ海殴らこと、ハリケーンアールは現在、sights.Tinyカリブ海の島々で、米国の海岸を持って雨やハリケーンのように屋根リッピング風に耐えて急速に主要なカテゴリー4嵐の中に強化...

    • Storm leaves hundreds of thousands of families in northeast U.S. in dark
      Powerful winds are ripping through northeast U.S. Saturday with winds gusting over 80 km per hour, and as much as 12 cm of rain falling across parts of the region. According to local media reports, strong winds and heavy rain have knocked out power to more than 450,000 customers, diverting international flights, killing and injuring people. A flood watch is in effect for most of the area through Sunday evening, according to media reports. Rainfall will be heavy at times through Saturday ni ... 強力な風が米北東部を介して土曜日風が時速80キロ以上の強風とは、できるだけ雨の12センチの一部の地域間で下がりリッピングされます

    • Loeb sets the pace in Rally of Germany
      Reigning world champion Sebastien Loeb took early command of the Rally of Germany, the ninth leg in the 13-event world rally championship, by winning the first three stages here on Friday.The Frenchman, driving a Citroen C4, came under real pressure from teammate Dani Sordo, the Spaniard just 8.2 seconds adrift.Loeb, however, said he was concerned about damage to his car's right rear wheel rim caused by clipping a barrier 500 metres from the finish of stage two. 現世界チャンピオンのセバスチャンローブはラリードイツの早期指揮を執った、ここFriday.Theフランスの最初の3つの段階を獲得し、13のイベントの世界ラリー選手権で9脚が、シトロエンC4を駆動する、チームメイトからの実際の圧力を受けたダニエルソルドは、アロンソだけ8.2秒はadrift.Loebしかし、彼は車の右リアホイールに損傷を懸念第2段階の仕上げから壁を500メートルクリッピングによるリムだった

    • Bangladesh blaze death toll climbs to 108
      Rescuers called off the search for survivors Friday as the death toll from one of Bangladesh's worst fires rose to 108 after flames ripped through a packed neighbourhood of Dhaka, officials said.The blaze raged for three hours, destroying a row of multi-storey apartment buildings and trapping hundreds of residents in Dhaka's densely populated Kayettuli area, city police chief A.K.M Shahidul Haq told AFP. 炎はダッカのパック近所をリッピングした後、救助者はオフに1つのバングラデシュの最悪の火災からの死者数として生存者の捜。金曜日呼ばれる108には、職員の複式は3時間、多階建てのマンションの行を破壊する猛。切り開くバラとダッカの人口密度の高いKayettuliの地域住民の捕獲数は、市内の警察署長AKM ShahidulハクはAFPに語った

    • Hurricane Earl on path to menace United States
      SAN JUAN - Hurricane Earl battered tiny islands across the northeastern Caribbean with heavy rain and roof-ripping winds as it rapidly intensified into a major category 4 storm, taking a path projected to menace the United States.Already... それは急速に主要なカテゴリーに4嵐を激化などサンファン - ハリケーン伯爵は大雨や屋根リッピング風で、パスを脅威イギリスStates.Alreadyに投影撮影北東カリブ海上の小さな島を襲った...

    • Video: Pakistan bomb survivors describe police compound attack
      Scenes of devastation after a car bomb rips through a police compound in the north-western Pakistani city of Peshawar, killing 18 people ペシャワールの北北西、パキスタンの都市の警察の化合物で、自動車爆弾のリッピング後に荒廃のシーン、18人が死亡

