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Pledge of provisional tariff abolition such as the Democratic party and gasoline tax deletion ★2


  • - 社会工作者 - 或溺水... 6★德之岛在鹿儿岛办事处
    With Tokunoshima public office staff drowning… Kagoshima * 6

    • 108民主党在大选前,它是一个选举名册后,并谴责日本民众
      108 The Democratic party supporter before the electing and after the electing and the Japanese citizen was the denunciation stripe chestnut,

      • 166编号:YekOrjV60意见“在我的,但声称出于安全的安全主页゚゚克罗地亚赫尔辛基人权委员会这样的!(Smartly.”
        166 ID: According to the insistence of YekOrjV60 “[ho] ゚ [tsuho] ゚ but out because with we opinion it is safe, safe! ([kiritsu]”

        • 1:00“的溃疡扩散和政府债券的”油好像是说可以有肿胀的Toifu在时间寻找随Winakatta我国工业发展不够,在发行债券时,大伊犁大规模的产品伴随着外国进口的肯定,经常帐赤字和汇率方面出现了不利的货币不稳定的经济基础,为我国以
          Temporarily, “when the government bond increases, the country collapses”, you questioned and as for word there was also a [re] callous in the [hu] wind, but At that time industry of our country accomplishing the advancement of the sufficient, because the [wi] it is not, the government bond is issued in large sum and the [u] the time, By all means import of the mass foreign product the accompanying [hi], deterioration and exchange rate of balance of payments, For adverse effect to the currency the worry where root of our national economy is shaken thickly is

          • 1付清全部利益支付给父母的儿童,没有绝对的是说我会考虑的实物支付,以提高广大市民和幼儿
            1, full amount it provides child treatment, but it examines also allowance in kind such as nurture facility completeness Generality world full amount it provides that and says and says but it is

            • 1去是无论如何覆盖从消费税废除!一,儿童津贴每人支付,而不是万的全额支付!一,50%的公务员减薪!例如他们会说关于杰 How the se it overturns therefore it is 1 as for consumer tax abolition Instead of 1 as for child treatment full amount provision per 1 people 100 000 provision 1 salary 50 cutting of government employee If extent you say the pure wa

              • 513,我最好不要欺骗所有的兴趣一样自我民主党不仅来自行事似乎批评administration m没有伊尼Asou
                513 Don't you think? it is not that In order to criticize Aso administration, because you act in only my interest selfish desire, the party of everyone Being the same as the Democratic party, the one which is not swindled is good

                • 53对不起我,但我会说 分歧与政府瓦特 何゚゚鸠山克罗地亚赫尔辛基人权宣言“应重点 53 That calling ho ゚ tsuho ゚ ru thing is different but w You must seriously consider the Hatoyama prime minister “manifest
                  • 由于这一事实,甚至推出了民主党的竞选宣言,表示奥莱 With this fact The Democratic party putting out whatever kind of manifest with House of Councillors selection I say

                • 674诱导的权利,贪污,腐败,自民党一直是大井田仇恨政治和外交粪便匍匐 674 Do droppings politics such as right induction corruption bribery and kneeling on the ground diplomacy therefore abhorrence our people who
                  • 不,这对日本自身叩头道歉,而不是在此之前,你是鸠山137 137 When is you the Japanese entire country kneeling on the ground in Hatoyama place failing it is dense and

                • 68,普天间基地迁移国外是什么?我绝对不要做`吨瓦特津守无凯塔,而且似乎是唯一ーKurukuruha゚讲话鸠山批评自民党从W
                  68 So, it relocated overseas the Futenma base how? Without fail the empty the intention of doing it was not don't you think? w So, only the Liberal Democratic Party insult doing from Hatoyama speech, [kurukuruha] ゚ - it is like, w

                  • NULL i r the Soviet DREPT ゙ i ni 33 ni DREPT REPT l i i DREPT DREPT t ri ゙ DREPT No i ni three DOTDT j and etsu 5r o REPT ゙ i t DREPT i ゙ DREPT f No ⌒ REPT n ¯ to gt gt Knee 彡 ni Γ ⌒ REPT i l t ゙ DREPT l te ro r ゙ f ⌒ ⌒ 92 No i J REPT REPT rtσ hu rino ⌒ ⌒ REPT eame 7r e i e HKRPT ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ REPT ゙ i No ¯ REPT rf j to human i REPT n J l REPT REPT ゙ ┬ ─ r ゙ REPT REPT 92
                    • 07 2月22日的 布鲁诺 ー ヽ) 丶 ¯ ー Ÿ 2227 T u REPT r One a T 92 广 UMLAT ¯ REPT ⌒ REPT No No REPT 丶 ¯ i
                    • NULL NULL
                    • NULL NULL
                    • NULL UMLAT UMLAT UMLAT REPT aahu i i l j i i DREPT no u he ri u No V ha f to ru i e ra ta person DREPT 宀 ⌒ REPT to i HKRPT ゙ REPT i re u DREPT l toha gt ha ni ⊇ V REPT … We recently is overwork feeling what 2227 T u REPT r One a T 92 You pardon ………… 广 UMLAT ¯ REPT ⌒ REPT No No REPT 丶 ¯ i

                  • [查看详细]进行了接触政治宣言承诺政府解决鸠山 - 战国阶段战略
                    It tackles the manifest correction of Hatoyama administration by all power, - 仙 valley strategic phase

