Anti-U.S. Shiite cleric delivers first speech Anti-U.S. Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr delivered first speech to Iraqi people on Saturday following his return to the country after years of exile in neighboring Iran.
&$&$Source: Xinhua &$&$ ... 反米シーア派聖職者ムクタダサドル師は、隣接するイランに亡命の年後に国に帰国、次の土曜日にイラクの人々の最初の演説を行った
Madagascar’s Former President Says He Will Return Marc Ravalomanana made remarks in South Africa where he has been in exile for past two years but he faces arrest on arrival マークラヴァルマナナ彼は過去2年間亡命されているが、彼は到着時に逮捕さに直面している南アフリカでの発言をして
Rare Intra-Korean Family Reunions Underway More than 400 South Koreans beginning reunion in North Korea with relatives from whom they have been separated since early 1950s