    • Wisconsin's coalition against corporate power | Austin King
      Stirred to action, a new popular movement is determined to roll back the rightwing assault on collective bargaining rightsThe streets of Madison, Wisconsin are teeming – with people, placards, even farmers' tractors – in a moment of democratic uprising unlike anything in recent memory. This spontaneous eruption of massive popular resistance, with hundreds of thousands of people from all walks of life demonstrating for weeks on end, was sadly not enough to stop the state from stripping workers of their rights. Yet it has given birth to a newly engaged and radicalised working class in Wisconsin and kindled a broader democracy movement whose impact will be tested both in its immediate response to these attacks and its ability to sustain itself and progress as a popular movement.The uprising began the day that Governor Scott Walker unveiled his radical austerity budget that included billions of dollars of upward redistribution of wealth, mass privatisation, the slashing of programmes essential to the survival of low-income families, and the repeal of collective bargaining rights that public workers have enjoyed for more than 50 years. As news of his shock doctrine budget spread, thousands of Wisconsinites, many invoking the inspiring events of Tahrir Square, spontaneously gathered at the Capitol. As the protests grew to tens of thousands, the Democrats in the state senate fled into Illinois to deny the Republicans the quorum needed to act.This legislative stalemate created space and time for more organising. The Capitol itself became a joyously occupied protest city, complete with volunteer cleanup crews, medics, media rooms, teach-ins, yoga sessions, a people's microphone, and nearly unlimited pizza donated by supporters from around the world. Hundreds slept each night on 最近の記憶では何とは違って民主的な蜂起の瞬間に - 人々、プラカードでも、農民のトラクター - アクションに攪拌し、新たな大衆運動が満ちているマディソンの団体交渉rightsThe通り、ウィスコンシン州で右派の攻撃をロールバックして決定されます

    • Showalter: Jeter's Flip Play Was Practiced
      There's a lot of fuss going on today over comments attributed to Orioles manager Buck Showalter about Yankees shortstop Derek Jeter, aka the anointed one, in a Men's Health interview.  The article quotes Showalter criticizing Jeter's habit of backing out of the way of inside pitches, even those in or close to the strike zone, as a way to bait umpires into calling balls. Publications like the New York Post and espn.com, among others,described Showalter as "ripping" or "blasting" Jeter. 男性の健康のインタビューで、ヤンキースの遊撃手デレクジーターについてオリオールズマネージャバックショーウォルター、別名聖なる一つに起因する欄で、今日に行く手間がたくさんある

    • U.S. state Oklahoma declares state of emergency amidst flooding
      The U.S. state of Oklahoma is under a state of emergency spread across 59 counties after severe thunderstorms ripped through central Oklahoma Monday triggering massive flooding. A flash-flood watch was extended across central Oklahoma Tuesday, according to U.S. media. The waters, which began to rise Monday, have left 136 people injured, but none of them need hospitalization, state health authorities said. The floods submerged roads and vehicles, and left thousands of residents without p ... 状態のオクラホマ米。洪水緊急状態ですアンダー、59の普及全体大規模な。後トリガリッピング激しい雷雨、月曜日はオクラホマ州中央部

    • Pak Moon villagers likened to red shirts
      The anti-Pak Moon Dam villagers were like the Red-Shirted protesters in their defiance and uprising against the elite ruling class which has ripped them of their natural resources and political rights, said Nidhi Eawsriwong at a seminar Friday. 。朴ムーンダム村人は反抗と反乱の天然資源や政治的権利のことをリッピングしたエリート支配階級に対するの赤シャツのデモ隊のようであった、Nidhi Eawsriwongは、金曜日のセミナーで述べた

    • Israel inferno still raging out of control
      The massive fire ripping through northern Israel was still incinerating swathes of land on Saturday, with little sign that Israeli and foreign firefighters were winning the battle to contain it. イスラエル北部からリッピング大規模な火災がまだイスラエルと外国人消防士が、それが含まれているために戦いを受賞したことはほとんど記号で、土曜日の土地のswathesを焼却した

    • Overhaul only way to avoid turmoil: Obama
      United States President Barack Obama said his plan to overhaul US financial regulations is the only way to prevent the "turmoil that ripped through our economy over the past two years", defending the measure against stiffening Republican and industry opposition. アメリカ合衆国大統領バラクオバマ氏は彼の計画は、唯一の方法は我々の経済を、過去2年間の。。u0026quot;リッピング。。u0026quot;混乱を防ぐために、スティフナ対策を守る米国の金融規制を全面的に見直すという、業界の反対共和党

    • Israel inferno still raging out of control
      The massive fire ripping through northern Israel was still incinerating swathes of land on Saturday, with little sign that Israeli and foreign firefighters were winning the battle to contain it.With 41 people dead and more than 17,000 people evacuated from their homes, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sought to bring in more international forces to join those already working to battle the biggest inferno in Israel's history.As the fire raged for a third straight day, Israel's fire and rescue chief Shimon Romeah said they were still some way off from harnessing the blaze. イスラエル北部からリッピング大規模な火災がまだイスラエルと外国人消防士がit.With 41人は、17,000以上の人が死亡避難彼らの家、ネタニヤフ首相から含まれているために戦いを受賞したことはほとんど記号で、土曜日の土地のswathesを焼却された参加して、より国際力をもたらすを模索してきたものはすでにイスラエルのhistory.As最大の地獄を3日連続の猛威火災の戦いに取り組んで、イスラエルの火災や救助が主なシモンRomeah彼らは炎を利用するから、まだいくつかの方法がオフにされたと述べた