                    • _NULL_

                      • “鹿儿岛看根据部队汽油,”仙台博第一次当选为区领导人,国会议员,福田内阁在这个时候,临时税率-打破。政府声明和批评。我并没有忘记它是什么? - 不,坚持
                        Hiroshi Kawauchi of the Kagoshima prefecture 1st Ku election “of gasoline reduction party” captain, even with this member of the house of representatives Provisional tariff removal at time of Fukuda Cabinet. Speech and administration judging. It is not forgotten, don't you think?? - Well, you do not transfer

                        • ⊃⊂ 〜1〜〜 〜我 我生病 ( ·ω·)°(0丹1。和 ) ) ⊂ ⊃ l i i ill Ω … 旦 0 With
                          • ⊃⊂ 〜1〜〜 〜我 我生病 ( ·ω·)°(0丹1。和 ) ) ⊂ ⊃ l i i ill Ω … 旦 0 With
                          • ⊃⊂ 〜1〜〜 〜我 我生病 ( ·ω·)°(0丹1。和 ) ) ⊂ ⊃ l i i ill Ω … 旦 0 With

                        • 一些合同的消费者和公用事业公司的合同,培训合同的保险人投保乘客和564(符合合同)合同条款巧合峨改变,但什么是民主党,但恩戴应在政府批准这是怎么回事,擅自改变是一件好事埃泰?
                          564 Contract of insurance company and the insured Electric railway company and contract of passenger Electric power company and contract of user Even like it is (correspondence contract) being? So the contract clause of correspondence contract to change, however with expectation something where approval of the government office is As for the Democratic party coming to the point of being possible to change selfishly the [ru]?

                          • 乌克兰2000亿多尔ü说,兄弟的名字呢?在日本培育支持孩子吗?我说我支持民主和民主者共
                            The rose maquis of the name, friendship In Ukraine 20,000,000,000 Yen? In resident parenting support? Don't you think? person also democracy & democracy supporter

                            • 今年的流行语说谎者政府管理,不得Louppy共有名称
                              [rupi] administration Liar administration As for popularity language grand prix of this year entire [name] shelf

                              • 但不知它的承诺从来没有凯塔成为执政党导致1周:我们一直在美丽的CON组 1 Reason or w which designates the pledge which is connected to becoming the administration ruling party as the thing which is not It is swindled beautifully chi ya tsu shelf
                                • 它是这样一个有趣的商业爆震苏选举欺骗眼睛看到的内容与产品劣势 Content it is the commercial law which is swindled with the eye which was seen even with the coarse item … Such before the election methodological stopping chi which acts playfully

                              • 但在左上角的瓦特消费删除一个大错误民主党人不喜欢的图案 But as for the Democratic party logograph with respect to the left turning off and not solving deletion Big mistake shelf w
                                • 但是民主党人不喜欢的W标志在左上角的消费,一大错误 But as for the Democratic party logograph with respect to the left turning off and not solving deletion Big mistake shelf w

                              • 但我不情愿地投票共产党古699做什么行动的最后犹豫不决的选民认为,想比较低 699 Well well the… common property But the kana where previous floating vote how moves it is As for poll ratio it goes down with you think rather
                                • 但我不情愿地投票共产党695辜做什么行动要摆在了选民的最后一次,我觉得很 695 Well well the… common property But the kana where previous floating vote how moves it is As for poll ratio it goes down with you think rather

                              • 健康保险565,婚姻扣除不要紧付款扣除每月的总收入将≒古不扣税的收入应是古非古无23 - 6月24日扣除税收居民从1月从月球
                                565 As for health insurance, standard remuneration month amount ≒ entire provision amount Therefore there is no anything related to deduction Deduction for a spouse is not gone As for deduction of income tax being gone from January of 23 As for deduction of inhabitant tax being gone from June of 24

                                • 公开。删除∧♪ ,∧。∩住宅( ω ) 卢武铉为什么会这样? └ 莱斯 ♪♪ー Public Deletion ♪ ∧ ∧ ∩ r Ω No Why it became like this └ re REPT REPT no ♪ ♪
                                  • 公开。删除TTP的: www dotup org uploda www dotup org869424的。jpg Public Deletion ttp www dotup org uploda www dotup org 869424 jpg
                                  • 公开。嘿,我听说它被删除wwwwwwww wwwwwwww我愚蠢的投票选举民主的?你这个傻瓜! Public Deletion wwwwwwww Hearing well wwwwwwww You vote to democracy with House of Councillors selection riding the fool Being foolish it does the yo
                                  • 此行线的全日制海外这个地方自由部部长,如果“破如此公开承诺。移除?”很少听到他的认真和范围,相机是故意打他的头,脸愤怒驱动tTA重复的,像目前的水平勺 If our people the minister of state probably will go to local end but it probably will go into the foreign country but Full time because “it is the pledge tearing public With deletion The tsu te surrounding which” with is heard and sows Being able to throw the camera purposely in the head The face which gets angry like the scoop the level which repeatedly is let flow
                                  • 氦氖公开。顾你不成为外国人以外无明显的选举权而删除行需要的蛋糕?万维网 So stamp public When it keeps deleting other than manifest foreign carrot administration it is gone it is without being www

                                • 关东军政府的宝藏埋埋埋金黄金丰臣武田德川珍惜宝藏
                                  Tokugawa's buried deposit money Toyotomi's buried deposit money Takeda's buried deposit money Buried deposit gold of Kwantun Army Buried deposit gold of government

