2 /联合国儿童基金会大使陈美龄●2,一次是破坏北京奥运火炬接力,“我的嘴Hasamenai 2/2
- [agunesu] [chiyan] of the Japanese UNICEF association ambassador disturbs with Olympic torch relay of the Beijing Olympics
In the time when it has behavior, “it cannot put the mouth in me
251多名歌手活动一,我会做的演讲?艾格尼丝演讲费用,天空高Irashii 251
Activity as a singer compared to, it is due to lecture activity, don't you think? it is?
Lecture charge of [agunesu] is high ridiculously, it seems
25%的捐助者增加对运动的国家是日本,儿童基金会已采取行负责对旅游广告作为驱动tTA索马里兰 Because of campaign of increase amount of the Japanese UNICEF which commission of the 25 takes amount of subscription to be raised It went to travelling in Somaliland as an announcement
艾格尼丝·张,21日,2010年2月15日向索马里起飞,风险最高水平:艾格尼丝歌手儿童基金会大使张书签40 ·(54)15,首次访问东非索马里内战加剧东京羽田机场起飞· It starts to Somalia of agunesu chiyan and degree of risk highest level 2010 February 15th 21 40 Book mark In order agunesu chiyan of the singer 54 on the 15th to visit the African eastern Somalia which civil war intensifies for the first time with the Japanese UNICEF association ambassador It left Tokyo Haneda Airport
626文字混乱与日本一行,我很难读瓦特武野简单的汉字,它不是平假名转换成时间 626 Don t you think confusedly… the fact that Japanese composition is read very much is what with 1 lines w Simple Chinese character without being converted many degrees has become hiragana
651但不知道的是...索马里兰和索马里的国际安全领域的相当有趣的遗书写的冲突,甚至在他们的邻居是危险的,但你不说 651
But the reason which it does not actualize…
One area of Somalia it produces Somaliland internationally,
Furthermore relative public order saying, that it is good, unsettled, next door being, while disputing therefore what
The will writing, it is not strange separately
667儿童和年轻人今天和我说,一个穷人的饮食知识,在这陌生的膳食Ranai西西Gugure 667
Without knowing the dietary life of the current child and the young person and poor layer, you say w
Side with school lunch [gugu] [re] w
700持久性的,我坚信,更多的人有什么更多的外国代理人和w,往往滑稽Warushi 700
With the vengefulness, the [wa] w where benefit 々 foreigner operative [tsu] [te] conviction becomes strong
The person in changes, often and
A的讨论还谈到艾格尼丝赢得思考(笑)只发现艾滋病用户样子做腿坐电梯到歇斯底里互联网 How thinking as for this argument of the victory shelf of agunesu laughing As the net user fries to hysterical and the pace done only it is to be visible
艾格尼丝亚历克斯说:听起来用户瓦特坏的东西从198座的便利,这是现在还座 198 When being inconvenient it is said because it blocks agunesu immediately w Also this user was blocked
Eligh青海地震差异不愉快的香港人:自己拯救自己的学生,如果受害者是男性,在香港殡仪馆 Even with the same Hong Kong person [erai] difference and
Seikai earthquake: In Hong Kong of the man and the home where the pupils it rescues and as for the self it becomes sacrifice funeral
Faridyu洗澡后或没有在身体上结冰?和温差 faridyu Is the bath there is no influence in the body after the icing Temperature difference and the like
逆转录 catching1: 洗澡faridyu后结冰,不是影响身体?和温差 RT catching1 faridyu Is the bath there is no influence in the body after the icing Temperature difference and the like
NULL 98 G i i i r ura REPT il ゚ re ┴ n Three Three ni ninininininininini 6 REPT ≡ ┃ ┃ i i 92 Three 33 ni l HKRPT gt three Three ni i gt gt two two Three 33 ni hu 92 33 r i i r i ni No 0 r O r O r O r O r O 0 r REPT REPT HKRPT ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ REPT REPT no no no no HKRPT no n no
3 75 ┃┃ ° °〜ヽ 它┃┃ 发 和┃┃ 施。 我们 我们 。 ┃┃( (6 ヽ 。≡ ┃┃。 岛 解决方案。 图示┃┃!。布鲁诺。 ー 3 ┃┃ 古 。 ┃┃ 3 ┃┃ ヽ,⌒二) ┃┃ 75 Three ┃ ┃ ¯ ¯ REPT ┃ ┃ te hair ┃ ┃ te shi we we ┃ ┃ 6 REPT ≡ ┃ ┃ i The Soviet Union ┃ ┃ pishiyatsu No Three ┃ ┃ ku 92 ┃ ┃ 92 Three ┃ ┃ REPT Two ⌒ ┃ ┃
NULL ha 92 92 ─ ─ 92 ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ⌒ ¯ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ i i ¯ ─ ─ mi ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ 92 92 ⌒ ─ ─ ─ 92 ─ 92 ri ─ ─ ─ ─ ∠ no ─ ─ ─ ─ r ○ ─ ○ i ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ No REPT 92 ─ ─ ─ ─ ¯ ─ ─ i no ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ No ku REPT ─ ∧ he ─ r 92 ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ 92 92 no ─ ─ lt ─ ─ iea gt ki ゙ ya In the Chinese Communist Party glory that ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ gt ─ ─ ─ ─ i nono 从 ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ 从 ─ ─
NULL ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ∧ ∧ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ha 92 92 ─ ─ 92 ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ⌒ ¯ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ i i ¯ ─ ─ mi ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ 92 92 ⌒ ─ ─ ─ 92 ─ 92 ri ─ ─ ─ ─ ∠ no ─ ─ ─ ─ r ○ ─ ○ i ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ No REPT 92 ─ ─ ─ ─ ¯ ─ ─ i no ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ No ku REPT ─ ∧ he ─ r 92 ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ 92 92 no ─ ─ lt ─ ─ iea gt ki ゙ ya In the Chinese Communist Party glory that ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ gt ─ ─ ─ ─ i nono 从 ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ 从 ─ ─
NULL no Float ゙ yaaaaaaaaaaa ┃ three ∧ he ─ r 92 ┃ ─ lt iea gt l gt gt ┃ i nono 从 ┃ three No 从 i 从 ┃ i i ─ mi ┃ 92 92 ri ┃ r i lt … … ┃ no ┃ three ∧ he r 92 ┃ lt iea gt l gt gt ┃ i nono 从 Three ┃ Three ┃ Three ┃ Three ┃ ┃ pishiyatsu ┃ ┃ Three Three ┃
231 ∩ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━ヽ ç, ,我::从诺诺 231 ∩ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ 92 REPT ━ ━ ━ ━ ha 92 92 92 丿 i i ─ mi 92 92 ri r i no Mosquito ゙ ratsu ∧ he r 92 lt iea gt l gt gt i nono 从 No 从 i 从