    • One killed, 32 trapped after Turkey mine explosion: report
      A methane explosion caused a mine in western Turkey to cave in on Tuesday, killing one and trapping 32, the Anatolia news agency reported, quoting a local official.The explosion ripped through the privately owned mine near the town of Dursunbey in Balikesir province around 6:00 pm (1600 GMT), the town's governor Ibrahim Kucuk told the agency.Ruhi Yilmaz, the mayor of Dursunbey, said there were 50 workers in the mine at the time of the blast. Nineteen were rescued and three among them had severe burn injuries. メタンガスの爆発で火の洞窟には、1人が死亡、32トラップ西部のトルコで私の原因は、アナトリア通信は、ローカルofficial.The爆発バルケシル州Dursunbeyの町の近くにある個人所有の鉱山6時ごろからリッピング報じた:00時(1600 GMT)の町の知事イブラヒムキュチュク、agency.Ruhiイルマズ、Dursunbey市長と述べたがある50人の爆発の時には、鉱山にあったと述べた

    • Explosion kills Chinese miners
      At least 46 miners were killed yesterday when an explosion ripped through a coal mine in central China, state media reported. The blast hit a mine in Pingdingshan city in the province of Henan, the State Administration of Work... 少なくとも46鉱夫は、昨日、爆発は、中国中部の炭鉱でリッピング殺害され、国営メディアが報じた

    • US tornadoes kill three
      CLINTON, Arkansas - Authorities say tornadoes ripping through central Arkansas have killed at least three people, injured 25 others and destroyed several homes.A state Department of Emergency Management spokeswoman said teams... クリントン、アーカンソーは - 当局は竜巻の中心アーカンソーで少なくとも3人、25人が負傷死亡し、いくつかのhomes.A状態部危機管理の広報担当者の破壊リッピングと言うのだチーム...

    • India: Land of many cell phones, fewer toilets
      The Mumbai slum of Rafiq Nagar has no clean water for its shacks made of ripped tarp and bamboo. No garbage pickup along the rocky, pocked earth that serves as a road. No power except from haphazard cables strung overhead illegally.And... Rafiqさんナガーのムンバイのスラム街のリッピングタープや竹製のその小屋にはきれいな水を持っています

    • Pakistan bus explosion kills 18
      Conflicting reports on whether blast caused by bomb or gas cylinder used to power vehicleEighteen people were killed when an explosion ripped through a minibus travelling in a militant area of northwestern Pakistan today, police said.There were conflicting reports on whether the blast had been caused by a bomb or by the gas cylinder used to power the bus, which was travelling between the cities of Hangu and Kohat, close to Pakistan's lawless tribal region.The explosion tore apart the vehicle, killing all 17 people on board, and tipped over a second bus nearby, the Hangu police chief, Abdur Rasheed, said. One person on the second bus was killed and 11 others wounded, he said.Rasheed said the blast happened when the gas cylinder on board malfunctioned, but the leading police official in the region said explosives had been used to trigger the blast.Islamist militants frequently carry out attacks against both civilians and security forces in the area.Local television footage showed the twisted frame of the first bus lying beside the road, with little left except its wheels and undercarriage. The second bus was on its side, with its windows blown out and blood visible on the outside.Pakistanguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2011 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 電源vehicleEighteenの人々に使用される爆弾やガスボンベによる爆発は、爆発がパキスタン北西部今日の戦闘地域でミニバス旅行をリッピング時に殺されたかどうかに競合レポートは、警察がsaid.There爆発によって引き起こされていたかどうかの相反する報告された爆弾は、電源に使用するガスボンベでHanguとコハットの都市間移動していたバスが、近いパキスタンの無法部族region.The爆発するには、ボード上のすべての17人を殺して、別の車両を裂き、第二転覆バス、近くHanguの警察署長は、アブドゥルラシード、と述べた

    • World aids Israel fire fighting
      The massive fire ripping through northern Israel was still consuming swathes of land on Saturday, with little sign Israeli and foreign firefighters were winning the battle to contain it. イスラエル北部からリッピング大規模な火災がイスラエルと外国人消防士は、それを格納する戦いを獲得した小さな記号で、土曜日には土地の消費swathesした