                                  • 分类请求撤销清单:3种个人地址搬迁为优先删除:删除过时的,因为临时汽油税税率:无残留物的记录被证明是不可能的,因为
                                    Even in deletion request of [maniyuhuesuto] Object division: [Private three kinds] there is priority deletion, Deletion object address: Abolition of gasoline provisional tariff Deletion reason: When it is unrealizable, because it is ascertained, Unless with the log which is said it leaves

                                    • 刑法典(欺诈),谁送来的物品有欺骗人民作出了十年的402条,其中判处监禁
                                      Criminal law (Fraud) 246th provision Deceiving the person, the person who makes the property deliver executes in penal servitude of ten years less than

                                      • 即使在战争之前,日本各政党在权力的,直到它被带到,并应加强军事实力的和我到最高指挥干犯问题 Even prior to world war 2 putting out to command right dried offense problem until strengthening the power of the military that administration you probably will take Doing the Japanese political party
                                        • 我党是来自民主党给我留下了党如果我烤一个很好的古萨诺 The Democratic party is the very good political party It has started roasting the Uzi insect because it is

                                      • 即使在被驱逐出境的犯罪和暴力犯罪没有峨获得日本国籍的条例草案一旦峨授予日本国籍,你是居座居民外国人到日本5年的走私非法移民日本以外可以自由排减单位和公务员给予投票权,可以重新进入(如警察自卫队),日进我,我偷偷选择本地参与民主党在右阴影的可能是害怕丑恶外国人法案也将是多国?
                                        Foreign inhabitant fundamental law If with dense entry and with illegal stay it remains in 5 year Japan, the bill which gives the Japanese nationality Once, when the Japanese nationality is given Committing whatever kind of brutal crime, it is not possible to overseas exile Coming out of Japan, it re-can enter freely Of course, it gives also election right and The fearful bill where it is accustomed to also the government employee (policeman Self Defense Force and the like) The Democratic party advancing stealthily with the shadow of foreign local going/participating selection right, the [ru] Japan becomes multi-national nation?

                                        • 即使没有书或民主投票选举,最后在即将到来的时候,人群中,除非他们的第一张专辑一拖再拖,甚至自由投票。我会发言赢得了民主党的控制 After all with House of Councillors selection of this time vote does not get together in democracy the te vote the rose ke te If it does not get together in only our people the group of people Grasping the victory of ru democracy
                                          • 昝氖我733选举中,民主才“真正转变成为执政党党的路线,”我说我塔约 733 Don t you think the za it is it is when from before the House of Representatives selection “it becomes the ruling party it converts democracy to the actual route” the tsu te you say

                                        • 即使英国工党,但希腊赢不了,你需要的话,欧洲的社会民主,现在有一个下降的第二次浪潮
                                          But the English work party and Greece useless, in a word, as for European corporation democracy justice, Now it has in the wave of 2nd decline

                                          • 可以接受100万美元年薪的数额,当我真正发挥出来,人才短缺,缺乏实践,在现实中,但在此之前你甚至打我们一打 Receiving the annual salary of however much hundred million units if really it tries appearing in the tournament Being capability insufficiency and practice and insufficient but natural it cannot strike either the hit of one in actuality
                                            • 不过,即使零击球平均薪酬曾经手转,并没有释放必须具备的球员举行 At so and batting average 0 tenth unless the annual salary which was inserted in one time hand is released no matter what the player where by your hang on

                                          • 各缔约方,不欺诈,现在真正的民主国会众议院的议员们接受了taken ll薪金万日元每一年,诈骗罪的罪犯,我不是真的落入?如果你想充电
                                            The Democratic party which is not the fraud political party and the [te], now truly, receives the Assemblyman annual expenditure of annual several 10,000,000 Yen Member of the house of representatives, is corresponding to the false pretenses with respect to criminal law, really, it is it is not? We want prosecuting

                                            • 周五265(税收)哦,任何事情,包括民主党的选举权利,为了保护自身的利益要多尔还没有从
                                              265 Because the gold (the revenue source of tax) we want Furthermore for rose maquis Including also the right of my interest selfish desire of the Democratic party Don't you think? it is election

                                              • 在137,这是写之前,我肯定了,我很感观?我敢说,他们认为在床32年通过了自瓦特了WWW的这两种疾病在乌拉圭回合的谈判 137 So we writing with front sure remembering the ru After 23 year doing but try remembering the composition in the futon tsu te story w Medium two illness exposures www
                                                • 需要,好吧,我想我是开发一种疾病,其中2煽在什么地方吗? 2通道瓦特我不是要扔掉,他们是没有办法的 In a word whether the do tsu being fanned the medium two illnesses to emerge passing with thing it is to call the combining which is you w It is not faced to the ri ya 2ch which we assume that is the combining which it is not and is

                                              • 在250亿日圆的厚生年金保险费建设有停车场的工作人员宿舍基诺“拨款”和机构有,我的计划中,允许吸食此类税收和相同的组成1 3现在我梅罗字典规则
                                                In addition, in dormitory construction of parking zone attachment 2,500,000,000 Yen Social insurance agency and the same composition which “divert” insurance against annuity charge to the welfare institution of the staff When the tax discharging is recognized With such shank Business classification how stop now

                                                • 在这些债券驱动tTA所有受贿案,以及债务服务费用用于偿还诚手流,并达成二十六万千亿日元在2001财政年度,对一般支出需要一个整体是膨胀到一百零六万七千亿日元
                                                  When these were maintained entirely with the government bond, government bond expense in order to apply to redemption and the like reaches to 26.1 trillion Yen in 13, as for the general annual expenditure says that altogether it swells up to 106.7 trillion Yen,