NULL 17 ∩ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ 92 REPT ━ ━ ━ ━ ha 92 92 92 丿 i i ─ mi 92 92 ri r i no Mosquito ゙ ratsu ∧ he r 92 lt iea gt l gt gt i nono 从 No 从 i 从
NULL 33 mimi REPT 92 REPT Tibetan something you know w ihe he REPT ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ha 92 92 92 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ i i ¯ ─ mi ─ no REPT ─ 92 ri 3333 r i 3333 REPT No REPT No no 3333 ∧ he r 92 lt iea gt l gt gt i nono 从 No 从 i 从 to and ─ No No 丿 gt gt ゙ human mi REPT i ─ No i ─ Person Three mimi 从 l No r Y mimi 33 HKRPT REPT r 从 REPT 92 mimi 333 92 92 彡 ¯ 92 92
NULL 98 ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ∧ ∧ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ha 92 92 ─ ─ 92 ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ⌒ ¯ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ i i ¯ ─ ─ mi ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ 92 92 ⌒ ─ ─ ─ 92 ─ 92 ri ─ ─ ─ ─ ∠ no ─ ─ ─ ─ r ─ i ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ No REPT 92 ─ ─ ─ ─ ¯ ─ ─ i no ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ No ku REPT ─ ∧ he ─ r 92 ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ 92 92 no ─ ─ lt ─ ─ iea gt l gt gt ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ gt ─ ─ ─ ─ i nono 从 ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ 从 ─ ─ ─
NULL ┃ i i ─ mi ┃ 92 92 ri Mosquito ゙ ratsu ┃ r i ┃ No no ┃ three ∧ he r 92 ┃ lt iea gt l gt gt ┃ i nono 从 ┃ three No 从 i 从 ┃ i i ─ mi ┃ 92 92 ri ┃ r i lt … … ┃ no ┃ three ∧ he r 92 ┃ lt iea gt l gt gt ┃ i nono 从 Three ┃ Three ┃ Three ┃ Three ┃ ┃ pishiyatsu ┃ ┃ Three Three ┃
NULL ┃ three 33 mimi REPT ┃ 92 REPT ┃ ihe he REPT ┃ three ha 92 92 92 ┃ i i ─ mi ┃ 92 92 ri Mosquito ゙ ratsu ┃ r r ○ ゚ r ○ i ┃ No no Float ゙ yaaaaaaaaaaa ┃ three ∧ he OO 92 ┃ lt l ea gt gt gt ┃ Y ri 从 ┃ three 从 r i 々 i 从 ┃ me ¯ No
─────250 ∧∧,〜───────── ç, ─ ─ ──── : ( ¯。 ──,乙,布鲁诺 ──── 250 ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ∧ ∧ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ha 92 92 ─ ─ 92 ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ⌒ ¯ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ i i ¯ ─ ─ mi ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ 92 92 ⌒ ─ ─ ─ 92 ─ 92 ri ─ ─ ─ ─ ∠ no ─ ─ ─ ─ r ─ i ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ No REPT 92 ─ ─ ─ ─ ¯ ─ ─ i no ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ No ku REPT ─ ∧ he ─ r 92 ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ 92 92 no ─ ─ lt ─ ─ iea gt l gt gt ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ gt ─ ─ ─ ─ i nono 从 ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ 从 ─ ─ ─
゙‖ヽ美的人,: ,─我,布鲁诺 :::─我 )〃人(密密3:从升 布鲁诺( 的r ) 是 ヽ哦米33米 ,和r ),从ヽ ( ,! 333密密ー) 彡¯ ゙ human mi REPT i ─ No i ─ Person Three mimi 从 l No r Y mimi 33 HKRPT REPT r 从 REPT 92 mimi 333 92 92 彡 ¯ 92 92
゙‖ヽ美的人,: ,─我,布鲁诺 :::─我 )〃人(密密3:从升 布鲁诺( 的r ) 是 ヽ哦米33米 ,和r ),从ヽ ( ,! 333密密ー) 彡¯ ゙ human mi REPT i ─ No i ─ Person Three mimi 从 l No r Y mimi 33 HKRPT REPT r 从 REPT 92 mimi 333 92 92 彡 ¯ 92 92
三┃ ç, ,我::从诺诺 ┃从三,布鲁诺 我 :从 ┃ three ha 92 92 92 ┃ i i ─ mi ┃ 92 92 ri Mosquito ゙ ratsu ┃ r i ┃ No no ┃ three ∧ he r 92 ┃ lt iea gt l gt gt ┃ i nono 从 ┃ three No 从 i 从
两个32 ーーー257 的D 二D 2。:: ::: 两个妮妮Ð d的两个或两个●● 。::研发, , R)的 Ð u003d u003d 3 u003d 2 u003d 3 257 23 Two ni Two ni two 92 nini two ni ni two ni r 92 ni three lt iea gt Two Three Two Three
TTP的: img tv2ch net JLab的电视 2 秒 100004的。gif TTP的: img tv2ch net JLab的电视 2 秒 100003的。gif ttp img tv2ch net jlab tv 2 s 100004 gif ttp img tv2ch net jlab tv 2 s 100003 gif
Ø:。 湖和r 。V ┃ ゙, ゙ ゙,゙ ┃。!,ヽ ┃ 。 ー ┬ ┃ o l r V ┃ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ┃ REPT 92 ┃ ┬ ┃
NULL 246 ┃ ¯ ¯ REPT ┃ i ni Three ┃ ha 92 92 92 0 UMLAT REPT ┃ i i ─ mi to i Î ⌒ Three ┃ 92 92 ri No REPT no No ┃ THEFR ○ 3 Three ni three ┃ ∵ no Î ┃ THEFR r 92 l Three ┃ lt iea gt l gt gt l ┃ ∵ nono 从 l ┃ no 从 i 从 ┃
NULL ┃ three ha 92 92 92 ┃ i i ─ mi ┃ 92 92 ri Mosquito ゙ ratsu ┃ r i ┃ No no ┃ three ∧ he r 92 ┃ lt iea gt l gt gt ┃ i nono 从 ┃ three No 从 i 从
NULL 从 ⌒ ゙ REPT i i ri and ⌒ DREPT REPT mimi river 彡 Person l 从 彡 Light mimi gt k Wicked tsu Î ゙ haroha to ∧ he r 92 No 92 To 从 ゚ lt iea gt o No 从 r he No No ⌒ Y ⌒ 92 ┘ │
° ¯ ゙ ─ No REPT ゙ ゙ REPT l REPT l o l r V ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ REPT 92 ┬
米,33米:::: ヽ, ヽ 魏晋南北朝 f ヽ我 Ÿ ─ー 美 Bokotsu! :: ::: :::有限公司 ) 。 :: 。::┘:│ 33 mimi REPT 92 REPT ihe he REPT i i ─ mi bokotsu 92 92 ri r i ¯ 92 no To r no gt to ∧ he r 92 No 92 To 从 ゚ lt iea gt o No 从 r he No No ⌒ Y ⌒ 92 ┘ │
这绝对不想要一个好?布鲁诺 It is not good no matter what … That No ⌒ REPT Î ⌒ REPT ⊃ no ⌒ ⌒ 92 haahaa ⌒ ⌒ REPT u O O i ∩ ⌒ human No u r ┬ 92 REPT 92 REPT ⊂ no REPT gt
●儿童基金会目前我们由我国政府打击网上儿童,对什么是西藏的许多牺牲,东土耳其斯坦(维吾尔),南区蒙(内蒙古),触摸悲剧任何Remase我已和缅甸气旋在地震,为重建的是“保护 - As for the Japanese UNICEF association, presently, by the Chinese government, oppression to be done, many children in sacrifice
The [tsu] [te] in the disastrous state of Tibet, east Turkestan (wiggle) and south Mongolia (inner Mongolia) which are
It does not touch completely, but for reviving the Myanmar cyclone and the Sichuan major earthquake,
“We would like to protect
●大学和Agnes wwwwwwwwwww浇汽油?艾格尼丝大学学位和大学文凭认证是日本教育部将在各不相同, Fuel dropping wwwwwwwwwww
- [agunesu] university?