    • We mustn't abandon the Windward Islands' farmers | Renwick Rose and Nick Mathiason
      Hurricanes, drought and disease have devastated the eastern Caribbean banana industry, and Europe should support the region's farmers through this difficult timeThe destruction caused by Hurricane Tomas in the Caribbean in recent weeks is heartbreaking. But although the destruction in Haiti received media coverage, Tomas's intensity was reserved for the eastern Caribbean. A spiralling storm lingered over St Lucia. The deluge created terrible landslides, cutting off the south of the island. The damage is similar in St Vincent and Dominica.Now we are facing up to the total destruction of the Windward Islands' rural economy. Tomas has ripped up virtually every banana tree in St Lucia and St Vincent where the entire crop has been wiped out. Coconuts, cocoa and breadfruit are also all gone.Farmers who rely on bananas face an economic disaster, and a food emergency is looming. They will have no income for at least eight months, until the next harvest. That is if they can afford to replant trees.Parents are also agonising over whether they can afford to enter their children for the summer exams. Entry fees are due in January.Agriculture is the motor of the Windward Islands' rural economy. It accounts for 9.75% of GDP, according to the IMF. It is the largest form of employment in the countryside, away from the tourist areas. And earnings from bananas allow shops and small business to survive.Farmers are relying on the compassion of banks to allow them to keep their homes. They are likely to get deeper in debt.Tomas caps one of the worst ever years for Windward farmers. The financial crisis in the Caribbean is stark. The bank crisis has not just reduced tourist numbers, it has created a damaging economic downturn thanks to the over-reliance on the offshore finance industry. And ハリケーンは、干ばつや病気は、東カリブのバナナ業界を荒廃しており、ヨーロッパは悲痛され、最近数週間でカリブ海でハリケーンTomasさんによる、この困難なtimeThe破壊によって地域の農家をサポートする必要があります

    • Three die, 25 hurt in US tornadoes
      Tornadoes ripping through central Arkansas have killed at least three people, injured 25 others and destroyed several homes, authorities say. 竜巻は、中央アーカンソー州でリッピング、少なくとも3人、25人が負傷死亡し、いくつかの家を破壊され、当局は言う

    • Kenyans fear a repeat of 2007 bloodshed | Waithaka Waihenya
      The grenade attack in Kenya does not bode well for the forthcoming referendum on the country's constitutionSunday 13 June 2010 will go down as a day of infamy in Kenya. It was the day a blast ripped through a park full of people who had attended what had been billed as a religious event but which turned out to be a campaign meeting for those opposed to the referendum on a new constitution.The two grenades that detonated in Nairobi in the late hours of Sunday left at least six people dead and scores more injured, and immediately set off a blame game from both sides, those who are backing the proposed constitution (now dubbed the Greens) and those opposed to it (the Reds).Who could have been behind the attack? A shocked country is searching for the answer. This is not the first time the country has experienced killer explosions – recall the August 1998 bomb blast in the US embassy in Nairobi – but it was the first serious attack at a referendum or election campaign.In the last two months, Kenyans have been gripped by what is now being called referendum fever. The proposed constitution has polarised the country in much the same way it did in 2005, when the first serious attempt at a new constitution was made and defeated.Just as in 2005, President Mwai Kibaki is supporting the proposed constitution. But he has found an unlikely ally in his prime minister, Raila Odinga, who was on the opposing side in 2005. Both are having to ride a fierce tide of opposition from some of their cabinet ministers led by higher education minister William Ruto, an erstwhile ally of Raila Odinga's and the Christian community.The Reds have been traversing the country to drum up opposition to the document. Likewise, the Greens have been ratcheting up their yes campaign. But nobody thought that thi ケニアの手榴弾の攻撃も、国のconstitutionSunday 2010年6月13日に迫った国民投票のための下がるだろう前兆ではないとして、ケニアの汚名の日