                                                  • 如果从人民舆论忘记,这可以结束这样的问题:发生了什么伐丽流“ When this was forgotten public opinion was what from the citizen it is not unable to come to the point of being questioned that it is ”
                                                    • 如果从人民舆论忘记,这可以结束这样的问题:发生了什么伐丽流“ When this was forgotten public opinion was what from the citizen it is not unable to come to the point of being questioned that it is ”
                                                    • 如果从人民舆论忘记,这可以结束这样的问题:发生了什么伐丽流“ When this was forgotten public opinion was what from the citizen it is not unable to come to the point of being questioned that it is ”

                                                  • 如果我们不能达到107认捐嘿我看到了一个头,我会说Kurukurupa Tteta゙尼奥科新闻政治责任゙合作wwww不说,我没有忘记 107 If it cannot pledge cannot actualize the ko ゙ niyoko ゙ niyu schedule tsu te it is political responsibility Round and round the per party chief it was wwww You forgot with it is to make say
                                                    • 如果我们不能达到107认捐嘿我看到了一个头,我会说Kurukurupa Tteta゙尼奥科新闻政治责任゙合作wwww不说,我没有忘记 107 If it cannot pledge cannot actualize the ko ゙ niyoko ゙ niyu schedule tsu te it is political responsibility Round and round the per party chief it was wwww You forgot with it is to make say

                                                  • 如果我们表现出来的姿态,在残疾人士的竞选宣言,选举或?阿Wakenee我这样做呢?选举宣言是一个问题,我继续兼江书?什么?它说秋 If the manifest of House of Councillors selection it puts out As for the manifest which comes out with the House of Representatives selection ahead becoming invalid Don t you think such a reason e Therefore as for the manifest of the House of Representatives selection continuous item the book combining e it is Obtaining potsupo
                                                    • 体现出来,如果我们在选举之前的竞选宣言将成为无效吗?阿Wakenee我这样做呢?选举宣言是一个问题,我继续兼江书?什么?它说秋 If the manifest of House of Councillors selection it puts out As for the manifest which comes out with the House of Representatives selection ahead becoming invalid Don t you think such a reason e Therefore as for the manifest of the House of Representatives selection continuous item the book combining e it is Obtaining potsupo
                                                    • 承诺?清单?我仍然相信,如果你希望人们说什么民主党? Pledge Manifest The Democratic party say The human tsu te which is believed still reaching

                                                  • 如果我达到理想的结果将是,批评像我说不好,所以不能接受的损害到大,我不是在批评一个人的心灵 Therefore that tsu po it will be and will mean thing suitably and will be criticized if but result purpose should have been achieved Being criticized intention because there is no ru reason large doing it does not receive either the damage

                                                    • 宝消费税ü子女免税额及取消大选四郎新的面貌,削减公务员公告
                                                      Putting out consumer tax [u] p & child treatment abolition & government employee reduction anew, general election margin

                                                      • 就是不理我一直在通过205?它总是很奇怪Warimasen不是一个坏的答案,这是方便他们ー的回应古月的133个居民说,邪恶的古Netouyonetouyo会吗?日本 205 Next We is ignored always with something When become inconvenient netouyonetouyo the resident which is said 133 Answering it is the ku it is Don t you think either what you do not answer that are inconvenient is not different from former times Resident
                                                        • 我Netorupi 409,有权宣布立即钓鱼说话瓦特亚历克斯:声音 409 When the netorupi tsu te something it is said it fishes directly and declares don t you think w

                                                      • 布鲁诺,ヽ 我) no REPT i REPT REPT REPT REPT i o ゚ ⌒ ⌒ ゚ ol l u human √ ¯ Γ ⌒ lt l √ ¯ REPT ⌒ No l O l l 92 92 ─ ─ ─ l O lt REPT To do the no the no l l l REPT 92 “ REPT l O REPT ¯ ¯ No nono and no ─ ─ REPT HKRPT HKRPT 22 ni ─ ─
                                                        • ー┐─┌126余┐┌ γ澳 ) Kokuminga Lー“ ヽ我 ,布鲁诺我) 126 ┌ ─ ┐ I ┌ ┐ Γ O kokuminga … 92 92 L ” i no REPT i REPT REPT REPT REPT i o ゚ ⌒ ⌒ ゚ ol l u human √ ¯ Γ ⌒ lt l √ ¯ REPT ⌒ No l O l l 92 92 ─ ─ ─ l O lt REPT To do the no the no l l l REPT 92 “ REPT l O REPT ¯ ¯ No nono and no ─ ─ REPT HKRPT HKRPT 22 ni ─ ─

                                                      • 底部的支持率。 W驱动tTA的捕鱼队伍,鱼饲料它没有必要无投票亿盟瓦特我主张这个愚蠢,真的瓦特 Under support ratio Party w Don t you think the feed it is not necessary to do it is in the fish which it fishes w It is how the foolish supporter who votes to such a truth w
                                                        • 底部的支持率。 W驱动tTA的捕鱼队伍,鱼饲料它没有必要无投票亿盟瓦特我主张这个愚蠢,真的瓦特 Under support ratio Party w Don t you think the feed it is not necessary to do it is in the fish which it fishes w It is how the foolish supporter who votes to such a truth w