As for degree of the [agunesu] university university graduation qualification of the Japanese education scientific economical recognition is something which differs completely
●日本委员会的主席团成员为儿童基金会,一,该局已被委任,名单由关系很多名字按它与 - The Japanese UNICEF association, has elected the many officials and the discussion member, but in the roster, news media Seki
The person in charge person has connected mainly
。 ° ¯ u003d : ¯ ¯ rl REPT
索马里兰和索马里不是应该701邻居,一个不同的。我和冲绳东京的家伙夹在中间,我会说的路线是什么城市就像他是一个伟大的 701 As for Somaliland and Somalia there is no next door 1 where it is different Putting the ru As for it is dense going to Okinawa as for Tokyo inhaling in the enormous city saying it seems the ru way it is
ー436 我睡不好最近,她的两位,我会说我他们很反对,因为他刚刚得到的家伙种你说了大脑魔法一样的东西只需按一个印章,你知道一分钟,穿着它与一酱 436 Don t you think 2 where it is to way and others the tsu te format is pushed only same thing the person who is said whether the tsu therefore The ru tsu te the brain seeing so being attached vis a vis such people saying if the ru the ro which understands and is
一个绝望的人喜欢写葛源659 www是加工,新鲜和公正的人纵火和融化在自己喜欢的方式来写它的消费者去Reyo 659 This human desperate shelf www You build the kudzu kind of source which processed entry in the place of that appearance dissolving and Setting fire by his the kind of human who designates that as the article disappears
索马里是一个国家,并给予电动汽车儿童捐赠的,但无疑是好的,我就大叫四郎葛根停止从缅甸和恩戴的维吾尔 Because you are not wrong to the Somalian country it is good Though so it is dense with the raising money for the sake of the tsu te stop the fact that you say After the thing of Burma and the Uighur shouting the margin kudzu
世界,滥杀滥伤武器在冲突地区周围的,特别是中国制造的AK步枪和RPG火箭弹,59坦克,已提出杀伤人员地雷和集束弹药出售 In troubled region of the world to un-discriminating weapon,
Especially, vis-a-vis has been accustomed selling the Chinese make AK rifle and the RPG antitank rocket, the tank, the anti personnel mine and the cluster weapon,
The one which protest activity demonstration is done probably is ahead from around the Tienanmen Square
世界,滥杀滥伤武器在冲突地区周围的,特别是中国制造的AK步枪和RPG火箭,坦克,并把该卖的杀伤人员地雷和集束弹药,并从天安门抗议示威这将更好地 In troubled region of the world to un discriminating weapon Especially vis a vis has been accustomed selling the Chinese make AK rifle and the RPG antitank rocket the tank the anti personnel mine and the cluster weapon The one which protest activity demonstration is done probably is ahead from around the Tienanmen Square
世界,滥杀滥伤武器在冲突地区周围的,特别是中国制造的AK步枪和RPG火箭,坦克,并把该卖的杀伤人员地雷和集束弹药,并从天安门抗议示威这将更好地 In troubled region of the world to un discriminating weapon Especially vis a vis has been accustomed selling the Chinese make AK rifle and the RPG antitank rocket the tank the anti personnel mine and the cluster weapon The one which protest activity demonstration is done probably is ahead from around the Tienanmen Square
世界,滥杀滥伤武器在冲突地区周围的,特别是中国制造的AK步枪和RPG火箭,坦克,并把该卖的杀伤人员地雷和集束弹药,并从天安门抗议示威这将更好地 In troubled region of the world to un discriminating weapon Especially vis a vis has been accustomed selling the Chinese make AK rifle and the RPG antitank rocket the tank the anti personnel mine and the cluster weapon The one which protest activity demonstration is done probably is ahead from around the Tienanmen Square
世界,滥杀滥伤武器在冲突地区周围的,特别是中国制造的AK步枪和RPG火箭,坦克,并把该卖的杀伤人员地雷和集束弹药,并从天安门抗议示威这将更好地 In troubled region of the world to un discriminating weapon Especially vis a vis has been accustomed selling the Chinese make AK rifle and the RPG antitank rocket the tank the anti personnel mine and the cluster weapon The one which protest activity demonstration is done probably is ahead from around the Tienanmen Square
世界,滥杀滥伤武器在冲突地区周围的,特别是中国制造的AK步枪和RPG火箭,坦克,并把该卖的杀伤人员地雷和集束弹药,并从天安门抗议示威这将更好地 In troubled region of the world to un discriminating weapon Especially vis a vis has been accustomed selling the Chinese make AK rifle and the RPG antitank rocket the tank the anti personnel mine and the cluster weapon The one which protest activity demonstration is done probably is ahead from around the Tienanmen Square
天安按时间分层小艺人Agunesuchankoro。在你离开的时候忽视了大屠杀,台湾民主化邓丽君(巨大鸣禽流行在日本,亚洲)当然是我的敌人 agunesuchiyankoro of three flow entertainers of tsu stratification Amayasu As for you who ignored slaughter At that time the democracy movement tele satin of the Taiwan graduate even in Japan the tremendous popularity person and the Asian songstress The enemy trap you applied naturally
中共416 2通道的动物,因为我很自然地Tenee统一的国家,然后再按下Mitee Dabusuta朱达罗或傻瓜 416
2ch the dubbing star the [ro] which is foolish
Your country seeing, speech standardizing to the [e], don't you think? therefore the [e] it is
Naturally, it is what, the domestic animal also in
中国的滥杀滥伤武器在世界各地的冲突地区,特别是支AK步枪和RPG火箭,坦克,并把杀伤人员地雷和集束弹药出售 As for China in troubled region of the world to un-discriminating weapon,
It has been accustomed to selling the especially AK rifle and the RPG antitank rocket, the tank, the anti personnel mine and the cluster weapon
什么实际的区别是少得多,前英属索马里兰是一个地区,总统得到的印象是非洲的安全保护倾向较适当水平 As for the actual condition being different, increasing, as for regional Somaliland which is old English territory, the president it is and,
It was the impression that public order above the African level is maintained sufficiently,
什么是957大学艾格尼丝,这也许是惠普的房子是你吧,我们用的照片 957
The [tsu] [ke] which is the [agunesu] university, being used in the photograph of that HP, [ru] ones perhaps are the home, don't you think?
什么积极的坦率,但老女巫善意黑柳彻子什么日语,身体的Waranakatsu儿童基金会,儿童基金会和非常有趣的还是日本艾格尼丝 Honesty saying, but as for good intention of Kuroyanagi Tetuko [obaba] the [ho] it is the thing,
Either UNICEF itself, is not different from the Japanese UNICEF of [agunesu] excessively
什么积极的坦率,我没有胃索马里土地居住在家中的地位的兴趣,做德友,我们为什么不关心或索马里或“在英国或日本的海绵是不是”?在中国?如果你认为没有的东西要工作日本儿童在贫困中,他们生活,但日本 Honesty saying Somalia or Somaliland how how it is good Living in some house the way and there is no interest We becoming angry why to it is driving “Japan” With England is not possible In China Although you have lived in Japan There is no thing something which is active for the child where the Japanese has been troubled it isn t
什么,我艾格尼丝Chimai,想要更容易认识到,进入决赛后,在电视上的东西,但绝不可以被信任,无论什么不 It is what it recognizes simply and the chi will not and the tsu it is Already as for agunesu it ended whatever doing it is not trusted although and others there is no re ru reason with television something
Tenaijan 199历来稳定的国家呢?什么是最好的钱,所以你可以信任 199 The country is not stabilized historically Therefore most those where it can trust are the gold
仅仅因为我有一个行所在索马里兰是比较安全的,先来之前,先真理或道德的问题 If only you say that went back and forth to relatively safe Somaliland, lie, ethical view problem comes first first before the truth
价值观也改变该国目前的趋势,也因为这里给出峨警队价值观,他们没有做更多的好,诚河内该做什么? Kukara目前只有手表公园,野生动物园的动物一样,你必须尊重他们的学生来 Because also changing the sense of value of that country after all gives this sense of value mandatorily The one which you do not do is better If how it does being good Only it watches over from the distance like the animal of the safari park There is no other choice but to respect the how to live it
你是在日本的海报男孩权利人的筹款小组做的Funzorikaetsu看起来像房子,为什么鳃IgG m像达赖喇嘛即将被绑架妇女儿童的继承人共产党? ? ? ? ? ? ?我将怪物你疯了,但相当大的日本妇女在此新浪 The child of the [darairama] successor is carried off and both in uninformed [shikato] it has done quite the woman whom
With something the gill so the human rights house like face doing in Japan, the droppings the [ri] rather
The ad-tower of the fund-raising group you do the [ro] which is? ? ? ? ? ? ?