    • In praise of … Ha-Joon Chang | Editorial
      Where mainstream economic debate is often stiflingly narrow, Chang talks about 19th-century Germany, 21st-century China and many other points besidesOne downside of the conference season is that the debates between politicians, thinktankers and journalists are as broad as a postage stamp. A Martian arriving in Manchester this week could be forgiven for thinking that how to run an economy was simply about how or when or whether to cut the deficit. To him or her (or, indeed, it), we would recommend Ha-Joon Chang's latest book, 23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism. Where mainstream economic debate is often stiflingly narrow, Chang talks about 19th-century Germany, 21st-century China and many other points besides. Where economics is dry, this Cambridge professor delights in paradox. And myth-busting – because what Chang does in 23 Things is take apart many of the assertions put forward by those who argue that economics is nothing more than letting markets rip. He asserts that there is no such thing as a free market (whatever Vince Cable might say) and that successful economies do not require economists. He does this with charm and a desire to see how things work in the real world. Chang's readers will recognise this style from Bad Samaritans and Kicking Away the Ladder, his earlier books on development economics. But 23 Things is an attempt at a more popular book, and it deserves both a wide audience and – with its discussion of industrial strategy and the relationship between state and markets – to be read by politicians hunting for new ideas. Ed Miliband: you need to take this man to lunch.EconomicsGlobal economyguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 主流の経済論議は、しばしばstiflingly狭い場合には、19世紀のドイツ、21世紀の中国との会議シーズンの他の多くのポイントbesidesOneの欠点について語っているチャン、政治家、thinktankersやジャーナリストの間の議論は、切手として広いということです

    • Powerful typhoon hits Taiwan hard
      A powerful typhoon made landfall in eastern China today after ripping into Taiwan, flooding the southern part of the island, crippling transportation and shutting off power as thousands of residents fled mountainous areas prone to... 強力な台風が中国東部で、今日台湾にリッピングした後、住民数千人の山岳地帯を起こし逃げたとしての島、壊。交通電源をオフにシャットダウンの南部を洪水上陸した...

    • Deadly cyclone hits north-east India
      At least 89 villagers dead and thousands of homes destroyed after cyclone strikes Bihar and West BengalAt least 89 villagers died when a cyclone demolished ten of thousands of mud huts in north-east India, officials reported today.The cyclone struck overnight in the states of West Bengal and Bihar, with winds of more than 100mph uprooting trees and snapping telephone and electricity lines.Devesh Chandra Thakur, Bihar's minister for disaster management, said there had been no weather department warning of a cyclone, so residents had been unprepared.Television footage showed uprooted trees lying across shanties and sheets of corrugated metal ripped from roofs. Children sat outside damaged huts as parents tried to salvage their belongings from inside.One West Bengal resident, 51-year-old Namita Biswas, said she and her husband had been sleeping in their hut when it was crushed by a tree broken by the cyclone. Her husband was killed.The cyclone demolished nearly 50,000 mud huts in West Bengal and thousands more in Bihar, officials said. The worst-hit villages in West Bengal were Hematabad, Raiganj and Kiran Dighi, where police and rescue teams recovered 39 bodies, said Ramanuj Chakraborty, a senior official.Another 50 people were killed in the north-eastern Bihar districts of Araria, Kishanganj and Purnea, according to government officials.The authorities were starting today to send medical teams and food supplies to the cyclone-hit area, said Ramanuj Chakraborty, a West Bengal official. Temporary shelters were being set up for those who had lost their homes.A prison wall collapsed in Bihar's Araria district, forcing authorities to shift more than 600 inmates to another prison.IndiaNatural disasters and extreme weatherguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 少なくとも89村人が死亡し、住宅の何千ものビハール州、西BengalAt少なくとも89村人がサイクロンは、北東インドの。小屋数千人の10解体死亡したサイクロンのストライキ後に破壊され、当局はウェストの状態で一晩打たtoday.Theサイクロンを報告ベンガルとビハール以上毎時100マイル根こそぎ木々の風とスナップ電話、電気lines.Deveshチャンドラタクール、災害管理のためのビハール州の首相は、サイクロンのない気象部門の警告をしていたと述べたので、住民だまされてunprepared.Televisionの映像を示した木を小屋および段ボール、金属のシート間横たわって屋根からのリッピング根こそぎ