                                                      • 当驱动tTA民主党政府采取◎◎,操所有民主党打破清单! ! !社会民主党和人民的新党和新公明党和自由民主党和我将腐烂得很清楚该说什么过去,吉达罗愚弄人民,还怎么说服Torushi日本共产党〜〜! ! The Democratic party When taking administration everything tearing the manifest is the Democratic party It is to act playfully To make the citizen foolish too much the ro which is With saying our people and fairness rotting the ru it does … The corporation people and the national new party the wa tsu you take also Japan Communist Party and… How it becomes it is and as for Japan

                                                        • 总指挥官 队长山冈肯齐 浩聪石川县,仙台博(独立),Ooshima淳和和美大田菊真纪子,和子县,铃木忠志田边世代正义,津村启介,等等力敏治,中谷聪,平山口子,福田昭夫藤末健三,道德Yunoki C in C Kenji Yamaoka Captain Hiroshi Kawauchi Intellectual Yutaka Ishikawa non post Atsushi Oshima Kazumi chrysanthemum rice field Makiko Ota and Gun Kazuko Suzuki 克 昌 Tanabe 匡 generation village Keisuke and 轟 wooden interest Osamu Tsu Osamu Satoshi Nakatani Hirayama Takamori Akio and rattan end Kenzo Fukuda citron wooden morality
                                                          • 仙台博Ooshima淳成员根据船长告诉汽油,菊真纪子,和子大田县和美道德Yunoki,铃木正胜,福田昭夫,津村启介代田边忠志,浩聪石川县,共52个,等等力利春 Gasoline reduction party Captain Hiroshi Kawauchi Soldier Atsushi chrysanthemum rice field Makiko Oshima and Gun Kazuko Kazumi Ota citron wooden morality Suzuki 克 昌 Akio Fukuda village Keisuke Tsu Tanabe 匡 generation intellectual Yutaka and 轟 wooden interest Osamu etc Ishikawa 52 total

                                                        • 总支出也超过了2000财年一百万亿日元将运行表现- 4月28日电)民主概算(:选举宣言宣言指出,民主党()党正在考虑一项建议,建立梁的方向。“委员会对国民生活“(茂洋野代表,董事长的前副会长,众议院),28,承诺在选举中,”儿童津贴“部分,如果你运行计划支出和付款,总支出在2011财年该国的九十九万七亿日元,一个12岁集体一〇三一〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇日元估计超过100万亿日元增加到扩大,当天出席会议的议
                                                          If manifest execution in 12 general annual expenditure 100,000,000,000,000 Yen breakthrough - democracy estimate April 28th ([burumubagu]): Examines the proposition which is directed to the manifest (administration pledge) decision where the Democratic party puts out with House of Councillors selection “national life workshop” of the party which As for (chairman Nakano Kansei former House of Representatives vice-chair) when on the 28th, you promised according to schedule it executed the annual expenditure part “of child treatment” provision and the like with the House of Representatives selection, When in 2011 99.7 trillion Yen, it expands the general annual expenditure of the country to 103.1 trillion Yen in 12 and exceeds 100,000,000,000,000 Yen estimate was collected, distributed to attendance Assemblyman in the general meeting of the same day

                                                          • 我不知道意思诈68。你就不能成为党的民主党在选举?愚蠢的!该愚蠢到使用050000亿日元纳税给了孩子? 68 Meaning is not recognized but it is 詐 Because with election the Democratic party became the ruling party it just is not possible it does the yo Being foolish In child treatment the extent which tax 5 000 000 000 000 Yen is used being foolish
                                                            • 完整的输出也是一个子女免税额或垃圾瓦特我是一个民主党人进入古早期死亡 Full amount it does not put out either child treatment and w The kudzu which was inserted in the Democratic party dies quickly

                                                          • 我保证违反民主党,精神无遵从和安全,经济的措施,执行嘿我不能满足每一位危机管理
                                                            As for the Democratic party [tsu] [te] pledge there is no wastepaper and a law abiding mind Security, countercyclical measures, execution and crisis management None or this is made satisfactory,

                                                            • 我党在民主,除非你有一个子女免税额,维护和支持的汽油税,不争上,我们可以说,搬迁普天间破碎的承诺
                                                              If I with the Democratic party support, is child treatment, it supports, but Being said, that it is pledge violation with gasoline provisional tax maintenance and Futenma transfer of facilities, you cannot refute,

                                                              • 我听说885或超越,而是简单辜听到“好一坏的耳朵是”什么,这将是他的措辞在以下方面
                                                                885 Being audible is good when, as for clean thing however you hear “Offensive is good”, [tsu] [te] isn't probably oratory of his appearance?

                                                                • 我在我家不会有太多人都知道怎样增加你看不到他们拉税税535项目一样,一个大出了问题,所以我教书,是因为它计算所有自雇人士的母亲我只是有儿童津贴 母亲,我没有亲属那里,我无法想象人们吉诺出稼回到家,我就像一个母亲的家吗? 535 You look at particulars well unless with tax how being pulled the ru The person who does not know is too multi it is don t you think Therefore the house inside the family operated business because the mother calculates entirely it had teaching Not to be wrong it is large tax increase don t you think You cannot imagine home tsu te that with just child treatment becomes The mother and child where the person and the blood relative of migrant are not father and son home or kana