However also this Chinese woman is strange, also Japan deviating suitable, the [ru
一文无你不知道你知道你不是连你?如果不是意味着我们会带给我一些钱支付的Burgers You do and broke there is no tsu te reason it is the ro which is When is paying to we also the ru gold having it is ru tsu te reason
你知道你不讨论这个问题-为什么他们需要做的事就像一个奇丽蛋糕排除复杂的模型 Sample like exchange shelf of philosophism
Clean thing the party [tsu] [te] which it omits why argument is not possible, it is the [ro] which is
再见,我有一些技巧来处理是一个严重的狗屎好人谁拥有日本口音Pitabarakan春,但仍然936?什么是中国感Jirashii说不知怎的,我出我的大学 936 Don t you think after all waiting however the ru it has even with the technology which treats Japanese of the Peter rose can one being good vis a vis the person who is humorless It is what you bit the university which it is possible to say coming out the ru it does The Chinese tsu te such you feel and seem and
Pitabarakan ll是伟大的日本口音,但仍春131?彼得和我有什么不应该从大学出来的日本 131 After all waiting however the ru the ze whose Japanese of the Peter rose can one is good After Peter being present the university it came to Japan it is the kana which is not
即使是规管儿童色情制品,估计价值为艾格尼丝二进制显示的细节,纪律“在”被认为是允许自由“,”不只是想带走蜡去U值,说 With even child pornographic regulation Sense of value of agunesu is implemented but for the sake of It was permitted inside the disciplined range” probably to go away just it has been about you will take the sense of value of ““freedom of idea” and
处理,因为该国的儿童色情在日本的一些严重的问题,否则看到世界对性最轻微的腐蚀损伤附表盖多是唯一赚钱的公司 The sexual damage for the minor seeing worldwide the Japanese of the least country child pornography like serious problem it handles designs money making rot the outside road
参拜靖国神社驱动tTA吃一只鸽子正在同三流艺人Agunesuchankoro Tarechon损害或之前您通过分层? [agunesuchiyankoro] of three flow entertainers of [tsu] stratification
Amayasu. As for you who ignored slaughter At that time, the democracy movement tele satin of the Taiwan graduate (even in Japan the tremendous popularity person and the Asian songstress)
The enemy trap you applied naturally
只有彻底打败了辩论这些人对苏净,毒中毒控制有道理目前,他们在你喜欢什么人的毒药 Such party the all inclusive skin it is not in argument on the net to the rice lever so of hitting There is the meaning your like poisons existing The poison is controlled with the poison it is the tsu te person
在该地区的人们,“我会说韩国行必须这样做,我可能会死,我会写Kishimen线的说明放在”我一直说,就好像是早生古北行认为保持其实是相当容易的,但我只是思想,路线在韩国或结合程度,在许多Ttemasu我要拍摄的照片不容易在风中 “It must be because perhaps whether in Korea line it dies message it keeps doing the will” that calling to the person around With the wind just making think that it goes to North Korea really going to Korea however it was pleasant in that appearance it is pleasant so the photograph Taking and increase passing and level of extent encountering it increases
问题,不是吗?写了遗书是一种侮辱,但最喜欢骄傲的线裤countries m Problem here is Although it goes into the country which makes the good quality of public order proud the will was written that The ro which is insult of the maximum
在谈到苏,如何做,交换或其他转让,以及如何有意义分钟?互联网用户Ppoku很多想,如果我:(研究)或致电注意真理的谎言我该怎么做呢?艾格尼丝:我绝对讨厌谎言 When speaking when how you do understanding it is transmitted to the partner whether and Being easy The large quantity it tried thinking even if Net user Will the fact that it studied probably be when how you do whether the truth tsu po ku it can convey lie agunesu Lie is without fail well
互联网用户艾格尼丝:我Ttemasu蜜月翻译满先生一行,大约是它的思想是什么吗? Teyuka,喇叭线等驱动tTA认为玛丽无关搜索引擎优化 agunesu Net user The anther seeing chord person going in newly married travelling however it increases concerning that how you think te yu the Soviet Union As gone to Mary you publicize you think that there is no relationship but
在594,在这个问题艾格尼丝或不想坏?一个问题,不是吗??互联网用户是愚蠢的,但是,该材料必须申明,艾格尼丝 594 So with this case as for agunesu without being bad The ro which is problem and is But as for this net user aho It does not become the material where that affirms agunesu
在互联网上,“艾格尼丝说,这正是我最喜欢的访问,将停留在韩国,朝鲜”也认为, Although “it is plugged on Internet and as for agunesu it stays in only Korea visiting North Korea There was also the opinion of the kind of thing where it comes ”
在谈到苏,如何做,交换或其他转让,以及如何有意义分钟?互联网用户是很多想,如果我:(研究)或致电注意如何Ppoku真相,对不对?艾格尼丝:我绝对讨厌谎言 When speaking when how you do understanding it is transmitted to the partner whether and Being easy The large quantity it tried thinking even if Net user Will the fact that it studied probably be when how you do whether the truth tsu po ku it can convey lie agunesu Lie is without fail well
如果你不喜欢这么多的电视艾格尼丝,抗议他的办公室,“实际行动”这甚至不是一个 So if agunesu hate when appearing in TV in bureau protest “Real conduct” of the extent which it does margin
如果你踢了这个工作报告,并会为人们的工作,而不是艾格尼丝先生问?塔的左侧古艾格尼丝说,他们正在工作,是疯狂离开伐丽流 If claim is acquired concerning the work of this time there is no agunesu and it probably will be vis a vis the person who requests te work Moving to as it is said being strange it does that it hits agunesu which works the yo
我sell re不敢到Twitter上我将争取使设备艾格妮丝不知道僵尸暴力 In ru agunesu quarrel it sells with tsuitsuta with the violence device which nature cannot be known How we are too fearful is the ro … which
我们希望这种行动没有权限艾格尼丝“的背叛,而是在于”我说什么尽可能 Expecting such conduct to agunesu selfishly “it was betrayed it is the liar” the tsu te saying Just ru
我提出了从独立的业务,他们知道其他人不听绒毛艾格尼丝65瓦2通道家伙是不是他们是谁好Hayo聪 65 Because business is profitable with just the person partner who does not know w If 2ch you hear in the person who does not know agunesu is the good person
如果你的孩子是一个男孩的Hatoyama re“与刚刚开始说谎!”,责骂,如果马里Hayo女孩“艾格尼丝与年初的谎言”,并说他们将有聪 If your child the boy “the lie being attached is Hatoyama start ” With scolding If the girl “the lie being attached starts and says agunesu ” with cautioning
如果您的渠道的100%的要求,黑柳彻子黑柳彻子,如果你想捐赠给彻子的左(与帐户号码),谁是黑柳彻子儿童基金会儿童生活在1987年我们的第一次。领导我们已经获得2000年10月的第一个孩子的奖 The 100 with the Kuroyanagi Tetuko saury which we probably would like to contribute Tetuko s Kuroyanagi request channel there to be Tetuko s account number As for Tetuko Kuroyanagi 1987 1st UNICEF child raw Prize Leadership prize for 2000 October 1st child It is prize winning
儿童基金会黑柳彻子先生是反对:“如果你希望我向总部支付为儿童基金会捐款,并通过了”与反“捐款,以根尖要注意网站上,不要浪费一分钱也”,因为在事件被切断驱动tTA As for the Japanese UNICEF association in Tetuko Kuroyanagi confronting “We want storing fund raising to the UNICEF headquarters through inside” confronting There was an episode which is cut off in the reason that “we would like to deliver the fund raising which it receives to the locale to wasteful not costing either one Yen”
我有,“为什么我只限于日本儿童基金会”从我的唯一原因是不是说这事不能认为驱动tTA回答说Imifu我来吧,“哦,你是把” When we “it limits to the Japanese UNICEF with something it is” the tsu te you say imihu which does not become answering only excuse has done the empty “well to turn the thing ” with you thought
如果没有中间人的习惯447基金,通过中介机构的应Sanakere要降低价格,但辜钱流场中的上升趋势线? 447
If the intermediate trader is lost, way price goes down,
If it does not pass through the agent of fund-raising, it means that the gold which goes to actual place increases but?