    • It's really fun to be rich | Michael Tomasky
      I beseech you to watch this great and fantastically hilarious video that you can see by clicking right here. I am sorry that I can't seem to embed it, because I can't find the embed code. Anyway, it's a really funny send-up of certain contemporary American mores and personalities using footage from La Dolce Vita. Watch it before Fellini's heirs and assigns have it ripped down.The new text was written by Chris Lehmann, and the video promotes his upcoming book, Rich People Things. I cannot however in good conscience recommend the book, because author and publisher, both friends of mine, have not yet seen fit to send me my review copy!But hey, I will rise above that and tell you to keep an eye out for it. And after all, who among us had the courage to quit our jobs so we could denounce the death panels?United StatesMichael Tomaskyguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 私はあなたのビデオの場合はここをクリックして見ることができますこれと素晴らしい陽気な偉大な見て懇願する

    • Blasts kill 35 in Iraq, warn new wave of violence (2)
      A fifth explosion occurred when a suicide bomber blew up his explosive-belt inside a popular restaurant at Hifa street in central Baghdad, destroying the whole three-story building and burying an undetermined number of people under debris. Two more powerful explosions ripped through Baghdad southern neighborhoods of al-Amil and Saidiyah, destroying two more residential buildings. Ayad Allawi, the secular politician who made a slender lead in the latest March 7 elections, criticized the gov ... 5爆発の破片が発生したときに自殺の話を破壊する全3つの人気ベルトを内部に彼の爆発まで爆撃機が吹いてレストランでHifa通りにバグダッド中心部の建物を下に番号を人々未定埋葬と2つ、より強力な爆発が南からリッピングバグダッドSaidiyahと近所のアルアミル、最新の3月7日総選挙を破壊2つの住。細いリードを建物を政治した世俗

    • Children watch parents drown
      Three siblings watched from the shore as both parents drowned off a remote beach in northern New South Wales after their mother reportedly entered the ocean to help two of them trapped in a rip tide.The two returned to land safely... として、両方の親北ニューサウスウェールズ州での母親によるリッピングtide.The 2つの安全な土地に戻った二人の中に閉じ込め支援するために、海を入力リモートビーチから溺死した3兄弟は、海岸から見た...

    • Video: Mississippi residents face tornado aftermath
      Residents survey the damage after a deadly tornado ripped through central Mississippi 住民は致命的な竜巻の中心ミシシッピをリッピング後の被害を調査

    • Tornado kills six in Mississippi
      Tornadoes ripped through the Southeast on Saturday, killing six people in Mississippi and injuring more than a dozen others.Mississippi Emergency Management Agency spokesman Greg Flynn said three deaths were reported in Yazoo... 竜巻は、東南アジアから土曜日に、ミシシッピ州の6人を殺害し、さらに12 others.Mississippi緊急事態管理局スポークスマンのグレッグフリン以上が負傷リッピング3死亡ヤズーで報告されたという...

    • Chicago fire kills residents
      An early morning fire that ripped through a suburban Chicago apartment building yesterday left seven people dead, including a newborn baby, a 3-year-old and four teenagers. The death toll rose from four to seven as investigators... 早朝の火災では、シカゴ郊外のアパートで昨日の7人は、生まれたばかりの赤ちゃんは、3を含む死者リッピング歳と4代古い

    • Death toll mounts as fire devastates California city
      At least six people were killed when a gas pipeline exploded and set off a fire that engulfed a neighborhood near San Francisco, local media said Friday.San Bruno Fire Captain Charlie Barringer told the Los Angeles Times he expected the toll to rise as more homes were searched.More than 100 residents were forced to flee and than 170 homes damaged or destroyed as the blast ripped through the town of San Bruno and triggered a giant fire, parts of which were still raging before dawn Friday, more than nine hours after the initial explosion. 少なくとも6人は、ガスパイプラインが爆発し死亡し、サンフランシスコの近くに近所を巻き込んだ火をオフに設定すると、地元メディアはFriday.Sanブルーファイアーキャプテンチャーリーバリンジャーは、彼はより多くの家庭があったとして数が上昇すると予想ロサンゼルスタイムズ紙に語ったというsearched.More 100以上の住民が避難し、170世帯が破損よりまたは爆発サンブルーノの町をリッピングとして破壊され、巨大な火をトリガ、そのうちのはまだ夜明け前金曜日怒ったされた部品を余儀なくされた、以上の9時間後の初期爆発

    • Crews try to reach smouldering homes after gas blast
      SAN BRUNO, California - Fire crews are trying to douse the remnants of an enormous blaze and account for the residents of dozens of homes after a gas line ruptured and an explosion ripped through in a neighbourhood near San Francisco,... San Brunoの、カリフォルニア州 - ファイアークルーは、ガスの行の後に巨大な炎とアカウントの家の多数の居住者のための残党を消すとしていると爆発でサンフランシスコの近くに近所で、リッピング破裂...