                                                                  • 我并没有什么外国人普选的意见?为了纠正明显,一旦进入决赛提前举行大选后,你突然在这里介绍的是累积清单我还没有强烈反对的是没有投入 The fact that foreign carrot administration has not entered is with something Correcting the manifest the fact that dispersion general election ended and immediately is suddenly presented is not something which accumulates Because this argument against being strong was not inserted in maniyuhuesuto
                                                                    • 只有这样的信任清单中删除邪恶古可以方便说,我困惑物品放置 When become inconvenient confidence putting unreasonable painful brown is story in the manifest where item is deleted
                                                                    • 如果只是不正确的,正确的表现再次,提前选举的权利 So if you say that it is not once more Correcting the manifest the ro which is dispersion general election
                                                                    • 我将打破惰性气体线386,而积极,“哇,S和所有,我安装一个manifest ll ”他正在接受治疗,言之尚早慈 386 On the other hand going to tearing positively the ru inert gas “Being recorded before the u wa and the be obtaining and the manifest the ru …” The tsu te it is said immediately the shelf which probably will be rubbed
                                                                    • 我给我从驱动tTA我说绝对的权力,并拉它,我就会显示在清单中,提前选举的权利,包括细节 NULL
                                                                    • 显示驱动tTA细节我想我开始渗透日本舱单多麻烦,我杀了我奇妙的民主党人 With special care whether the manifest starts permeating to also Japan that although you thought The Democratic party crushes to beautifully the seed
                                                                    • 民主党宣言 The Democratic party manifest
                                                                    • 由于外国人的选举权,并希望继续推动政府向哥里采取的代表来选举出由前众议院宣言 Even foreign carrot administration immediately before the Lower House election removing from the manifest When administration you take gori doing to push and the ru

                                                                  • 我是个傻子,但情况正好相反,如果通过获取陈旧暂时摆脱狂欢率子女免税额
                                                                    Child treating abolishing, if provisional tariff it abolishes, although it can be reversed circumstance at a stroke, the [wa] which is foolish

                                                                    • 我认为,媒体有驱动tTA你事务愚弄联合国发表讲话时,我很大会面对取消取消暂缴税率行向联合国秘书长后不久,他的就职典礼,但我会忘记的是鸠山其他人我我带来什么我想解除Sugoisugoi音频 Everyone forgetting already however it probably is the ru Immediately after the inaugurating going to United Nations provisional tariff abolition and the spots it lifted in the general meeting it is Lecturing internal affair at United Nations however you thought as aho kana The mass communications of that time are the sugoisugoi tsu te have raised Hatoyama are
                                                                      • 我认为媒体有驱动tTA你事务愚弄联合国发表讲话时,我很大会面对取消取消暂缴税率行向联合国秘书长后不久,他的就职典礼,但我会忘记了惊人的鸠山其他人你是我把我一直告诉惊人的音频 Everyone forgetting already however it probably is the ru Immediately after the inaugurating going to United Nations provisional tariff abolition and the spots it lifted in the general meeting it is Lecturing internal affair at United Nations however you thought as aho kana The mass communications of that time are the sugoisugoi tsu te have raised Hatoyama are

                                                                    • 我说可怕Tteta基地迁移臻更好,因为我经常考虑Etara删除糖果波季和德之岛或培训设施的设施是如何在我行的方向从马苏苏亚军事瓦特 When you think well therefore deletion mashi You say awfully reaching up to base transfer of facilities in Tokunoshima the training facilities Going to the direction which increases the US military facility from the ru The do just it is it is amepochi what w
                                                                      • 波季和说,日本的糖果Wareyou,我承认的安全条约,美国军队的存在与唯一的选择,保持自卫队,是不是一种威慑 It will be called amepochi for Japan but it recognizes the US military being stationed in the origin of Japan U S Security Treaty with Self Defense Force there are no choices which should maintain deterrent

                                                                    • 新闻媒体似乎是口蹄疫的调节,但我想我是啊没有结束新闻稿看,仍然是唯一的民主国家的排序报告或业务是一个小鸽子停止无论如何高兴Sasetara When circumstances of reporting the business categorization you see Also the mass communications pierce democracy still and think that there is no reason which releases but it is In order for there to be also reporting regulation of foot and mouth disease it puts out As for the mass communications when the small pigeon is made to stop temporarily the kana which is satisfactory

                                                                      • 暴露于东京都知事石原慎太郎,有点老,但我丢掉了小泽一郎道布的四三零零零零零零零零零零零零零日元
                                                                        Capital Governor Sintarou Ishihara discloses, 430,000,000,000,000 Yen which Ichiro Ozawa throws away in the ditch However the [chi] it is old

                                                                        • 梅塔愚蠢和民主党包括鸠山276忘记也许我被拥挤在5月我去,说这个问题瓦特Torasutomi美国外交的真正需要的蛋糕瓦特信用无本骨折我在沉闷的钱,而是瓦特说,一旦你分?阿霍和w为W 276 Also the fool who includes the Democratic party forgetting however perhaps the ru Hatoyama to truss Tommy calling to America the tsu which does hung to May it is w Therefore this diplomatic question w When this it tore however there is no confidence truly and was completed w Understanding the te you say combining w Also aho w
                                                                          • 我的意思是,我不是鸠山先生,这种看法不一定是很好匹配 In other words Because I am not Hatoyama always opinion is not to agree

                                                                        • 民主党人说,韩国在政治舆论的韩国人在日本的12民主欺诈的“太”民意的人“,而不是日本人民,”中国人民“”,“韩国人” Fraud it passes 12 The Democratic party It depends on the resident Korean Because of Korea Politics The Democratic party you say “public opinion of the citizen” not to be the Japanese citizen “public opinion” of the “Chinese citizen” the “Korean citizen”
                                                                          • “愚顽嗯,我不知道,氦氖Ruhou相信吗?啊,那么,日本的朝鲜人,柏青哥店无条件免税,Touzen投票,资格授予 ” Don t you think it is foolish how one which it believes has done Well then the resident Korean as for the pachinko house being unconditional tax free the ze which questions it is it grants also election right and suffering election right