如果这些事情模拟慈善事业啊,我在这里的一只眼睛接近这一方。我不是不友善让来自子弹或信贷 Well if such charity activity [ma] is and thing does, however the eye it closes in that, as for this. Because the bullet it does, it is not trusted and it is hit, it is
学士最近偶然看到驱动tTA艾格尼丝行方案,索马里兰“艾格尼丝不得不前往出申请时,并再次通过多年来对我和给予妇女和儿童的神秘索马里希望下Rimasen权限是非常危险的旅行“,”ü要求对世界和平头脑艾格尼丝谈判仍踢它强大和顽强,而不是阻挠,终于在埃斯塔是沿着这条“出了大门愤怒的大波。埃塔的计划来改变渠道,3分钟开始挂果实下沉惊讶 The program where accidentally [agunesu] does to Somaliland with BS which does not come and is you saw
“As for [agunesu] when we would like to give desire to the Somalian woman and the children
Many degrees and many degrees had put out passage application over recent years, but
Very much because it is dangerous, passage permission did not descend”
“Even then as for the heart which asks the world peace of [agunesu] there are no times when it can sprain
It negotiates tenaciously, it means that this time finally passage permission descends”
It does, the [yo] [tsu] [pa] the empty 怒 涛 large. With discharging
The 呆 [re] ending, the channel it changed at program start 3 minute
它有319书籍,我到网上与索马里兰和索马里,但艾格尼丝几乎是无风险, 你喜欢什么别的喇叭线或我在索马里?不管它的确切回答这个问题埃泰 319 That you wrote as for Somaliland going in agunesu and simultaneous although it is Somaliland which almost is not dangerous gt It is to do publicizing like whether it went to Somalia of About the case which is not answered to this question completely
你喜欢什么别的喇叭线或我在索马里?不管它的确切回答这个问题埃泰 gt As for going although it is Somaliland which almost is not dangerous gt It is to do publicizing like whether it went to Somalia of About the case which is not answered to this question completely
我有一个索马里线,说这为S索马里兰在该地区的安全,索马里兰好它没有达到从外面 It went to Somalia but say that it was the area safe Somaliland among those It probably will not come out of outside Somaliland
这是写驱动tTA索马里兰艾格尼丝319线与讲谈社记者瓦特 319 That you wrote as for Somaliland going in agunesu and simultaneous although it is Somaliland which almost is not dangerous gt It is to do publicizing like whether it went to Somalia of About the case which is not answered to this question completely
实际情况嘿八百七十〇瓦特牦牛转换为老人办理涉外绝望的歌唱 870
When you chirp, when it converts, don't you think? the foreigner the inside of the yak of the middle age when it handles is desperate, [e] w
惠普艾格尼丝大学学费是秘密Uff呻/艾格尼丝- daigaku.com /我行索马里在你的生命风险,提高日本的习俗更四郎 [agunesu] university HP School expenses are secret [uhuhu]
http: //agnes-daigaku.com/
Somalia it went with life per seat, the Japanese more the fund-raising margin refuse
我 :从 :::‖ ,现在我们尝试的年龄,我知道这是真的驱动tTA i 从 to and ─ No No 丿 gt gt Now taking the year when you see when it is like the the wa which you know
布鲁诺,从 我 :从 :::‖ ,现在我们尝试的年龄,我知道这是真的驱动tTA No 从 i 从 to and ─ No No 丿 gt gt Now taking the year when you see when it is like the the wa which you know
我从来没有讨论过这个卖国代理商合和方向,如果我是一个爱国者都让我吃惊,我不想背弃 Such a treason operative facing, you argue how, it is everyone national loyal retainer what
If we, also it is hateful to make the partner,
我会好起来的,是不符合全面猫布巴问题,如果不骗捐款每餐765 765 At each time it is the meal because lie it has not been attached there is no problem If it is If the financial contributions payment in full nekobaba are not done there is no problem Being the case that it becomes with the tsu lever
看起来像南进?不过,与上撒谎的工程北线的影响?现在,我已经放在一起 Like south shelf Although is when it went to north lie it was attached Temporarily it tried collecting
我做填塞和互联网门户网站,可怕的浓度,它们填塞板从皇帝魏害怕互联网公告等油腻的感觉,他们说坏 When the tsu te net bulletin board in shiyabu you do centralization so so feeling it is bad enormously persistently The net bulletin board te where the inside of shiyabu which is greater than His Majesty the Emperor is we fear
我是受害者或严重诽谤,他于凯,你知道你甚至不艾格尼丝意识到,这是问题,因为它欺骗人民的谎言,他们犹豫,但没有得到流媒体Shimitsui联合国儿童基金会日来自媒体和舒适至今不是我想什么 Until now the mass communications it pulls out, it pulls out, therefore the Japanese UNICEF which is done method of the mass communications style being attached the blotch, the [te]
That lie it probably will be attached, that the person probably will be swindled, that even problem there is no consciousness, it is the [ro] which is
Also [agunesu] slander slander receiving your own thing, when it is the [ru] victim being serious, you think well
我穿的是一个人的皮肤!但我有一个皮肤Chankoro!志位和遗憾的是,Agnes ll是舒展! ! Lie has worn the skin of the human the shelf So it was the skin of chiyankoro it is the shelf It is regrettable agunesu The ze which has the excessiveness
这是一个439瓦特那么,明智的讨论这个家伙大约恩戴选择更好的艾格尼丝(笑)我要去瓦特 439 Is w Well also agunesu choosing the person of this intelligence discussion laughing it has done however it is probably will be w
我自己的一个灰色dinginess正如你可以清楚地从侧面看不到它就像我的裸体王白,但我想如果我包括臻 If you see from side, although it is the gray which becomes dirty clearly thin as for this person reaching, that it is pure white being convinced, the [ru]
Quite it is the naked king
捐款25板着脸来的慷慨日本人民真正的谎言%这么多,主要多说话,使球汉liver ll针,但它是一个废话嘿瓦特 The owner of the liver [tsu] ball of the extent which from the financial contributions of good intention of the Japanese citizen the 25% pin leaps as expected with the unconcerned face
As for about this lie even with fart well w
支持。因为牲畜是一个民族,如果它要赢得反驳驱动tTA不说是负面的声音绞纱所有笨重的沟通比我在其他的声音,即使没有什么被说成是瓦特毛重积条纹像一只蟑螂在中国我可以冻胀隆起浩可以喊出来,如果你合祭屉优田间种群差异瓦特 Support. As for the domesticated fowl and animals in contents of story [suji] not to pass completely the [te]
If from voice of the partner it confutes with [dekai] voice, refuting, therefore the ethnicity which becomes to win w
Also the inside of gw putting out the yell where the cockroach like support 那 [chiku] group is foreign
Competing, the [te] The [se] which can - the [se] which can - w
旅游业的索马里兰共和国■其实,满会谈翻译(电影)安娜:“你在做什么驱动tTA行?”翻译“哦,不前往一高兴短途旅游,我”翻译“,是市民的印象我,我想我说这是粗糙和索马里的无政府状态的正式名称 Really you visited travelled to Somaliland republic the anther seeing chord talks animated picture Analog “What it died and went it is ” Anther “Obtaining Sightseeing excursion with shank” Anther When “it is social impression don t you think when when you say that Somalia is long title becoming rough whether the ru it is it is not in anarchy
282索马里,索马里兰,因为它看起来像朝鲜板门店 282 The Somalian North Korea The Somaliland Korean Panmunjom Therefore such you feel
594“谎言”乌诺我说,“你是个 危险派往索马里,”你是我的一部分,我做应收 594 “The lie” tsu te as for saying “ danger you went to Somalia” it puts on the tsu te part the ro which is
↑Somarai不知道这种差异索马里兰索马里索马里土地 somariasomariarandosomarirandosomarai This difference of the ↑ is not recognized
在索马里和索马里兰艾格尼丝是有关的,大概是要大声疾呼,并提请联合国通过Tteru解释 Bringing up the United Nations interpretation and the like agunesu in regard to the notion that where Somaliland is called Somalia as for policy passing the ru
将使用的索马里临时政府的名称,除国际组织,某些情况下需要更正 When name of calling is used the international group from other provisional government inside Somalia The case which is required correction
我不知道你在说什么,什么立场索马里兰575普通邻国和联合国 575 The ro which is peripheral countries and United Nations stance tsu te thing concerning such as Somaliland
