- ナベクラ活動報告書(第三期) Vol.40
そうだ、バレンタインの前に節分があったなあ But, Iu0026#39;ve had before Valentineu0026#39;s Setsubun
- 豆はすりつぶして食べる
必死になる行事と言えば節分の豆まきとお正月の徹夜 Souiya had things like Halloween! Setsubun bean-night New Year and will be desperate to put events and I forgot completely
- 七草粥♪
そうそう、まろの海外生活は約7ヶ月とあまり長い方ではなかったけれどやはり日本特有の年間行事や習慣のことは常に頭にあったので、『あっ今日は七五三だな』とか『成人の日だな』とか『節分だから豆まきしたいな』とか思ってましたよ! Yeah, Ichigo is about living abroad in seven months and much longer can the annual events and customs unique to Japan but also had in mind was not always so, today there is a 『Shichi』 is there any adultu0026#39;s Day are there any that you want 』Setsubun bean-』 because I think or Temashita!