                                                                        • 民主党的竞选宣言,没有对外国人选举权她娘家的姓研究小组的建议表示
                                                                          The Democratic party House of Councillors selection manifest, it does not clearly write foreign carrot administration and the surname classified by married couple, Workshop proposition

                                                                          • 民主党的竞选宣言,而她的娘家姓氏徽章直选对外国人未经指定的研究小组的建议
                                                                            The Democratic party House of Councillors selection manifest, it does not clearly write foreign carrot administration and the surname classified by married couple, Workshop proposition

                                                                            • 没有他们的承诺,不要洙希望写入法律,他们(巧妙地)好吧,民主党人开始在法律尽管洙,偷税漏税,但腐败是无限的 It does not protect pledge and it is not good with writing on law increase the te it is the empty kiritsu However well in the first place democracy 党員 it does not protect either law tax evasion and bribery does and at will is
                                                                              • 逃税或没有,我不喜欢买基金Shinakerya房地产政治承诺等基本的东西,更不在于我说,不要相信任何人再民主党人 It evades taxation unless real estate is bought at political fund unless it is lie unless If more basic thing is not promised no one trusts the Democratic party anymore

                                                                            • 滚装船,除非它永远是效率不高和降剪切力将要绘制一些诸如批评,“我努力工作,”我说的事情,做一些对国家和人民,这是完全相反踢将继续 How much such as criticism it will be done but if it drags mandatorily and is not lowered idly eternally “ I increase persevering ” the mark meaning thing The fact that it becomes because of the country and the citizen it probably will continue to do the thing of the exact opposite

                                                                              • 然后我去网上公告板,武藤敏郎都仔细阅读什么写在民主党赞成,百分之韩国居民在90日刚刚完全外国分钟(5,日本的零仍然希望民主党。约50%),汤 After even with the net bulletin board the contents which do the entry which supports the Democratic party When you read well completely only the foreigner the resident South Korean 9 percentage 5 minute the Japanese 0 who still has been expected to the Democratic party About 5 tenths it puts out
                                                                                • 当然,是否198或记者或媒体人或文化仍是支持民主党的,我完全进入最后后 198 Certainly the mass communications which still support the Democratic party Don t you think the cultured man or the journalist it ended completely

                                                                              • 牛奶什么不同消费税从成人小山内日本人民暴动文志位可以做希腊和泰国人民和激进的税制改革→万维网
                                                                                Drastic tax reform -> Doing whatever different from the citizen of Greece and the tie, it does not cause the riot www which squeezes consumer tax from the people of the gentle own country where takes

                                                                                • 现在,(取消的临时税)是二六〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇日元减税,这也意味着经济政策
                                                                                  That now, (being due to provisional tariff abolition,) tax reduction of 2,600,000,000,000 Yen, with the notion that where the shank it becomes also economic measure,

                                                                                  • 神奈川,东京,青森县和周围运动,“下面的二十五日元汽油”到的旗帜站在看,街道调查传单驱动tTA施塔特哈勒线分布 Kanagawa prefecture every place such as Tokyo and Aomori prefecture you canvassed raised the 幟 of “gasoline 25 Yen reduction ” the handbill distributing and the street questionnaire did
                                                                                    • 神奈川,东京,青森县和周围运动,“下面的二十五日元汽油”到的旗帜站在看,街道调查传单驱动tTA施塔特哈勒线分布 Kanagawa prefecture every place such as Tokyo and Aomori prefecture you canvassed raised the 幟 of “gasoline 25 Yen reduction ” the handbill distributing and the street questionnaire did

                                                                                  • 福田和安倍和麻生太郎323?尽管人们挂出Rashiki出现,而不是他的民主党方面将出现在一个人的理由是什么 323 Aso and Fukuda and Abe It seems as for the coming person although it has appeared Side of the Democratic party as for the person in everyone s one person not appearing It probably is what reason
                                                                                    • 麻生太郎,石破茂 安倍平沼前原诚司,但我理想的一方小池Kuretara When the political party it makes with Koike Abe Aso Hiranuma Maehara Isiba but ideal

                                                                                  • 秀远没有违反法律的人到全国代表大会是不是免费的,开放的道歉愈合
                                                                                    Instead of promise thing vis-a-vis the citizen is not protected Unless it is breach of law, the fact of the matter which you open and is repaired

                                                                                    • 萘乙酸欺骗公众太多,因为选民马苏,并继续利用慷慨的让步人民对承办商“从具体的人,”大谎言“,以”民主的具体利益这是正确的口号
                                                                                      Therefore for the rose spreading to earth building right it continues to exploit from the citizen, The general voter is ridiculed too much Don't you think? from the concrete to the person” ““the concrete was the slogan whose in right of democracy” is correct with large lie

                                                                                      • 让我们直接进入船长!TTP的:/ / www2c.biglobe.ne.jp /〜川内/
                                                                                        The [ze] where will negotiate directly in the captain! ! ttp: //www2c.biglobe.ne.jp/~ kawauchi/

                                                                                        • 诚河内只有致力于消除或解散议会,告诉他们承诺在其任期结束对公告驱动tTA? ! !
                                                                                          As for it is good deleting pledge putting out that pledge, the national assembly which fought Dispersion tenure it is only when ending! ! !