我是如此他们认为痴迷的东西之前,你呢?或者不发生危险无论如何不会在索马里和索马里兰 Adhering to ma viewing thing so with your something the ru it is That it probably is Somalia that it probably is Somaliland the ro which is not substituting in both being dangerous and is
旅游业的索马里兰共和国■其实,满会谈翻译(电影)安娜:“你在做什么驱动tTA行?”翻译“哦,不前往一高兴短途旅游,我”翻译“,是市民的印象我和我认为我是在比较粗糙,索马里陷入无政府状态 Really you visited travelled to Somaliland republic the anther seeing chord talks animated picture Analog “What it died and went it is ” Anther “Obtaining Sightseeing excursion with shank” Anther When “it is social impression don t you think when when you say that Somalia is long title becoming rough whether the ru it is it is not in anarchy
未经允许,“索马里和索马里兰被搞糊涂”,但无法看到采取Burgers方程和脚提升到看起来像 “Somalia and Somaliland were confused selfishly” making tsu te thing faultfinding taking only the ru way it is not visible
理由不索马里兰和642线路绝缘子驱动tTA我说没有,那么这也是名字在索马里的联合国官员,我想也许他妈的谎言 642 There is no meaning which does to Somaliland With it is not said and Don t you think the notion that where well perhaps lie United Nations Somalia is long title the e it is probably will be
第一个问题是艾格尼丝,“什么线驱动tTA索马里为何炒作和”因为这是Hyahha无政府状态在该地区猖獗的盗版活动,并已呼吁为限,该古 agunesu “why it goes to Somalia whether and you publicized original point ” Therefore as for this hiyatsuha where the pirate dominates in anarchy area already it has become appeal to go there
索马里索马里兰 Somalia Somaliland
维生素C维生素C Somarairando语音英属索马里兰美式发音 The English pronunciation The American pronunciation Vitamin C baitamin C Somaliland somarairando
艾格尼丝在一个宝贵的地方去索马里是“无政府状态”的“Hyahha”得到的事实是发生在进入驱动tTA When going to Somalia the important place in anarchy” ““ hiyatsuha ” the tsu is with obtains the fact which is said in the place for agunesu
谈到什么线旅游索马里兰,我会写一个博客,我IBD的血腥谋杀是容易点 It goes to sightseeing tour in Somaliland it is the pleasure You write on tsu te burogu and there is no ya end
这种互联网用户,但我gormless 583的确,你没看到,我想说什么呢?古苏线解决方案,并接近正常正常的索马里和多少Buntorando 583 But as for this net user certainly foolish what the ro which as for we would like to saying is understood and is Normally when you call Somalia when it goes near the Bund land undoing normal
问题是危险的,大提出上诉的话那我行一个危险的地方是一个谎言,否则你是什么站在索马里兰的事项,这不是夸张,但可能不只是提供了一些地方难怪他们只听到超过狡辩是没有 It is important like whether it went to the dangerous place of appealing Large doing going to Somaliland which is not dangerous passing the ro which is thing As for lie it has not been attached however perhaps as for exaggeration has been done with the meaning which around there side Not being audible there is an excessiveness in only quibble
无论如何,我希望看到因为773 tw的点不明的意思是,如果您以前的索赔,“号称匹配泵的写入过程写议员在2个用户1 tter和Agnes来到假交易的“”我不知道我想说什么?希望看到这个反正 773 Temporarily therefore point semantic obscurity we would like to verify but it is as for your insistence Something how “entry of 2 Processing entry matsuchiponpu Because with you insist 1 agunesu which comes appearing in the tw user and the exchange with tter which are “The impersonator” we would like to say kana We would like to verify here temporarily
1“艾格尼丝人”和Twitter用户朱达罗交易呢?那么“诗经她Kikomi 2”如果“泵匹配”是什么?的疑问造福,我想说的是什么假冒的辩论艾格尼丝?您不得 1 The ro which is exchange “of main person of agunesu ” and the twitter user Something how something how with ““the entry of 2” the match pump” It is what When it interprets favorably disputing is the impersonator of agunesu We would like to saying As for you
日本,儿童基金会和联合国儿童基金会首位在所有,而是一个独立的实体,它是必然的水手出这种差异可能是猜测这是什么名字为什么儿童基金会和Nanori In the first place the Japanese UNICEF probably has been identified although completely is another group from UNICEF why UNICEF When it is such a name the person who is misunderstood being present there is no manner
如果他们是好好玩,无论如何机管局非盟其中w是一个儿童基金会捐赠移动卡纳纳吉日本? Even how it is good but w whose AA is funny By the way fund raising of AU carrying being the Japanese UNICEF ji e kana
日本日本儿童基金会儿童基金会儿童基金会区分原始(25%)应规定朱达罗 As for the Japanese UNICEF In order to distinguish with original UNICEF The ro the Japanese UNICEF 25 with we should clearly write
最近被排除故障的兴趣不大,“资本工人,我用的皮肤下,”公正的组成 Recent left flank has been entwined with right too much
“Wearing the skin of the worker, just composition of the capitalist which utilizes that”
没有347,这样的名人“骗子的海报男孩说:”我给绝对瓦特 347
Well, “the ad-tower [tsu] [te] of the swindler” it is such show biz celebrity, it is, w
电视演讲和筹款金额周一开车到在做什么也不能说骗子电视艾格尼丝557,驱动tTA租金差异惠普宣布有名的故事或美元的百万 557
The thing swindler [tsu] [te] of [agunesu] the thing television [demo] which cannot be said doing, the [ru] it does,
When the gong obtaining is the amount of fund-raising television announcement, the announcement in HP the side which receives is different at hundred million units famous story
直接参与会见总统奥巴马! 这两个可以去其他方便的观光Somarirando不必担心不良的影响大约是大脑的转换Sokkuri It converses with [obama] president immediately! > With chat of supper 10 minutes
It goes to Somalia with the life 懸 [ke]! > It goes sightseeing with [somarirando]
As for these two people as for being inconvenient in air such as thing of others [sotsukuri] of conversion inside the brain
真正的你被任命为联合国儿童基金会大使嘿认证日本大使黑柳彻子591只此人 591
Being recognized separately in the ambassador, don't you think? the [e]
Being appointed from genuine UNICEF, as for [ru] Tetuko Kuroyanagi
As for the Japanese ambassador just this person
章,我将只除法轮功什么作为预防措施,艾格尼丝同化西藏天安门 The Tibetan assimilation policy
The Tien An Men incident
Legal wheel Isao
To make sure [agunesu] excluding Don't you think? it stretches
索马里兰政府后安全从谣言传播朱达罗像884,低于来吧,如果游客负责的写真这个悲伤ü漂移。我想借这个老女人?我说! 884
The circulation like [ro] of rumor which is rubbed
When it does from safe Somaliland government, such a touching impression the photograph which drifts being taken, when the sightseer it decreases
How criticism. You take, it is this old lady who is? The [tsu] lever [tsu] it is
索马里兰是国际公认的不作为一个国家在索马里和索马里兰仍然是必要的“,甚至认识到,当地居民将在所有强大,其他国家”(维基百科)作为一种认识,有书面形式索马里和索马里兰共和国和思考问题的,没有其他国家 Internationally as for Somaliland it is not recognized as the country but Somaliland and Somalia completely “even in the local inhabitant another country The recognition that is strong” so it is Wikipedia with as recognition from the fact that it is also the description which is said as for Somalia and Somaliland republic Thinking another country there is no problem
索马里索马里兰是相对安全的,即使是象征性的一部分,索马里 』抽象的“什么是地方的基础上这样一个谎言,我还没有任何主观的批评 Relative safe Somaliland pretext Being the Somalian portion in the mark there is no ” Somalia Basis of the liar probably is such a place what but that is no more than a subjectivity of the critical person it is
编号:fFvxLqQk0“只是写的写,陈2”或“写入处理”或“泵匹配的文章本身,”你是什么批评然解决不符合或基本瓦特什么是泵匹配的关于自己和Agnes瓦特辩论 ID: As for fFvxLqQk0
“Just was designated entry of 2 as the article”
“Processing entry”
“Article itself match pump”
Being fundamentally inconsistent, whether you criticize what solution viewing w
Something of dispute of main person of [agunesu] how is the match pump, w
联合国儿童基金会大使 - 索马里兰 - 他们写了一张字条给行驱动tTA艾格尼丝是一个和平的国家,使日本女游客的儿童[10 / 03 / 23] Until [agunesu] writing the will, Somaliland which goes extent peace which you can visit can guide the girl of the Japanese was the country, [10/03/23