    • Scientists suspect there were three shocks in five seconds
      SCIENTISTS believe not one but three earthquakes just seconds apart ripped a 13-kilometre gash across the Canterbury Plains and unleashed energy equivalent to 67 Hiroshima nuclear bombs speeding into Christchurch. 科学者たちは1つが、3つの地震は、わずか数秒間隔カンタベリー平野の13キロの溝をリッピングし、67広島の核爆弾クライストチャーチに高速化へのエネルギーに相当のパワーを解き放つ信じない

    • All Blacks destroy Wallabies in Tri Nations rout
      The All Blacks ripped apart the Wallabies 49-28 to take control of this year's Tri-Nations series at Docklands stadium on Saturday.Ruthless New Zealand won their 12th consecutive Test and their eighth in a row over the Wallabies to lead the southern hemisphere championship by 11 points over Australia with South Africa yet to register a point.The All Blacks scored seven tries to three and were far too strong for the Wallabies, who played the last 37 minutes without winger Drew Mitchell, who was red carded by South African referee Craig Joubert after his second yellow card. オールブラックスはSaturday.Ruthlessニュージーランドのドックスタジアムで今年のトリ国連シリーズの制御を奪ってワラビーズを49から28離れてリッピングワラビー上で南半球のチャンピオンシップをリードする彼らの12年連続テストおよび行にその8を獲得南アフリカ共和国、オーストラリアで11点はまだオールブラックスは6時57トライを獲得し、あまりにもワラビー、ウィンガーせずに、最後の37分を果たしたの強かったpoint.Theを登録するドリューミッチェル、南アフリカ審判クレイグによって身分証明書を赤いジュベール2度目のイエローカードした

    • Car bomb kills 6 in cocaine hotspot
      A car bomb ripped open cars and storefronts in the administrative centre of Colombia's Pacific port of Buenaventura yesterday, killing six people and wounding more than 30, authorities said. Buenaventura is a key cocaine trafficking... 自動車爆弾ブエナベントゥラのコロンビアの太平洋ポートの行政の中心部は昨日、6人が死亡、オープン車や店舗をリッピングし、30人以上が負傷した、当局は述べた

    • Film review: Videocracy
      A disturbing look at the TV empire of Italy's leader, Silvio Berlusconi and the cult of celebrity. By Peter BradshawErik Gandini's Videocracy is an intriguing, mordant look at the world of the Italian premier Silvio Berlusconi: an acrid Dolce Vita for the modern day. But it's a very different kind of film-making from that of Berlusconi's most famous critic, the satirist Sabina Guzzanti, whose docu-polemics are influenced by Michael Moore. Gandini's film is more like a dreamy, mesmeric and highly disturbing psychogeography of 21st-century Italy, or perhaps a meandering, anthropological study of a dysfunctional cult, ruled by a thin-skinned, self-pitying leader.It is ostensibly about Berlusconi's TV empire and its crassly sexified world of stripping housewives and endless reality shows, which has engendered in Italy an infatuation with celebrity that perhaps even outstrips Britain or the US. (Berlusconi publishes many gossip magazines.) Everyone wants to be a celebrity and Berlusconi is the biggest celebrity of all. Yet Videocracy is not overtly polemical, nor even, at first, obviously critical. It's 22 minutes before Berlusconi's name is even mentioned, and 29 minutes before we see a picture of his grinning face – on a paparazzi shot, just before we see a picture of Berlusconi's most favoured party guest, Tony Blair.Gandini begins by interviewing a tragic reality show wannabe: a singing martial arts hombre who aspires to be a cross between Ricky Martin and Bruce Lee. And then he moves on to interview the powerful and fantastically creepy celeb agent Lele Mora, a wealthy Mussolini enthusiast who invites the director to his fabulous home and introduces him to the pretty young boy and girl celebs who are permitted to hang around his pool. This is, of course, situated on Sar イタリアのリーダー、ベルルスコーニや有名人のカルトのテレビ帝国で不安な表情