                                                                                          • 转变政府舞弊,欺诈舱单宝藏诈骗,欺诈和子女免税额,公路欺诈,欺诈普天间,临时骗税,诈骗,因为外国人普选为1998年成立,并认为这只是站在100多桌,丑闻超过50人被捕,5人被捕摸索书记包括选择含药单,盗窃,强奸和暴力伤害,而不是全球黑手党也是党在我酒后驾车
                                                                                            Administration alternation fraud, manifest fraud, buried deposit gold fraud, child treatment fraud, highway fraud, Futenma fraud, provisional tariff fraud and foreign carrot administration fraud Ever since the joining party 1998, with just those which become open, above scandal 100 case and arrest person 50 or more, includes the private secretary with also just the stimulant, 5 arrest people Rather than the 痴 China, theft and the rape 致 scar, there is an injury and drinking driving regardless and with calling the political party the wide area designated mob

                                                                                            • 这可能是2 ·投票体面成为舱单1(·∀)
                                                                                              1 It is becoming the honest manifest Tries voting the kana (∀) which

                                                                                              • 这意味着要求你是在178,这是不值得我做网页,我们认为゚゚不符合克罗地亚赫尔辛基人权委员会以前的意见。仅仅以2通道少,并没有什么值得 178 That to be plugged because there is no meaning in your insistence there is some value in your opinion which is not matched the opinion of ho ゚ tsuho ゚ it is It is high the less value of 2ch there is no at all probably will be
                                                                                                • 138 什么是“值得你的观点并不一致゚゚首页与以前的意见克罗地亚赫尔辛基人权。仅仅以2通道少,并没有什么值得 138 gt There is some value in your opinion which is not matched the opinion of ho ゚ tsuho ゚ it is It is high the less value of 2ch there is no at all probably will be

                                                                                              • 问:你们怎么看它,而不是威胁和谈判六百九十三顷根据水?
                                                                                                693 Rather than calling negotiation of below water, with intimidation the shank With the angle which is said it raises densely, reading?

                                                                                                • 集体民主欺诈,┐排放或一个骗子和Ku( д`)Yareyare灰尘群众在我们这些罪犯从┌,なぁ支持
                                                                                                  As for democracy of the fraud group, the or ┐ (' д `) ┌ which in addition spits large lie [yareyare] Because, the mass rubbish supports even with such an offender,

                                                                                                  • 首犯的逃税行为。这一切都表现不称职的部长终止秘书长说,总理先生逃税单独wwww Tax evasion prime minister Crime Secretary General Mr disabled All manifests were the soliloquize of tax evasion prime minister with end wwww
                                                                                                    • 突然变得不称职的,因为没有当然就无法做任何反对自民党将能办起来,政府的反自民党和自民党 When they are the counter our people our people getting off from administration when what stops impossible also stops impossible what counter our people Therefore naturally suddenly it becomes disabled

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                                                                                                    • ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯布鲁诺 ) 布鲁诺¯ °, ) ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ 92 ⌒ 92 i ⌒ ⌒ i i To To i human lt So the tsu ke which is u hu hu ♪ no ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

                                                                                                  • !ヾ布鲁诺, u的(:) 女 刷新ü 布鲁诺 ー ヽ) 丶 DREPT no u he ri u V ha f to ru i e ra ta person DREPT 宀 ⌒ REPT to i HKRPT ゙ REPT i re u DREPT l toha gt ha ni ⊇ V REPT … We recently is overwork feeling what 2227 T u REPT r One a T 92 You pardon ………… 广 UMLAT ¯ REPT ⌒ REPT No No REPT 丶 ¯ i
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                                                                                                    • 。 。〃 ! 升 ヽ,升 哦,。, 哦,布鲁诺 。 DREPT l r r Trickery teacher l l i l j r r 92 l REPT l 92 HKRPT HKRPT No

                                                                                                  • )午 升ヽṛ l l REPT r v i no 丶 REPT That i to i i REPT l l i l ¯ l ¯ l REPT “There is a simple byte which makes a profit” that hearing in porunarehu O ri l O No 92 REPT No ku ” It came here it is but… l REPT 92 T nono 〒 REPT i i └ i i l REPT REPT ─ REPT ○ REPT
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                                                                                                  • : 布鲁诺,分类分类用户界面 ●● ,,· ( 人 ) ( ● )米 , , ¯ ¯ヽ ヽ布鲁诺 “( ) No ee ui human mi THEFR UMLAT 92 REPT 彡 ∪ ∵ ¯ ¯ REPT REPT No 92 gt 92
                                                                                                    • ⊃⊂5 〜1〜〜 〜我 我生病 ( ·ω·)·北哟 5 ⊂ ⊃ l i i ill Ω … kitayo

                                                                                                  • :ヽ ゙゙゙゙ヽ REPT REPT ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ REPT REPT ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ shi ゙ yan hi ゚ ale ho ゚ Lunar reflex ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ l 1965 2010 ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ Bare fact ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ Wv and l At overwork it dies wW ゙ ゙ ゙ wWWl REPT REPT 92 W ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ V W REPT lV W ゙ ゙ ゙ WW wwww
                                                                                                    • ゙ ゙ ゙ REPT REPT ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ REPT REPT ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ shi ゙ yan hi ゚ ale ho ゚ Lunar reflex ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ l 1965 2010 ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ Bare fact ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ Wv and l At overwork it dies wW ゙ ゙ ゙ wWWl REPT REPT 92 W ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ V W REPT lV W ゙ ゙ ゙ WW wwww

                                                                                                  研究 開発