苏汝死亡或者必须在一书中我也得到了太阳在说他们会做什么?此人 tsu te It is u What So It is tsu Day Book So Necessary Death ru It is So It does It is dense Person
或相当有意义的一分钟我有些文章读得叽叽喳喳Miniku 1 It is easy to understand With to say or twitter reading be too scurvy How it does
螨尚未被占领的西藏独立,如果国塔如人道“穿制服的中国军队,”宗教被剥夺了自由不是从藏族和藏族人杀害,酷刑,强奸而且它一直不断,严重侵犯人权的中国人民和被拘留超过1300人,如果拒绝消毒10000线,主要的死亡原因是小和非洲西藏人大多数中国制造的武器和AK步枪RPG游戏火箭,地雷和 If it is humanitarianism independency barrel Tibet is still occupied “Wears the Chinese troop clothes the troop which” from the Tibetan person freedom of belief taking Murdering the Tibetan person torturing raping continuing and In 10 000 person action contraception operation Above denial people 1300 people serious human rights violation to the Chinese people such as restraint and The small sized weapon which is cause of the main death of the Tibetan person and the African person is mainly the Chinese make AK rifle and the RPG antitank rocket and the anti personnel mine etc
小型武器主要是藏族和非洲人死亡的原因主要是中国的513制造的AK步枪和RPG火箭弹,地雷和 513 The small sized weapon which is cause of the main death of the Tibetan person and the African person is mainly the Chinese make AK rifle and the RPG antitank rocket and the anti personnel mine etc
螨尚未被占领的西藏独立,如果国塔如人道“穿制服的中国军队,”宗教被剥夺了自由不是从藏族和藏族人杀害,酷刑,强奸而且它一直不断,严重侵犯人权的中国人民和被拘留超过1300人,如果拒绝消毒10000线,主要的死亡原因是小和非洲西藏人大多数中国制造的武器和AK步枪RPG游戏火箭,地雷和 If it is humanitarianism independency barrel Tibet is still occupied “Wears the Chinese troop clothes the troop which” from the Tibetan person freedom of belief taking Murdering the Tibetan person torturing raping continuing and In 10 000 person action contraception operation Above denial people 1300 people serious human rights violation to the Chinese people such as restraint and The small sized weapon which is cause of the main death of the Tibetan person and the African person is mainly the Chinese make AK rifle and the RPG antitank rocket and the anti personnel mine etc
螨尚未被占领的西藏独立,如果国塔如人道“穿制服的中国军队,”宗教被剥夺了自由不是从藏族和藏族人杀害,酷刑,强奸而且它一直不断,严重侵犯人权的中国人民和被拘留超过1300人,如果拒绝消毒10000线,主要的死亡原因是小和非洲西藏人大多数中国制造的武器和AK步枪RPG游戏火箭,地雷和 If it is humanitarianism independency barrel Tibet is still occupied “Wears the Chinese troop clothes the troop which” from the Tibetan person freedom of belief taking Murdering the Tibetan person torturing raping continuing and In 10 000 person action contraception operation Above denial people 1300 people serious human rights violation to the Chinese people such as restraint and The small sized weapon which is cause of the main death of the Tibetan person and the African person is mainly the Chinese make AK rifle and the RPG antitank rocket and the anti personnel mine etc
螨尚未被占领的西藏独立,如果国塔如人道“穿制服的中国军队,”宗教被剥夺了自由不是从藏族和藏族人杀害,酷刑,强奸而且它一直不断,严重侵犯人权的中国人民和被拘留超过1300人,如果拒绝消毒10000线,主要的死亡原因是小和非洲西藏人大多数中国制造的武器和AK步枪RPG游戏火箭,地雷和 If it is humanitarianism independency barrel Tibet is still occupied “Wears the Chinese troop clothes the troop which” from the Tibetan person freedom of belief taking Murdering the Tibetan person torturing raping continuing and In 10 000 person action contraception operation Above denial people 1300 people serious human rights violation to the Chinese people such as restraint and The small sized weapon which is cause of the main death of the Tibetan person and the African person is mainly the Chinese make AK rifle and the RPG antitank rocket and the anti personnel mine etc
螨尚未被占领的西藏独立,如果国塔如人道“穿制服的中国军队,”宗教被剥夺了自由不是从藏族和藏族人杀害,酷刑,强奸而且它一直不断,严重侵犯人权的中国人民和被拘留超过1300人,如果拒绝消毒10000线,主要的死亡原因是小和非洲西藏人大多数中国制造的武器和AK步枪RPG游戏火箭,地雷和 If it is humanitarianism independency barrel Tibet is still occupied “Wears the Chinese troop clothes the troop which” from the Tibetan person freedom of belief taking Murdering the Tibetan person torturing raping continuing and In 10 000 person action contraception operation Above denial people 1300 people serious human rights violation to the Chinese people such as restraint and The small sized weapon which is cause of the main death of the Tibetan person and the African person is mainly the Chinese make AK rifle and the RPG antitank rocket and the anti personnel mine etc
西藏也只有在中国新闻界和价值观,它会只拿走了西藏文化和价值观,加拿大方向艾格尼丝楼,香港,横滨,该方法在一次筹款方向别墅,观测值包含到日本,唯一的财富在于Kasumetotsu,艾格尼丝也有助于人们的其他货币,只是你只按自己的价值观 Tibet pushing the Chinese sense of value Culture and sense of value of the Tibetan person just are taken Facing toward the direction of the villa residence of direction and Yokohama and Hong Kong and Canada of the agunesu residence fund raising activity It enters into the sense of value of the Japanese skims over wealth with lie and just has taken Help of agunesu With the money of others just you push your own sense of value
什么是谢长廷需要的蛋糕快?艾格尼丝和每家的方向,横滨和香港,曾经告诉我就在加拿大的别墅化方向筹款承诺 When you apologize gradually how is Facing toward the direction of the villa residence of direction and Yokohama and Hong Kong and Canada of each agunesu residence promise of fund raising margin
西藏也只有在中国新闻界和价值观,它会只拿走了西藏的文化和价值观,艾格尼丝筹款活动,预期值纳入日本人,财富谎言只有Kasumetotsu,艾格尼丝也有助于人们的其他货币,只是你只按自己的价值观 Tibet pushing the Chinese sense of value Culture and sense of value of the Tibetan person just are taken Facing toward the direction of the villa residence of direction and Yokohama and Hong Kong and Canada of the agunesu residence fund raising activity It enters into the sense of value of the Japanese skims over wealth with lie and just has taken Help of agunesu With the money of others just you push your own sense of value
该中心的作用,该团伙成员艾格尼丝和辱骂附表2通道气动巢存储卖淫团伙电话号码的官员谁发生性行为 [agunesu] as for doing the central role which looks down upon the mob authorized personnel
It nests in 2ch, the mob authorized personnel of prostitution manners store telephone turn
这一原则的理论是不可能看到它上演或讨论,以确保最佳的保鲜为什么还要赢得敌人的头部是太糟糕了,你就会赢得这场互联网用户是艾格尼丝,一个真正的愚蠢 With policy theory [agunesu] winning, the [ru]
The head of this net user passes badness,
Why, it seems that specially it makes the enemy win you argue combining
It is not visible even in original our performing and, the real thing it is foolish
这是一个安全区艾格尼丝涩谷,新宿,八王子索马里兰秒688阿霍嘿我说再见了,从索马里是一个危险的安全,因为你显然不同蒙茨 688 Shinjuku Shibuya and Hachiozi Although it is the safety zone Somaliland as for agunesu dangerous Somalia You talk together don t you think it is the e aho Therefore latter clearly another mon doing from the safe aspect
195之前,你有你哑巴可以呢?索马里兰是一个安全区,但艾格尼丝但是他们撒谎,我来到索马里的危险线瓦特 195 You are foolish what to somewhere As for Somaliland although it is safety zone as for agunesu when it went to dangerous Somalia lie it has been attached but it is
1艾格尼丝反对派认为,如果被发现有很多对不对?莫纳伊谎言 1 That there is also about to think the varieties how in agunesu but The ro where this is not lie separately and is
艾格尼丝是真的如线绘制的线驱动tTA索马里是一个安全的地方Dattarashii索马里土地 agunesu went to Somalia it seems is but Actually the place where it goes was the safe place Somalian land it seems is
这是我想有一个目的是什么?与公众利益的目标的基础,税收优惠,接受非牟利公司 It probably is to be some intention in this?
