- 願いはみんな
ちょっとちまたで話題になってる小ネタが一つ February 3rd one coming soon is a small story that I talked about in the streets is a little winding ways of the lucky direction and bite to eat without cutting the海苔巻Setsubun
- 財布の替え時
もちろんその前に節分もあるんだろうけど、今では全国区になった恵方巻が売られてる横でチョコレートコーナーができてるのも…なんというか違和感ありありで(^^ゞ さらにその横ではひな祭りのコーナーも出来つつあるからなにがなんだかって思っちゃうんだよね I will probably have it before the close of winter, of course, you can now also sells corner chocolate next to the volume I was lucky direction for the national ... The discomfort vividly what Iu0026#39;m going (^ ^ Isuzu is also next to the festival What I think somehow it is so I have nothing from that corner of the nascent
- ヒナフェス
もう、気づけば「恵方巻きを丸かぶり」にエロスを感じる年齢ですからね、 子供の遊びに、付き合ってる暇などございませんわ Now, if気Dzuke u0026quot;fog rolled round the lucky directionu0026quot; from the age I feel the Eros, and the childu0026#39;s play, Iu0026#39;ve been going out time Nadogozaimasen