- 勉強会100128
でもとても楽しかったです I enjoyed it
- 加賀・神事能を撮る・・♪(初回編)
今回は舞台袖で撮れましたのでupします (Reference: from the day visitors) * * In the great tradition here. . Times greeted the 400 Memorial Shrine, Noh stage repair and the ability of this ritual was held to commemorate the completion of the 15 originally ♪ Sun Noh and Kyogen素謡watch is also made of the shooting Naka Naka This is because I could not撮Remashita the sleeves up to the stage
- 相変わらずのグッスリン素尻。
でも二人の共通の意見は But the common opinion of the two