Foundation designates public good as purpose, receives the incentive on the tax system as a corporate body of non profit
那么它是一个例子台湾和中国,日本在数组瓦特,但我说出租行到美国,和项目的影响李群Idaro强硬,他们说在夏威夷?瓦特 But well Japanese even with the Taiwan and China example are w The tsu te which goes to America saying when it went to Hawaii the ro which te lie is inexpressible and is w
那么这个机会,我得到它,我知道还有多少人在索马里兰,陈美龄西西朱达罗索马里和不改变Waranai This in opportunity in more many people When it has knowing concerning Somaliland how is agunesu w The ro w where it is the case that it is not different from Somalia
在艾格尼丝。你以为我会躺在第一次世界大战驱动tTA惠子从输入时,我却感觉呢? In agunesu Keiko entering whether ru you thought ww From sometime you became such a liar it is
艾格尼丝最终,我阻止了用户摆脱第二天瓦特湿重艾格尼丝做原子 After all agunesu this user was blocked in the next day don t you think ww It is to escape is agunesu w
金室,说你的房间足够大,使资金进入黄金艾格尼丝,“随志摩没有捐赠的要求为您的孩子很少的成本筹集基金惠的”25百分之问问 Golden room agunesu While the extent which designates the room as gold in large quantities with the money “fund raising we ask to the children who do not favor” So the 25 of amount of subscription to be raised makes expense
阿万任期代表“在每年的租金6000日元左右弹出一个良好的长期看,即使建筑好得多,如果它已经从节省办公资金不断”他说 Rather than the person in charge about 6 000 ten thousand Yen producing “every year with lease it is possible to see in the long term Until now because office expenses were saved this extent it is good building” that you speak
雅虎回答说:“陈美龄,”联合国儿童基金会“儿童基金会的日本分公司是真的,我不? “即使百分之百的捐款向儿童基金会在外地不能通知 YAHOO adviser “ agunesu chiyan “The Japanese UNICEF association” It is not the tsu te UNICEF Japanese branch It is the tsu te true ” Raising money in the Japanese UNICEF association 100 does not reach in the locale
在此之前,我只是穿上500万日元每月租金?如果捐赠金额的商誉100黑柳彻子古先生注册百分之反对该帐户,捐款和开支拉不友好儿童基金会 Before that the rent tsu te do of 5 000 000 Yen in every month just it is If it raises money in Tetuko s Kuroyanagi account the amount of good intention reaches in 100 partner but When it raises money in the Japanese UNICEF association expense is pulled
项目的影响,有必要说谎,你知道你是一个危险的路线,因为索马里索马里兰例如为什么说忘记他们有什么哟铝蔓老实说,我索马里兰752 752 It is and others the aruyo tsu te which to Somaliland is gently you should have said it is Even Somaliland the ro which is dangerous what Why when it went to Somalia lie it is necessary to be attached
798 阿索马里目前的趋势,太有趣了!因为你没有真正肮脏的女巫是要故意混淆 798 gt Somalia it is strange so to answer The ro because it has been about probably to make confuse intend It is truth dirty babaa
我只能说他们没有向塞纳牲畜和邪恶的,但真正产生良好的你知道你只是他索马里兰它在我瓦特 Although in this tsu te Somaliland just that became care Returning favor with the enemy the ro which is the ru As expected Only the Chinese domesticated fowl and animals the wa w which is not expression
索马里790,我的理解是,他们愚蠢和危险的人身自由的看法分歧,日本无法无天? 790 The Somalian dangerous illegal zone With the Japanese who was misunderstood selfishly the fool the shank
索马里选举什么我979?它给了我错Munayo的得到答案的问题ー瓦特 979 Somalia it chose with something it is tsu Although answering to question it is entwined to we is w
顾先生,水风险参观战士纪念碑艾格尼丝索马里兰“索马里的无政府状态,”双手发抖难民(背景说明※)太危险,有可能进入到史沫特莱女士写遗嘱钱“索马里兰共和国”。鹤龟尾和他的妻子开枪我一看访问自己的生活扔 The Somaliland fighter plane monument agunesu did not reflect upon danger and visited in “Somalia of anarchy” the refugee and handshake background attention If agunesu does not write the will in extent dangerous “Somaliland republic” which it cannot enter at all You threw the life of the self and until striking you visited Anther seeing chord husband and wife
894哦,我想,为什么我要得到关于索马里索马里兰索马里 894 Although it is possible to be Somaliland inside Somalia Why it wishes to make Somalia it is probably will be
索马里(非常安全的部分)线已躺在事实上,但为什么这种因果关系仍然在黑暗中→古峨筹款行了,是非常危险的国家的第一艾格尼丝如果我说没有? ? Somalia the inside extremely safe part it went It is not lie certainly The te you say or the original agunesu goes into very dangerous country gt fund raising increases But the causal relation this to be good is from the wa with
达罗伪劣其他危险比那些从中国瓦特索马里兰在人权活动的国家,我会得到运动在万维网在中国的民主 Somaliland compared to the ro w where the Chinese one is dangerous Rather than false human rights being active with such a foreign country in China doing even with democracy movement the ro www
驱动tTA应该宣布为危险区与或行辜艾格尼丝奇怪的319( · · д ) 319 It is strange Although the declaration like whether it goes to dangerous zone in agunesu and simultaneous of it is the expectation which was said д
Tsunda它被广泛推广790宣言,如果再行险区,一个蓬勃发展的古 790 Doing the declaration like whether it goes to dangerous zone exaggeratedly of You advertise the tsu it stacked extensively
驱动tTA应该说是一个有趣的危险地带艾格尼丝319( · · д ) 319 It is strange Although the declaration like whether it goes to dangerous zone in agunesu and simultaneous of it is the expectation which was said д
::有限 ┃ ┃::: 李:::┃布鲁诺 ┃::: 我 ┃ 92 ri ┃ ┃ i ki ゙ rotsu ┃ ¯ ┃ ┃ r 92 ┃ ┃ i ieya gt gt l ┃ ┃ i No ┃ ┃ i ┃