    • Deadly explosions hit Baghdad
      Three blasts in Iraqi capital kill at least 32 and damage the Iranian, Syrian and Egyptian embassiesThree powerful explosions targeting Baghdad's embassy district shattered a post-election calm in Iraq today, killing at least 32 people, injuring more than 100, and demonstrating again that the heart of the capital remains a haven for organised terror networks.The blasts caused minor damage to the Iranian, Syrian and Egyptian embassies, but led to carnage among pedestrians and traffic on the streets outside. The German embassy was also affected by one explosion.The heaviest death toll was outside the Iranian mission, where police said at least 18 people had died.It appears to be the fifth wave of a campaign to attack strategic targets that began in August with a pair of tanker bombs that destroyed the finance and foreign ministries, killing 132 people and injuring up to 500 more. Further attacks followed in October, December and January.The blasts this morning took place in the central suburb of Mansour, within a few miles of the foreign ministry and around half a mile from two subsequent attacks in October that ripped apart the Baghdad council and justice ministry.Mansour is one of the most heavily guarded areas of Baghdad, home to both upscale residential streets, embassies and government institutions, yet it has been the scene of more devastating attacks than any other area of Baghdad since widespread sectarian violence was quelled from late-2007.Today's explosions detonated in quick succession, indicating a highly co-ordinated attack as in the four earlier strikes. These were blamed on a consortium of Sunni Muslim jihadist groups and exiled Baathists who had vowed to disrupt the lead-up the 7 March general election.Iraqis and international observers feared a deteriora イラクの首都の3つの爆発、少なくとも32の損傷イラン、シリア、エジプトembassiesThree強力な爆発をバグダッドの大使館地区を対象に殺す今日、少なくとも32人が死亡、100以上の負傷、イラクの選挙後の静けさを粉砕し、再度それを示す首都の中心部には、組織的なテロのnetworks.Theの爆発ための避難所のままにイラン、シリア、エジプト大使館が、歩行者やトラフィックの間で街の外で大虐殺につながったマイナー被害をもたらした

    • How Iceland lost its soul | Eirikur Bergmann
      The truth committee report damns a testosterone-driven financial sector where caution was dismissed as old-fashionedAn evil mix of greed, incompetence, nepotism, nationalism, youthful risk addiction and a kind of collective superiority complex led to the fall of the whole Icelandic financial sector in October 2008. This is among the conclusions that can be drawn from the 2300-page report submitted yesterday in nine volumes by the truth committee, which the Icelandic parliament commissioned to analyse what had caused the collapse of the Icelandic economy.The report had been eagerly awaited and with great anxiety in the usually calm Icelandic society. It marks an end to a vicious blame game most players in Iceland's business and politics have been engaged in for the past 18 months, and hopefully a new beginning for a society ripped apart in internal conflict – in the aftermath of what generally is simply referred to as the Crash (Hrunið).The report paints a picture of an uncontrollable and unsustainable financial system that had grown way above the capability of Icelandic state to back it up as a creatable lender of last resort. Newly privatised, each of the three main banks came into ownership of three nouveau-rich families in Iceland. The report graphically explains how the three business blocks then, in a kind of a testosterone-driven pissing contest, used the savings of generations of hard-working Icelanders to storm the global financial market, including the City of London.The report also shows that the crash was mainly caused by a systemic error within Iceland. By vigorously enforcing its deregulation policy the lassez-faire government created a monster it couldn't control: the Icelandic Viking-capitalist was born. Any voice of caution and classical wisdom was dism 真実委員会の報告書は注意が欲、無能、縁故主義、ナショナリズム、若々しいリスク中毒と集団の優位性複合体の種類の古いfashionedAn悪ミックス全体としてアイスランドの金融セクターの下落につながった解任されたテストステロン駆動金融セクターをdamns October 2008インチこれは、2300ページの報告書昨日アイスランド議会はどのような待望とされていたアイスランドへの経済レポートの崩壊の原因となった分析を委。真実委員会は、9巻の投稿から引き出される結論が間にある通常穏やかなアイスランド社会に大きな不安

    • At least 51 killed after storm hits Europe
      PARIS - A violent late winter storm with fierce rain and hurricane-strength winds ripped across western Europe on Sunday, battering France and four other countries, leaving at least 51 people dead.The storm, named Xynthia, was... パリ - 激しい雨やハリケーンの強さの風、西ヨーロッパ全体日曜日にリッピングと暴力的な冬の終わりの嵐、フランス、他の4国の虐待は、少なくとも51人がdead.The嵐Xynthiaという名前のままだった...


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